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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. That matters less for the healer, the other gear can make up for that...

    Backpedalling? You said it never happens, well, I proved you wrong.

    8 man HM Xeno, ...

    I believe tt is usually ignorant noobs and achievement seekers that pug 8M HM Xeno, and the latter usually only once. 16m is easier and gives better rewards. You may spend more time filling the group than fighting, but you will wipe less.

  2. I honestly haven't really been following Strongholds that closely. This legacy storage thing, is it only in your house or is there going to be an interface thingy for it in your ship?


    That'd be the deciding factor on if I even use it or not - which loads quicker and which I tend to log off in more frequently.

    As far as I know, it is only in the Stronghold. But, Strongholds load as fast as your ship on the PTS, and you can put your Legacy Storage right at the entrance if you like, so you don't waste time walking to it.


    Plus, on the PTS moving from Stronghold to Stronghold re-rolls your Crew Skill missions.

  3. Yes, I do think NiM content is wasted because yes, I do think very few people do it..
    Yeah, only the best teams in the game do NiM DF/DP, there's no reason at all BW would want to put a little effort into keeping those kinds of players around. (NOT.)


    Sheesh. It's always "anything I don't want is a waste" and "anything I don't want to pay for is overpriced" with you, isn't it? Such a narrow selfish perspective ...

  4. Based on your personalty, I never, ever want to play with you.

    The "I know it all attitude" and the "I'm a better player than you" attitude gets old really fast.

    No, I'm just a better forum player than you, that's what annoys you. As a player, I have merely cleared 8m HM DF/DP, and the weekly boss on 16m HM DF/DP, but only when running with people better than myself. Unlike a lot of players I know, I am not, as yet, NiM DF/DP capable.


    Not sure I want to run with you either, given your poor track record on Xeno. My toons are listed below, feel free to put them on ignore, so you don't wind up in the next GF HM55 FP my wife and I drop a heal and tank into.

    Thanks, I appreciate it. :D

  5. As for having lots of money and 15 alts, THOSE PEOPLE DO NOT SHOW UP at LVL 55 in 140 or lower gear... they know how to play!

    Not true. I took my 55 Scoundrel into HM Xeno in heal spec with 140 barrels/armor in his MH and OH. Zero fatalities. And I don't usually do Op/Sc healing, but it's pretty easy to be good-but-not-great at it.


    So please stop making stuff up and posting it, it's ridiculous. Especially in all caps.

  6. Then you are very, very fringe in your place in the game. Do not presume that your situation and the situation of your friends reflects the general population..

    How do you know I am very fringe? Please provide the data that allowed you to reach that conclusion.

    And BTW I do pug, quite a lot. My wife and I like to drop Heal+Tank duos into HM55 FP GF, for example. Pretty good luck doing it too, cannot remember the last time we wiped while doing that.

  7. [RE: wiping on HM Xeno:]

    Ahh, aren't you snarky...

    People because can talk the talk but not walk the walk... Quite a few well geared tanks are amazingly bad at times, tried last night with a pair of tanks both over 40k, both in 180 gear, both sounded like they knew what they were doing... until thermal tolerance came along and they kept wiping because they couldn't LOS and taunt properly.


    Me? I do HM ops in 168 or better gear, I know my rotations, we don't wipe because of me.

    That's nice, I suppose, but can you lead a team of newbies to victory? It seems not. No shame in that, it's not a common ability. I am not particularly good at it, so it was my wife who explained the fights. :)

    Back to my point, if those undergeared players ALL had 5+ million credits, as the OP was trying to imply, they could easily afford 156 purples at the very least, those are no longer expensive in any form. Heck, with that much money, a full set of 14 purple 156 augments and kits would be easy to afford, and THAT makes a world of difference in HM content.

    Just because someone has the credits doesn't mean they will spend it as you would like them to.

    Given that undergeared players are routinely carried through even HM Xeno, why would they bother?


    Plus I've seen an "undergeared" tank perform flawlessly on Xeno. Skill matters, after all.

  8. You completely missed TUX's point... how many people in the game have that much cash. His point was, very, very few people do.

