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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. We got this. But clicking on a galaxy map and having your ship warp to a destination can hardly be called "flying".


    Since you were responding to a comment about "piloting," you do understand that "flying" and "piloting" are different things, yes? One does not "fly" an aircraft carrier or a battlecruiser, which is what SW capital ships pretty much are, just in space instead of on the sea.


    Perhaps you think piloting an aircraft carrier or battle cruiser would make a great mini-game, but I doubt it.

  2. Your forgetting the ionization effect from using static barrier on yourself or another so if you place static barrier on someone and it breaks in 10 seconds you can't put it back on them until the ionization expires so until that happens they are taking all that damage that could have been avoided if the barrier itself was stronger and didn't break so easily.

    I am not sure I understand you correctly, but yes, I am well aware of that de-buff, I am even considering grinding PvP to get the PvP 2-peice set bonus that reduces it's duration.


    That debuff, which limits SB to being applied to each target no more often than once every 18 seconds, is there because of how powerful SB is. I don't see how it can be a reason not to use SB, it just means you cannot use it as often as you would like, and have to be ready with regular heals as well. Especially, it isn't a reason to not bubble people before a fight, since a Sorc will regen the Force used pretty quickly. Bubble your tank 15 seconds before he jumps in, and 3 seconds after the fight starts you will be able to (and probably will want to) bubble that tank again.

  3. Static Barrier even with the skill tree upgrade I've found it to be less useful the higher you get in lvls to the point it breaks in 10 seconds or less if you are fighting anything above a silver.

    Why is it bad that it "breaks?" That just means that it delivered its benefits (damage absorption) in full. SB is not like an Operative personal shield that reduces damage by a percentage for its entire duration: SB absorbs every point of damage that makes it past the toon's mitigation, until the SB's damage absorption is exhausted. An SB that expires because the 30 sec duration expired is an SB that wasn't providing it's full benefits. It's also an SB that was cast on a toon that did not wind up needing it.


    SB provides quite a lot of points of damage reduction (about 6500 points for the ones my 180-geared Sorc heal casts) for a mere 25 force and a single GCD. It effectively gives the bubbled target 6500 extra Health. That's pretty good "healing" for the force and time used. Plus a Sorc can cast it on the run because it is instant, and can cast it in advance of expected incoming damage because it lasts 30 seconds.


    Whenever a Sorc healer can be reasonably certain that someone will take non-trivial damage in the next 30 seconds, they should pop an SB on them. This includes tanks, agro whores, and sometimes, in fights with raid-wide AoE damage, everyone else. Heavy use of bubbling gets in the way of generating and Consuming stacks of Force Surge, so you need to manage your Force carefully when doing so, but it is still useful.


    Also, because SB is instant, it is great for "stabilizing" a near-dead toon before hitting him/her with another heal. None of a Sorc's other heals (other the rather awesome self-heal Unnatural Preservation) can instantly do as much effective "healing" to a single target* as Static Barrier.


    Unfortunately, some if not all parse programs do not report the benefits of SB in healing done, which may be why it does not get used as much as perhaps it should.


    *Overload, if talented to heal as it should be for a healer, can do more if you can catch enough people in it. And it is not only instant, it is free!

  4. I meet all those criteria. If it only costed me a million credits to chat-ban and idiot spewing polit-relig-tard in general, I'd chat-ban hundreds of them.

    Did you miss this:

    Misuse of the power would lead to revocation of the authority and possible suspension/banning.

    The million credit bond is just to give BW a minor sanction to impose for minor transgressions.

    The ban hammer is also contemplated as being available.

  5. Tishujen is my very first character, from Ord Mantell to Corellia. I started looking at rotations and tree builds when I was hitting problems on Alderaan. It actually helped quite a bit after I re-built her, and I had no troubles after that till the end of Belsavis, in fact she was easy to play. I had a very hard time in the beginning of Corellia till I realized I need to use Hanker Down, to avoid being thrown back and not having access to the close range abilities. Even with all that I found it hard to keep Riggs alive.


    My first toons were quite hard at times, even though I ran with a similar-level toon of my wife's in a group, so it was probably easier for me than for you I think. Over time, I developed non-class specific abilities that made it easier: reflexively getting out of AoE attacks, interrupting the mobs, using CC's, burning mobs in the right order, using cooldowns. These things come with time -- especially the "situational awareness." I also tuned my UI and keybindings so that I could see what I needed to without excess eye movement, and do the rotations I needed to do with a minimum amount of hand repositioning. Again, this all takes time, but once learned they benefit each new toon you roll up.


