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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. Welcome Back.


    Though Essence_of_Light is technically correct, they have added two new companions, HK-51 and Treek, to the game and you have conversations with them too. I don't recall if there are any specific companion quests with them, but there is a quest line you have to do to get HK.

  2. Taking the 20% crit chance into account, one mk-9 kit is 1000 credits more expensive than 10 slot components on my server. Taking the other mats into account, you can get 4000 credits more by selling the mats needed to make one mk-9 than you can get from selling 1.2 mk-9s. So mats are more expensive at the GTN even then.


    And if you sell the mats for the slot components instead of making them, you make another 4000 credits more than if you sold 10 of them.

  3. It is possible you can't get crafting schematic at all for them at this time.


    Normal orange color crystals are easy enough to get anyway. Literally every weapon that drops from level 50 or 55 operations or can be bought with commendations has orange color crystal. You just can't reverse engineer to learn to craft them.


    I doubt all of them have orange crystals. So it's not literally all of them. They can still be very frequent though.

  4. IIRC It's always been like that. It's been a while since I was in PVP, but there is a UI indication if you are or not. And I believe there is a message that lets you know when you become tagged. But the only way to know if you are targeting a PVP tagged toon is if you see it with your own eyes.
  5. If you go to a PVP area or if one of your attacks damages a toon that is tagged for PVP you become tagged for PVP too. This means that if a PVP tagged toon steps into one of your AOE attacks, you might not even notice that you've been tagged while you're fighting NPCs.


    And once you're tagged for PVP, what level you are doesn't matter. Nor can another player tag you for PVP, you do that yourself. Though they can help you do that by purposefully standing in your AOE attacks.

  6. Hmm. That's interesting. Like give an example. We're talking ARMOR SETS here though, right? The OP is discussing making multiple copies of ARMOR SETS, so is there an ARMOR SET that qualifies for this special case of being Bound to Legacy but NOT a part of collections that can be freely copied?


    You pay CCs to unlock something in your collection? That's funny. I thought so, too, but today I placed an armor set in my collection, which is done simply by putting it on, mind you. You don't have to DO anything special. Then I went to the collections and made a copy WITHOUT paying CCs to do so!


    Imagine that! Sure surprised me. Explain that! I mean, as long as we're indulging in a bit of pedantry here anyway.


    I didn't say you had to pay CCs to have it show up in your collection, you don't. I said you have to pay CCs to make it available to all your characters. To do that, it has to be in your collection first.


    Bind on Legacy is a term that has nothing to do with the Cartel Market. Look for example at the Hallowed Gothic armor set. It has a Bound to Legacy status and you can send it via mail to any of your characters even though you have worn it. And even though I am wearing that very set of armor on two of my characters, it is not part of my collection and I cannot produce new ones. I have to buy them with credits from a vendor.


    Only items that originate from the Cartel Market end up in your collection and items that I produce from my collection are not Bound to Legacy, they are merely Bound. I can not send them via mail to one of my other characters, I can only use that set of armor on my current character.


    So Bound to Legacy is not a special case. They are two very different things.


    Edit: Items that Bioware gives you, such as for pre-ordering and the like, and that arrives through your mail, is also added to your collection.

  7. no bw just chooses player that they like and put them in there so the chance of anyone non-super vocal and theory crafter and/or progression raider will have a be very unlikely to get in.


    They've said that they will invite all kinds of players to the closed beta. So that doesn't fit with what they've said.

  8. Pardon me. Let me revise my statement: "If the set is Bound to Legacy (meaning it is already in your collections, other wise it wouldn't be bound, would it?), AND you have paid the CCs to "unlock it," THEN you can make as many copies as you want."


    Happy now?


    Bound to Legacy and in your collection is not the same thing. If an item is in your collection, you can reproduce it as often as you like. You can pay CCs to unlock it for all your characters, so that all characters can use it.


    In addition to that, there are items that are Bound to Legacy, these cannot be reproduced, but they can be sent to other characters in your Legacy even if they contain Bound mods that normally couldn't be given away.

  9. I doubt there were ever billions of padawans and younglings to take care of. The Jedi Order seems to have been much smaller than that.


    But on where they got their money, I have nothing to add at this time. Except to suggest, that perhaps, the Force provided for the Order.

  10. I would go with the Sage, but then I'm predisposed to the Sage as it was my first character in the game and most of my time on the Commando was during 12x XP, where my playstyle was quite different because of the speed with which I was leveling.


    And though it has been quite some time sine I played a Sage healer, from my look at the skill trees I would say that you are correct. I don't know how that will change with 3.0, but that seems to be beyond the scope of your question anyway.

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