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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Mad Catz M.M.O. 7 is physically nice, lots of buttons and a thumb joystick.

    But the software that comes with it is has some subtle but annoying limitations for non-gaming use:

    You must disable "Enhanced Pointer Precision" int he control panel or it flakes out.

    And the movement sensor is very sensitive to dust, and needs to be blown clean pretty often.

  2. I suggest you defrag your hard drive, if you do not have an SSD. Or upgrade to an SSD.


    Also, there have been a lot of network problems recently between my ISP (Cox cable) and certain West Coast servers, including SWTOR. Might be part of the problem.

  3. Omg...drop the drama...they aren't "exploiting", they're taking advantage of lazy people.

    Oh please, quit insulting people who accidentally get tagged. It's simply not true. I know someone who was right-clicking an objective when a stealthed opposite-faction PvPer appeared between her and the objective. Because slot 1 of quickbar 1 has an attack, she got tagged. Not a big deal, no tears were shed and no repair bills paid, but it was not because she was lazy: just bad luck on the timing and a greifer who knew the trick for getting questers, scavengers and bioanalyzers tagged.


    That said: It's a minor annoyance. It's also the code working as intended, not bad code. It is FAR less annoying than back when AoE could get you tagged, as was true the first time I did the Gree event.


    Fixing it is not simple. A "do not flag me" option is complex, because it means you cannot, for example, be allowed to heal same-faction PvP players, even ones in your group, if you have it set. That's a lot of code that needs to be touched, which means a lot of chances to introduce new bugs and exploits.


    I'd rather the devs spent their time bringing us new content and features rather than "fixing" this.

  4. The "author", and I use that term loosley, wrote a simple program using far more lines of code than needed, that moves files into a ram drive. The code can create issues. Has created issues. Has been acknowledged by CS to cause issues. I only point this out when this thread is resurrected, so others may know what CS has stated.


    We eagerly await your vastly superior free replacement. Until then, shut it.

    Gift horse, you understand?

  5. If you want Open World go to a PVP server. .

    Not an option for many of the PvE-server griefers - they'd get ganked by griefers on a regular basis if they did.


    And you know it's true. Players who are lousy at PvP resort to greifing PvEers: it's the only way they can get a win.

  6. Hey guys I am looking to upgrade from my laptop to a PC. I am having a hard time understanding the jargon and abbreviations of the Specs of computers so I am wanting to ask you guys: Is it reasonable for me to build my own PC for 1000 or less for nothing except playing swtor on highest graphics? If you guys could help that would be wonderful!


    Finding the droids you've been looking for since 1993


    Yes. But don't use an AMD CPU. SWTOR requires good single-thread performance, and the AMD CPUs are really lacking in that according to the Passmark benchmarks.


    Ars Technica has an Intel-based Budget Box they built for US$465 including a 19.5" monitor, kbd, and mouse. Change the HDD to a 256GB Samsung EVO SSD (adds $100), upgrade the processor to a 3.2GHz Pentium or better (adds $20 or more), and buy a good graphics card ($250), and upgrade the power supply (add $50) and you are at about $900.


    Sorry, I don't have time to do the research to recommend all the individual components. But it is doable.

  7. Some games do a lot more in the CPU than others, and are very sensitive to the single-thread performance of the CPU. SWTOR is one of them, IIRC. So the issue may be your Phenom II CPU, none of which have good single-thread performance compared to the 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5-3570K that I run, much less faster Intel CPUs.


    According to Passmark, your Phenom II X4 965 has only 60% of the single-thread performance of my Core i5-3570K CPU, even though they have the same clock speed. Heck, even a $120 Core-i3 has 50% better single-thread performance at 3.4 GHz than your Phenom II X4 965. Sorry.


    If you upgrade, which of course requires a motherboard upgrade too since just using a faster AMD chip will not help much, consider the new unlocked Anniversary Edition Pentium processors Intel released recently. They are cheap and overclock nicely. Most of the PC hardware sites have published very positive reviews. For a single-thread game like SWTOR, it may be just the ticket.

  8. Well, if the storage only replicates what we can do with mail now, it better be really really cheap to get, or it can go **** itself


    It will do more, because it is 1) centralized, and 2) located at your Stronghold.


    1) Because it is centralized, you can put things that any of your toons might want to use in it (mats, stims, adrenals, grenades, unbound items, and hopefully Bound-to-Legacy items), and when a toon wants it, you will not have to "logout, login to another toon, logout, repeat until you find the toon that has it, log back in to the first toon" to get the item.


    2) Because it is at your Galactic Stronghold, you can quick-travel to your GSH, get it, and quick-travel back to where you where, even if you were at the Sarlac pit on Tatooine. (Maybe not from within a FP or Op instance I would guess, but you can always step outside, round-trip QT to your GSH, and step back in.) That's pretty dang convenient and not something you can do if the only copy of the item you want is in that particular toon's ship's locker.

  9. What do you mean, "even Voss"? That Voss armor looks pretty nice. It's a must-have. Or do you mean the tedious way of achieving it? Then yes, I agree. It was a nightmare.

    My wife and I put off my grind for Voss rep until we had enough 168+ geared toons to facerole it together.

    The things people will do for fashion ... today I was was thinking, should I grind the Star Forager set? :)

  10. This...

    I queue for ops every day, in all the time I've been queued for months and years now, ops GF has popped exactly once.

    That's why I view the return of 16m Group Finder (GF) Ops as a priority for BW. While it was working, my wife and I queued as tank+heal and had good runs. But 8M is harder, you need a higher percentage of people who know the op, so the few times we tried the 8m GF Ops it failed very quickly. 16m is easier and has better rewards, the sooner it gets back to GF the better.


    For now, my wife and I have been queuing as tank+heal for HM 55 FP. We have four combinations of that on Imp side, and one we could use Pub side. Instant pops and smooth runs are the rule when we do, it's fun. :)

  11. As soon as they make this available I have 2 characters I'm going to switch right away. I'm sick of my characters being nerfed and the other AC becoming the FoTM. I can't wait for this.


    This is why AC switch will never happen. "FoTM" is a nefarious plot to force hardcore players to eventually level at least one of every advanced class for both factions by periodically "rebalancing" the ACs.


    I am absolutely kidding. Probably.

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