    What is your source for this conclusion? And what does "very very few" mean? Among the players I know, I'd guess more than 10% of them have more than 100 million credits, not including the value of the mats they have stacked in storage, which mats are worth more than that by a large margin.


    I am relatively poor by comparison, but even I have millions of credits worth of MMGs and EEEs alone.

  9. I ran Xeno HM 8 times this past week. Well, actually ran it more, but actually finished it 8 times. So many people showing up in crappy gear with no money. Actually had a lvl 55 with 112 blue MH try and join HM Xeno.

    We (wife and I) also ran Xeno 8 times, SM and HM, mix of Imp and Pub, including three groups we formed. Lots of undergeared players striving for the Gray helixes since the event may not be back for a long time, including a level 54. One HM wipe, because the tanks had never done it before. We explained the fight to them, and cleared HM. Most HM attempts had zero fatalities.


    If teams you were in had less success, well, I cannot guess why. :p

  10. .... and yet despite all your real life commitments that prevent you from spending the kind of time you want in game you still manage to find the time to come to the swtor forums to complain.

    No one at work knows they are posting to the forum, it looks like work if you can't see the monitor screen, and you can minimize the browser very quickly.

    Playing SWTOR when one is theoretically "at work," though, could create a RL problem.

  11. RE: a Stronghold:

    It's not free because I paid (real money) for it.

    Screenshot or it didn't happen. Show us the bill you paid for a Stronghold.


    If you can even show that subscription rates went up because of the new content, I'll accept that. But when you subscribe to a service, and they start giving you more services for the same price, I call that increase in services "free."


    Here's an example: Cox Cable just this week doubled my Internet connection speeds (from 50mbps to 100mbps) with no change in the cost of the service. I call that a free upgrade. What would you call it?

  12. This game is becoming a nothing more than an enormous cash sink. It's just not worth the time. It's insulting.
    If you have enjoyed SWTOR as it is now, there is no need for you to buy anything in the new expansion.

    Play as F2P if you like. It's a bit more difficult but the core game is there, for free, and 2.9 does not change that.


    If you are sinking cash into SWTOR, you are choosing to do so because you value what the money buys you.

  13. First of all, by this point Legacy Storage is a convenience feature. 3 years of having to work around the restriction has meant I already have a good inventory system on hand.


    The first free tab of legacy storage will be ideal to centralise those materials that are shared between the various crafters such as the Blue and Purple mats and the additional vendor purchased materials.

    I may even open up a second tab to store a few of the legacy bound sets I made for companions. I have a 'healers' set of cunning based legacy bound armour with full augments kicking around for any level 55 healer companion to use, but I always forget which character has it :rolleyes:


    But, I won't feel compelled to blow any additional resources on opening up the other tabs.

    ^^^ Vhaegrant nailed it. This is correct. :D

  14. Please either explain how to get this free storage (all I'm getting is the one tab that comes with the Palace I preordered*) or quit calling it free.

    On the PTS, Legacy Storage is free when you spend 5K credits (5000) on a home-world Stronghold, or if you get the free Nar Shadaa Stronghold for being a subscriber on the qualifying dates.

    And do you really believe that most of the people complaining are really that outraged about the price to *expand* the non-free Legacy Storage that they are calling useless, as opposed to still being upset that Legacy Storage won't let them freely trade BoP items within their Legacy.

    I don't read minds, I just read posts about "OMG 50 million for Legacy Storage," which is deceptive.

    If they are posting that because they wanted Bound gear to be converted to Bound to Legacy by Legacy Storage, let them say so.

    Because if it could do that, you know they'd be happy with a single slot.

    No, I don't know that. Some of these posters never seem to be happy. Unless being a troll makes them happy.

    * My understanding is that anybody who buys a stronghold has to do an intro quest which grants a Legacy Storage access point, and thus access to the first tab.

    Quest, on PTS: Talk to holocom, walk 30 meters to Stronghold Vendor, buy Stronghold (for as little as 5K), open Stronghold menu, click "Travel," collect rewards. Let us know if that's too arduous for you, or takes more than a minute to do. :D


    Feel free to go over to the PTS and check it out, it's easy to do and free. Plus you can copy each toon over to the PTS several times, and be wealthy beyond your wildest SWTOR dreams. Until next PTS reset, at least.