    In addition, once you are on your 4th or 5th toon, if the others have finished Chapter 2 of their class stories you get Legacy buffs that help a lot. So, my point is, the game will become easier for you over time.

  6. i understand why you would come to the fairly intuitive conclusion that the current staff at bioware wants to keep their jobs, but that may not be accurate, and their current decisions may not reflect those of someone that wants to keep their job.

    "The race does not always go to the swift, but that's the way to bet." Until we have credible evidence of a career suicide pact among BW's present team, I will continue to assign a high probability to the folks at BW making decisions with an eye towards preserving their employment.

  7. I am on Ilum and every time I pull more then 2 mobs my static barrier breaks on my comp, everytime. Is this normal or some kind of bug or glitch???


    Static Barrier absorbs a certain amount of damage and then is gone - for my 180/186 geared Sorc in heal spec with the +10% talent from the skill tree, thats around 6500 points of damage, computed after mitigation. You can only re-apply SB after the de-buff it applies (Deionize?) goes away (18 sec. I think) and the de-buff sticks around even if the SB has been used up -- otherwise SB would be way overpowered.


    So probably, when you pull two mobs your companion is being attacked and SB is working as it should.

    Many Sorcs don't use SB enough, BTW. Good to see you using it. :)

  8. I actually wish more people who are truly unhappy would do just that, but alas! They tend to keep hanging on regardless.

    Yeah, I agree, it's like watching a failed marriage grind on and on and on, with everyone involved being miserable.


    Divorcing SWTOR is easy, and just like in RL, sometimes divorce is best for everyone.

  9. Had they communicated better in the beginning, we wouldn't have this mess now.

    I do not see much evidence that this "mess" extends much farther than the forums. If so, it probably doesn't matter much.


    Anyway, knowing BWs plans for Q4 doesn't affect whether you can enjoy the game now.

    And their nearer-term plans (through August) are pretty well communicated, I think.

    Even the wink-wink about the Rhakghoul event is nicely done, in my opinion.


    I've always thought many things are better when there is some mystery. That's why we have spoiler warnings. And that's why people with the right clothing on are far sexier than naked ones. :)

  10. BW must be a bunch of tards if they can piss off one of their most loyal customers.

    Actually, it's the most "loyal" that are the easiest to piss off. They are invested in the game. More casual people who just enjoy the game as it is are much harder to piss off.


    My non-random sample of three players (me, my wife, and our friend who got us into the SWTOR), all subscribers, all with over a dozen 55 toons, and all with an enormous amount of time spent playing the game, shows that none of us were upset by the rarity or unlocking pricing of the new CM packs. Perhaps we aren't as loyal as some others. Perhaps we are just playing a game that a profit-oriented corporation has created in the hope it would entertain us, just as we might watch a movie or read a book.


    BTW, my sample is just as statistically valid an indication of how the overall population of SWTOR players feel about these matter as posts to the forum are -- not at all.

  11. Oh, come on! Be serious.

    I am. I live in the SWTOR now, not the future. Recall Yoda's criticism of young Luke: "All his life has he looked away... to the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph." I think that's what is happening in this thread.


    I'm not going anywhere, but I'd love to know more about the coming updates. They're at the point that they could give us a few crumbs to nibble on. You know, just as long as people don't try to make a meal out of those crumbs.

    The problem is, many players will not only make a meal of those crumbs, but also a forum war.


    I like what I do know of BW's plans, and would enjoy knowing more. But I don't need it, because I have faith in one fundamental thing: people want to keep their jobs, and will usually act accordingly. Unlike the various Game Design and Marketing Experts that like to opine on the forums, BW's devs and marketing team have something very important at stake when they make decisions, including decisions on what info to release.


    To me SWTOR is just a game, I'm not much invested in it emotionally or financially. Given how little I have at stake, it is easy for me to trust BW: I am not out much if they don't deserve that trust.

  12. Then again, it's not my fault that you have this uncanny inability to apparently follow a debate from its earliest beginnings.


    You think too much of yourself if you think other people are going to dig back into a thread to find the Secret Decoder Ring that will allow them to determine that what you wrote isn't what you actually intended to convey, or that they commit to memory the details of the same-old-same-old SWTOR bashing that is your stock in trade.


