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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. AHowever, that does not mean it is still not overpriced when comparing this feature with other similar features offered by other games.

    Some garbage MMO can give away storage for free for all I care, it has no relevance at all, because I play this game, and I cannot use that game's storage here.


    Here's a real world analogy to help you understand: the price of a gallon of milk doesn't determine whether gasoline is overpriced or not, because my car cannot run on milk.

  2. In terms of credits vs usefulness? Yes, it needs to be more useful.

    What are you talking about? It's FREE. The first 80 slots. Do you have more than 7000 thermal regulators?

    You may be. Most business run on the aspect of a fool and his money will soon be parted. Spend that credit or cash for mediocre and thats all fine if you want to or even think it's worth it but don't delude yourself into thinking it's more than bare minimum useful in it's current start for the cost.

    <yawn>Yeah, go tell all those people with $100K+ cars what fools they are for not buying a Yugo.

    Correct, it makes it of limited usefulness for an over-inflated price.

    Only in the forums could "free" be called an "over-inflated price."

    There is a difference between being useless (which I didn't say) and being of limited use VS being useful.

    I wrote: "How is one tab for free overpriced? It's a bargain."

    You responded: "It is overpriced for it's limited usage. "


    That's utter nonsense and everyone with a brain knows it. Claiming free stuff is overpriced makes you look silly.

  3. Comparitively speaking, for what other games offer, this is overpriced. Funny that you don't want a P2W system because that's no fun, but people who don't want an overpriced storage system for the same reason are in the wrong? Someone needs to think a little deeper, I believe.

    Yeah, you do. Other people are saying "it's overpriced." They are wrong, because their statement is too broad.

    It's only overpriced for them. There are a lot of people for whom it is not overpriced.


    And the latter group of people is who BioWare will make money off of. We who max Legacy Storage will be happy to have done so, BioWare will be happy to have our money/creds, it's win-win. The rest of you can just look on in envy, same as it ever was, same as it ever will be.


    My Ashfall Tauntaun (3000 CCs) is no different. Don't hate me because I have disposable income to spend on SWTOR, it's people like me that keep the servers running.

  4. 50 million credits? Hell, most players don't play TOR long enough to cumulatively accumulate that many credits.

    And how do you know that? Rare mounts and Revan statutues sell for 5 million on Harbinger. Sell for that. People have spent millions trying to get the Rancor on Nar Shadaaa. To me, that says there are plenty of players, all with the "Exorbitantly Wealthy" title, with millions of credits they don't know what to do with. For them, BW offers Galactic Strongholds and Legacy Storage.


    And then there are the people who buy Hypercrates, each of which cost more CCs than two tabs of Legacy storage. For them, BioWare offers ... Legacy Storage. :)


    Unlike you, BioWare knows how many players can afford to max their Legacy Storage, using creds and/or CCs.

  5. Sorry but one tab wont even hold just the high end mats I have on one toon.

    Does it need to, to be useful? Our is it useful to have high-end shared mats, that are used by more than one crafter, there? Is it useful to only have the harder-to-get mats (e.g. thermal regulators, which at least three different crafters use to make Augments) in Legacy Storage, and keep the common stuff like Mythra and Turadium on the crafting toons themselves? Seems to me even a single tab would be useful for that - and for other shared resources like stims and adrenals and Legacy gear.

    It is overpriced for it's limited usage.

    No, it isn't. Legacy Storage expansion is too expensive for you. I, however, think it is worth the price.

    I might be BW's target market. Give me more of what I want, BW, I'll pay you well for it! :) But not P2W, that's no fun.

    And my point is that even if it's already bound, for 50 million credits, you should be able to take off your bound implant and send it to your alt which might just be your RP wife.

    Just because Legacy Storage doesn't give you every thing your greedy little heart desires, that doesn't make it useless or overpriced. You just have unrealistic expectations. And BTW, only BW has the right to say what a game feature should do. All you have the right to say is what you want it to do.


    Your "It doesn't give me EVERYTHING so even the FREE part is useless" attitude strikes me as infantile, frankly.

  6. Ding. The target customer base can afford to buy it. We just don't have a reason to buy it.

    What you mean "we"? I have a reason, two other players I run with have a reason, and we will all be expanding the Legacy Storage to the max on the day of release for a combination of credits and CC's. All three of us have run on the PTS, we all like the Strongholds quite a bit, and we all know how we will be using the Legacy Storage tabs.


    BW might drop the price later, just like they did with Rise of the Hutts. We don't care. For us, it's worth it at the current PTS prices. YMMV, but at least you get one tab for free, right? Start using that, you'll probably be back for more.


    That's probably why BW is giving it to you for free but only a first taste. It's a classic tactic.

  7. It's a bit over priced for it's function.

    How is one tab for free overpriced? It's a bargain.

    If it allowed the transfer of BoE gear to legacy toons then I could see having a massive upfront fee, not only to store those BoE equipment but for the ability to transfer them to legacy alts.

    It does allow Bind-on-Equip (BoE) gear to be stored and transferred, and Bound-to-Legacy gear as well. You just cannot regular Bound gear in it.
  8. Legacy Storage is being touted as mostly being useful for crafting materials (we all know it's not good for much else!).

