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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. There are no CM items I can think of that you can use the BoL to transfer thus not a priority to fix.

    Sorry, not quite. There are some Level-31 armor sets you can buy with CC's that come with purple armoring, modifications, and enhancements, all of which can then be extracted and put in BoL gear.


    But you can be forgiven for not noticing. And it is understandable if no one cares. :)

  2. ... because the BoL exploit exists meaning there could be people running those runs who actually need the gear for the toon they are running it on and so they miss out because of the existance of an exploit. If the exploit didn't exist there would be ZERO need to need beyond reverse engineering purposes which is going to be less common than epople needing just to build lockers full of gear they dont need.


    Ever heard the phrase "I need it for my vendor" ? Well, now you have. All gear drops have value for every player: to equip their main, a companion, or an alt, to RE, or to just sell for creds. Bad form? Heck yes. Do jerks do it? I don't doubt that they do. But the point is, BoL shells or no, there's always been reasons for a jerk to "need" something, and there always will be. Even if it's just being a jerk.

  3. [sarcastically:]So the whole point of the brand new Gree BoL offhand, ... is most definitely NOT to fill it with armours, etc., and transfer them across legacy?

    The whole point of the Gree BoL offhand generators and focuses that were recently introduced is how pretty they are. People care a lot about how there toons look, after all.


    Wait, I think there may be a sublte flaw in my argument ... :D

  4. Now think about this - no equippable cartel market gear is BoP, it all is BoE. The argument that it is about not circumventing unlock cost is therefore invalid.

    Uhh, NO.


    A CM item does not enter your Collection until you Bind it to a toon. After that, all the duplicates that toon pulls from your Collection are also Bound to that toon, and cannot be sent to any other toon . Nor can any other toon make duplicates until the item is unlocked. So if you want to make duplicates for use by other toons in your legacy, you need to pay the unlock fee, as it is today.


    If Bound items were able to be moved using the Legacy Store, the latter sentence would no longer be true. You could buy a copy, bind it to one toon, make bound copies on that toon, and move the bound copies using Legacy Store, all without paying the unlock fee. You cannot do that now.

  5. This BoL crap has really ruined a lot of non end game content IMO, it needs fixing not made worse with now bound item transfer pfft.

    As a compromise, perhaps the next level of top tier mods (after 186) should not be able to be put in BoL shells?

    I'd be OK with that, but not with a roll-back from the present state. Too many people are invested in it.

  6. I don't really think they care if the player has an advantage in game or not via BoP retrieval of items because Eric said they were still evaluating the possibility of doing so.

    I think they said they were evaluating it to cover their bases in case they change their minds, but won't.

    There is a reason top-tier PvE gear (186 at present) has AFAIK never been craftable or tradeable.

  7. Well I was working on the assumption that each bound item actually remembers what bound type it was before becoming bound. Mostly because it seems Mr. Musco is differentiating them by saying BoP instead of Bound. If he had said Bound, then I wouldn't be wondering if items do remember what binding type they had.

    Eric's understanding of the issue may be incomplete. No disrespect, but he is a PR flack (even if a good one), not a dev. I would enjoy a clarification from him.

  8. @BuriDogshin

    It isn't worth spending cartel coins or credits on existing content! .... It is maybe a convenience boost but imo a lack luster one.

    Not to you. It is to me and many players I know. "Convenience" is why people by Quick Travel cooldown reductions. This is the same kind of real-life-time-saving convenience for us.


    I don't need any more advantages. I don't need gearing alts to be easier. I enjoy the game, so I enjoy leveling and gearing alts. I just don't want to waste my time hunting for stuff in the 75 pages of inventory and ships' lockers that my 15 toons have, just like I don't want to waste time making the long slog back to base when I can QT instead.


    Games are about fun. More convenient = more fun. Works for me, I'll buy that. YMMV.

  9. First of all, thank you for the answers.


    But referring to the quote above, that's fine for BoP, but what about BoE items that have become bound? Because those are two different binding types. Will we be able to place those into Legacy storage?

    One more time: your toons never have had and never will have any BoP items in their possession, ever.

    You may have seen one in a loot drop or at a vendor, but the instant it became yours, it became Bound.

    Go ahead, check your inventory, show me I'm wrong. Screenshot, please.


    If you are asking for all Bound items to be placeable in and moveable using the Legacy Store, say so.

    But let's stop talking about BoP items as if anyone actually owns any of them. No one does.

  10. Could someone please tell me the problem with having BoP items in the legacy storage(


    That's easy. You cannot put them in LS because your characters never have any BoP gear. "BoP" (Bind on Pickup) is an attribute that only exists on un-owned items that no one has picked up yet. Those items become "Bound" as soon as a toon takes possession of it, and is at that point indistinguishable from any other "Bound" item.


