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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Been a while since I ran Oricon story, but I was under the impression it rewarded what used to be Basic Gear.

    Oricon missions get you Basic comms and L53 gear. I think the good drops are L53 as well. Neither the story, the dailies, or the weekly award Basic gear. Dulfy's guide has details.

  2. Got few questions about Legacy Storage:

    3. Is there any reason why reputation items are BoP? Is there any reason why I cant place them in legacy storage?

    Because the reputation they give you when you use them is Legacy wide, so why not?

    (Assuming you are talking about that kind of rep item, and not the things you can get once you have enough rep.)

  3. He might be scaling it for my qualifications :) What's the easiest one, Belsavis?

    Might be, I haven't done it in a while. But getting to the Belsavis dailes might be a pain.

    Start with Black Hole. Join a good group for the Heroic and you should be able to do the rest of the weekly. See if you can get someone to group with you (just ask in the gen chat) the first time, so you have a chance to "learn the dance."

  4. Or, I can skip FPs and keep the creds, right? ;) I kindda prefer FPs in a perma group with folks I know to see what story they do contain at a non break-neck pace. Why would you be repeating them, save for the already mentioned right of passage Esseles and BT? They do seem like a high risk - low reward stuff, tbh.


    Each day, you can queue for a random HM 55 FP in GF, complete it, and get 10 Ultimate comms.

    Seems like low-risk - high reward if you have the right combination of skill and gear.

    Do it three days in one Tues->Mon week, you get the Weekly HM55 FP reward too. :)


    My wife and I recently started doing this on a regular basis with Heal/tank pairs: Sorc+PT, PT+Sorc, and Sage+Vanguard. If we had more time, we'd probably be throwing in other H/T combos as well - we have the alts and the gear to form 6 or 7 such pairs. It's fun, and we do not wipe if the DPS we draw are actually DPS and not mis-categorized heals or tanks.

  5. Most of the "endgame daily missions" (aka dailies) are usually concentrated in one rather small location that can each be cleared in 45 minutes even when you go slow. And the quest giver are usually just one or two terminals or few NPC clustered around one point.

    However, most of them are level 55.


    Belsavis, Black Hole, and Section X are L50 (tho the last is tough for a 50) and a great way to get XP and creds.

    Makeb and Oricon dailies can be done at level 53 or less (the Oricon story quests give L53 gear as rewards).

    GSI dailies are doable at 52 (the minimum level to get them).


    So, which dailies are you thinking about that are 55-only? the GF HM FP daily and GF Op daily are the only ones that come to my mind.

  6. I do care about the Appearances of Items. some BOP items have appearances that would like to move over to a character. Example one would be the Old level 50 Armors. Legacy storage is kinda Useless for me.

    Legacy Storage doesn't fulfill every desire of every person playing SWTOR: there are no Authentic Jedi Robes hung in that closet, for example. That doesn't make it bad.


    What you want, and what a lot of people want including me, is the ability to convert Bound shells to BtL shells for cosmetic reasons. That's an entirely separate issue, and hopefully BW will decide that is a capability worth their while to provide. But it has nothing to do with Legacy Storage or the Strongholds that contain them: why would someone need to pay the millions of creds to buy a Stronghold (excluding us lucky current subs who get it "free," which future subs will not) just to do that?


    There are many other ways to do what you want: a BtL conversion stations that costs creds or CC, BtL conversion tokens as rare drops, rep rewards, CM items, or craftable items, or BtL-conversion dye packs (where the item would revert to Bound if you replaced the dye pack with a non BtL-converting one).


    Wow, i wonder how much a BtL-converting Black/Black or White/White dye pack would sell for on the GtN - more creds than I have probably. Finally, a dye pack worth 2000CC? And note that the items that go in the slots that cannot be BtL at the moment have no dye slots.

  7. You are dramatically underestimating how long stuff takes to concept and code. One month turn around? LS inspired by your request? I doubt it.

