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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Can only speak for myself but...

    I never criticized those who enjoy the event but rather the nonsensical notion that Nar Shaddaa should have gambling two months a year, only for it to magically disappear... For no reason.


    In other words, you have one Casino for each faction during the remaining 300 days of the year just... Sitting there, looking pretty. In the process, you have the occasional class story mocking you about it, not to mention the occasional comment from NPC's.


    Works for me. If only they had put it in at launch, they could have had some fun story to go with it.

    Might be a little late for that now.


    Maybe they can add a year-round VIP gambling area later, that you have to complete a quest to gain access to. RPs could use it to create, for example, Jedi with a gambling vice. [Edit: and perhaps Satele calling you on the carpet for it!]

  2. We critics don't think this game is doomed no matter what- or else we wouldn't bother. We just think the game's current path is unacceptably mediocre. This game had/has amazing potential. Besides the engine, not many aspects of the game are fundamentally flawed. We strive for better utilization of this potential. You would have us wallow in mediocrity and adopt your pathetically low expectations.

    I fear you are only speaking for yourself. Your declared motivation is inconsistant with how some of the other "critics" behave. I won't even call them "your fellow critics," because you don't deserve to be lumped together with them.


    Perhaps it's as simple, for some of those critics, as this: it's easier to kick down a sand castle than to build one, and doing the [correction] former gives some people a feeling of power.

  3. People get really defensive about this game ...

    I think people defending the things they enjoy and value is far more commendable than people trying to tear down the things they do not. I understand the motives of the former group, but what drives the latter? Anger? Jealousy? Sadism? Poor self-esteem?


    If you think the game is so flawed and has no future, why invest so much effort attacking it?

    Do you think it will make a difference? Do you think your efforts will make it die faster, or miraculously save it?

    I do not think those are realistic expectations. You are not that important.

  4. The 'event' as it is called is pretty lame, nothing more than a bunch of boxes with no interactivity, sitting in the foyer of the existing casino, just to part credits from fools.

    In RL, those are called "slot machines," and lots of people play them, and casino make lots of money as a result.

  5. You're not being pessimist when you say December but rather wanting to ignore the reality of things.
    (emphasis added)


    Nonsense. There is no "reality" for the future until the future becomes the present. Right now, we have a present reality which includes BW being pretty upfront about notifying us of schedule slips. They let us know that Strongholds would slip well in advance. They have not said that the level-increasing expansion has slipped. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that Strongholds have slipped and the level increasing expansion has not.


    You may disagree, but to call people are "ignoring reality" because they don't share your pessimistic outlook is without basis in fact. "Past result do not guarantee future performance," after all.


    Let's also be clear as to why Strongholds slipped: they increased the requirements for them, deciding to expand what Strongholds allowed players to do, possibly in response to player feedback. So slipping Strongholds could easily be because the devs at BW are doing their jobs well, and if so then the Stronghold slip provides no reason to believe that any other expansion will slip.


    Now, the 2.8 fiasco may argue to the contrary, or may not, but again "Past result do not guarantee future performance." I can hypothesize that the 2.8 fiasco may be attributable to a single bad algorithm choice made long ago by devs who don't work for BW anymore, which came back to bite the present devs when they tried to use it for something (16m Ops) it had not been designed to handle. Might be true, might not, but if my hypo is correct, the 2.8 fiasco is not a useful predictor of whether the level-up expansion will slip.


    TL;DR: It is reasonable for you to be pessimistic, but it also reasonable to believe BW will, as it has in the past, notify us as soon as there is any slip to an announced expansion, and they have not done that with the level-increasing expansion yet. Therefore, I don't think you are doing yourself or your position any favors by accusing anyone who doesn't agree with your pessimism of being delusional.

  6. Hello

    I am playing as a Sith Assasin. I am level 47 on Voss. I went to the Imperial Fleet for some upgrades and when I returned back to my ship, some Sith Lord appeared on the holocom and asked me to go to Makeb? He was also saying something about the defeater of Darth Thanathon, but I did not defeat him yet?

    At what time in the game am I supposed to go to Makeb? I see that the mission, which I got is for level 51?


