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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. I am bloody furious, that's what I am. I saw them at work last night and it really ruined my evening. Out of so many Jedi in the 'verse the only robes we get any time soon are ones designed with females in mind (Satele + Kreia). Kreia's robe is yet another of 90% Jedi-based sets which has a forced hood. Why can't we get robes, I bet, every player was wearing as The Exile when playing KotOR 2 (see my sig)? Why can't we get Master Kavar's? Those are generic, both sex-friendly Jedi robes without forced hoods.


    "These aren't the Traditional Jedi Robes you're looking for. You can go about your business. Move along."


    It almost seems like you need to borrow BioWare's armor design tools, learn them, create exactly the robes you want, and give them the designs when you are done, because nothing short of that is going to make you happy.

  2. The bigger point is the utility isn't worth the price, and it's not even close.

    It is to me. The extremely conveinet travel options for the Strongholds mean I'll be reserving space in my Legacy Storage for about 125 180-ish Bound-to-Legacy armors and weapons - 4 Willpower sets, 4 Aim sets, 2 Strength sets, 3 Cunning sets, plus a few extra weapons and offhands in Aim and Cunning.


    With that, whenever I want to run an alt, if they and/or the companion I want to use are not wearing the right gear, I can just QT to my Stronghold, gear them up, and then pop back to where I was, or the Fleet, or the planet my Stronghold is on, or my ship. Two load screens and I'm good to go - no mailing gear back and forth. When play time is over, I'll pop back to the Stronghold and put the gear back on the racks.


    There will also be medpacks, stims, adrenals, grenades, boosts, and other consumables there, as will as unique items like grappling guns. Everything I need to gear up for a mission. Legacy Storage will be a shared arsenal.


    And then I'll want at least two tab for mats. I may not be able to put all of my mats there, but I don't need to: because mats come out of a toons inventory and ship locker first, the Legacy Storage mats act as shared reserve. Each crafter can still keep their own mats, but if they run out of something, rather than hunt more down among my toons, the crafter will just automatically draw from Legacy Storage.


    Yeah, I am really looking forward to the huge QoL improvement this will bring me and a lot of my fellow alt-a-holics. I'm thinking a combination of 5 million credits and $60 to unlock all the tabs will be worth it to me. YMMV.

  3. And they have the right to do that. The guild belongs to the Guild Master. If people are that naive to donate to complete strangers, then...well, a fool and his money are soon parted.

    Besides, expecting BW to spend real money (the cost of the customer service rep's time) so that someone who was stupid can recover their play-money credits is just unrealistic. BW can do it they want to, for BW's own reasons, but expecting or, even worse, demanding that they do so is just extreme selfishness.

  4. kill hyperbeast, kill rakata war droid, disable sleeping dread commanders, aurora cannon, free prisoners, and final area seemed like the fastest route to me, going clockwise.

    Agreed. With the two of us, we start LFM for AC after the Hyperbeast, which may mean doing only part of disabling the tubes before AC, and clear trash in AC down to the last force field while waiting for the group to fill. And it is always nice to get the final stage of the War-droid bonus quest at quest pickup. :)

  5. Pub side and I used QT as well. There may be some bias, I'll run it on the imp side when I next get a chance...maybe Sunday if I'm lucky.

    Imp side Section X is faster, but you will need to get practiced at it to do it fast. Speed dailies means knowing, using Imp Sextion X, that "after I kill the Hyperbeast I exit the instance and turn left, go across the field, over the ridge, and kill the mobs at the fence ..." -- no time to waste looking at a map, and the order you do things in is critical.

  6. Loyal guildmembers might stay two months in a guild without a guildship.


    I think that many players will jump ship from guilds that can´t afford a guildship and straight into guilds that already have one.

    Do you expect that guilds with a guild ship will let new members join for free? At least in the near term I would not be surprised if some guilds charged an admission fee to recoup some of the cost of the guild ship. Others will not of course.

