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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. You don't have to do the Alliance quests per se. But as some of them have prerequisites, you may have to recruit certain characters before you can recruit other characters. Of course, you can side step all of that and bring your old companions back now. I haven't done it myself, but you can do it on Odessen somewhere.
  2. Hey folks,


    Thank you to everyone who tuned in today! If you missed the stream, or just want to catch up, here is a recap of the things we talked about.


    February Subscriber Gift

    • Receive a code you can give a friend which will give them access to Chapter I: The Hunt along with a feww level 60


    Should that be "a new level 60" or are they getting more than one?

  3. yep, i hit by the latest character level 61


    Then that is why you no longer can create a level 60. There are tokens you can buy at the Cartel Market that allow you to create a new level 60 in the same way. If such a character ever levels up, the token cannot be used again. But if you delete the character before you level up, like you did before, than you can create it again. Theoretically, an infinite number of times.

  4. When you have gotten to a certain point in your class story, you change chapters. You won't complete your class story until you are about level 50.


    Unless you are talking about Knights of the Fallen Empire. If that is the case, KotFE starts at level 60, so you are already beyond the class story.

  5. If you start at level 60, you start with Knights of the Fallen Empire. The story up to that point has already taken place. Or in other words, you cannot do the class story and IIRC planet story. None of the decisions you would have made if you had played through the content have any effect on your character, as far as I know.


    So yes, if you haven't played the class before, you miss it all.

  6. 1. Stay with the quest rewards at low level.

    2. The reason why it's not very good is because they are empty shells. You can put mods in them. And as they are Legacy Bound, you can also give them to your other characters on that server (when/if you get some).

    3. The Preferred Access Bundle caters to preferred players, rather than subs. So you can skip it. From the others, I'd get Rocket Boost only. But check your Legacy perks to see if the Legacy Unlocks are for you. Or how quickly you want access to a speeder.

  7. To activate Heroic Moment, you need an active companion. In addition to access to all of your Legacy abilities, you will also be healed. It lasts 120 seconds. If you don't have it on your quickbars, you find it in the abilities panel with your class skills.


    Those other temporary abilities are not activated by Heroic Moment. They are instead made available when they are needed. Hutt Ball is another instance when it is activated.

  8. I actually just started Shadow of Revan on a character that I hadn't done the prelude on and when you run into the two characters that keep things together, characters you would have run into if you had done the prelude, they introduce themselves and talk about what they did during the prelude. Things that you weren't involved with if you skipped it.


    So, skipping the prelude means that you didn't do it.

  9. I prefer using E to move forward, S to strafe left, and F to strafe right. Thus my index finger rests on the the F key, which I can feel because of the indentation in that key and I can use my fingers to reach more keys more easily.


    I don't use a move back key either, instead I've bound D to the area push back ability if the class has one.

  10. I had the same bug, but for chapter 5. And going to Zakuul did not reactivate it automatically. I had to reset the chapter to continue. Nor was I in my stronghold with a direct link to Zakuul, so that wasn't an option either. But perhaps the stronghold travel works differently than ship travel in this case and will sort out the bug or perhaps the bug is slightly different depending on which chapter you encounter it.
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