    So let's be clear: there are only five binding-kinds of items players can possess:


    1. Never bound items (like mats and reusable stims),
    2. Bound-to-Legacy (BoL) items,
    3. Bind-on-Equip (BoE) items that have never been equipped,
    4. Bound-to-Op-Group Items (which become Bound after two hours), and
    5. Bound Items,


    So if the question is "Can I put BoP in Legacy Storage?," the answer to that is "No, that is impossible by definition."

    So what items are you really asking to be able to put there?

  11. Subs should be entitled to certain things.

    All of which are already spelled out in the ToS, which does not mention Legacy Storage AFAIK.

    Subs are not entitled to things they didn't buy, no matter how much they bought or for how long.

    If what they bought is not enough, well, we know what their options are.

  12. most progression raiders are getting relics from crafters...so there goes that argument


    Conveniently forgotten by the people making the "I can buy 180 gear" argument is that, as has usually been true:


    Top-tier (186) Ears, Implants, and Relics are still only available to toons that raid NiM ops.

    No one can craft them. People who want Bound gear to be moveable using the Legacy Store would change that so that alts that had never raided at all could have full 186 gear.


    I am against that. That said, my hat is off to the guys and gals that RE'd the drops to learn the 180 left-side schematics, at an 80% chance of failure. Though I have yet to buy or trade for one, thank you!

  13. [sarcastically] you dont deserve to be able to equip your mainhand weapon..play without it..what a false sense of entitlement [and so on ...]

    Did you miss the part of the post the poster you responded to was responding to that said:

    I subscribe for over 2 years now with 20 toons and 8 55's. We dedicated subs deserve this. Flat out.

    That sounds like "I'm entitiled!" to these ears.

  14. It's fine that some people don't want to take advantage of Legacy Storage. I and several other players I know intend to expand it to max capacity and use the behzeezus out of it. Mission accomplished, BW.
  15. Maybe it's just me, but it IS called legacy storage, not bypass the binding restrictions and transfer all my bound to character items storage. As I said, I never expected to be able to place anything I could not mail to an alt in the legacy storage. It is not my fault that some people made faulty assumptions and had unrealistic expectations.


  16. I'd actually be fine with this if they just made the entire left side of a character BoL as soon as purchased.


    Sorry, I would rather they not. I'd prefer people have to do a t least a little work with the alt to gear up an alt, rather than just facerolling content on their uber-geared main. And yes, I have an uber-geared 186/180 healer main I could go facerolling with. But I like new challenges, so I am gearing the left side of my alts by running them, as gawd intended.


    Especially with the new Gree BoL Offhands, the balance between how much you can gear an alt using your main and how much you have to run that alt to gear it is pretty good. BW should leave it as is.

  17. That "Bound on Pickup" (BoP) implies that said object, whatever it may be, is bound to a SPECIFIC CHARACTER ONLY. IT CAN'T BE moved around outside the domain of that character, which is you can't send it by mail or keep it in your Legacy Storage.


    There is an important point you are glossing over: no character can ever possess a BoP item. "BoP" is an attribute that only exists on un-owned itmes that no one has picked up yet. Those items become "Bound" as soon as a toon takes possession of it, and is at that point indistinguishable from any other "Bound" item.


    So let's be clear: there are only five kinds of items characters can possess:

    1. Never bound items (like mats and reusable stims),
    2. Bound Items,
    3. Bound-to-Legacy (BoL) items,
    4. Bind-on-Equip (BoE) items that have never been equipped, and
    5. Bound-to-Op-Group Items (which become Bound after two hours)


    So if the question is "Can I put BoP in Legacy Storage?," the answer to that is "No, that is impossible by definition.

  18. That wasn't the point.

    Loading screens when you have access to a Cargo Hold already is.

    So, a Field Legacy Storage Access Droid would solve the problem for you? I sure would like one, and since Stronghold travel gives you the same capability but just takes longer, it would not be a game-breaking feature, just a convenience one.


    I'd gladly pay five millions of creds or 1200 CC to unlock that droid legacy-wide with a one-hour CD.

    But I don't care enough to put a suggestion for it in the suggestion box, so if anyone else wants to ... :p

  19. Why would I load stronghold and reload fleet, to put them in a currently no-Different bank, every time I get mats off a mission?


    No need. You can insta-travel to your stronghold in the middle of the mission, drop off your mats, and then return to where you were -- similar to when queuing into a FP or warzone. There is no other vault you can access so conveniently, because all other travel options that get you to a vault - QT, Fleet pass, personal starship access -- do not give you the option of going back to where you were before you traveled. Strongholds do.

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