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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. People should just quit being suckers a ... while being treated like guinea pigs. .

    It's a GAME. I don't mind being treated like a guinea pig in a GAME as the game evolves, and that includes as the market for cosmetic items evolves. Let them mess with it all they want -- it is their game, and they have more at stake in it than I do -- as long as I can still find a way to have fun, it is acceptable. But if I can't find a way to have fun, I will simply move on to something else.


    I mean seriously, do people think this latest change in CM item drop rates and unlock prices came from some overpaid C-suite exec at EA? Hardly, I've worked with execs at that level in a multi-billion dollar company, and they don't know these kinds of details or want to. They are more likely to think the Cartel Market is a source of cocaine.


    To me it seems more likely that a well-meaning game designer saw what they thought was a problem in the CM economics (like the overabundance of nearly worthless CM items, perhaps) and tried this change to fix it. We see this kind of adjustment all the time in the combat system (I still think they over-nerfed OS/FFB). Perhaps seeing an attempt to tune the CM, even a misguided one, just shows how important someone at BW thinks it is. Isn't that possible?

  2. @ Undying-Rage, I asked everyone to please keep their responses civil and polite, why must you be the only one who has to be rude and insulting of others?

    Most threads are a lot more civil if you have a good ignore list. Just sayin'.

  3. Ok just checking I have not missed anything, Just currently running a alt through Nar Shaddaa and have come across several Diseased citizens in Corellian Sector coordinates -3511.225. Can only hope :rak_02::rak_02::rak_02:


    Anyone heard anything?

    It is probably not the Rakghoul plague:


    One of the Sith Inquisitor class quests on Nar Shadaa involves diseased citizens.


  4. This game has so much potential but begs the same question gamers have had for large scale gaming companies for years. Why won’t you give the players what they are looking for?


    How about this for a possible answer:


    "Because every player is looking for something different, and some people want what other people would hate."


    Go tour an adult boutique some time if you want a graphic example of that. <shudder>

  5. Ironic that they now complain about it, isn't it?

    Just please don't cast that "they" net too broadly. Some of us just keep enjoying the game even though BW makes mistakes and business decisions that upset some people.


    I like what's in the game, that's my bottom line. It's all still there, even after 2.8.


    For example: sure, 16m SM GF would have been and maybe someday will be nice, but OTOH, I queued up in GF for 8m SM to do the one-time TFB quest on Z'reign last night, then ran off to do Oricon dailies while I waited for the queue to pop. When it did pop (middle of the Heroic) I enjoyed a great run with some folks from (IIRC) Blacklisted - no wipes, no trash talk in chat, smooth and fast (even though we had at least one first-timer.) The ability to go off and do something, rather than sit on fleet and endure all the chat nonsense while LFG, was pretty sweet.


    YMMV of course.

  6. I suppose that would be enough - but the thing that jumps out and grabs my brain every time a speeder goes by is how slow they move and how they look like they should go faster.

    I like being able to race a dual-jet-engine powered speeder on my Tauntaun ... and win!


    SWTOR has starships that are faster than light, and Sith who run faster than hot-rigged speeder bikes.

    I try not to think too much about the latter, but when I do, I laugh.

  7. I am upset that I was deceived.

    Where you deceived, that is, did BW say something to mislead you? Or is it just that you assumed that unlock prices of future CM items would be in line with unlock prices of similar past CM items, and that assumption has proven to be incorrect?


    The unlocks I have done in the past were pretty cheap, and that may have caused a severe reduction in demand for the items, so I can understand BW changing the unlock pricing model. Various models for unlock pricing are possible, for example:


    Make super rare items expensive to unlock to make them really really expensive on the GTN,


    Make common items expensive to unlock so that they don't drop to 10 credits apiece on the GTN.


    Each of these models has its pros and cons.


    And I can also understand not pre-announcing an alteration of the unlock pricing model, since historically pre-announing things seems to do little to reduce the QQing about it.


    YMMV, of course. I am mainly using BoL gears now, so CM and unlock prices don't affect me much.

  8. Why do you think EA gets so much hate from the gaming community ...

    Perhaps because "all the cool kids are doing it?"


    EA's BW division makes SWTOR. I enjoy SWTOR. I don't have any other interaction with EA. Therefore, I have no reason to hate EA. YMMV, but IMHO just going with the herd isn't a good reason to HATE.


    But, feel free to post the heinous sins that EA has committed that so outweigh the pleasure I get from SWTOR that I should hate EA with every fiber of my being, like you seem to.

  9. I like how you said "MY character". I have every class except the Sage one but can't get enough of my main Merc BH and really don't care about the others. In fact, I enjoy my character so much that I cloned him 4 times to raid more each week.