    Sorry, disagree. Given that getting to a Stronghold and back takes about 30 seconds, Legacy Storage becomes an excellent shared Weapons Locker for your legacy.


    For example: last night my wife and I were finishing the Makeb story line on Makeb on our Jugs. Using a DPS companions wasn't getting the job done on the fight with the Archon, so I borrowed a set of Legacy Aim gear from another alt, put it on Treek, and even though the fight glitched took the Archon down.


    That took a few minutes because I had to log off, log on to the alt, mail stuff, log off, log on, get a mail droid, regroup, etc. Then later I had to send all the gear back and repeat the process in reverse.

    If only I had my Stronghold, I thought! I could have QT'd to the Stronghold, grabbed the gear from Legacy Storage, QTd back - in less than a minute. And later I'd repeat the process to put the gear back. All without even leaving the group.

  9. This is one strong plus with Strongholds IMO. Especially considering the amount and type of terminals you can add.


    Yep. The travel options associated with Strongholds provide a reason why everyone will want at least the inexpensive one they can get on their homeworld. Also note that the Strongholds are located on planets without Priority Travel terminals. :)

  10. On the PTS, dId a quick test of how long it would take to quick-travel to my Stronghold, get something (like gear, a stim, or an adrenal) from Legacy Storage, and go back to the exact point I was at before I traveled.


    I treaveled from Manaan to Nar Shaddaa and back again.


    Total time travel time: 35 seconds. Time to get something from my Legacy Storage (located near the entrance): 10-20 seconds.


    Yeah, I'm going to love my Stronghold and Legacy Storage.

  11. All I am saying is that when you have a reason to believe something is priced higher than its value, you will want the price to come down.

    Things other than monetary equivalents do not have "a value," not in the real world and not in a game. They have a bunch of values determined by both buyers and sellers.


    When a seller assigns a value to an object that is higher than the value assigned to it by customer A, no sale takes place. But customer B may vlaue it more than the seller does, and therefore may consider it a bargain.


    This is a law of economics, and intrinsic: if everyone valued everything the same, why would anyone ever sell or trade? And values change over time, to both buyers and sellers.

  12. Assuming prices stay the same on release, the 'must have it now' crowd are going to lose a lot of credits.

    Isn't this true for every Next New Thing in the real world?


    And it makes sense. Look up "differential pricing" - the strategy of charging different prices for the same product in different markets. The group of people who want a Stronghold or Guild Ship in 2014 can be considered a different market than the group of people who want those same products in 2016.


    Apple follows this exact strategy with iPhones, which are very pricey when they first come out, and become free-with-contract when the next model is released.

  13. Can someone explain to me what the perfect legacy storage entails? Like if they made it cheaper, it all of a sudden becomes perfect or were people expecting more tabs than 5? I see it as nothing more than storing items I might use on another toon at a later date. Everything else I will still use the mail system for quick transfers. So if someone can explain to me what would make this function perfect, I'd be grateful because I really don't get the outrage at this point except people don't want to spend credits on something they don't even really need.


    More tabs is always good. :) But nothing is ever perfect. The free legacy storage we are getting is pretty nice, even if making it bigger is expensive.

  14. If we were going that rate, 300 CC for every million, than the cargo holds should have only been 1500 CC per bay.


    Not really. If they follow the pricing trends of cargo bays, the CC cost stays constant, but the credits cost increases for each new bay, and CC cost seems based on third or fourth additional bay credit cost. That's why my plan is to buy one or two bay with creds and the rest with CCs. To me,


    5,000,000 credits << 2500 CC << 20,000,000 credits.



  15. see I was with you, until the cost being worth it. to each their own, naturally, but shared arsenal can be done with free bay everyone gets as for everything else....

    [but compared to other Legacy unlock costs:] still not seeing discrepancy?

    1. one tab isn't enough room for my shared arsenal of 13 9-pc sets + fillers, but that's a nit.
    2. yes, I see the discrepency from other legacy-unlock costs, but:
      1. BW has said that PTS prices are not final. But odds are released prices won't be higher.
      2. I don't mind the price discrepency. This is more of a luxury item than the oh-so-essential rocket boots, for example, which actually affects play in Flashpoints (e.g. waiting for someone without RBs).
      3. A lot of posters, before the PTS prices were known, were saying "it's useless because I can't pool credits, or put bound items in it," and if those posters are now saying this "useless" item is overpriced, who cares? They were not going to buy it anyway.

  16. Bioware is trolling me.

    Sure they are. They probably hold a weekly meeting every Monday morning, when everyone is grumpy, about the best way to drive you nuts. It's probably a line item on the project plan: "Design another Not Quite Traditional Jedi Robe to enrage Alec, 2 man-weeks, due by WW34."

  17. No kidding!! People always complain that there are not enough Adaptive armors in the game then when they do it people complain that they are just reskins.


    All I can say to those people is MAKE UP YOUR MINDS ALREADY!!

    Many of them have made up their minds, long ago:

    I want to find fault in everything BW does, and complain about it.

    It makes me feel superior, as if I could have done a better job myself.

    It's probably related to their low self-esteem.

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