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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Hehe.. no.. I don't automatically /ignore people posting with new accounts, and pejorative account names. They actually have to try to get /ignored. Some are really good at the trying part though, sometimes with apparent single minded purpose. :)

    I try to give people the benefit, but a couple of days ago some new troll was on my ignore list within 10 minutes of me reading his/her first post. They worked hard to gain that honor.

  2. The SWTOR website really needs a Whiners Forum, so the 12 or so people who can't stop complaining can muck up their own section.

    No, they only post in places they think they can get attention.

    Attention is, after all, the core of what they are after.


    Gotta love the Specialness of "even I" in the subject, tho.

  3. Wait...are you trying to say that you believe Bioware knows better what YOU like in a game than YOU know what you like? I know better than Bioware what I like/dislike.


    Let me just repeat what I posted since you seem to have trouble understanding the clear meaning of it:

    I don't delude myself by thinking that I am better at what BW does than BW is, like so many of the children here on the forums seem prone to do.


    I stick to what I do know, better than anyone else does: how much I personally enjoy the game.


    Now, how did you manage to delude yourself into thinking I said anything at all about BW's relative knowledge of what I like in a game? Heck for all I know I am not their demographic and they do not even care what I like -- most people don't.

  4. Hehe.. OK.. forgive me but that came across as just a little bit arrogant. :p But I'm pretty sure that was not your intention. :)

    "Oh lord, it's hard to be humble, when your perfect in every way ...." -- Mac Davis

  5. Oh good so that's not just me! Sometimes I have to stand there with everyone and stare at the wall......and wait until the mailbox finally decides to show up.

    I blame the people who designed the ARPAnet, although it is not really their fault.


    The designers of ARPAnet were designing a limited-access communication network for the military that did not need to support the kind of real-time interaction seen in games, and did not have to resist DDOS attacks because who was allowed to connect to the network was very limited (I remember when GE's Corporate R&D lab was given permission to connect a single computer to it. :)). On the plus side, ARPAnet would continue to function reliably even after a large number of the links and nodes were annihilated by a nuclear war (which was the entire point of it really).


    Then commercial users (like GE) started seeing how useful networking was, and since all the ARPAnet protocols were already developed and proven, they used those protocols to create the civilian Internet. Big mistake, and one we are still suffering from.


    If the Internet had been instead based on, say, the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) networking technology being developed by the telcos, things would have been very different.

  6. That's fine. As I said, that's a myopic view of things.

    I prefer to think of it as a non-arrogant, non-delusional view of things. I don't delude myself by thinking that I am better at what BW does than BW is, like so many of the children here on the forums seem prone to do. I stick to what I do know, better than anyone else does: how much I personally enjoy the game.


    If only everyone was as humble and realistic as I am ... sigh.

  7. If this were a single player game, you'd be right. But it's not. It's an MMO that depends on subscribers and caters to (traditionally) group content. You can have fun despite what is going on, but that doesn't make everything "fine".

    It makes everything fine for me. I doubt that lack of SWTOR players or revenue is going to cause me any problems before I move on to something else.


    I don't really care whether everything is fine for other people, it's not my concern, and it seems like a lot of them will never be happy anyway, especially the EA haters. So if, for example, the PvP and EU servers all withered and die, it wouldn't bother me in the least, because I only play on Harbinger.


    I don't worry about the future of the game like so many forum pundits because I don't play the game in the future, I play it now. I let BW worry about the future, it's their paychecks at risk.


    As I said, YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary. But I don't care about your mileage. Just mine.

  8. To pretend everything is fine just because YOU are happy is an extremely myopic attitude.

    Nonsense. For me, everything IS fine. I have no need to pretend. YMMV.


    And as long as new players are joining and enjoying all the wonderful content that is already here for them, I don't really mind if some long-time players burn-out and leave. No one plays a game forever.

  9. Having no trash between bosses would be awesome.

    Disagree. Two reasons:

    1. inter-boss trash is a way to unwind a little between boss fights
    2. DF 'splody droids - most fun ever in an op!

  10. Due to female biology women tend to lean more towards a nurture/passive role in the society they belong to.

    I don't know about that; My wife is OK with healing but prefers her new Operative DPS. She's always enjoyed collecting knives, so it makes some sense.


    Her mains are a Sniper and a PT Tank; mine is a Sorc Heals. YMMV.

  11. Wow that's a trollish thing to assume. Is it so hard to believe that a predominantly casual guild can kill NiM content?


    ORD doesn't exploit encounters. Three of our teams killed her on the first day she was released. Two other teams killed her the following week. All of these teams were 8 man operations and didn't use the exploit.


    Just looking for clarification. Your "peek-a-boo with Nephy" comment seemed to possibly reference the exploit. No need to be so defensive, no one accused you of anything.


    Congrats on taking her down.

  12. This time around, when NiM DF came out, we had three teams that were ready to jump in and play peek-a-boo with Neffy.

    Please clarify: do you mean six people by "three teams"? Because until they patched the exploit, it only took a "team" of two people (one Sorc/Merc/Sage/Commando + one Op/'Sin/Scoundrel/Shadow, for example) to take down NiM Nephra.

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