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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. I like crafting second and it is piss poor. When you try to get mats that require missions and all you get is frelling gifts for your choice. Give me a break.

    You know you that every time you get on or off your starship, it re-rolls the missions, right? Dedicated crafters do this all the time just to get the profitable Bountiful and Rich missions they want.

  2. It's one thing to attack someone who is already flagged for PVP I have no problem with that. HOWEVER, Intentionally making someone flag just so you can kill them is dirty and underhanded and people who do it should be banned for a minimum of a week to teach them a lesson. :mad:


    Please keep in mind that BW, for whatever reason, designed the game so that even on PvE servers, AoE heals or attacks that affect a PvP-flagged player flag the caster for PvP. They did not have to.


    Some way of preventing players not flagged for PvP (NF players) from helping their flagged buddies was needed. But BW could instead have made attacks and heals by NF players have no effect on PvP-flagged players. They chose this instead. It isn't a bug or an exploit, it's the game "working as intended."


    But just like the case of someone rushing in to click on a PvE objective while you are killing the guardian mobs around it, there are ways to cope.

  3. Just being part of the echo here ... New Planet is welcome with the raise in the Level Cap, Swimming, Underwater Stronghold, Mounts that swim underwater, more immersive Cantinas with minigames like Pazaak and Holochess (Dejarik), and two new playable species.

    Do not set your expectations too high, or you will be sure to be disappointed.


    "That was worst things about Christmas for me as a kid: getting underwear instead of a cool Lego Star Wars set. I'd have rage-quit my parents if I could have." -- just kidding, but you get the point. :)

  4. I don't play on that server but as I said boredom leads to an increase of such behaviour. I never said it didn't happen before.


    This was an unofficial organized event, BTW. I saw some chat traffic encouraging PvPers from both side to come out and play with each other for the open-world PvP achievements. PvE players being caught in the crossfire was to be expected.

  5. Server: Harbinger West Coast PvE

    Planet: Oricon

    PvPers in both factions are deliberately flagging PvP then running into a PvE'ers AOE and flagging them for PvP so to prevent them from completing ANY PvE Quest or Daily. I am on a PvE Server because I do not wish to PvP. If I wished to PvP I would have rolled a Character on a PvP Server. PvPers are making me want to cancel my account, and my guild members are thinking of doing the same thing. Please BioWare FIX IT NOW.


    This happens periodically. It is pretty common during the Gree event and also happens around the world boss that spawns with the Rhakghoul event. Many people are going for the achievement you get from killing other palyers in these areas - so not only is this allowed by the game, it's encouraged.


    I do not open-world PvP much at all, but it's part of the game. So when that comes up, be prepared for it. And although it wastes your time, remember, getting killed in PvP doesn't cost you any repair bills.


    How to cope, you may ask? Here are some suggestions:

    • Don't use AoE attacks unless you are sure no other-faction PvPers are around (watch for stealthers tho).
    • Don't use Aoe Heals unless you are sure there are no same-faction PvPers around
    • Group up if you cannot finish the quests with out AoE, but not with PvP-flagged players.
    • Change instances if possible.


    Anyone else have coping tactics they can suggest? "Heal to Full and Make them Pay," BTW, isn't much of an option if you do not have any PvP gear. In a battle where only one side has Expertise, the outcome is pretty certain.

  6. I think your point of view is to rigid here. When you pay a monthly fee in an MMO there is a certain expectation that comes with paying monthly as far as new content is concerned. ;)

    You are wrong about my expectations.

    I expect BW to do as they please, and I expect I'll unsubscribe when I stop enjoying the game. That's all.

    it is their game, I just play here.


    Sure, I'd like a Legacy Bank for creds, and suggested that to BW at the Phoenix Cantina of Feb '14.

    I had a whole list of things I suggested, and I would have liked all of them.

    But did I expect BW to do any of them? Not unless they said they would.


    GSH and LS are an improvement to the game, including features I did not even think of (like the round-trip QT to the Stronghold) that are pretty dang cool. I am happy BW is improving the game, but I liked it when I subscribed, like it more now, will probably like it even more in a month, and think QQing because I didn't get everything I would have liked is childish. YMMV.

  7. ... psuedo-code example for hood toggle ...

    Wow, can you also solve the Halting Problem?

    It's pretty simple: "Write a program that, given a program and an input to the program, determines whether the program will eventually halt when run with that input." That sounds even simpler than a hood toggle, doesn't it?




    It has been mathematically proven that a general algorithm to solve the halting problem cannot exist.


    The point? Sometimes, things that appear simple are not, especially when it comes to computer programming.

  8. Why? Because it wasn't in the game at launch, was never promised to us, and has not yet been added.

    And it's not the only feature that's like that.


    If you want to get upset and/or complain about things that were never in the game, never advertised as being in the game, never were promised, and are not yet in the game, you have a near infinite list of things to choose from.


