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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. - FUN FACT: The Gray Helix Lightsaber is one of the longest, if not the longest, lightsabers in-game. It is a good in-game foot longer than almost any other saber you'll find.

    I'd have to check again, but I think the THORN Outbreak Response light saber blade is as long and thicker. And also Bound to Legacy. But the hilt is green.

  2. You are talking 20 [sM] operations to get one [a 180 MH]. that's alot.

    Do you have any idea how hard a 180 MainHand was to get before the hilts and barrels were craftable? Way hard. People had to get to the end boss of HM DP to have a 1/8th chance of getting the drop, and they could only do that once a week. Compared to that, grinding 20 SM ops in three weeks is a cakewalk. It's supposed to be hard.

  3. What if instead of the "Use the GF" reward being Ult Comms, it was a token that could be turned in for one 180 Armoring w/ the set bonus ...

    A guaranteed Unassembled Set Piece drop seems a bit excessive (to me at least), but another way to get at the set bonuses might be a happy medium.

    Not a bad idea, but I would rather it be a bound token that you needed multiple of to get an Unassembeld piece: Perhaps

    • 3 for hand and feet
    • 4 for head and legs
    • 5 for chest
    • 10 for offhand
    • 20 for mainhand

  4. Even stranger, they want to abandon Fleet but retain it's chat...


    Actually, I'd like to have the option to access Fleet chat all the time, so I can do dailies while waiting for ops groups to form or see vendors come on selling crafted items I want.


    Failing that, having Fleet chat in my Stronghold would have been nice.

  5. Another trick I came across while doing dailies on oricon on my powertech - flagged players will deliberately run into my flame sweep, which in turn registers as attack on a flagged player and flags me in the process.

    Sounds like if BW ever considered this a bug (as some claim but which is not clear, frankly) it is not currently fixed.

    Good to know with Gree starting tomorrow.

  6. Commendations are part of the problem. ... But for people who take gear progression seriously, the 180 gear you get with comms is considered crap.

    For tanks, yes. However, for other classes, you can do OK with comms gear but you wind up buying extra items for the mods and/or enhancements. And sometimes, like for Sorc Heals, you wind up buying 180 Strength gear for the enhancements.

    Still need SB for most specs tho.


    At the same time you see lots of what I call Commendation Heroes who don't even worry about set bonuses, completely unaware of set bonuses and itemisation running sm ops and even hm.
    Yeah, I've met some people like that. Sorc heals in all 180 who think Dark Heal is their primary cast, for example. Not much you can do when people refuse to L2P.

    What does it mean to a game if the best gear is unnecessary?

    Unnecessary for what? NiM raiding?

    My point being, one nice thing about SWTOR is that there is a range of content difficulties at endgame, to accomodate a range of skill levels and gearing progress. There was a time when 8M SM TFB would have been beyond my skill level on my Sorc heals main, even in my current augmented 4-pc-set-bonus 180/186 gear. Now I can clear 8m HM DP. I still like doing SM 16 runs though. And I need to learn to tank better before I am 8m HM DP capable at that.


    Kind of going off on a tangent here, tho.

  7. The event will bolster toons up to 55. I think you actually only have to be level 47 to get the bolster. Going to milk the event for all the Helixes that I can for those Legacy Offhands.

    ^^ ditto. I am going to try and fill a few lines of Legacy Storage with them. :)


    I have this vision of a Legacy Storage with 8 augmented sets of Bound-to-Legacy 9-piece 180 sets with set bonuses, plus a few more BtL pieces to adjust tertiary stats and set bonus, so that every time I got on a tune I would go to the Legacy Storage, grab the gear I need for the role or roles I intended to play that day (including for a companion if grinding dailies), have fun, and then put it all back in the locker before logging off. Kind of like a Legacy Weapon Locker for all my toons to share.


    It would be kind of fun. Makes my Legacy sort of a private army. Gives them stuff to talk about over dinner, like "Hey, Cymarose, last time you borrowed the Gree Blaster Rifle, did you have any issues with excess barrel heat?," and "Z'rho, what's this ... goo ... on the red THORN lightsaber handle?"


