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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. Any word on how big the patch will be?


    There you go.


    Hey everyone!

    2. The patch is big. I know some people have concerns about the filesize of the 3.0 update, so I thought I would let you know that internally we are showing roughly 2.5 gigs for the update from 2.10.3a. This number will fluctuate depending on your client version and your region (ex: French and German assets are different sizes than English).

  2. There is no way to shorten that timer.


    There are some exceptions in cartel packs though, Gifts, items that give affection to your companions, that have no timer at all. And scrap and certificates are bound to legacy and cannot be traded at all.

  3. If you look at the OP, it was from back in January. Manaan wasn't in at that time.


    I should have looked at that date more closely, unfortunately I focused more on the date of the post previous to mine. Which was made after Manaan had come into the game.

  4. If you have pre-ordered Shadow of Revan, the level cap is moving from 55 to 60 and there will be new gear you can wear. So those elite commendations, that will be turned into twice as many basic commendations on Tuesday, may buy better gear next week than it does today.
  5. They haven't said.


    The only thing they have said is:

    The following items will still be available from drops, vendors, and token exchange vendors:
    • Arkanian
    • Black Market
    • Underworld
    • Kell Dragon
    • Dread Forged
    • Dread Master

    The following are no longer available on vendors, but can still be found as drops:

    • Verpine
    • Oriconian

    The following were only available as drops, and will still be available only as drops:

    • Shadowed
    • Dread Touched

    Also as a reminder, all current PvP sets will be removed from the game and replaced with the new level 60 sets. You can still find their equivalent appearance in their PvE form though.


    Thanks everyone!



  6. No official word regarding armor rating.


    From Levram's post, it seems that the entire quote came from Eric Musco, it didn't. Here's his original post. The rest was Levram's comments. The way I read Eric's post is that all of them will be available in all ways he has listed, e.g.Dread Master will be available through drops, tokens, and vendors. If I'm reading too much into it, they haven't specified what will be available in which way.


    But here's Eric's original post for your comparison.


    The following items will still be available from drops, vendors, and token exchange vendors:
    • Arkanian
    • Black Market
    • Underworld
    • Kell Dragon
    • Dread Forged
    • Dread Master

    The following are no longer available on vendors, but can still be found as drops:

    • Verpine
    • Oriconian

    The following were only available as drops, and will still be available only as drops:

    • Shadowed
    • Dread Touched

    Also as a reminder, all current PvP sets will be removed from the game and replaced with the new level 60 sets. You can still find their equivalent appearance in their PvE form though.


    Thanks everyone!



  7. Maybe it was covered already somewhere in this long thread, I don't know and I don't feel like reading through all the pages, so can somebody please answer this question?


    What's going to happen to Arkanian, Underworld, Dread Forged and Dread Master tokens that have not been traded in for gear? Specifically Arkanian, because I have dozens of them sitting across various characters that I've accumulated since the GF ops were launched.


    Can we trade in unused tokens for Commendations like we were able to trade in Tionese, Columi and Rakata tokens? Or will they become unusable after 3.0?


    Some clarification would be appreciated.


    They have not explicitly said what will happen with tokens. Gear sets will remain, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the tokens do. Or don't.

  8. Will we be able to buy (and stuff in the bank until we can use) the new 186 gear at leel 55, or will we be stuck unable to spend our converted comms on anything worthwhile and unable to earn comms from the new expansion content until after we can spend comms at 60?


    For an example, will the expansion look more like:


    A level 27 toon buying level 45 mods and banking them for later on live? or


    A level 50 who has the comms but is locked out of buying level 55 gear on live?


    One option will allow us to spend overflow immediately without wasting it on stuff we don't want, the other will severely nerf the rewards for a lot of the 55-60 expansion content for many of us...choose wisely Bioware ;)


    As we never have been able to do so before, I don't see that we will now.

  9. As Eric talks about sets, not gear, he might not be talking about all gear. Perhaps he's only talking about the gear that give set bonuses. Or only gear that come in complete sets. But he could also mean that all gear will remain. So it's all in how you read what Eric said. Or rather, all in how Eric wrote it.
  10. So basically it is FORCING you to do operations or join a Guild and hope you are one of the guildies who gets one if it drops.


    I hate anything that is FORCING you to do things. You play a game which you are comfortable with and that you enjoy, if there were more forced things in this game I certainly would not be playing it any longer.


    PS fat chance getting it on auction, and if it was would probably be a few million :(


    It's not forcing you to do anything. Or are you forced to play the game too? You only need the mats if you craft, but no one forces you to craft. Certain items are only available through certain channels. Be those ops, fps, pvp, cartel market, crafters, just playing the game, or whatever. No one forces you to want them, that's up to you. But if you want them, you have to get them where they are available.

  11. They've also said, something along the lines of, that all PVE gear in the game will move to a different vendor. Elite and Ultimate could in that way move to Basic to make room for new level gear at Elite and Ultimate levels. They could even move Planetary level gear to the Basic vendor. But if all gear is moving, Basic gear would have to move somewhere else. So we'll see what happens.
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