  7. It's less of a stretch to get to 15-25mil though, than it is 50mil.

    If that's your only reason for lowering the price of guild ships, they should be free, right? Free is even less of a stretch.


    Fact is, like anything else, demand will determine the price of guild ships. If they sell well at 50 million creds, then that price was not too high. Once ships have sold for that price, lowering it will would cause some resentment among the people who worked to get them at 50 mil. So I would not count on the price ever going down unless sales of guild ships are bloody awful at launch.


    BW can track guild funds. They probably have been doing so ever since guild ships were announced, and may have set the price based on how much money they saw being added to guild funds after the announcement of guild ships, which is likely to be a good predictor of how much people are willing to pay for guild ships.


    As to protecting the players from thieving guild masters, BW should do nothing. Players should learn to protect themselves (L2P). It will serve them well in real life.

  8. When I wrote a credit making guide, I ran every single daily in the game for 55's. I timed them all out from start to finish and tracked how much you could earn from the mission payouts.


    5 hours, just under 500k for one character. It's real easy to do the math.

    Those numbers may be obsolete. When I solo Section X on a DPS, I expect to complete the weekly in about 35 minutes and net 125K, not including the value of the Basic coms (currently worth more than 2K each). If I team up with my wife, I'll make the same money in less time. The only time it takes longer is when I have to wait for a fourth button-pusher for the Heroic.


    Czerka and Oricon weeklies are even more profitable per minute. Having 168/180 gearing and knowing our rotations makes it very fast. Many fights take only a few seconds; even bosses take less than a minute.


    I only count weeklies because I have enough toons that just doing all the weeklies on them all would be more time than I have to spend on the game.


    The convertibility of Basic coms to credits via Isotope-5 sales substantially increases the profitability of dailies and some GF FPs. I wish Elites could be converted to creds so easily ... but at least my companions are getting well-geared.

  9. In your blind, tunnel vision world, you once again fail to see the point.

    My guild is large and active. We do not have 50 million laying around in a guild bank since our large and active player base likes to use their credits because they are active players.


    It sounds like you are saying: "Please make guildships cheaper because we want it but not as much as we want other stuff that we already spent all our money on."


    If so, how is this a problem for BioWare? Does BW care what you spend creds on? Perhaps all they care about is that you spend. Since your guild already has things they are spending their creds on (outfits, crazy expensive mounts, or 180 enhancements, perhaps?), perhaps they are not the target market for guild ships?


    Or are you instead saying "My guild is full of impulse buyers who don't have the self-discipline to save up for a large purchase?" Again, that may not a problem for BioWare. You are spending, and maybe that's all that matters.


    I am glad your guilds enjoys so many of the things you can already buy, BTW. :)

  10. So basically Guilds should have a protected donation fund just for GuildShip, donated specifically by players to that "fund". Of which the Guild can use towards a Guild Ship, but, belongs to the guild member until ship is purchased. If the member leaves, that allocated amount of credits goes with the member. It's connected to the member until actual purchase. Something like that? Which....obviously requires development and such, I just come up with the ideas around here, no idea how to implement or if possible :p But that seems to be what you're somewhat getting at, protect the credits because it's a lot of credits and effort.


    OR, players could keep their credits in their own banks, and just pledge it towards the purchase of the ship.

    Then, when the ship is to be purchased, the pledges are collected. BW doesn't need to do anything.

  11. I don't think they are going to protect anything to be honest TUXs.

    And I don't think they should. Donations are giving something for nothing. If you donate to your guild and expect something back, including a guarantee that you won't be gkicked, then you don't understand what a donation is.


    By analogy:

    I mailed another player mats for a 180 barrel. If they never send me the barrel, what should BW do?

    Nothing, that's what. First, because BW doesn't necessarily know the whole story; perhaps the real trade was mats for something outside the game? And second, partly because BW is not my mommy and daddy, and are under no obligation to protect me from all the jerks and scammers in the world.

