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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. On 9/22/2023 at 6:52 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

    Did you subscribe by the 60 day "Billed once" option (the one at the top of the list in your image)?  If so, there's nothing to cancel.

    But if you use the cancel URL he mentioned, you should still see information about canceling your subscription and not the "I don't have enough gametime," message he mentions.

  2. 2 hours ago, QuackersTheTexan said:

    I am a current sub, I've subbed before and I've cancelled before, I don't play through steam either, the link is no longer there for me and when I just try to use the https://account.swtor.com/user/subscription/cancel link it just tells me that I don't have enough gametime, I'm halfway through 2 different character classes...

    That's definitely a bug. I'd suggest contacting customer service.

  3. I recently got a new phone and as I'm trying to download the security key app from the Play Store, I get this error message: "Looking for The Old Republic Security Key? This app isn't available for your device because it was made for an older version of Android"

    I have Android version 13. Can you please make sure that the security key app works for that version so that I can download it and use it and avoid getting these one time password emails every time I log in.

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  4. I realize that this FP appears to have bugs that affect some people, but I think the main problem is the "SoV" affect.

    That is to say, people get on here complaining about bugs and difficulty, and then some other people start to blame their failure on the FP, instead of trying to do better. (Not necessarily the OP)

    I've successfully completed SoV and Nul on Story, VM, and MM modes - though I've admittedly been in failed MM groups. It seems to me that learning your class - including self heals and defense - is more important than bug issues.


    I know that a player can become kind of lazy in their approach to the game from rolling through most content with a companion that keeps you healed no matter what, but I do like the idea that at least 'some' ordinary (non-NiM) content does require a bit of 'skill' or effort to complete.



    It's not necessarily a player issue as you suggest. The bug can strike you no matter what you do. Or not strike you at all. So there may be nothing you can do to avoid being killed by the bug.

  5. And after you have completed the requirements, even the Sith combat styles will be available to you at character creation.


    I think you also have to complete the new content. And you have to have both light and dark V achive, Also I am wondering if who you say was a lvl 75- 80 character helping a friend on tython or someone showing off? Occasionally that does happen. Anyways have fun =). Its a fun ride until you get there =).


    It is quite possible to create Jedi characters with Sorcerer as their first combat style and they will be listed as having the class Sorcerer. I've been such a Sorcerer on Tython myself.

  6. If you create a second loadout, switch to that loadout, switch combat style on that loadout, and organize your quickbars you have a loadout that is set up for that combat style and that quickbars setup.


    When you then switch back to the original loadout, your gear and quickbars are still organized as normal.


    If you change combat style instead of changing loadout, your current quickbars change randomly. But if you change loadout, you return to the loadout you previously organized without any random effect.


    It has worked flawlessly for me. And should work flawlessly for you.


    Unless you have a bug.

  7. As I reflect on this, there are some parts of the story where you have to have a specific companion with you to access the content, but the game will let you know when that happens.
  8. The story doesn't change as a whole, but different companions will say different things and react differently to the story. Or in other words, there may be minor differences. But generally these differences will not be large enough for there to be a point to worry about it.


    With one exception. When you solo Black Talon and The Esseles, only the first companion the story gives you has any reaction to what happens in those flashpoints to the point that the companion likes you better.,

  9. None of which makes a satisfactory explanation to someone returning, /wave


    7.0 catch up feature I could have gleaned in 2 seconds: "(after 3 separate boxes saying you can't back up) Kolto... valuable... planet...... 2 sides.... conflict..... got it." SWTOR doesn't have a unique formula.


    NOW: On to 7.0, subscriber!!!!!


    I mean, why the F not?


    I understand that you are upset.


    Unfortunately, that is not how this game works. And it has never worked that way.


    You are never able to skip to the middle of a story. But when a story is complete, you can skip it and start the next story.


    And we are right now in the middle of a story. So, unfortunately, you cannot skip the beginning of that story to get to the newest content.

  10. You don't have to buy a security key, you can download an app on your phone.

    Once you activate your security key, you have to use both your password and the code provided by the security key every time you log in.


    Items available on the Security Key vendor are only available there. There may be variants of those things available elsewhere.

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