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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. I'm not going to say it was a bug or an unforeseen use of legacy gear, but I also will not claim that transferring bound mods was intended or foreseen from the inception of legacy gear.

    Any so-called "bug" that makes your paying clients happy automatically transforms into a marketable feature.

    This is a well-known axiom of commercial software development.

  2. Let me share an example of how I would use a LS that permitted Bound items to be shared.


    First, I would acquire a single set of gear for my Scoundrel healer. Because I adore the Scoundrel Healer/Operative so much, to the degree I have like 8 in various stages of completion, I would build one set of everything and optimize it. I would then share this set between them... to run operations.


    And with those runs I would, progressively, create individual sets for each, because it really is easier, down the road, to have a bunch of sets. But the acquisition of those sets is made easier for having a single set, in the beginning, that is sharable among many.

    How would you get the drops? Not by needing on drops that your current toon, in the BoL gear they are wearing, doesn't actually need, I hope. Or are you happy with just comms gear?

  3. Much of it is "entitlement" no matter how much those members of the "entitled, have to have it now and for as little effort and cost as possible" crowd would like to deny that.

    Fact is, the game as it is is what we subs all payed for, and we are not entitled to anything more.

    Now, if BW wants to offer us more as an incentive to keep subscribing, BW is entitled to do that.

    it is, after all, their game, and it is their jobs that are on the line.


    And as incentive go, I'd prefer they offer me new content instead of (IMO) wasting time revamping a Binding system that already works well enough. But a convert-empty-shell-to-BoL token I could buy or earn would not be unappreciated.

  4. Or is that you can't do the endgame content in 180 BoL gear, augmented Art. Microfilament Ears and Implants (which are better than augmented Arkanian), and the L45 BoL THORN relics? I think I could, except NiM and maybe HM DP. The difference in stats isn't as important as player skill.

    The bolded is really the reason why I don't see an issue with making BoP restriction obsolete.

    But skill level has its limits, both in terms of how much content a particular level of skill willl let you handle given any given level of gear, and how much content even the best skilled players can handle given less than BiS. I am not skilled enough to do NiM DP in even BiS gear, and I don't think even the best players can do NiM DP in Art. Microfilament gear.


    So it is an issue.

  5. The alternative for me now is to simply ignore the players looking for help.

    Wait, are you saying that currently, since your alt must earn its own E-I-R pieces, you aren't using that alt to get around the lockout as you claimed?


    Or is that you can't do the endgame content in 180 BoL gear, augmented Art. Microfilament Ears and Implants (which are better than augmented Arkanian), and the L45 BoL THORN relics? I think I could, except NiM and mabe HM DP. The difference in stats isn't as important as player skill.

  6. Ah, I see, you want everything to be BoL so you can get around the lockout mechanism. This is yet another reason why BW should not make everything BoL - they put the lockout mechanism in for a reason. I am not sure what that reason is, but if they spent the time and money to implement lockouts, the presumption is that there is one.


    But they also allow the action of circumventing the lockout mechanism so "working as intended"

    But with the proviso, at present, that your alt needs to earn its own Earpiece, Implants, and Relics.

    If that was a trivial limitation, people would not be trying to get it removed from the game.

  7. All the people saying that everyone will suddenly roll need on everything that drops are missing something: Most people don't have every single class and archetype and do not need every single type of gear that will drop in a given FP/OP.

    "I need it for my vendor." Everyone has a vendor they can sell drops to. Yes, it is a jerk move, but people do it.

  8. I only want items like Armor plating, mods, enhancements, hilts, and barrels BOL for easier recycling. Endgame armors, weapons, implants, earpieces, and relics I could careless about. :p

    With the recent addition of BoL Gree off-hands, this is completely doable now. And another Gree event is coming soon, so if you need to, you can grind for Helixes. The one exception is for droid armorings, but none of your toons are droids - and I doubt that will be the next playable "species."


    Like me, the game is already giving you what you want in this regard.

  9. Because I'm not an "alt" fan. I have one toon who I'm on 99% of the time and one toon who is nearly identical that I use to avoid lockouts. I am helping myself by doing what I enjoy, despite seldom getting ANY loot from what I do beyond comms.

    Ah, I see, you want everything to be BoL so you can get around the lockout mechanism. This is yet another reason why BW should not make everything BoL - they put the lockout mechanism in for a reason. I am not sure what that reason is, but if they spent the time and money to implement lockouts, the presumption is that there is one.

  10. I would think that Earpieces, implants, and relics would not be effected by this request as they are not available as BoL items (except for the rakghoul relics lvl 25/35/45). Common sense would just equate this request to effect slots that already have BoL items available so that it does NOT have an adverse effect on the game, as you're not changing BoL, just effectively adding more visual choices.

    OK, that's fine. But altering how Binding works or how Legacy Storage works is probably not the best path to this.


    Better would be a mechanism to convert empty shells to BoL at the Modification Stations. The code to do this is probably straightforward and would affect only a few code modules. A lot of this depends on the details of how the item attributes are represented in the data structures, but hopefully the developers went with a straightforward implementation. The code could limit BoL conversions by slot. And BW could have the cost be in Helixes or Certs or some other thing players could grind for, or be in CC, or both, at BW's discretion. Odds are this would be easier to do than adding dye slots was.