    If you are leveling solo, don't go before you hit 50 unless you enjoy a hard challenge and/or are geared in purple modes. Being really good a playing your class helps too.

    If you are leveling with a friend, it is more doable below 50, but still tough.


    My preference has been to finish the class story, use Black Hole and Section X dailies and FPs to get to 50 if needed, and then do Makeb. In one case I just ground the Kuat FP to get to 55 and then went back and facerolled first Oricon and then Makeb, but that was an exceptional circumstance. YMMV.

  7. well hope this goes well, they are already rolling back at least 1 part of 2.8 due to underestimating the amount of CPU need for the 16 person gf, wonder how much of a cpu strain the housing will put on the servers?lets say 10k players per server, accessing their strongholds at once. seems a big undertaking, possible lot of lag for everyone

    Probably will not be an issue. Strongholds should, if implemented correctly, be only two or three times as much load on the server as player starships - they will be instanced like starships but are more customizable, so there will be more data to retrieve to set the instance up. We haven't seen people going to their starships being much of a problem. Like with starships, there is not much interaction between Strongholds.


    Groupfinder, on the other hand, is sort of the opposite of an instance - everyone queued for GF is has to be checked and potentially paired with everyone else in GF to form a group, and larger groups take a lot more checking and pairing. At one level, 16m GF it is like trying to find 16 kids in a class who all get along - it is a lot harder to do that than find 4 who do. And that's just part of the problem.

  8. Work, leisure activity, not the same thing (unless you happen to be lucky enough to be paid to engage in leisure activities). Your analogy, inapt. Illogical. Unsurprising. Will explain why you are wrong, but suspect you no longer care nor would it register with you.

    Your time, a better use for it there is. Find it, you can.

  9. So tell us, Mr. Amazing, what do you think think the purpose of the daily GF reward is, if not to get people to use the GF? BWEA just feels generous and wants to reward players for no particular reason?

    MillionKnives has answered this question; I cannot fault him for responding to a query addressed to "Mr. Amazing."

    I post merely to express my appreciation of your backing off your claim of knowing the purpose of Group Finder.


    [Edit: I see annabethchase has also responded to the query to "Mr. Amazing." I will assume that she is applying the old convention that masculine words can be applied to females as well, or that his nom de'forum does not reflect his gender. Either way, I do not fault him/her for responding to a query addressed to "Mr. Amazing."]

  10. Dude I go to my job every day for the reward, it doesn't mean I have fun there.

    Nice for you, that going to work is just as much of a choice for you as playing SWTOR is.

    If I had that kind of luxury, I'd probably just play SWTOR.


    Oh, wait, is it possible you have to work in order to pay for playing SWTOR?

  11. When challenged to support his/her declaration of the "purpose" of GF:

    Gee, I guess I used that large organ between my ears. And I don't mean my nose.

    So, even though you stated your conjectured "purpose" for GF as if it were a fact, you admit now that it is just your opinion of why GF exists, and just your opinion that it isn't to allow strangers to form groups together, and you offer no support for these opinions.


    I think that is typically called "shenanigans" here. And I think your "large organ" isn't as big as you might think.

  12. Last I checked, I never questioned anyone's integrity,


    Perhaps the perception that you were doing so came from this:

    I'm going to call a gigantic BS on whoever said that 200 planetary comms or more on a single character was remotely possible.

    (emphasis added).

    I can see how "calling gigantic BS," could be seen as impugning integrity, as opposed to just saying they were mistaken. "BS" in this context carries a connotation of deceptive intent, don't you think?

  13. Another example: 4 players get into the queue: 2 Tank/DPS and 2 heal/DPS. The first Tank/DPS in the queue is the tank; the second falls back to DPS. The first healer in the queue is a healer; the second falls back to DPS.

    That heuristic simplifies things, but then your 4-person premade won't be able to complete a group that needs 2 tanks and/or two more heals.


    Plus, pugs with both tanks in the same guild (or at least the same mumble/ts/raidcall) tend to do better, all else being equal, so it might be better to take a premade with two (or more) potential tanks and make them both tanks.


    Lots of issue to consider.

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