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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Alright folks, round 2! From what I can tell there were two big questions still on the table and here they are:


    Can I place BoP items in my Legacy storage?

    ... you cannot place or "transfer" BoP items through your Legacy storage.... could [] change in the future.


    Can I access my crafting materials from Legacy storage?

    Yes you can! ... your materials will be pulled in this priority order: Inventory, Cargo, Legacy storage.

    Absolutely freaking PERFECT. Legacy Storage is turning out exactly as I wanted, just lucky I guess.

    Thanks, BioWare.

  2. tanking with people who work with you can be a very fun experience. tanking for people who are actively working against you? not so much

    Hmm, this makes me think that the way I tank HM FPs -- always with my wife, usually with her as a heals so the queues, in the words of Ruby Rod, "pop pop pop!" -- allows me to avoid much of the pain of pugging as a tank. Having even just one other person in the group with you in Mumble/whatever may make a huge difference for a tank.


    I am not a great tank but I think I am OK, and the only time I have ever wiped while tanking a HM FP with my wife was when we hit rage timers in CZ because a Sorc in heal spec queued into a DPS slot. So tanks, buddy up, and you'll usually be super green! :)

  3. A scale model of the area where the final stage of TFB occurs.


    In fact, a big room where you can place scale models of many boss-fight areas and arenas would be cool.

    Such a "Map Room" would be especially cool as a feature on a guild flagship, so people can use it to explain the fights.


    Probably asking to much to be able to place little character holos on the scale models tho ...

  4. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    Remember that next time when you're about to say something bad to other group member.

    ^^This. If there were fewer no-life adolescents (of whatever age) getting that cheap thrill of false superiority by yelling "you SUXXXXS" at every noob tank, and more people helping newbies of any role learn their role, their gear, and the op, we'd all be better off. But unfortunately, helping people takes more time and effort than being a jerk.

  5. By jumping in first, [DPS] are basically saying "I only needed you for the pop, noob". It's disrespectful.

    I disagree. By jumping first, they may instead be saying "It's just two silvers and three weaks, I can solo this so let me save everyone some time." And for a 180-geared DPS in a HM FP, that's often true.


    A lot of people want to "put the FLASH into FlashPoints" because they have other things to do or just enjoy rushing through it. So presuming they do not respect the tank is going a bit far. And besides, they are lowering the tank's repair bill ...


    Unless the healer objects to it, even when tanking, I don't think who pulls the trash is an issue if no one dies.


    Tanked my Vanguard in HM FPs for the first time yesterday, and it went well, even with that crazy-good DPS we drew who started half the trash fights. I really prefer my PT's Jet Leap to the Vanguard Charge, it is amazing how much difference the different animations make. And Rocket Punch is way cooler than the VG equivalent.

  6. I would myself rather have Bound Earpieces, Implants, and Relics not be storable in Legacy Storage. Getting good ones is a major reason why we alt-a-holics bother to run our alts. If we could share them, alt-aholics would have less reason to play. And that's not good.


    Keeping Bound items out of Legacy storage should not require much new code, since that's already done for Guild banks. What is new is allowing BoL into a shared storage area, which I hope can be done, even if not at release, without allowing anything and everything (i.e. bound items) into the Legacy Storage.


    But If not, I'd prefer not being able to put BoL into the Legacy Storage at all rather than opening the floodgates.

    Also, if dev time is an issue and they have to choose, I'd rather they allowed crafting using mats in the Legacy Storage before they implement putting BoL items in the Legacy Storage.



  7. ... the tanks are understandably pissy. the fact that you absolutely do not get why - is part of the reason why tanks are pissy. the fact that healer was going along with you only added to the issue.


    My attitude when a healer is: my job is keeping the group from wiping, and the tank's job is to make it possible for me to do so. Lowering the load on the healer is the primary reason tanks exist (with grouping mobs for AoE being #2). As a healer, I appreciate them doing that for me. So in a dispute between a tank and a DPS, I'd usually side with the tank.


