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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. numbers, such as the average on my fleet republic side at 8pm last week was 212. 6 months ago that figure was 267 are not opinions. Those are concrete facts. I wrote them down each night.

    The only thing those numbers show is the number of people doing next to nothing on the fleet. It says nothing about how many people are off leveling, doing ops, doing FPs, PvPing and so on. Heck, the number you are looking at would probably decrease as a result of faster Op, WZ and FP queue pops due to an increase in the number of active players. You do not and cannot know (BW can though).


    So let us know if you have any data on the number of people doing something other than nothing in SWTOR.

  2. Taking a break takes more money out of the game, lowering our future development. Suggesting people take a break is the worst thing you could possibly say.



    Suggesting people to quit and never come back is worse.


    Also worse is suggesting that people who are not enjoying SWTOR should continue paying for it anyway, just to fund future BW developments that they also may not enjoy. Do you really think BW has no funds in the bank for development, after turning a huge profit on SWTOR last year?


    BW is not a charity, and not a cause, it's a business. People should feel free to not pay for SWTOR if they aren't enjoying it, and take a break from SWTOR if the current content isn't doing it for them. That's fair to the players, fair to BW, fair to everyone. And it may even improve long-term retention by lowering the amount of burn-out.

  3. I hope to be able to access crafting materials and BOL armors freely in the bank. Since that is what I tend to mail between my characters. I expect that the storage will be too limited to make this work in practice without a very large cartel coin investment.

    So, the only difference between what you hope for and what I hope for seems to be the cost.

    I expect to spend a lot of CC and/or creds to expand my Legacy storage, just as I already have for my ship's locker.

    If it seems too pricey, I might wait for a flash sale ...

  4. For the legacy bank I am bracing myself for disappointment.



    Disappointment occurs when your expectations are not met.

    What you are saying is "I expect the legacy bank will not be what I expect," which is self-contradicting.


    More likely you are already "disappointed" with the legacy bank, even though you do not know what it is.

    That's not BW's fault, that's entirely on you.

  5. I prefer to Live on Tatooine. Can I claim my housing there instead of on Nar Shadda?

    I prefer to live on Makeb. Nothing beats drinking jawa juice on the balcony with Vette, Mako, Risha, Akavai and Ashara (gawd I'm such a playa) while fires lick up from the braziers and another mesa collapses into the sunset.


    So, can I please arrange to have my Nar Shaddaa Sky Palace towed to Makeb, please? My wife would like hers towed there, too. And of course, we are each willing to pay a reasonable towing fee. Would 5 million credits be enough? Or 5000 CC? Just let us know the price and when we should secure all the furniture for the move.


    Thank you!

  6. Or they could just treat everyone equally.

    Not at all. CS should act in a way that encourages people with legitimate issues to come and resolve those issues civilly. They should also act in a way that discourages people with non-legit issues, and discourages people who subject the CS reps to whining, abuse, and that oh-so-special Entitlement 'tude so common today.


    We don't know how you treated the CS rep.

    We don't know how your friend treated the CS rep.

    Heck, we don't even know what your supposed issue was.


    But the possibility that the issue was not legit and/or that your friend was more civil to the CS rep is certainly real. You coming to the forum to whine about it, and then your "I am going to call them until I get what I want" response, gives us a pretty good reason to suspect that the problem was you and your unwarranted sense of entitlement.


    The GOOD NEWS is, BW monitors the forums, they know who you are, and they know what you plan.

    If you aren't around on Monday afternoon, when the mods have had time to read all this, I won't be surprised.


    What, were you looking for sympathy? If so, you are doing it wrong.

  7. look I wanted to play nice, I did not disagree with anything you said EXCEPT the level of insults you have been using, thank you for lobbing me into the group of people who go "FU ***hole why don't you leave the game already?" even though I did not even mention that at all. Again, JUST BE NICE TO OTHER POSTERS and we will treat you nicely, if not then why are you surprised.

    I don't want to assume too much about your emotional state from your post, but it never hurts to remind people that when a troll makes someone angry, the troll counts that as a win. Don't let the trolls win.


    "That's my secret, Captain: I'm always angry." -- Bruce Banner

  8. See that’s the difference between me and most players who main.

    I’ve HAVE already explored all aspects of this game, outside of Role Play. I have been paying this game since early access.

    Then perhaps it is time for you to move on. It's a video game. How many video games have you bought, enjoyed, and then moved on from to something else? E.g. I loved Doom in its time, but that time ended long ago.


    Another example: WoW is 13 years old, and over 100 million accounts were created over the life of the game. But as of Sept. 2013, only 7.6 million subscribers were still active. 90+ million people moved on.

  9. Every single person I interact with in game plays primarily for operation content.

    That's your own fault. I interact with op raiders, PvPers, altaholics, crafters, story-lovers, achievement completionists, mount and pet collectors, and (mainly) people who do a little or a lot of all of that. Can't say I interact much with GSF players, that I know of anyway, but I'll give it a try someday.


    Maybe that's why I am happy with the game, and you apparently are not - I am playing more of the game than just the tiny portion of it that you are.

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