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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. How would people feel about BW giving a limited number of volunteer players who meet certain criteria the power to moderate Fleet chat by temporarily imposing, say, a 4-hour ban on posting on anyone violating the TOS? Misuse of the power would lead to revocation of the authority and possible suspension/banning.


    Qualifications could include any or all of:


    • long term subscriber
    • Legacy level 50
    • Officer of a guild
    • No outstanding ToS violations
    • High level of activity
    • A bond of some number of credits (a million maybe) that would be seized on abuse of the power



    And player-mods would be forbidden from advertising their status.

    Obstacles to this system would include the need to write code to accomplish it.


    Personally I know a lot of players that meet all the above criteria (which I do not BTW) and that have demonstrated the maturity and integrity you would want to see in a chat moderator. Whether they would volunteer for this, I cannot say.

  2. During levelling you're more likely to pick up bad habits and a case of overconfidence by the time you get to level 47 points and can arguably start properly learning how to do it - given the fact that is the stage you're finally not missing the most vital parts of the tanking rotation.


    I tend to agree that most leveling does not teach how to run any class, mainly because most leveling content does not have the long boss fights that require proper resource management and cooldown use. The exception is the non-tactical flashpoints that become available as you level, which FPs also provide parts of the larger story.


    So I recommend doing FPs as you level to learn your class, and queuing as a tank for them should get you a fast pop. I suggest searching the net for a guide for any FP if you haven't tanked them before, or at least let the other people know it is your first time tanking it and ask for help. Do not assume that because you have DPS'd or healed a FP you know how to tank it -- I sure didn't.


    Regarding another poster's comments on "boring guides," I have seen too many people who completely mishandle their class, even at endgame, because they never looked at such a guide: Sorc Healers who think Resurgence and Dark Heal are the only single-target heals they need, for example. I myself was guilty of such until I started reading guides, so I understand the cause - the game is not a simple one. If you are leveling your Nth alt, you may not need them, and unfortunately for a leveler they do tend to focus on end-game content and Best-in-Slot gearing, but still there is a lot of value to be gained there; for example, as a low-level Sorc you'll be itching to get Innervate once you understand how the procs work.

  3. 1) Having to endure load times as I rotate through my toons to search for items and/or send companions out on missions. A light-weight character load option that allowed me to just do things like that would be nice.

    Perhaps Strongholds will be quick enough to load that it won't be an issue.


    2) No email auto-complete on alts in the other faction.

  4. well korriban early on you have to dip a skull in blood, and there is also a couple severed heads lying around with the occasional blood stain / dead body / crime scene to be found so blood and gore really isn't that far fetched, especially to go as far as making a pointless thread as a cheep shot at the game

    Feh, that's like saying a game has full-frontal nudity because a museum in the game includes Michelangelo's David.

    I expected gibs. And what did I get instead?

    A skull from Hamlet, a pool of red dye, holes in clothing, and a bunch of stories!



  5. We're both very passionate about this game :)


    Which is why BW needs to take what both of you say with a grain of salt, by the way.


    When a person is emotionally invested, it can limit their perspective. That's why acting as your own attorney in a criminal case, even if you are the best criminal attorney on the planet, is considered a boneheaded move.

  6. It does not matter if Bioware deceived their customers intentionally, unintentionally or even at all. The bottom line is they pissed some off and will lose some business because of it.


    Things is, this happens everyday regardless of what BW does.

    • BW does something, some people get pissed off.
    • BW does nothing, some people get pissed off.
    • BW talks about what they might do, some people get pissed off.


    At some point as a developer, you just throw up your hands and start ignoring all the players who are:

    • Entitled to Everything They Want for Free and an Easy Button,
    • The Greatest Game Designer To Never Design A Game,
    • Masters of Coding Even If They Don't Know a Hash Table from a Buffet Table, and/or
    • Experts on Business Management and Customer Relations Because They Have a Part Time Job After School

    and instead stick with the decision process that led to you to building a profitable game in the first place.


    Because one problem with listening to your customers is it's often the most delusional and fringe customers who talk the most: a highly-invested fanatical minority can drown out the voices of the majority, just like in RL politics. Developers have to learn to recognize the fanatics and tune them out, or risk alienating the majority.