  15. same thinking m8

    legacy storage is mainly for mats.

    Not for me. I already have plans to use it as a weapons locker. Picked up the last Legacy mainhands and offhands for my companions to use today, already have most of the sets for the toons themselves. (Too bad there are no Legacy tech staffs or electroblades tho.)


    I envision my toons starting each mission by taking the gear they need out of the storage locker, and at the end of the day putting it back. No more searching for who had a set last, and, each of getting the gear and putting it back will take less than a minute to do. It will be fun role playing. There will be consumables there too.


    I'll also keep some mats there, mainly things like MMGs, EEE, Iso-5 (that any toon might want to trade for a 180 mod) and Beryllius and Thermal Regulators that are used by more than one of my crafters. And maybe a reserve supply of some commonly-used stuff.

  16. [On why 400 Legacy Store slots is good, but 320 is bad ...]

    The numbers of mats, plain and simple. 4-5 tabs is required to use the legacy crafting function ... You simply can't store them all in less, there's too much of them,

    320+ unique crafting mats? No, not hardly. There's about 20 at each of levels 1-6 and 9, and a few at level 7, 8, and 10. Probably only around 160 unique mats. And even fewer that have any real value. And fewer still that are expensive and used across multiple crafters, like Thermal Regulators, and therefore benefit a lot from being stored in shared storage.


    Sounds to me like you aren't a crafter, yet you claim to know what crafters need. You are just making stuff up as an excuse to bash a perfectly nice new feature BW is providing us: free legacy Storage, that's expandable at a price.

  17. Point of legacy storage was never in storage space but in the QoL aspect of it.

    Hunting for stuff on alts not being sure who has it/had it last is a pain.

    ^^^ this. I already have 6000 slots. Searching 6000 slots is slow and a pain.

    Mailing things 8 at a time is a pain, especially cross-faction.

    Legacy storage is going to reduce those annoyances for me, and give me more time to play SWTOR.


    YMMV, but I don't really care. I already know how awesome it will be for me.

  18. No it's not free, not for a functional Legcy cargo that utilizes its legacy aspect in a significant degree, which means 5 tabs for crafting. If you're gonna just use it for legacy tokens and 1 armor set, then you may as well keep it on your main. The only version of the cargo that has major functionality/QOL improvement is the one that has all tabs for 50 million. . I can do colors too.

    So, you are saying that Legacy Storage with 400 slots is a "major improvement," but LS with only 320 slots is not.


    Care to explain how the last 80 slots radically transforms LS? Or are you just willing to just leave your statement as it is and look like a raving idiot?

  19. well... I've been using legacy transport for Tat and DK/Coruscant, but this is actualy pretty damn good idea and without the associated cooldown - thanks :) I wasn't going to unlock Tat stronghold, but given this, I may actualy consider it after all. maybe. capitol worlds are so cheap, its definitely worth it.


    And when you exit your Stronghold to the planet, it drops you right into the marketplace (right next to the giant gold Hutt on Nar Shadaa, for example). Pretty convenient.

  20. Do you understand the difference between ... 50 MILLION for Legacy Cargo?

    Problem is, what you are saying just is not true.


    Legacy Storage is FREE. 80 slots of it.

    Upgrade to 160 slots for a mere 5 million credits, the price of a Revan statue on the GTN.

    Upgrade to 240 slots for a total of 15 million, which some of the walker mounts were selling for recently.


    Seems pretty reasonable. 240 Legacy Storage slots for the price of a walker mount.

    And even a full-out 400 slot Legacy Storage costs only as much as people have paid for a Red Sphere mount.


    But, feel free to not use your FREE 80 slots of Legacy Storage if it bothers you so much. Feel free to not upgrade it if doubling its size for 5 million creds is too rich for your blood. Feel free to rage-quit over it. Whatever you like to do is just fine, except please stop trying to deceive people with your incesestant ranting about how Legacy Storage costs 50 million credits. It doesn't. It's FREE.


    Yeah, expanding it may look pricey to the casuals and F2P. (When I started playing, I thought cargo hold expansions were expensive. Not so much now). But many players, not sure how many but quite a few, spend more on vanity items with no utility at all.

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