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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. I wasted a lot of crystals buying gear that turned out to be wrong and some I could not get my crystals back as I took too long to find out I chose bad gear for my tank, now hes nearly naked and I have to try continue KOTFE and hopefully pick the right gear,

    [Emphasis added by me]


    It is better to use dps/healer gear as a tank than no gear at all. So don't throw the dps/healer gear away. Keep using it until you have tank gear to replace it with.

  2. I cant click the quest terminal on my ship. It says you're not eligible for this mission. How ? Call to Arms and Immediate Danger is purple so that means I must do them first ?


    Purple means it's part of the story, or more important than the gold quests. But it doesn't mean that you have to do them. I had quests on both Ilum and Makeb that were purple, but because I had early access I could still access Fallen Empire.

  3. No, it wasn't. The wording on the page made it sound as though you could sub at any point within that time window and be fine. They only mention it in the terms and conditions section once, in smaller print, underneath all the attention-grabbers. They wouldn't have even been required (in the legal sense) to mention it in the terms and conditions section if they had adequately covered it in the FAQ, which is they it's there at all. If they had actually put that wording in the FAQ, there wouldn't have been a problem, but it would have been visible for everyone to see which would have meant more people getting early access. I'm guessing, for whatever reason, that was a problem that they wanted to avoid through sleezeball advertising tactics.


    Why read an FAQ when there's Terms and Conditions? That's where the terms and conditions are listed after all. :eek:

  4. What flashpoints?


    I had some purple missions in my log for Ilum and Makeb, but that doesn't mean I have to do them. Only that they are story missions. Go to your ship and you should be able to get started.


    On the other hand, that might not be your issue. On one of my characters, I returned to fleet in early chapter 5 to spend some crystals. After that I cannot return to Fallen Empire on that character. It says that the companion/follower I need is unavailable. But I've already sent in a ticket in game about that.

  5. The OP writes that the friend have not played the game since launch, I would guess that means 2011.


    I am fully aware of that. But in the post I quoted, Mithros claimed that you could only use one referral code per account. That isn't accurate, so I pointed that fact out.

  6. They haven't already used a referral code, have they?


    You can only use one referral code per account, so if they already used someone else's code they will not be able to use yours.


    Depending on how recently they used it. "Previous Subscribers who participate in Friends of SWTOR cannot be referred again for 90 days."

  7. I just noticed that in the description of early access it says: "Choose to be a Subscriber from August 10 to October 19 to receive the Early Access Bonus Reward!" But then in the Terms and Conditions, it says "To qualify for the Early Access Bonus, you must have qualified for each of the four rewards by being a subscriber on each of the 4 listed reward dates."


    So which is it? Do you have to have been a subscriber each and every day since August 10? Or is it sufficient to have been a subscriber on the four dates DarthDymond posted?

  8. It depends on how up to level you want your gear to be. If you use the same gear until you're starting to get into trouble, yes, you can craft your own gear. But you're going to need more than one crafting skill to get both armor and weapons. Synthweaving for Force users and Armormech for everyone else to get your armor. Artifice and Armstech for your weapons.


    If you focus on modable gear, you instead need to craft armor, mods, enhancements, color crystals, and one of hilts and barrels. Cybertech does armor and mods. Artifice does enhancements, color crystals and hilts. While Armstech does barrels.

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