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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. Pending is different to completing a quest and not handing it in, but yes 3 pending max excluding crew missions.


    This is not entirely true. You can have more than three pending missions, but at three or higher there will be restrictions on what you can do.

  2. Yes. Activate your map. IIRC the list is in the world section of the map. If you join a group and the leader is in another instance, the game will ask you if you want to go there. You can also right click on another character in your group to go to his/her instance.
  3. You can move them about. Open the Interface Editor. Click the Quickbar in question. Enable it if you haven't. Change the settings for that quickbar, in particular the number of slots you want to show and the number of slots per row. After that just move it to wherever you want it.
  4. Just ignore the 12x XP boost and play the game as you would without it. Especially if you are playing with friends who don't have it. Do side quests and heroics like you normally would and only upgrade your armor and weapon(s) to the appropriate level for the content you and your friends are doing. Then about the only difference would be that you would get access to higher level skills earlier. (Even then, you could simply not get the skills from the trainer.)


    I like the simplicity of that solution! And the fact that you are applying a social solution to a technological problem. Good job!

  5. It all depends on what you're looking for. Most of the stuff at the cartel market are vanity items or unlocks. Many can be found at GTN for credit prices.


    As a subscriber you have access that those that don't subscribe have to pay for individually and you get a monthly stipend of cartel coins.


    If you're interested in the upcoming update, Shadows of Revan, consider pre-ordering it and you'll get a 12x XP boost for class quests and you'll level much faster than doing anything else.

  6. I wonder if Bioware will add more hair colours and styles over time. I imagine that in a futuristic universe, most species would embrace glamour. They aren't in the stone age after all, and surely they'd influence each other! I'm happy I bought the Cathar race, I love cats. Still, I really think they'd look supurr-cute with some high fashion hairstyles and new unique fur/hair colour options. Let them Rawr! :cool:


    I don't see why "most species would embrace glamour" in a futuristic universe. The one doesn't lead to the other.


    But I wouldn't be surprised if things were added to the appearance kiosk, this has less to do with glamour and more to do with business.

  7. A guy I group with said he would meet me at Fleet. I am not sure what he did. I know he didn't follow me I don't think. I'm high enough thinking of helping others and I want to do it as efficiently as possible. Also, in a story area, do I see their story when interacting with an in game character? How do I get back to fleet? Is my ship waiting for me, or do I hitch a ride?


    If you are in their instance, you see their story.

    Your ship will be waiting for you in the spaceport or equivalent.

  8. Did you take into account that you get some mats back when REing the parts? For QT-10 parts you always get 1x Mythra back and in about 30% (estimated) 1x Turadium and in about 10% (estimated) 1x Tricopper Flux.


    No, I did not. For the comparison of selling mk-9s vs. slot components, doing so is irrelevant. Comparing those with selling the mats without any crafting, would still have rendered mats more expensive. At those prices.


    Today, though, slots are more expensive at GTN than mats. That's how the market works.

  9. Since there is an expansion coming, that will have new levels of gear and more than likely new levels of augments, it might be difficult to get a good price for them. So you might as well use them to learn to craft augments yourself, if you have a suitable crafter for them.


    Otherwise try to sell them. Soon only vendors will want to buy them from you.

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