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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Update: I timed the round-trip travel time to go from the Nar Shadaa Stronghold to my starship and back: under 30 seconds, including the time to select the trips. The available crew skill missions changed each time I moved.


    Changing from one stronghold to another took about the same amount of time (15 seconds), and also changed the available crew missions.

  2. From your own posting history:


    Other people are saying "it's overpriced." They are wrong, because their statement is too broad.

    It's only overpriced for them. There are a lot of people for whom it is not overpriced.


    Not overpriced for "a lot" of people quite clearly implies affordability. Who are you trying to fool here with your backpedaling?

    What part of "It's only overpriced for them" do you not understand?

    Clearly, I do not say or imply that 50 million is affordable for everyone.


    I dislike arguing with stupid and/or dishonest people, and that's why my ignore list keeps growing.

  3. from missions only you are correct.


    When you count what you get from drops and selling back rep it is closer to 150k (depending on your luck). Personal I do CZ-198, faster and plenty of Matts. I also do black hole, again faster and if you solo CtS you can get some very good credits. I also do the heroic on Ilum, again solo so I get all the credits and I just kill everything I see. In total I will spend 30 to 45 mins doing dailiy 4 or 5 times a week on one character (slinger) and I can make close to 4 million in two weeks. Not selling anything except drops to vendors. At least once during those two weeks I will do all or ilum, section x and the oricon weekly.

    Yep. And with enough geared alts, you can do nothing but weeklies to maximize your creds/hour --- except maybe on Czerka, where the need to do two FP may or may not make it less profitable per minute -- I have not checked.


    Also, it is important to include the value of the Basic comms, which are readily convertible to credits via Isotope-5. That makes Basic comms worth about 2K each, which adds up pretty fast.

  4. And like I said, cartel coin purchases is the chosen method for BW to maximize that profit you're speaking of. Making a highly desirable game feature easy to access via in-game virtual currency is completely contrary to that very purpose thus destroying your entire argument of 50 million being "affordable".

    You are confused. I never made that argument. I plan to unlock all the Legacy Storage tabs using a combination of credits and CCs, and always have. I have no hesitation about paying the cost of a night at the movies to do so.


  5. It'll only be really fun when we start seeing people from both factions congregating in the Tat and Nar Shaddaa houses.

    Wow, that's cool, I had not thought of that. Gotta start spamming those silver keys! My Sith Sorc can finally meet my wife's Jedi Sage that's such good friends with my Sorc's separated-at-an-early age sister who became Jedi Knight.


    Together, we will save the Republic and the Empire from themselves! In our own imagination, anyway. :)

  6. And your delusions obviously allows you to believe that SWTOR is somehow immune to every single factor that is relevant to just about every MMO in the industry. Why don't you actually try to put forth some evidence that supports your side of argument as opposed to resorting the cliche one liner that is "BW knows".

    My side of the argument here is simply "you are making statements you have no evidentiary support for." I think I've provided all the support I need for that.

  7. re: having no credits after playing SWTOR for a long time:

    Then you're not doing enough content.

    Or spending too much money on pulling mods, augmenting gear, or cosmetic/QoL items (like my Revan statue: 5 million credits, and cheap at the price!) Where else can the money be going? Unless you die a lot, you cannot help but make money in this game. If you die a lot, L2P, for gosh sakes.

  8. Right....it's "entertainment". Most people here are saying they don't find grinding credits "entertaining" enough to warrant the exorbitant price of 50 mil.

    For some. But for me, it is worth more the price of a movie ticket, popcorn and a drink. Or a couple of DVDs. So I do not need to grind credits (even though I actually enjoy doing "credit grinds" at times.)


    That's the thing about entertainment products: the value is entirely subjective.

  9. Re: how many players can afford to max their Legacy Storage,

    Really? This isn't hard to figure out. This isn't the early 2000's where there are few MMORPGs on the market. Now the MMORPG industry is very saturated and as a result player attrition rate is notoriously high. Across the industry, the average player sticks around for somwhere between 6 months to a year before moving on, depending on the title. Also keep in mind that the average MMO player also has a intensity ratio of 22 hours played per week so based on those numbers ...

    Nothing in your post provides a method for determining how many SWTOR players can afford to max their Legacy Storage, and not just because industry-wide stats do not apply to a specific game (e.g. EVE Online).


    BioWare knows, because they can query their databases. You do not. Stop pretending you do.

  10. Given I'm talking about the entire legacy storage and not just one tab but I assumed you could understand that. I gave you too much credit.

    Your response was to my statements about the one free tab. Your problem is that you simply refuse to admit that BW has given everyone a great new free feature: one tab of Legacy storage.


    I begin to think you are the kind of person who, when given a free full glass of your favorite drink, would complain that the glass was not large enough.

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