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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. From direct purchase with credits from vendors, for now you can only buy 9 items.

    What you posted was:


    For those lacking cartel certificates (rare drops from Cartel Packs), you will find that you have a whopping nine decorations to spread around your home." That's right, nine, and they are the only decorations available in-game that you can purchase with in-game credits.
    (color emphasis in the original, underlining added)


    That's just plain incorrect, and blatant disinformation no matter how you try to backpedal now. In fact, the very next sentence of the posting you extracted from reads:

    Now, in the spirit of fairness, there are more decorations available right in the next 'room', these are obtained via crafting.

    That you stopped short of including that in your extract speaks volumes. Living under a bridge, are you?

  2. I did some research online and tried a few things in game but I can't seem to find the mobs to give credit for Tatooine: Pillaging the Republic 0/20 Republic Defenses Defeated. Any ideas where these guys are? I've tried killing some guards around republic towns and what not, but nothing.

    I believe they are the Level 55 Champions that protect the Republic outposts.

    I killed a few of them as part of an Imp side guild outing,

    which outing included a fun trip into the House Organa palace. Much fun was had by all. :)

  3. 1: you press U and quicktravel to the stronghold of your choice. That is after you've bought it anyway. You buy it on Fleet in the crew skills section (now named strongholds and crew skills).

    You can also travel to other people's Strongholds if they have given you a key.

  4. As far as I can tell by the parts list it'll have a lot of functioning terminals similar to a ship.

    Dulfy lists the following Utility items for Strongholds:

    • Appearance Modification Station
    • Cargo Bay
    • Galactic Trade Network (Kiosk or Wall)
    • Guild Bank
    • Item Modification Station
    • Legacy Stronghold Storage
    • Mailbox


    Also listed are a Medical Droid and Jawa Scrap Vendors, but I don't know if they are functional.


    No Training Dummy yet, which is too bad because I'd much rather have one in a Stronghold than in my ships!

    We should ask BioWare to make a Training Dummy available for Strongholds IMO.

  5. Knockbacks are useless as anything but a knockback in 99% of situations, and the 1% is only there for that horribly contrived scenario someone is sure to come up with.

    Not at all. For any Sorc or Sage doing raids, Overload and the Sage equivalent should be used almost on cooldown to do group heals. Zero force cost, castable on the run, heals yourself and every player in the AoE for as 2-3K HP - that's as much as 30K of heals in 1 GCD. This is especially true when the mobs are immune to knockback, such as in many boss fights (e.g. Brontes in DF, Tyrans in DP).


    That said, it is fine as is.

  6. I think it would be nice to have role-specific achievements, for example,

    "Defeated Hard-Mode Dread Council as Tank," rather than just "Defeated Hard-Mode Dread Council."

    I believe that role matters, and that being able to, for example, heal a successful boss fight says very little about your ability to tank or DPS it, and vice versa.


    I am not sure how much hassle this would be to implement though.

  7. I'm sorry if the logical assumption that Legacy Storage will have a purpose to craft/being on the Cartel Market dictates that it wouldn't be given out with every Stronghold immediately... given that makes there no purpose to it being craftable or buyable to begin with since you can just move the free one right? Crafting more doesn't give you more space, it only puts another access point hence I'm not sure why someone would want to put access points everywhere....

    From my limited experience on the PTS, the LS access terminal isn't given out per Stronghold, but per toon that does the Stronghold quest. If you have only one toon, you might get only one free LS access terminal even if you buy more than one Stronghold, so you might want to buy or craft another access point? And the Tat SH is pretty big, so some people might want multiple access points there.

  8. Just going to stop you right there, as I believe you don't get even get the Legacy Storage terminal for free.

    On the PTS, you are wrong. Each toon of mine that did the 60-second Stronghold quest got a mail terminal and a Legacy Storage terminal for free. I started using them immediately, to verify the Bound-to-Legacy gear could be shared through the Legacy Storage. No crafting, no spending of credits or CCs. Odds are that's how it will be on the live servers too.


    If the PTS pricing holds, even people who subscribe after 2.9 launches will be able to get a Stronghold for each faction for 5K credits each, each including a mail terminal, a Legacy Storage terminal, and 80 slots of Legacy Storage at no additional cost. Note that this is cheaper than expanding your ship's locker or even your own inventory; BW is practically giving it away.


    Why don't you just go over to the PTS and check before spreading disinformation? Or do you care whether what you say is actually true or not?

  9. My group has scavenging races. One wears a ridiculous alacrity suit because it helps him scavenge faster. Sages in the group make things very interesting with pulls.

    I was thinking of doing that, not just for scavenging but also for reverse engineering and force-feeding gifts to companions. Finally, a use for the tanking gear the com vendors sell! :D

    Yeah, I think I'll eventually make a high alacrity Legacy set for "gettin' the chores done with." I have plenty of spare alacrity enhancements and those and some alacrity augments is all I'll need.

  10. That's good to hear. Is there a quick travel option to your house and back from the rest of the world?

    Yes. It works pretty much like the "Return to Previous Location" option from Group Finder. When I QT'd home from within an instance on Manaan and then returned, it returned me to the just outside the instance.


    And when I QT'd to my NS Stronghold, and then QT'd again to my DK Stronghold, the "return to where you were" option took me back to where I was before I went to the NS Stronghold. Pretty nice.