    Authentic Traditional Jedi Robes, tho, from what I understand, are sort of not on that list (since there maybe was promo material that showed it?) The same can not be said for credits in Legacy Storage. It's definitely on that list.

  9. you look at the number on the left and i look at the number on right. WoW 1.04billion revenue, SWTOR 164mil revenue, almost 1/10th of WoW. hey still the number on left says 4 right? that is a win!!!

    If I was taking in $164 million, I'd certainly consider that a win. But consider: IF the average person working on SWTOR costs, say, $200K/year in salary, benefits and overhead (office space, servers, power, etc), that's enough money to pay for 800 of them. Just to work on SWTOR. You can do the math with your own employee-burdened-cost estimates and scale by profit margin if you like, but still, that's a lot of people.

  10. Google Virtools 2.1 as an appetizer.

    Sounds like a vague dodge to avoid admitting you've never developed commercial software.


    It certainly is not a statement that you've done anything more than perhaps created 3D content with Virtools, which is not real software development. I played with NWN content creation stuff once, but even though you could write macros and spec state machines, that's not commercial software development. And it pales compared to the complexity of an MMO.

  11. NO fleet chat, NO credit storage, NO boud item between characters storage. No amount decorations or terminals will make me use this stupid thing for any more than it is. Crafting material storage.

    Do you also complain when your FREE ice cream sunday doesn't have a cherry on top? Because your first Stronghold and the Legacy Storage (at least one tab of it) is something you are getting for free.

  12. [Legacy storage] is certainly more than a crafter's storage, that's all I'm saying.

    Yep. Stims, adrenals, grenades, grappling guns, Burba excavators, and so on can all be stored there, and when a toon needs one of those, you don't have to "logout ... wait ... login ... wait ... logout ... wait ... login" to get it. You just quick-bop back to your Stronghold, get what you need, and bop right back to where you were.


    Very nice. And subscribers as of last Tuesday get it for FREE. So what's to complain about?

  13. Brah, just because something is super easy and quick to code doesn't mean that it's worth doing.

    A tacit admission that your earlier comment about how hard Bound-to-Legacy-conversion dye packs would be to implement was just ignorant shenanigans. And also another show of your ignorance, since it should be obvious that the easier something is for BW to do, the more likely they are to do it, all else being equal.

    If EVERY SINGLE DYE PACK that has been released and used thus far were retroactively adjusted to support such a change in their function? Sure. Go for it. Because then I don't have to re-buy every single dye pack I have already spent ****tons on.

    Oh, you want it for free, do you? Why am I not surprised?

  14. I suspect you don't know anything about Bioware's intentions, process, or what they could or could not have done, or why they did or did not do a thing.

    Not the issue. As a veteran coder, I can imagine a lot of reasons why Legacy-pooled credits would require additional coding beyond what was needed to implement Legacy Storage. If that additional coding didn't provide enough bang for the buck, in BW's opinion, then it makes perfect sense that they did not do it. One cause of the additional coding hassles may be F2P and Preferred players, as has been brought up in the forums.


    You can disagree with the decision, but not being able to see why it may make sense is just ignorant.

  15. Because it's the most cumbersome way I can imagine them to implement such a system?

    You have never written software of any size, have you? Please consider the wisdom of making pronouncements about things you seem to know nothing about.


    If BW implemented the gear DB and bind-type-checking code in a straightforward way, it will be very easy to implement dye packs that convert gear to Bound-to-Legacy and require only a few isolated changes to a few functions, possibly just one function that determines the Bind status of a piece of gear, and an extra bit in the record used to represent dye packs in the database. Alternatively, you may only need to change the function used to insert or extract a dye from gear, as well as adding that bit.


    BtL-conversion dye packs also involve only minimal changes (if any) to the UI code, since users would manipulate such a dye pack just like any other dye pack. The only UI change might be the presence of "(BtL)" in the name of the dye and maybe an indication of its awesomeness in the icon for it.

  16. I clenched my fist in frustration at how completely you missed it. A dye pack that converts gear to BOL, with the way Bioware handles dyes, would be the most asinine and inane thing they could possible do. A single-use consumable that converts gear permanently to BOL would be best. For the love of God.

    I don't want to transfer pretty gear once.

    Once it is BtL, what is stopping you from transferring it again? It stays BtL until you replace or destroy the BtLc dye pack in it.

  17. My desire for bound items to move through Legacy Storage is strictly cosmetic.

    Well, that's not what Legacy Storage does, and LS isn't the only or easiest path for the devs to make that happen.


    My best guess is that a bind-to-legacy-conversion dye pack might be the way to do it with the lowest code cost.

    If the color it gives doesn't suit you, just replace it (stripping the gear of the BtL attribute) after doing the transfer.

    Done right, such dye packs would be a nice cash machine for BW and/or crafters, and/or a great motive for grinding.

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