  12. I've been having a difficult time trying to get into Xeno 16 HM groups this time around, even with my healers.

    My wife and I wound up forming our own a few times. DPS fill first, then heals, then tanks.


    7 pairs of toons done (4 Imp, 3 Pub) with zero wipes. 4 Imp pairs to go, including 4 tanks and 3 healers. We saved the tanks for late in the week, when things will probably get slow. Might do one more pair on Pub side (tank+tank, possibly).

  13. ...and you remind everyone of that every time you come across this kind of situation, even going so far as to tell actual devs you know better than they do.

    I do not recall ever doing the latter. As far as I know, I've only ever communicated with BioWare's PR folks, never with actual code developers. PR folks might have some coding expertise, but that's not the way to bet. And it seems unlikely that BW software engineers are posting to the forums incognito, for several reasons.


    But feel free to post a quote to the contrary, where I contradict a software developer from BW on a SW issue. Failing that I will have to assume you are either misremembering, using a contextually-inappropriate definition of "dev," or making it up.

  14. what part of ITS ALREADY BEEN DONE dont you understand?

    I see: you blather on about how easy it is to code stuff, and that it has "already been done," but you've never written commercial code in your entire (probably short) life.


    Now me, I've spent decades writing code, did it for a living starting back in the 1980's.

    Spent over a decade designing microprocessors at Intel too.

    So I know what I am talking about when it comes to computers and software.


    You apparently do not.

  15. I used to run Black Hole, Ilum, Section X, Czerka, Makeb and Oricon dailies. Daily. However, their repetitive nature was not boring me out of my skull. It made me push and aim for faster completion times and making the run as smooth as possible.



    There's a special kind of joy in taking down the Heroic's champions in less than two of your rotations when doing the Oricon weekly with two 168/180 geared DPS who know their stuff. :)


    One tip for Imp side: do the non-heroics up through the Tower, then after the Tower click the pyramid there to go back to base, then take the speeder from there to the Bridge and do the Heroic. When done with that, QT back to base.


    Another tip: for the bonus binoculars quest at the Heroic area, three of the towers are visible if you climb up to the tip of the wing of the shuttle near the console. The last one you can see if you just go across the central path down the middle, which you can do without agro if you are careful, or if you can sleep mobs that are in the way.

  16. As I said before, exactly how bad does one have to be at PVP that they are forced to exploit code to flag PVEers in a setting the PVEers already at a disadvantage in.


    What part of "I don't open-world PvP" did you not understand?


    BTW, how much commercial software did you say you've written, from which experience you know the changes would be simple?

  17. Oh who cares? It's just monopoly money anyway. Just don't donate more than you can afford to, just like in real life.


    In our guild, the leadership is the source of most of the funds anyway. Yes, I trust them with their own credits. I also email one of our leaders mats for 180 hilts and barrels, with complete faith I will get them. YMMV. :)


    (BTW, if you do not trust your guild leadership, *** and FTW are recruiting. :D)

  18. 15 people willing to do that 5 days a week and 4 hours on the weekend for 2 weeks straight, then donate the entire return to the guild, are going to be a rare 15 people.


    The original post estimated two hours to make 250K doing dailies? That's pretty slow. Team up with a guild-mate if it really takes you that long to do, things will go much faster. I can net that much in about an hour.

  19. With a little effort I can get about 300,000 a week through dailies and sales.

    Sounds low. Doing one each Black Hole, Section X, Czerka, Maked, GSI (on Makeb) and Oricon weekly should net you over 800K creds plus Basics to buy Iso-5 and some BoE drops to sell. Probably 1,000,000 credits total after selling stuff. Per toon, per week. Less than 6 hours per toon to do, I would estimate.


    So a 50 toon (all 55's) guild could raise the money for a Flagship in a week just by running dailies.

    And even more using gathering and crafting.

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