    I took a CLE course, a panel discussion, and one thing every experienced lawyer agreed on was:

    Some clients are more trouble than they are worth, no matter how much they are willing to pay you.

    I think that's that's true for the gaming industry too.

  7. ... or a zero-G PvP warzone. :) You could probably adapt GSF to do that, just put people in spacesuits instead of ships and use (a subset of) the character abilities instead of spaceship weapons.
  8. OP. Yes, you missed something: The definition of "false advertising." Here, read up on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_advertising Now read about what your concern is: http://www.esrb.org/index-js.jsp


    For all that tort law is not an area of law I practice in, I still find being referred to Wikipedia for a so-called definition of the term awfully precious. I prefer precedential opinion, statutory text, or in extremis one of the thick treatises on the subject. YMMV.


    Also, it appears you are taking the original post seriously. I'd advise against that.

  9. Sorry, but that argument only holds true, if the change was announced.


    Disagree. Unlock prices for items are and were never announced, as far as I know. And there was no "change," because no previously-known availabilities or unlock prices changed. Instead, new items came out with new rarities and unlock prices, same as always.


    What was different this time was that players who thought they could predict the new unlock prices turned out to be wrong. Well, up until Eric's most recent message, BW never told them they could expect to be able to predict unlock prices. They assumed wrong, got disappointed, and now they are QQing over it.


    My advice to the QQers is this: stay out of the stock market. That's probably why all this seems overblown to me -- taking six figure losses during a market collapse gives you perspective. QQing is useless, you just push back retirement a few years and carry on.

  10. This thread should be considered a showcase for entitlement and the bad attitudes that gamers have which helped to create the present toxicity of the big budget gaming industry. The very reason companies have poor customer service is because a very vocal minority cannot be pleased. For every forum warrior there are dozens of people playing the game who don't care.

    Agreed, although I would not (and you do not) say that BW has bad customer service. They are willing restore items that players accidentally destroy, for example. I think that's quite nice of them, and it makes the game less stressful knowing they will do that.

  11. I can grind from 1-40 in no time flat. I get from 50-55 with no problems at all. 40-50 kills me every time. It crushes my soul. What am I missing?????

    Maybe PvP and FP dailies would help? They can be fun too.

    (They can also be not fun, I admit. But roll the dice! :))

  12. What I dislike is how THIS is the one issue that has so many traditional "defenders" up in arms. THIS is a 100% optional and completely VOLUNTARY purchase, that has ZERO impact on anyone's ability to enjoy the game.

    At least part of the issue is that AFAIK people could not discover the, uhm, "unloved characteristics" of the latest CM packs until after they spent real money to buy them. One problem was the incorrect rarity labels on the tooltips, which I believe was just human error. Another is that you cannot know what it costs to unlock an item until you have bound it to one of your toons, IIRC, which is an, uhm, "unloved limitation" of the Collection system.


    BW could fix this in the future by:

    1. indicating rarity of items correctly (a QA issue), and
    2. providing a way to know unlock costs in advance of buying an item.


    Then people would not have to make assumptions about unlock costs, and would instead know upfront.

  13. I could understand if a whole set was rare, but just to make chests or upper armour boxes rare I just don't get.

    Even so I do not believe this is new to this CM pack. I don't have access to actual numbers, but it did seem to me that the Sensuous Dress chest piece, for example, was rarer (and therefore sold for more) than the other parts of that set, for example.


    And there is actually some sense to it: you must have the entire set to unlock, so if you want unlocking to be non-trivial to do, at least one item in the set has to be rare. But if you make more than one item rare, getting the entire set becomes much much harder: if two pieces are rare, someone has to get lucky twice or pay for two expensive items on the GTN before being able to unlock. Therefore, you make one and only one item rare, and that one item controls whether people can unlock or not.

  14. I think they are going to do it the week I am on a cruise with no Internet access, myself. :p

    Oh, wait, they already have Double XP scheduled for then.

    Double XP plus Rackghouls would crash not just there serves but half the Internet. They won't do it that week.

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