    Or you are just making up an excuse for your deceptive postings.


    Either explanation seems plausible.

  13. Legacy companion would have to be faction neutral, I agree.

    "Have to be?" HK-51 had separate unlocks for each faction. Clearly, the mechanics for a faction-specific Legacy companion are there: create one for each faction, and make it impossible to unlock it for the other faction.


    I'd much prefer new Legacy companions be faction-specific: it allows a wider range of quest, character and script options. That said, it's more work for BW, of course, having to create two companions instead of one. But then I don't think we'll see a new Legacy companion of any sort coming any time soon -- to me it just does not seem high on the priority list.

  14. Stop being so ridiculously literal. Obviously he's begging for information to keep up his own hope that this game will make a comeback and survive. He "needs" to know to have any hope...otherwise he'll likely follow the many others who have quit.

    Why would he/she trust BW to not just string him along with insincere "plans" if he is so devoid of hope for the game?


    You either believe BW will do what it thinks best to keep the game vital and growing, based on it being their jobs that are at stake, or you don't. If you believe that, you let BW worry about it and enjoy the game you have, making suggestions if you have any and you want to. If you don't believe it, having hope for the game seems unlikely.


    You can always unsubscribe and take a hiatus for a while, if you do not enjoy the game in its current state. Then come back after the new content is released. Nothing wrong with that, and BW does not penalize you for doing so.

  15. Given how vocal I've been lately, I'll just say that I agree.

    That was predictable: that way you can complain about the plans, complain if they change, and then complain again after the content is released. And if no additional details on the plans are released, you can complain that BW never listens to the players.


    You see, I read in another thread that you believe people making certain assumptions was "legit." I think people making assumptions about what you would post in response to anything BW says is just as legit.

  16. Disagree. What comes, comes when it comes. For all that knowing BW's plans (and that's all they are, plans) might be interesting, I doubt anyone here needs to know them.


    It's not like people other than those at BW schedule their activities 3 months in advance based on SWTOR expansion release dates. People need to stop confusing what they want with what they need.


    And yes, there are good reasons for BW to not reveal some future plans, and good reasons for BW to reveal some others. But they are BW's reasons, and what some players think they "need" to know isn't one of them.

  17. One full year without a single new operation, daily area or flashpoint outside tactical ones must be peachy indeed.

    This statement is deceptive at best and a lie at worst. Oricon released on October 1, 2013. And of course, it also carries the taint of the "new content I don't like or play (like GSF) isn't new content" shenanigans popular among forum trolls.


    As usual, you're trying too hard and failing miserably while at it.

    Unless Bioware alters their release cadence, not to mention their timetable for Galactic Strongholds, we do know that a full year will go by without a single new operation, daily area or flashpoints outside the tactical ones.


    Ah, I see, you have trouble distinguishing the present from the future. Perhaps English isn't you first language? But maybe not: an inability to distinguish what is from what might by could explain a lot of what you post.


    Anyway, don't blame me for your intentional omission of the temporal qualifier you now supply, now that you have been called on your shenanigans.


    Finally, the taint comment still stands and is irrefutable: there is no question that BW has been supplying new content and is scheduled to continue to do so in advance of the Oricon anniversary.

  18. You do realize the same can be said for us, who've been asking for ages now for Bioware to release more info and content in a more timely fashion, right?

    Not sure who you think "us" are, but I just take the game as it comes. But then, I understand complex SW development, in which the first 90% of the coding takes the first 90% of the total estimated time to do, and the last 10% take the remaining 90%.


    I have plenty of other entertainment options I can pursue if I don't happen to be in the mood for the current content, no matter how old or new it is. SWTOR is still a good value for my subscription dollars.

  19. The problem with having players with that kind of power is that could become a liability where they could ban people just because they dont like them or just for fun.

    And risk having their Legacy 50 account banned? I think it will be a rare occurrence. Plus being temporarily banned from posting to fleet chat isn't much of a disaster.

  20. One full year without a single new operation, daily area or flashpoint outside tactical ones must be peachy indeed.

    This statement is deceptive at best and a lie at worst. Oricon released on October 1, 2013.

    And of course, it also carries the taint of the "new content I don't like or play (like GSF) isn't new content" shenanigans popular among forum trolls.

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