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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. Veteran content is harder than story content. But there is no veteran version of class content.


    Smugglers may wear capes if that is what you like. And gear drops are random.


    Everyone has to pay for items on the cartel market.


    If you are overleveled, the content will be easy.


    What are you looking for? What do you feel is missing?

  2. It didn't work for me - I also noticed that every character in the same Legacy as my main character (who was the only one to do both KotFE and KotET) were marked in the 'chapters' section as having completed all chapters of both expansions. If I try launching chapter one of KotFE with a character that hasn't done it before it gets treated like a chapter replay - so I have no access to the new companions, no access to Wild Space to get to Zakuul by my ship - and support has deleted two of my tickets requesting help.


    What you're looking at is legacy completion. Not what chapters you have done on that character. What you should look at instead, is if the chapter title is grayed out. If it is, it's not accessible on that character.


    Or in other words, those chapters that are not grayed out, you have either done or they are the next chapter to do.

  3. You can replay the chapters as much as you like, but your first choice remains in effect. To continue your example.

    When you replay chapter 1, you may choose not to kill Senya.

    When you replay chapter 2, your first choice in chapter 1, killing Senya, is in effect. Even if you choose not to kill her when you replayed chapter 1.

  4. It's coming with the update.


    Hey everyone,


    We will be performing maintenance on Saturday, December 3rd starting at 6:00AM CST (1200 GMT). This maintenance will address a number of issues including the Chapter XVI Arcann fight and the Galactic Command Planetary Mission bug. Full Patch Notes will be posted with maintenance.


    We are also going to be running the final Commendation/Crystal Credit conversion, the Dark vs. Light rewards, and the Pass to Cartel Coin conversion grants at this time.


    For those without Early Access to Knights of the Eternal Throne you WILL get access tomorrow, December 2nd, as intended. No downtime will be necessary. Existing subscribers will be given access by 9AM CST (1500 GMT). Any new subscribers joining the game starting tomorrow at 9AM CST will be given access at that time.







    DATE: 3 December 2016

    TIME: 6:00 AM CST - 9:00 AM CST (1200 - 1500 GMT)

    VERSION: 5.0a

  5. If you go to the chapters (Shift E), you will see which chapters you have already done on that character and on any character. Chapters that are not available to that specific character will be grayed out. And yes, your progression through KotFE is retained. This is just a new way of presenting them to you.


    Though there is always the possibility of bugs.

  6. What used to be Affection has been changed into Influence with your companions. Max Affection gives you 10 Influence. And you can get to 10 Influence faster than you could get to Max Affection and Influence goes way beyond 10.


    Your level with crew skills shouldn't have changed, unless you decided to learn a new crew skill. If you haven't changed Crew Skills, contact customer service about this.


    As for new content. You need to be level 60 for K;otFE and 65 for KotET.

  7. You can have several characters. I would guess that you created your character before the newest expansion went live earlier today and you therefore couldn't create level 65 characters yet. But it could have been a bug.


    You should have one token, but you can buy more in the cartel market and perhaps GTN.

  8. I can find only two types of icons there. Class icons and Character Flair. The Class icon is above the name and Character Flair is to the right of the name. But neither of them look like the Imperial symbol. Though there is a selection icon too, above the class icon, for the character you are targeting.
  9. When you talk about the name tag, what UI element are you talking about? Your name next to your face and close to the hp and power meters? Or the one floating over your head? Or are you talking about the one on the character selection page?
  10. That progression shows how the fight between dark and light is going on your server. You select which side your fighting for as mentioned before and almost everything you do contributes to the server result. And when one side wins, winners will have access to a new vendor and the losers have world bosses to fight.


    And when the one hour winner state ends, it all starts over from the beginning.

  11. The Legacy name and family tree is for both factions.


    What you do in the family tree doesn't affect game play at all.


    So you can marry your characters and they can be your children. But each relationship is between two individuals. So any child will only be the child to one character. You cannot make it the child of both individuals in a marriage.

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