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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. Which is (the bold text) exactly the reason you cant finish these two quest chains alone. It is well known you cant solo them, so maybe you should research first before responding to something you dont know much about. (Please dont take it as offense, just advice ;)). For final Macrobinocular quest you need 4 players and for final Seeked droid you need 3 (may be possible with 2 but never tried it with less then 3).


    Also the quests are if i remember correctly around 54 lvl so if he dont have SoR exp, he might not be able to over-level them ;)


    It was a general advice, that unfortunately didn't fit in this specific instance.

  2. 1. I haven't played any of those games, so I cannot compare. In this game your companions do the crafting for you. The more they like you, the faster they are. You can buy schematics from your trainer and some other places and you can reverse engineer (RE) stuff to learn how they are crafted, but learning is not a certainty and sometimes you may have to RE more items than at other times. You can find, buy, or be rewarded the materials you need to build your stuff. The better an item is, the more rare or costly are the materials. And you can craft really good gear.


    2. You can solo normal game content, but then that's what it's there for. Some quests are for two or four players, but those are indicated as such. But you can solo these too if you are overleveled, unless the mechanics require more than one character, such as needing to press buttons in several locations at the same time. FPs and OPs are easier the more familiar you are with them. So the better gear you have and the better you can control your character and figure out the content, the faster you can do it. Otherwise it takes longer to figure out. But if you play with a good group, the struggle of getting there can be quite enjoyable no matter how long or short it is. Adding to that, some FPs and OPs are more difficult than others, even if you ignore the required level.


    1. The game will give your character a master and will teach you what you need to know about places and such. Previous Star Wars knowledge can of course be a bonus in some situations, but not to the point that a Star Wars newbie would be in trouble.


    2. Google?

  3. I thought that mechanics-wise this was not an option.


    You can pick up any quest you come across no matter what your level is. If you are sufficiently overleveled, you can solo any quest, unless it mechanically requires more than one person to complete, e.g. because you need to press two buttons at the same time in two different places. And if a quest has become gray in your quest list, you can still complete it, but the reward in XP won't be that good.

  4. I've got some colored crystals for my guns, which add some bonus. They don't go into the dye slots of the other gear though. Where can I get dye? And does it add any bonuses to the other gear? Thanks.


    Some dyes are sold by vendors. Some dyes are sold in the Cartel Market, sometimes part of the packs, including the current WIld Space Explorer's Pack. And you can find dyes with the mounts from community cantina codes, e.g. listed in the http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=823030 thread.


    Dyes do not add any bonus. They only change the color of the gear. If you place a dye in the chest piece and unify color, all pieces of gear will be affected by that color change.


    Dyes can only be used once. If you try to remove them from your gear, the dye will be destroyed.

  5. Armor doesn't change what he looks like. There are customizations that fit in the customization slot, bottom left on the character sheet. These will change what he looks like. He is not the only character that isn't affected by clothes. Treek and HK also have this "affliction".
  6. All expansions before Shadow of Revan, including Hutt Cartel, are included free for subscribers. And Knights of the Fallen Empire will also be free for subscribers.


    You continue to play the game at level 60 without earning XP, though you will continue to earn Legacy XP until you reach Legacy Level 50.


    Lower level content will of course be a lot easier at that point.


    12x XP will only take you to level 55. If you are not done with your story at that point, class quests will only give you normal XP.

  7. You get commendations from FPs and Operations too. Depending on what you want to do in game, you may not need the very best. But if you do, or otherwise want the very best, you have find ways to get it. Commendations, GTN, crafting, are all possibilities.
  8. Just having leveled a new character to 59.5 or so, doing very few side quests, including the Revanite story on Dromund Kaas, a few FPs here and there, and some pvp, I can say that you get enough commendations to get the gear you need more often than you need to. At least if you pick the commendation rewards when you get them. I can't say if that is possible with only the starter world under your belt though. But if you wait until you need to update, there won't be a problem.
  9. The OP is already a subscriber, otherwise he wouldn't be able to post here, surely? So all this talk about subscription is rather moot. He's stuck at 55 because he doesn't have Shadow of Revan, not because he isn't a subscriber.


    The person I quoted wasn't sure about what would happen if the OP no longer was a sub in regards to KotFE access. That's what I responded to.

  10. If you were subscribed during the promotion and then created new characters after the 31 of august, would the new characters also get the items assuming that the items are given to all characters?


    New characters do get the items. All my recent characters have gotten items from Collector's Edition, Hutt Cartel, and Galactic Starfighter.

  11. I would suggest subbing for at least one month starting mid-October so that you get SoR free, thus increasing your level cap to 60, giving you more access to everything current (now), and maybe just the first chapter of the new expansion which will bump you to 65. Not sure how the expansion will work when your sub drops thought.


    New chapters of Knights of the Fallen Empire are only available to subscribers. If your subscription ends, you only have access to the chapters you already have, but not to any new ones that come out while you're not subscribing. If you subscribe again, all the chapters of KotFE that had been released in the meantime will be yours.

  12. I am pretty sure the "Digital Upgrade Pack" he is talking about is the one on the Store page that costs $4.99 USD that gives you the 5 items that the Collectors Edition people got. The Flaregun, the Longspur STAP Royal, the HoloCam, the HoloDancer, and the Training Droid. This shouldn't affect any gameplay stuff, as it is all cosmetic additions. I'd do a Launcher Repair by hitting the gear in the bottom left of your Launcher and clicking on Repair Game. Give it some time, and your game should fix itself. If it doesn't, Un-install the entire game, and then re-install it. That fixes 99.9999% of issues.


    I'm pretty sure you're right. I hadn't checked that page and I wanted to make sure I knew what he had downloaded before giving advice. Of course, now my advice has already been given.

  13. Expansions add content. New PVE content takes place after the events of the vanilla game. As a subscriber you have access to all expansions before Shadow of Revan and you will get access to SoR when Knights of the Fallen Empire is released and at which time you also get access to KotFE.
  14. Even if you don't have a solo option, you can just enter the FP on your own and do it normally, if you are sufficiently overleveled. Though there are FPs and quests that have puzzles that need a certain number of players to solve (as you need to be in more than one place at the same time).


    I don't think you can do it at all via Group Finder, if you are not in the listed range. Don't quote me on that though.

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