    That said, it's hard to know which AC and spec you will like the best if you have not tried them all (as you have, I note).

    For example, I didn't know I'd much prefer Op DPS (stabby stabby!) to Sniper until I tried both. YMMV.


    Right now I like Sorc healing; Sorc, Op, and Jug DPS; and PT tanking better than the alternatives I've tried, and I've tried them all, at least a little, on the Imp side. I could not have predicted that in advance.

  10. Dodge the issue? There's no issue to dodge. The game isn't realistic, therefore arguments of realism are invalid.

    Apparently, the concept of "suspension of disbelief" is unknown to you.


    But fine, you're right, a Hero Who Never Misses is much less realistic than a Hero Who Never Sh*ts.

    Apparently, the concept of omitting the boring and mundane parts of a story is unknown to you. If you are dreaming of becoming an author or game designer, do not give up your day job. Oh, wait, it seems you think you are a game designer. That's so tragic.


    But anyway, is your issue that you want SWTOR to be more like Chess than like the Mother of All RPGs, D&D? (emphasis added)

    It's good to know that apparently the only two options are D&D or Chess.


    And on that note, out of respect for the audience other than you, I won't bother responding to the rest of your post.

    You obviously don't need my help embarrassing yourself.

  11. Now that ain't Star Wars, that's the way you do it

    You play the slots on the Nar Shadaa

    That ain't Star Wars, that's the way you do it

    Get your rancor for nothin', and your gear for free.


    [Edit: more a filk lyric than a poem, I admit]

  12. Finished done over. Bye Bye.

    You seem to have an irresistible urge to have the last word, even if its that same last word you already posted a dozen times. Whatever you think you accomplish by doing this, I doubt you are actually accomplishing it.

  13. lol have 2 alts 55 but play over 2 years on my 55 and done all ops :) + fully 180 gear


    Only two alts? Then there are 5 class stories, 13 romance substories (at least), and 13 Advanced Classes (OK , only 5 is you consider the Pub side ACs "the same" as their Imp counterparts) that you've never played. That's a lot of content.

  14. Skilled players are not only clearing the content, but clearing it with style and authority. The game's mechanics present no unrealistic barrier to them. Not potential missed interrupts, not missed Force Pulls, not missed anything. They blow it all out of the water and they correctly adapt to every situation the game presents them, whether planned for or not.

    And that's something I cannot do, and probably will never be able to do. But unlike some people, I am totally OK with that: I like having other players I can look up to and learn new things from, I prefer that you cannot count yourself among the best without making an investment in time I have not made and without having skills I currently lack.


    Other people are not satisfied with not being top-tier, and if that motivates them to work harder and improve, awesome! But if it just causes them to campaign for making the game easier, so that everyone gets the Wings of the Architect trophy mount, I disagree.

  15. Realism, in a game. Realism, in a game where you shoot lightning from your finger tips, wave around swords made of light, can travel faster than the speed of light to any planet of your wish, and shoot plasma bolts out of pistols. Right...


    Way to dodge the issue. None of those is beyond the realm of possiblity, as far as science can currently determine, BTW. In fact, I've shot lightning from my fingertip many times, as have most people who shuffle their shoes across carpet on a dry day. It's all more believable than the Hero Who Never Misses you want put in the game.


    But anyway, is your issue that you want SWTOR to be more like Chess than like the Mother of All RPGs, D&D?


    Ignoring how terrible that aspect of the argument is,


    Oh no, please tell us how terrible. Please explain the terrible difference between fiction where the hero can occasionally miss, and fiction where the hero is infallible and always accomplishes what he or she attempts. Isn't the former usually written for adults, and the latter normally written for 6 year olds? Are 6-year olds who you think this game should target?


    shouldn't everything you do in the game have a chance to fail then?


    Over the past 38 or so years (yes, I've been playing multiplayer RPGs a long long time) I, like millions of other people, have spent uncountable hours playing a series of games where a 1 rolled with a D20 was always a fail. I never heard any of the adult players I played with complain about it: they recognized that it added drama and occasionally humor. I have seen a 9-year old rage-quit over rolling a 1 though.


    My experience leads me to believe that your stridently-presented opinions on game design aren't shared by the vast majority of game players and designers. More people play games of chance than chess. A lot of us embrace the fictional risk of "rolling a 1" as a feature, not a bug.

  16. I guess some people consider working with unreliable tools skill, I call it stupid.

    You are essentially asking to make the game more unrealistic: "I can interrupt your action JUST BY WANTING TO, with no chance of failing to do so." What fictional or non-fictional mechanism do you propose that could do such a thing to an enemy?


    Life is full of chance, and chances. Taking risks and coping with unreliability is not optional.

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