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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. again, the irony is so thick, you can cut it with a knife.

    What I found ... definitive ... about the poster you we responding to is how she thinks her billing rate makes her opinions about SWTOR specially important. I would not be surprised if she'd be happier in a full-out pay-to-win game.


    And as to us being dogs not worthy of her scholarly dissertations ... well, I do have a Doctorate degree from a respected university, does that count? But odds are some here are more edumacated than I am . :)


    I find her amusing, even if I don't bother reading her low-contrast walls of text.

  2. For the sake of security, the Imperial High Command has restricted the space around the fleets to military traffic, only. ... As such, it is inadvisable to establish private dwellings in an area with such tight military security in place. ... Imperial High Command


    The Silverbane Legacy includes three members of the Sith High Council and The Emperor's Wrath.

    Build them their Fleet Stronghold. Now.

  3. And if they don't change things from the current plan of having stronghold chat tied to its associated planet's chat, having a fleet stronghold would provide an option that does have fleet chat.


    Yes, that would be convenient. Plus, it's Star Wars, right ? It happens in space. :)

  4. A lovely personal space station with a view of all the ships and space stations. I like living close to the action. :)


    I'd also like a Stronghold Travel Portal in each Stronghold that let me travel between Strongholds, much like the Priority Travel terminals.


    Anyone else want that?

  5. This is an old issue ... see patch notes 1.1.4, in which this issue was noted and apparently "fixed": http://www.swtor.com/patchnotes/1.1.4/2222012

    Using abilities with indirect targeting (such as area of effect abilities) will no longer cause players to be flagged for PvP if a PvP-flagged player from the opposing faction is within the ability's range, and the ability will have no effect on the PvP-flagged player.

    I can read that as saying "IF the PvPer is in range AND the AoE has no effect on them, the PvE player will not be flagged." Otherwise, if the intent was to say that PvEer AoE would never affect PvPers, I would have expected a period, and not a comma, before the last clause.


    What was the nature of the bug they were fixing? Where people being flagged for PvP because they, for example, dropped a Orbital Strike on mobs and a same-faction PvPer moved into the Orbital Strike? Or dropped a heal puddle and an opposite-faction player moved into the AoE? Were people being flagged in sanctuary zones?

  6. Also why is the Conqueror's gear (28x) rating 154, when normal gear (28) is rating 156?
    Perhaps because the Expertise in PvP gear is part of what it determines it's crafting level (28), but doesn't affect how suitable it is (rating 154) for doing PvE operations. I haven't looked recently, but I think PvE level 28 gear (rating 156) has better PvE stats than PvP level 28 gear (rating 154).


    That's assuming that "level" is an indication of crafting difficulty and mats required, and "rating" is entirely about how much benefit the gear provides in PvE. Which makes some sense ...

  7. Those achievements weren't created with the goal of tricking PVE players into PVP to get killed and feed the achievement seekers.

    Rally? Then why are they there? And why does so much of Oricon allow this kind of open-world PvP, and only some areas of Oricon (like right in front of the DF entrance) do not? If BW bothered to make some areas one and some the other, couldn't they have made the open-for-PvP regions much smaller, or made the whole planet a sanctuary region?


    Perhaps I am misinterpreting what "sanctuary" means, but it seems to mean "no PvP."

  8. We only want BioWare to tell us "why".

    If you have ever worked in a large organization, you'd understand that sometimes the reason that something does not get done is complicated. Sometimes it is because some useless ignorant high-level management gatekeeper with nothing better to do is getting off by exercising the only power he or she has: the power to say no. Sometimes it is because someone with pull has a pet project they want the resources for, so that at review time they can brag about their great contribution. Sometimes a key contributor assigned to the task leaves the company, gets sick for a month, or dies. Other times it is an honest difference of opinion between competent designers, and may involve technical or other issues that are trade secrets.


    So expecting BW to always "open the kimono" and show us their possibly-dirty laundry or valuable secret data is a bit much. And if they do it for somethings, people will get upset that they do not do it for others.

  9. You're so vain, you probably think this comment is about you..... I was talking in general, I wasn't talking about you in particular.

    This is why we have not only second-person personal pronouns like "you" but also third-person indefinite pronouns like "some people." I can only read what you wrote, after all.


    It would be insulting for me to assume that when you reply to me using "you," you actually mean "some players." Doing so would be implicitly assuming that you either have poor English skills or are lazy.


    Or perhaps I should instead say:

    It would be insulting for me to assume that when someone replies to me using "you," that person actually means "some players." Doing so would be implicitly assuming that that person either has poor English skills or is lazy.

  10. Re: "BioWare should remove the open-world achievements from the PvE servers, rather than encouraging people to do actionable things."

    That would be a bad move by bioware imo.

    Even though I do not do open-world PvP to any real extent, I tend to agree. As I said, avoiding open world PvP in areas it is allowed is just another mini-game to me. Keeps things interesting.


    Learning how to occasionally laugh and smile when I wipe improved my enjoyment of SWTOR. :)

  11. The OP actually was just asking info in general on how Legacy Storage would work. He wans't even complaining or whining about it....that came later lol.


    Yeah, and most of the complaing has a "My new car doesn't have a paint-my-house (preferably for free) feature" vibe.


    I do not recall anyone being unhappy about what LS does do. People just want more, like a Legacy coin purse, Bound-to-Legacy conversion of some or all gear, and so on. All things BW could add later, and none of which are necessary to enjoy the game.


    Compare this to, say, tactical flashpoints and open-world PvP on PvE servers, where some of the complaints are about the effect they have on the game because of what they do do.

  12. Keep in mind that BW can, and has, put sanctuary zones on Oricon where (if I understand it correctly) this cannot happen. They could have made the whole planet a sanctuary zone, but they didn't. So allowing this open world PvP on Oricon on PvE servers was a choice BW made.
  13. That sort of baiting should be actionable on a PVE server.

    Then BioWare should remove the open-world PvP achievements from the PvE servers, rather than encouraging people to do actionable things. But at present, they have not.

  14. I don't mind people pvp'ing but you know as well as I that people know tricks to sucker pve'ers into it and they use those tricks on purpose to pester people. It's that attitude that is the problem.

    I neither presume to know nor care why any particular PvPer does this. I regard avoiding being flagged for PvP during the Gree or Rhakghoul events as just another mini-game to play as part of the events. Call it player-created content if you like. Sometimes I lose and get flagged, but usually I win and can go about my business.


    I think a little advice on how to cope is going to be more productive than complaining about a part of the game that has been here for a long time.

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