    Of course, every toon would need his and her own ears, implants and relics for each role. Sharing armor and weapons is fine, but sharing implants is just gross and medically unsound. Earpieces slightly less so, and I'm not sure where you put a relic so I cannot speak to that.

  8. Right back atcha, captain smiley. You might want to take your own advice before you dispense with it next time.


    In any event, they apparently don't teach people how to be relevant to a topic at cracker jack university, because you've now wasted several posts doing nothing but sling high school - worthy bait around.


    How long week it take you to get on topic, Herr Doktor?


    Let's find out!

    Your hypocrisy is amazing: on off-topic post, full of insults, twice the length of the one you responded to, and doing nothing but complain about someone else posting off-topic. Truly, a post only a Special Snowflake could post.


    Need I point out the amusing "How long week it" in it too ? Ah, it was edited after posting, to fix that and to add some supposedly on-topic drivel, the above quote is the entire original post. OK I can play that to: The answer is NO.

  9. Added my stuff in red, though I don't think it's likely in my case.

    Edit: Having read the additional responses, I'm curious, can you accrue reputation for the vender after the event is over?


    You cannot get new rep tokens or Gray Helixes until the next Gree event AFAIK.

  10. Since I have 0 reputation, is it feasible for me to get to Champion status in one week, given I work 8 hours a day?

    There is a limit to how many rep tokens each toon can aquire, since dailies can only be run once a day.

    There is also a limit to how many rep tokens you can "eat" each week.


    So, depending on how many toons you have, you may be able to get enough rep tokens to get Champion status, but it may take you more than one week to eat them. The good news is that the vendors that sell Gree rep items are always there. I bought some stuff from them last month. :)


    Detalis are at http://dulfy.net/2013/02/12/swtor-relics-of-the-gree-event-guide/#b

  11. I want to trade in my Fury for a Dreadnaught!! :D

    Well, the OP thinks getting a military ship would be difficult, but on the other hand, there are three members of the Dark Council in my Legacy. Pretty sure they can just order someone to assign one to them. :)


    It might be a problem for my Jedi though, they have no such authority. An armed private habitat (something modest, maybe only the size of a the planetary orbital stations, with a beautiful crystal dome for a roof) might be their only option.

  12. I just felt like it might be overkill for THIS issue.

    NP, thanks for clarifying.

    Please note, though, that "overkill" is an oxymoron: if something needs to be killed, it cannot be killed too much. Having seen HK-51 do 53K damage in one Assassinate, I am sure he would agree. ;)

  13. The time it takes to click it extremely short...if they fail to see someone running up, that's on them. That's the inattentive part.


    I don't care who is at fault or how bad they play. My point was simply that you can lay out your abilities on the quick bars to prevent this unintended-attack-on-right-click from occurring: don't bind an attack (or heal) to quick-bar 1, slot 1.

    So what's your problem?

  14. How do you accidentally right click on a player? Just pay attention. Flagging is the fault of those whining.

    Some report that as they were right-clicking an objective (like a chest or a scavengable item) a PvP-flagged toon runs in front of them. I've seen people pull by right-clicking a boss they meant to left-click, as well. Mistakes happen.

  15. There have been reports of people being flagged for right-clicking, accidentally, a flagged player.

    I believe there is a way to avoid this, and other accidental right-click attacks.


    I am not sure, but it seems that right-clicking an attackable target activates whatever skill is in slot 1 of quick-bar 1 (QB1). So the way to stop attack-on-right-click is to put something that isn't an attack in that slot (like mounting a vehicle).


    Accordingly, except for my Agents and Smugglers, I put non-combat abilities into QB1 slot 1 and relegate it to the bottom edge of the screen - if your character doesn't use cover and you don't rotate through QB1 variants, there is not much special about QB1. For Agents and Smugglers, I put a cool-down there, not an attack.

  16. I wouldn't be surprised if your degree is in wishful thinking and your Alma mater was a cracker jack box.

    Sorry, dear, it's a J.D. from one of U.S. News & World Reports' Top 10 law schools. I went there after spending over a decade designing microprocessors for Intel Corp., among other things.


    Keep trying to insult my intelligence, it always brings a smile to my face. You don't know me. You have no clue.

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