    That said, if the tank does not indicate any unhappiness with the DPS pulling the trash, I would have to assume the tank is okay with it. When I tank and a DPS makes a habit of that, I just pull out the popcorn and reflect on how much lower my repair bills will probably be. Now, if a DPS starts pulling bosses and causes a wipe, that's another matter.


    Frustration and disappointment are a function of your expectations. Set your expectations low when pugging, and you won't be as frustrated and/or disappointed. And remember, stupid players can make for great stories, so if you never pug, you miss out on some epically lame stuff. :)

  8. As a tank, it annoys me to no end that a DPS barges ahead of me and I have to waste an AoE taunt, just because he needs to display he's über awesome all around, to people he doesn't even know most likely.

    I was tanking a HM FP and a miss-queued Sorc, spec'd for heal but in the DPS role, was playing tank. The healer and I decided to let them have their fun. The issue corrected itself when the Sorc pulled 6 or 7 silvers (people seem to often seriously underestimate how much peak damage comes in at the start of such fights) and died almost immediately, after which the mobs were quickly and properly dispatched. No AoE taunts were wasted. ;)


    If you have a little patience and a cooperative healer, letting the tank pull is a lesson that teaches itself.

  9. ummm... static bubble is a heal. as in... it prevents you from taking a certain amount of damage, effectively increasing your health. ... I have seen it prevent as much damage as crit heal from dark infusion, except dark infusion has a long cast and doesn't always crit.


    don't underestimate the awesome of sorc bubbles. on a priority of sorc healing - they are at the top, followed by resurgence and innervate. in that order.

    Agreed. And they are instant (and therefore can be cast on the run) and can be spam'd, in advance, across multiple targets, although that can drain your force pretty fast. My 180/186 geared Sorc's bubbles does around 6500 in post-mitigation damage elimination. It's especially great when there is predictable raid-wide damage.


    IME Tanks should be bubbled whenever the bubble's debuff wears off, it will almost always get used. And there is no risk of over-healing when you bubble someone (in a multi-healer situation) since the debuff prevents anyone giving the tank another bubble before it is likely to have been fully used. Non-tanks should be bubbled as the situation warrants: bubbling a known agro-whore right before the fight starts can be pretty effective.

  10. Had some more HM FP fun tonight with my wife's Sage heal and my Sage DPS. Gawd I hate those shackles on Cadimemu. lol. But, got a great tank twice.


    Third time, got a just-started-tanking Shadow tank for CZ Corp Labs, a bit undergeared (153) and new to the Op, but once we knew that we completed it with minimal tanking problems - partly because of the awesome GS that was with us, which allowed me to off-heal a little, partly because we knew what to expect. Once we got past the droid in the electric pool, no tanking issues. I think the Shadow started to get in the groove as we progressed. I hope he or she had fun, so we may meet again.

  11. [When healing HM FPS, when the health bars look good ...] Beyond that I am just trying to kill the weaks and strongs the dps are ignoring with their gold fever. :p

    LOL. Yeah, on some of my DPS, clearing trash mobs can be frustrating because they die too fast for me to get into my rotation. On my Sorc/Sage in heal spec, however, I consider using Force Storm/Quake on the weak mobs to be preventative medicine. ;) I'll stun a lone gold for the same reason.

  12. I'm writing here to help the AVERAGE tank. The guy/gal that has never once visited the forums, or dulfy, or reddit. The tank that is just happy to give a HM FP a few runs to get their weekly done ... And all they know is that they are told they are a fail tank, or WTB Guard, or learn 2 taunt.
    (emphasis added)

    In other words, you are trying to help people who don't know how to tank but who are trying to do HM FPs.


    Why are they doing HM FP anyway? Ultimate com gear isn't going to make them a better tank, a lot of it isn't any better than the Elite com gear -- and they don't even know that, having never read anything, so they wind up a HP-heavy tank with little mitigation (but some accuracy and alacrity.) Grinding HM FPs to get the wrong gear, because they "never once" read anything on how to tank, is just a waste of their time and likely to eventually kill their enjoyment of tanking. "I have 180 gear, why do these awful SWTOR people call me a bad tank?" they will think. Very sad -- and you want to encourage them to follow that course?


