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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Re: Housing

    I don't play on rp servers and I'm excited for it. I know several users on these forums who are excited for it.

    I am looking forward to the travel capabilities and Legacy vault that come with player housing. Not sure if I will care much about the rest of it, but then again, when I first started playing SWTOR I thought I'd never roll an Imperial toon, or spend 400K creds on a dye pack.


    How wrong I was ...

  2. ... Bioware and EA doesn't get my faith any more. They need to step up and prove it FIRST. They need to EARN my loyalty and dollars back.

    Loyalty? To a game? Are people "loyal" to chess, or Monopoly®? Dedicated, maybe. Obsessed, sure. But loyal?


    Well, your mileage may vary, but I am still enjoying the game, plus there are still parts of the game I have not even tried yet. So I'll keep playing and keep subbing, as long as SWTOR continues to entertain me.


    Loyalty is staying true to your vows over 30+ years of marriage, through thick or thin.

    Subbing to SWTOR isn't loyalty.

    It's just me having fun.

  3. Great rebuttals mate. Lets go through them again:

    You apparently don't know what a rebuttal actually is.


    And now for the final rebuttal of my reply:

    You must have not been very good at computer hardware and engineering if you had to turn to law...lolz.

    That's not a rebuttal. Clearly, the word does not mean what you think it means.

    And once again we see how you have little use for facts:

    I did fine as an engineer, if paying six figures in income tax in one year and getting a few dozen patents is any indication. I just wanted to try something new. You can do things like that if you have enough spare money.


    Thanks for giving me an excuse to brag, BTW. Although frankly, I'm still being humble about myself. You have no clue who I am or what I've done. :p

  4. Having your respect would make me vomit. You do not reply to questions because you just can't handle being rebutted, kid. Calling Cantina event a focus group truly made my day. Such insight, as it were. :D

    How laughable. Well, we can see how devoted to using facts you are - there's a high probability I was programming computers before you were born, "kid." How old do you think I am?


    As to a rebuttals, let me know when you have one. After over two decades as a computer hardware and software engineer, I now earn a nice paycheck as an attorney, and rebuttals are part of my stock in trade.

  5. How do you do that. In my naiveté, I thought you click off the wee little square on the bar, but I actually activated the attack instead. So the companion attacked. We fought for dear life, and I never tried to deactivate anything again, just switch their stance. :(


    I think you right-click. Fool around with it when there are no mobs nearby.

  6. My theory on Cantinas as a way to get new info out:


    • BW provides new Info at cantina events to motivate people to attend. No one comes just for the cookies.
    • BW wants people to attend cantinas because they want to be able to discuss issues face-to-face with players who care enough about the game enough to come to a cantina event (as opposed to, say, debating with forum troll sock-puppets).



    That's my theory anyway.

  7. Watching your character ID i can see that you are not one of us that has been here since pre-launch, and we are getting fewer and fewer.

    Well, by analogy:

    Can DisneyWorld's success be measured by how many "pre-launch" visitors (100,000 by the way) are still visiting today? Heck no. DisneyWorld has over 50 million visitors each year, the "pre-launch" visitors hardly matter.

    [Disclaimer: I own part of DisneyWorld, a tiny percentage of two buildings there. I also own Disney stock.]


    People get bored with a game after a while ... but that same game still offers a lot of new content to new players. So, as long as your "us that has been here since pre-launch" is replaced by people like me who only joined a year or so ago, the game will do fine. Commercially, you old-timers may not be considered as important as the new blood, because you, compared to new blood, are either more invested in the game and therefore will never leave anyway, or more likely to get bored/frustrated because you've done it all, twice, and the pace of content releases cannot keep you happy. You as a group are high maintenance -- in contrast, BW can entertain new players with no development costs, because the stories they already created are still fun and new people have not seen them before.


    And that's why Disney makes a fuss about first-time visitors to DisneyWorld, BTW, to ensure that there is always new blood. Disney does not diss the old timers, but they do not cater especially to them either. BW too might be better off diverting some resources to improving the start-game experience and away from developing more end-game content. You and I might not like that, but we can (and if the game is successful, will) be replaced.

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