    Code reuse and re-purposing, as detailed in this forum post in May, makes this something they could easily have done. All the functionality that is needed is already in the game (in Guild Vaults and the code that decides what you can mail to an alt.) While they might not be able to code it in one month, they could certainly decide it was worth doing in a month. A good coder could probably have a prototype up and running in a few days if the original Guild Vault and mail code isn't poorly coded. Then you just need to tweek the UI, alter the tab management, strip out the permissions scheme, and so on.


    Note that I worked for over two decades conceiving, designing, coding, testing, and leading teams developing software in the R&D divisions of the world's largest technology companies. I know what can be done with code, how to do it, and how long it takes. Do you?

  8. Your sorc dps set may not be as optimal on your assassin, or healing spec sorc.

    That's why I have separate BtL Willpower gear for Healing and DPS on my Sorcs and Sages. I do pretty well in both roles with a total of 13 pieces of Willpower gear - 5 are used to both Heal and DPS, and then there are 4 heal pieces and 4 DPS pieces. I will probably need a few more pieces with the appropriate set bonuses for my 'Sin/Shadow DPS, but the I expect 5 to 7 pieces of the Sorc gear to work just fine.


    So, currently, I have 5 pieces of BtL Willpower gear that can be used very effectively by all 5 of my Willpower based toons, across 4 Advanced Classes and at least six specs and maybe as many as 10 (since each class has two DPS specs). Obviously, I have separate Willpower tanking gear.

  9. I don't really think of my characters as individuals. They are all "me". Why am I restricted from using some of my items?

    Your basic mistake is thinking you own anything in the game, even your toons. You don't. BioWare owns it all, check the ToS, I am pretty sure it will say that. And BioWare gets to decide what you can do with BW's stuff.


    Their game, their rules. Same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.


    How many characters do you have that would benefit from wearing the exact same set of gear, anyways? Two at most, yea?

    Check my sig:

    • 2 Sorcs, a Sage, an Assassin, and a Shadow, all of which can share Willpower DPS gear.
    • A Jug, a Mara, and a Sentinal, all can share Strength DPS gear.
    • An Operative, A Sniper, a Scoundrel, and a Gunslinger: all can share Cunning DPS gear.
    • A Merc, a Powerech, and a Vangard: all can share Aim DPS gear.


    So no, not just two. As many as 22 toons can share gear, if they all have the same Main stat.

  10. Resources? Did they say it would be difficult to do? I would find that amazing considering they can check equipment types going into the storage bin, like they are already doing to limit wants going into Legacy Storage?


    Currently, the game need not check whether an item is, e.g., a Bound Earpiece, as opposed to a Bound Helmet, before putting it into a locker or vault. Legacy Storage probably leverages the code for Guild Vaults, which just checks the Binding status: is the gear unbound (like mats) or Bind-on-Equip? Everything that isn't cannot go in: Bound, BtL, and Bound-on-a-cooldown (like new Cartel packs items). The Guild Vault doesn't check what kind of item a thing is. It doesn't care whether an item is Cartel Market, crafted, or dropped, either, just whether it is Bound or BtL or not. Alternatively the Legacy Storage may use the code that checks what you can mail, which would mean BtL can go in Legacy Store but Bound items (and all BoP becomes Bound when you take possession of it) cannot.


    There is one other check the code needs to do: how many of the item can go in one stack. That's it.


    Remember the title of this thread: "(not relics implants and ears)". That phrase means new code.

    I'd rather they wrote new code for something else, or fixed a bug.

  11. Well you got me there, they added a few more BoL items so no doubt this was their plan all along!

    That's what you say, but not what I ever said. All I pointed out was your erroneous statement that there had been no further development of Bind-to-Legacy gear. There has been.


    Feel free to make any conclusions you like from that, since you do not seem to mind being demonstrably wrong. :p

  12. Er, why exactly is having "tons of unbound and Legacy gear" an issue? How, really (unless you only have 2 characters total and 1/5 Cargo Bays on each or something)?