    The best help you can give them is to refer them to a guide to their class or tell them to stick to SM and tactical FPs. One read of a good guide will transform their tanking and help them enjoy it more. Just buffing their threat gen will not.

  13. This is a game, not a homework assignment... the idea that most players, or even many players, will visit forums or even KNOW what parse is... is crazy... They log in and want to play, not study...

    Players like that should stick to Story Mode. If they don't want to put any effort into learning the game, they should avoid HM FPs and Ops. Yes, that means they will never get BiS gear, but then, since they never put any effort into learning the game, they don't even know what that is, right?


    That's one nice thing about SWTOR: it offers things for causal players but still presents content options that take a little bit of effort to master.

  14. Damn hippies. :mad:;)

    Always with the negative waves, ... always with the negative waves! ...

    Why don't you knock it off with them negative waves? Why don't you dig how beautiful it is out here? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?

    -- Oddball, Kelly's Heroes

  15. I've had mainly good HM FP GF experiences lately, queuing with my wife on Harbinger.


    We queued as PT tank + Sorc heals (instant Q-pop :)) and generally did okay until we got a sorc "DPS" in heal spec; group didn't have enough DPS and hit the rage timer on The Vigilant. The miss-q'd Sorc dropped out, we picked up a Sniper replacement, and had no problem. That Sorc was a bit keen to pull too, must have been new: started a lot of the fights and then pulled a group of seven silvers when the tank was out of range, and died quickly as a result. He/she said "I forgot to bubble," as if that would have helped much, but let the tank pull after that.


    We also Q'd several times as 2 DPS operatives and did fine after moderate wait for Q pop - first time we ever finished the desert biosystem on CZ in only two sandstorms (overgeared DPS :)).


    Finally we Q'd as Heal+DPS (Sages) and did fine too.


    It may just be that queuing with another person you can talk to during the op makes a big difference -- especially when it's heal+tank, where the heal can alert the tank to agro loss and track who the DPS agro-whores are. Don't let that last term fool you, "agro-whore" is a term of affection here. When I tank FPs I love high-output DPS and steal threat from them promptly when they grab agro. :)

  16. In my nightmare progression group i have switched all my non set bonus armorings to high mainstat and i use an attack adrenal during every pull. When you have 4 dps who can pull 3800 - 4200 on a dummy you need a solid high threat opener. Then after 30 seconds it gravy.


    Makes sense. I was advised by raiders I respect that using high-main-stat armorings/hilts/barrels (i.e. DPS, not tank) was a good idea: the higher main-stat helps build threat, and the lower endurance doesn't really matter, because as everyone should know, tanks get the vast majority of their HP from their healers, not their Endurance. The amount of armor the armorings provided is determined by their rating, not the Endurance.


    In short: Main stat is less important than mitigation and armor, but it is more important than Endurance.


    And yes, that would mean the stuff provided for tanks by the commendation vendors is even less optimal than many people think.


    Of course, I could be wrong. :)

  17. ... I'm sure the upcoming open-world SW game that the CEO of EA mentioned in a recent interview is a much higher priority for the company than this game.


    And perhaps, when that game comes out, I will play it instead. Time will tell.


    At some point, rebooting SWTOR may make more sense than continuing to refine and expand it.

    Nothing wrong with that, it's the nature of the video game industry.

  18. That's fine, as I assume you had the same pattern 6 months ago.

    That seems like an invalid assumption. Six months ago, there was no Kuat Yards for DPS looking for a fast queue pop. And that's just one example of why your assumption doesn't necessarily hold.


    Stop making assumptions based on the conclusion you want to arrive at: that's as anti-scientific as it gets.

  19. Or we could consider a novel approach like not telling other people how to spend their own time and money to begin with.

    Or we could consider the even more novel approach (for you, anyway) of not telling people what advice they should give other people.


    I find your advocacy of censorship far more offensive than someone simply offering people advice.

    What are you so afraid of? That someone might take that advice because they think it has merit?

    Do you want people to not even consider quitting or taking a break from a game they do not enjoy?

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