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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. Starting at level 1 is different. Each class has its own class quest, you have world quests for each world you visit, and the republic story is different from the empire story. Progression is measured in how far you've gotten into the class quest and though it is divided into chapters, it doesn't work anywhere close to how KotFE works.


    And yes, when you get to level 60, you can do the KotFE chapters with that character too.

  2. As JQ said, you can do whatever you like. Companions can give you whatever you don't have. For me, I like the Sorcerer.


    One thing to keep in mind, if both of you are the same class, you will have the same class quests. So even if you split up for those portions you have to do solo, both of you are in the same place.


    On the other hand, if you are not the same class, you could both do both class quest lines, one as driver and the other as passenger. But that will take longer.


    So it's all about what you want.

  3. Read it again:

    That certainly sounds to me like he thinks only DvL characters will get the new companion.


    That quote has nothing to do with who gets the companion, but with what characters contribute to which companion we get. Or at least that's how I read it.

  4. I certainly hope it's for all characters, not just DvL ones. I only made a DvL character (actually 8 of them) because you can't do DvL stuff with an "old" character. But the "old" ones are the ones I've geared up, and that I want to keep, and keep playing. It would be hugely disappointing to find out I wasted so much time on the DvL event if I can't use the rewards for my "main" characters.


    What he's saying is that the result is based on the choices made by DvL characters, not that only DvL characters will get the reward..

  5. First of all, I'd look in the server forum for your server, the link is a bit further down. Some of them have websites, so you can look at those too.


    Secondly, you can ask other players on your server about guilds in general or those specific guilds you have found already.

  6. The cutscenes of villains in KotFE work. I like those. But we know who they are. In the class quests, or at least some of them, it wouldn't have worked because we didn't know who they were and finding that out was part of the story.


    I have no interest in playing KotFE on all of my characters. The class stories were interesting and varied. But this one size doesn't fit all attempt at story that is KotFE has failed miserably.

  7. Compared to the other 15 chapters, this one was pretty good. Not that that matters, there's very little replayability in the chapters. So I don't really have any interest in playing the chapters more than two or three times.


    Up to level 50 was at least interesting.

  8. After the update, I have graphics on my screen that isn't supposed to be there. In particular in the final fight of chapter 16, it was there all the time. At other times it is sometimes there and sometimes not, lines and triangles that block what is supposed to be there.


    How is this fixed?

  9. As most of Fallen Empire takes place five years after the previous story. Five years when you haven't had contact with any of your companions. When you basically have been declared dead. So how much of the relationship is still left?
  10. Do heroics actually easily get you millions of credits with limited time and effort? I'm very skeptical about how reliable heroics are for credits. I haven't done any heroics for credit farming, but heroics are only something like 14K credits each (without the nerf). That means you need to do 1mil/14K = 71 heroic quests to make 1 mil credits???


    If you do them in a group, the credits you get from the bonus is multiplied by the number of players in the group. So if there's four of you, you get four times the listed amount of credits. So you get a million on maybe 10-15 quests.

  11. Cut and Paste seemed to have failed. Text from the "Righteous" objective of the Legendary Level Guide: "To complete the objective “Righteous”, you must take a Dark vs. Light event character and gain enough Light side points to reach Dark V Alignment."




    "Once your Character has made enough Dark side decisions to reach Light V alignment, you will receive the Achievement “Dark vs. Light: Righteous” to note that you have completed this objective."

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