    My wife and I each have more than 400 pieces of fully-populated Bound-to-Legacy (BtL) gear:

    • 10 7-piece BoL sets of for each Main stat at about 4 level increments, from L11 to L53, for leveling new alts
    • Another 10 7-piece Aim based BtL leveling sets for leveling with Treek, and
    • additional 7-piece BoL sets for high-level leveling of tanks in Aim, Strength, and Willpower (maybe 6-9 sets),
    • and additional BoL gear put together because we were leveling two alts each at the same time, or because we couldn't find a set that we were looking for that was somewhere (inventory, locker, or on a companion) on one our alts. Cycling through alts to find stuff is annoying.


    And then there's my endgame BtL sets: my Willpower Heal PvP BtL set, Cunning and Strength DPS PvP BtL sets, and my Willpower and Aim tanking PvP BtL sets. There's also my Willpower Heal PvE set, my Willpower DPS PvE partial BtL set, my Cunning and Strength DPS PvE sets, and so on.


    We each also have a pretty good collection of BtL mainhands and offhands, as well. Gree, THORN, BBA, and Casion. We each have a LOT of BtL gear.


    Since you seem to differentiate between unbound and crafting mats, what are exactly are the "unbound" things? Cartel Market items for sale?


    So, you've never gotten a BoE reward of, say, an Artifact Microfilament Earpiece? I did yesterday, and it's better than the nearest Arkanian earpiece. I also have stims, adrenals, MK-9 kits, various augments I've crafted, and so on. There is also reusable items, and stuff like the Burba excavator, the magnetic grapple gun which do not bind. There's lots of unbound non-CM stuff in the game. A central place for it all is nice to have, because, as mentioned above, searching through alts for it is annoying.


    So basically it's as I said in the title: Legacy Storage is really Crafting Storage, as it has less functionality than a regular Cargo Bay

    So I am guessing you don't use stims or adrenals much? I am beginning to believe you have not played this game much, because there are a lot of aspects of it you seem completely unfamiliar with.

  13. Hello I am stuck with a problem, I want a new class to play with , yes ive seen the trailers and read the descriptions for the classes, but I want a personal view, ..


    I get very bored easily, and I want a not so boring story line ... I have played but not completed,


    Jedi Knight:- Level 24:

    The Knight story gets MUCH more interesting after the point you are at, and pretty soon IIRC.

    It's probably the most "epic" story in terms of what the character does.

  14. Nope... scariest thing in SW:TOR is accidentally deleting that armour set you spent millions on because you thought you'd already unlocked it in collections.


    That doesn't scare me because from what I have read and from the experiences of a guild mate, BW customer service can and will restore accidentally-deleted items.

  15. [Regarding BoL items being a bug:]

    So the point on it not being further developed in all this time certainly gives credence to that it probably was unintentional but decided to be left in.

    BoL Gree offhands and the filling out of the BoL Mainhands selection so that all classes have BoL mainhands: that constitutes "further development" by any reasonable definition. Were you not aware of these recent developments?

  16. So what's the purpose of Legacy Storage?


    Well, it's like this:

    At the February 2014 Phoenix AZ Cantina, I asked BW whether they would implement a Legacy Vault specifically for crafting mats and tradeable items. The request was motivated by the needs of myself and players I know who have tons of unbound/BoL gear and page after page of mats spread across a bunch of alts. Everyone player I had talked to wanted exactly this.


    At the time, the BW PR rep said a Legacy Vault was too much coding. So I left the request in writing, in some detail. See this link on Dulfy for confirmation: http://dulfy.net/2014/02/01/swtor-phoenix-cantina-tour-thumbdrive-assets/: Jagermensch was Z'rawks name before I renamed him.


    In March 2014, BW announced Legacy Storage. Was it inspired by my request? Could have been, given the closeness in time. If so, then now you know the original purpose of Legacy Storage.

  17. In another thread, he [Kirazy] mentioned he believed one should be able to Need for an alt:

    Personally, I would never do this.

    Nor I. If I did, I would always need - many of my 55 toons are not fully geared. That would make running with me tough luck for new players trying to gear their first toons. I'd rather not make things necessarily difficult for new players, because we need them.


    This is what my guildmates taught me. This is what they do. So it is what I do.

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