    I'd personally grind quite a bit of content for a convert-to-BoL token, or would pay a months worth of CC's for it. YMMV.

  11. You make it sound like you'd get one Earpiece and never have to get another again. Remember, all of the pieces in question have very specific stats on them..

    I was limiting it to my Sages and Sorcs just to simplify the argument. Sages/Sorcs can use the same E-I-R sets for Healing and DPS without being much off BiS. So right now I need 3 BoP E-I-R sets for the three of them. If they were BoL I would only need one.


    The need for only one set of E-I-R also seems true for Agents, Smugglers, Marauders, Mercs, and Commandos. The tanking classes do not have it so easy, and since I am considering changing my geared Assassin tank to DPS (as well as my upcoming Shadow) , that's a whole new set of E-I-R I will need. But an assassin DPS can use Sorc DPS BoL gear, so at least I have that.


    Thinking about it, Relics are somewhat more extreme. By just swapping augments, all of my non-tanks could use my main's Brutalizer relics. And all my tanks could share a single pair of tanking relics. That would completely remove the reward I get from PvPing with my toons as I level them.


    The point here: BW has balanced the ability to gear alts using your main with a requirement that some of the alt's gear must be earned by the alt. Some people want the balance moved more towards gearing alts entirely using your main, others want it moved the other way so your alt has to earn all their own gear. I like the balance as it is, and want BW to use their resources on new content instead of on redesigning the binding system. They cannot do everything, and they should not "fix" what is not broken.

  12. I agree with those folks that are calling for everything to be BoL. We can already move our legacy gear between mirror classes and maintain just one set of clothing pieces. I don't understand why that wouldn't be the case for the accessories.

    1. You cannot see the BoP accessories. I know several players who care about how their toons look (including me) who therefore do not use BoL gear for at least part of their toon's outfits. This is never the case with the BoP "accessories" because no one can see them.


    2. If I could share my main's 180 Earpiece and Implants and her Brutalizer relics with my other sorc and my sage, as well as all the 180 currently-BoL stuff, and assuming for sake of argument that these are all the toons I use, what is my reward for running the content? I like the running of the content itself, sure, but getting something you want for doing so adds a lot to the fun. That's why I do not run SM FPs or 50 FPs - I don't want the rewards they give because they are useless to me.


    3. Crafters need to sell something, and right now MK-9 kits and Augments for new Ears, Implants and Relics, as well as crafted Ears, Implants and Relics themselves, are a big part of end-game crafting. Making these things BoL would cut that market dramatically.


    So, you may not agree, but do you at least understand the issue a little better now?

  13. When I switch my Sage or Sorcs from Heal spec to DPS spec (field respec rocks!), I change just few a pieces of gear. The DPS specific pieces have Accuracy instead of Alacrity, so I get that 109.52% Force accuracy. They also have the two-piece Sorc DPS set bonus. It works fine for HM FPs.


    That said, make sure you are doing the right rotation. DPS sorc/sage uses abilities healers don't even have. Dulfy's guide at http://dulfy.net/2014/01/17/swtor-telekinetics-and-balance-sage-dps-class-guide/ is a good place to start.

  14. Unlocking BoP by making BoL effects nothing in the game. ...

    I use ONLY Legacy gear now to swap back and forth gear between Maurader/Sentinel, Vanguard/Powertech, Assassin/Shadow. So opponents to this, ask your self why it really matters so much to give others effectively more design choice? Are you bitter about the way people use BoL already and just don't like it personally? Thats all I see here.

    So do you just not use Earpieces, Implants and Relics, or have you found a way to move them between your toons after they are bound? Because that's the issue here. It's the only end-game gear that you either need to earn on the toon that uses it, or buy from a crafter if you are satisfied with having less than top-tier gear (since top-tier 186 gear cannot be crafted). And many of us want to keep it that way.


    And besides, why would anyone want BW to redesign Binding, when they could be developing new content instead?

  15. But there are new entrants into the game and its economy all the time, if inflation goes out of control then someone creating a new character for the first time will be priced out of everything in the player economy.


    If those of us who have been playing for years had gone that whole time without credit sinks then the economy will reflect that, and it will be a huge obstacle for new players to become participants in.

    And new players are essential for any MMO's survival, so this is an important point.

  16. No. ... There is no benefit whatsoever to having BoP items, when they could be BoL. It's still my item. Let me use it on the character that I see fit.

    Wrong on all points. It's not your item, it's BioWare's item. Check the ToS, I am sure you will find that's true. And BioWare has decided that for BioWare's BoP Earpieces, Implants, and Relics, only the toon that earned it can use. Whether you benefit from that doesn't matter, if BioWare benefits from it. And since they bothered to put BoP mechanics in the code, the presumption is that they do.

  17. Sigh. With Need/Greed system bringing so much grief, why wouldn't they fix it? Disabling the "need" button for non-spec would already do wonders.

    I prefer to have the option to not act like a jerk, myself.

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