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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. It depends on what you want to achieve. With 8 characters you pick 24 crew skills from the 14 that are in the game. So some of them you have to pick more than once.


    The only crafting skill I have more than once is Cybertech, for the crafting it allows me to do. Other than that I focus on gathering skills, in particular slicing.

  2. 12x XP lasts only to 1 Dec and only for subscribers who have pre-ordered Shadow of Revan and it only gives you 12x XP for class quests and the planet story on Ilum and Makeb.


    You do not need to do anything other than the class quests to level, but as you have seen, you will become under geared.


    To take full advantage of the 12x XP boost, I would not do the side quests. But then I have all the crafters I need to update my armor when I start getting into trouble for being under geared.


    For those that not already have resources to use, either to craft new gear or buy it of GTN, you have to find a way to get those resources. Doing extra content of some sort is probably the best short term solution, unless you want to spend more real money on the cartel market and hope you can sell what you buy on GTN for extra credits.

  3. mmmm don't understand any of that. This is a new player forum please be a bit more specific because new players need help so don't presume they know what you are explaining.


    The short of it is that depending on how you play the game, you may prefer to allow your companion to use different abilities.


    Stances allow the companion to perform better in the role you choose for him.

  4. Even purchased items that you have bought for a new character. I accidentally bought the same armor twice for one character


    If the purchased items has been bound to your character, you cannot send it over as is. You may send item modifications if there are any. Most items that you've just purchased and never worn, should still be unbound. And if that is the case, you can send them to another character.


    Just check the item description to see if it is bound or not.

  5. Crafting 34 item modifications for mats (2 mass + 8 vials + 8 exotics) :

    * Advanced Resolve Hilt 34: Endurance +88; Willpower +105

    * Advanced Adept Enhancement 34: Endurance +55; Power +62; Surge +94

    * Advanced Initiative Enhancement 34: Endurance +55; Power +62; Accuracy +94


    Republic: Ken-sei, Kenion, Kentana, Kenrick, Kenibi, Ken-dó

    Empire: Kenthar, Kendius, Kenryssa, Kenilan

  6. I'm currently leveling a Sage healer, and I've got a few random questions. I'll get right to them:


    1) I want to level as a healer since I want to develop those PVE/PVP heal skills as I level. I began by getting the talents in the TK tree to increase max Force and reduce the cost of heal spells. I'm now proceeding up the Seer tree. Does this seem like a decent strategy, or should I make my way up the heal tree to some point before branching?

    I leveled my first character as a Sage healer back when the game started in 2011 and I did this as well. Another useful skill not in the Seer tree is Will of the Jedi.


    2) When solo questing as a heal specced sage at high level, do you quest with a DPS companion or a tank companion (ignore treek and HK for now)?

    I used Qyzen, a melee tank.


    3) Do you keep either of the saber strikes on your bar? With no free ranged attack and no instant attack without a CD, I wonder what you use to finish off that last sliver of HP.


    Thanks much.

    I haven't played a sage healer for a while now. I had them on my bar, but I never needed to use them. I would guess I used whatever else was available at the time.

  7. Amber is correct! NEXT!


    Now let’s play a little multiple choice. You must get all 5 answers correct to win. The answer to each question will either be Amber, Courtney, or Musco (Eric is fine if you prefer)


    1) Which Community team member has a Jawa bobblehead on their desk?

    2) Which Community team member has the most level 55 characters?

    3) Which Community team member plays primarily healers?

    4) Which Community team member has the highest valor level?

    5) Which Community team member has the messiest desk, but is obsessively organised?


    You must answer all 5 correctly to win!









  8. While on Taris, standing at -1762, -167 and looking eastward, with a couple of dead rakghoul between me and the water. And even though the water supposedly was further away, it In some places obscured the "loot pillars" from view.


    I have two screen shots, but there doesn't seem to be a way to include them in the post.

  9. I hope in some expansions we can see some kids in our ship with the name we gaved to them. Also at some point they may let us to die and one of our kid take all the Legacy in our name,everithing the same except perhaps new look or apearance. That will be awesome. :p:


    You can already have kids. Just say that some of your other characters are your kids in the legacy pane. If you want to die, just stop playing the character or delete it. I want to keep playing mine.

  10. Earlier today while fighting an npc with target of target open, i accidentally moved my mouse over the target of target image of myself and while continuing fighting, accidentally toggled the PvP flag on.


    I'm not interested in PvP outside of designated PvP areas, such as war zones, which is why I'm not playing on a PvP server. So it would be nice if this would become more difficult, e.g. using a confirmation popup or disabling the ability to toggle PvP on in combat. Perhaps even adding a setting switch for this so that those that want to PvP can toggle the flag on the same way they are today and that those of us who don't can have it disabled during combat.

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