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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. I guess so, it feels good that they change the companions in the expansion. I will probably never use Treek again until they make a option to silence her chatter.


    I am so looking forward to 4.0. Just seeing Lana Beniko wield two lightsabers and heal the Outlander was awesome. Allowing all companions to fill all roles is a great shift in the game!

  2. You can get Treek with Cartel Coins before you reach the needed Legacy Level to get her with credits. When you have her on one of your characters, you go to another character, open Collections, and click on Special in the right frame. There you have Treek and you can unlock her for all your characters.
  3. What is most important to you? Story or level. If the answer is story, you can turn off the 12x XP. If it's level you can ignore everything but the class quests. I've already played the story, so with my newest character, I'm focusing on level. When I was new, I focused on story because I didn't want to miss it.


    You could, of course, go with option two and play two new characters. One going for level and the other for story.

  4. Yes, I would not play a new character if I had to do the other quests aswell. The planetary quests are fun the first 5-6 times you do them then they gets annoying :tran_wink:


    I don't think I've played any planetary quest more than 4-5 times. So I guess I'm not quite there yet. Though I wouldn't be surprised if I'd only done some of them 1-2 times.

  5. I don't know how you guys keep all those skills straight with keybinds. I guess I should try it one day! For now, and for years, I've been a clicker.


    Good luck op with your new approach.


    You learn as you level and get more abilities. A little here and a little there. Not all of them at the same time. And keeping similar abilities on the same keys over several characters, so you don't have to relearn where they are. As well as having some sort of pattern or method of ordering them so that the pattern helps you figure it out.


    Or that's what helps me at least.

  6. Of the number keys, I only use 1-3 and 5. I completely rebind the keys.


    For better reach for my fingers, I change the movement keys to E (forward), S (strafe left), and F (strafe right) and I use the mouse to turn. D I bind to whatever AOE ability that keeps enemies away from me. I have two side buttons on my mouse and those I bind to attacks I use a lot.


    The most important thing is that you bind the keys in a way that works for you. I too try to keep the same kind of abilities on the same keys no matter what class I play. As that simplifies things.

  7. I completely redo the key bindings. And put the most reachable keys on the first bar so that my most useful abilities are the easiest to use. What abilities those are do change with level, but they find their permanent home a lot faster now on my third and fourth sorc/sage. As ranged, I still have the two initial melee abilities on my bars, but those slots don't have assigned keys, so if I want to use them, which I never do, I have to click them.
  8. The text on the screen doesn't always correspond with the XP you are actually given. So you may very well have received the correct XP. The only way to know for sure is to check how much XP you have before and after you get the new XP.


    But XP is level dependent. Did you finish the quest at the same level as you where when you checked how much XP you were going to get for it?

  9. Hey, thanks to all of you!! :D


    Annd, last question, i have completed the first chapter whit my SW, and i get a "PACK" and whit that i can buy a lightsaber in DK, but, i have a better lightsaber, but i notice that the lightsaber that i can buy in DK is "Legacy" or something like that, what's that?, and what must i do?


    Could it be Inheritance Mainhand Weapon Construction Kit, you're talking about? You can send it to one of your other characters who gets the weapon. They are intended for low level characters.

  10. And the JC gets an awesome piece of storytelling:


    The class quest where you go up through the back of Kaleth, take the challenges in the Rajivari thing (poison gas and all), climb up and up info the mountains gathering the various components as you go, and then craft yourself a lightsabre and use it to confront and defeat your nemesis.


    It felt so, well, EPIC, like a Star Wars story should.


    That quest is just awesome. And the reason why I gave JC 2nd best story on its starter world.

  11. Referring to the GSF adaptive armor, right? The boxes are bind on pickup, but once you open them, the individual pieces are bind to legacy. But they're still ugly ;)


    Really. BW said that they would change that some time ago. I hadn't really looked into it as I don't use them myself.

  12. 10 hours for the starter planet? are you a game developer ? :D

    If I were, I wouldn't be posting here under an assumed name. And I doubt a developer would start a thread like this.



    I am happy the old skill tree is gone

    I too much prefer disciplines above skill trees.



    I find it amusing how you (the OP) and I rate the different stater worlds/storys. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, everyone has different tastes, and I know that my tastes are vastly different from most, lol.


    I rate the starter worlds and quests thusly:


    1. Bounty Hunter/Hutta

    2. Sith Warrior/Korriban

    3. Trooper/Ord Mantell

    4. Agent/Hutta

    5. Smuggler/Ord mantell

    6. Knight/Tython

    7. Inquisitor/Korriban

    8. Uninstalling the game

    9. Selling my computer and never going online again

    10. Consular/Tython.


    As you say, taste differs. I don't understand why you dislike the consular story so much though.

  13. You can also use the dye on legacy bound gear, even if it the dye is bound to a specific character. And then give that gear to someone else in your legacy. But then you need to use the dye on that piece of gear, you cannot move it to another as dyes only can be use once.
  14. Back in the day when the game first came out, it took me about 10 hours to do all content on a starter world and I was about level 10 when I left that world. Now it takes about 3-4 hours and I leave at about level 14. Or about 1-2 hours to only do the class quests and leave the planet at about level 13.


    Why is that?

    * Subscribers get 12x XP for class quests and are likely overleveled for the content.

    * All taxi stations become available as soon as you arrive on the planet, instead of requiring you to find both stations you want to travel between and interact with each.

    * Quick Travel Points are unlocked by your mere presence and don’t need intentional interaction.

    * Advanced Class training is available as soon as you get to the appropriate level, you don’t have to meet with the specific trainer on fleet

    * The Dr. Oggurobb Hutt Holostatue allow you to train anywhere you want, instead of returning to a hub and finding a trainer. Such training is now free too.

    * Legacy Perk unlocks provide Rocket Boost so that you can go faster about 40% of the time.

    * Legacy Perk unlocks allow you to use Quick Travel as often as you like, instead of just once per hour.

    * Instead of spending time trying to find someone to do heroics with, you can wait until you get your companion and do them at the end.

    * And for me personally, I look after myself better, so I don’t have to die on the starter world.

    * And personally again, I don’t have to read the tutorials


    Anything that can make it go even faster?

    * If you join a guild, you get XP even faster

    * As a Character Perk, you can unlock Speeder Piloting at level 10. So if you already have a speeder, you can go faster almost all your outdoor travel time from that point

    * Use the default key bindings. I bind over 60 actions to get things exactly as I want them.

    * Don’t pick up your mail. Having played since the very beginning, all my new characters have a lot of mail to sift through. I would suggest that you take the time to actually pick up your mail. You get useful stuff when you do.

    * Disable frame-by-frame tutorials or even hide tutorial alerts all together


    Starter World Story

    In my opinion, this is how I would rank the starter world stories for the various classes:

    1. Sith Inquisitor

    2. Jedi Consular

    3. Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior

    4. Agent/Smuggler

    5. Bounty Hunter/Trooper

  15. Then I advice you to do the class story, if you choose to do Ilum it can be a good thing aswell. Makeb is a expansion and I think you should do it with atleast one character sometime but if you already are at level 55 go for the "Forged alliance" quest instead to start the Revan expansion.


    And you can solo the Forged Alliance flashpoints if you do them as a preparation to the Revan expansion. You pick that up on your ship.

  16. You should complete your class quests before going to Revan. Other than that, some of the planetary and other side quests can be interesting. But time is limited so use it to get the most out of your gaming, be that fast or slow.
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