    And it means you can reroll your crew skill missions while in the middle of questing fairly quickly, without having to interrupt your questing.


    I have not tried QT to a Stronghold from within a Warzone.

  11. You are getting the palace for free as a loyalty reward for paying your subscription normally. You are not being asked to pay extra to get it. You would have had to pay extra to have it if you weren't a subscriber on those dates and therefor didn't qualify for the loyalty rewards.

    And even with that, if PTS prices hold, you will be able to get a Stronghold with one tab of Legacy Storage for 5K creds.

    If you play both factions, get 2 Strongholds with shared Legacy Storage for 10K creds total. That's the next best thing to free. Even a mid-level F2P toon can earn that much, assuming they are allowed to have a Stronghold at all, which I do not know.


    And if the PTS is any indication, you get a quick way to travel to your home planet with no cooldown in the bargain. If that holds true, I imagine no one will bother unlocking that particular legacy travel option anymore as a result.


    BW is making it cheap and easy for players to get a taste of Legacy Storage. And we can all guess why. :D

  12. No offence, I rarely play my healer, although better geared than yours. I was twiddling my thumbs healing HM Xeno, it isn't exactly any form of challenge is it? I've seen healers go in with full 140 gear and be in a similar situation, the only time they'll struggle is if the tank does something stupid on thermal.

    None taken, I agree with you. I was simply refuting the statement someone made that people with lots of 55 alts don't bring undergeared toons to Xeno HM. Some of us occasionally do. Some of us also bring over-geared 186/180 monsters on occasion. It all balances out. :)


    My Scoundrel is interesting case, because he is the only alt for whom I cannot buy an offhand using the abundance of Elite coms my Imp toons have. The Imp-side com vendors do not sell shotguns, so all the Imp-side Cunning offhands are vibroknives with barrels bound to "knife." So now I have to earn some coms on the Pub side, something I have not done much lately, even though my first two toons were Pubs. It'll be fun - I hope! :)


    I imagine if I was trying to gear an Imp Agent using coms from Pub side play, I'd face the same barrier.

  13. Remember that flagships are here for a purpose.... it will be so called Conquest "events". Wonder how "small guilds" wil do in those due to them being small but we still lack info about the mechanics.
    On the PTS planets seem to be divided into sectors; there is a notice that pops up when you enter a sector saying which guild controls that sector.


    Just speculating here, but it may be that guilds can only control a limited number of sectors, and there may be enough sectors for small guilds to get one. Even with that, there may be some pretty intense competition between the top guilds for "prime real estate," whether that's to get buffs in an area a guild does a lot of stuff in or to simply advertise the awesomeness of your guild to potential new players.


    We'll see later this week when Guild ships and Conquests go live on the PTS.

  14. And again, if 100 hours (or 50, or 200, depending on what you do and want) of repeting the exact same content over and over is your idea of fun, good for you. I'm not claiming that somebody, however unlikely, could not have fun with that.


    Don't delude yourself, however, that its a majority.

    I was not the one who made the statement about what "most" people like or dislike.

    So please take your own advice, since I do not seem to need it, and you do.

  15. Actually running dailies with friends while laughing about things of voice chat, possibly drinking slightly alcoholic beverage while doing it, could be fun for many.

    Especially when you play little micro-games throughout, like "let's kill this gold before it can get an attack off," or running with two DPS and DPS companions without ever stopping to heal.


    And trying to complete a weekly or FP as fast as possible is a mini-game in its own right. Blazed through 5 GF tactical FPs last night on a gunslinger and a sage healer, it was a blast.

  16. Dailies and weeklies, for most people, do not translate into fun

    How do you know this? How many people have you asked? Was it a statistically valid randomly selected sample of the SWTOR player base? Where the questions properly designed?


    Or are you just making it up, on the assumption that what you do not enjoy is what most people do not enjoy?

  17. This is a game, this is not about a pure investment in time - its about progressing through content and having fun doing so, or otherwise getting better while having fun.

    That's a very incomplete list of the ways one can have fun in SWTOR. You don't have to "progress" or "get better" to have fun. You can also:

    • roll an alt to redo a class story as a different alignment or sex,
    • faceroll the Oricon and Cerka weeklies for a laugh with a friend,
    • do NiM KP with HM55-capable toons for giggles,
    • do arbitrage on the GTN for a profit,
    • spend hours costuming your toons,
    • grind Xeno HM for a chance at the Red Sphere, or
    • <insert your favorite thing here>.


    The list of ways to have fun in SWTOR goes on and on. That's important to keep in mind.

  18. When the sky doesn't fall...again....what will the Chicken Littles do? I mean, predicting more doom in the near future...

    I think they'll just keep being jealous of those of us who keep enjoying the game. How dare we?


    I know I will love even one tab of Legacy Storage, just from the little bit of time I played with it on the PTS.

    I'll love it so much I'll pay BW some cash to expand it. :)

  19. It is not a free upgrade, it is an upgrade that you're paying for as part of the service.
    No, my contract with them is pretty clear, it says I am paying $X and they are delivering 50mbps of service. That's all I am paying for, by mutual agreement. They never promised I'd get any more than that, ever. Cox just decided to give me more than that. For free. I wasn't entitled to it. They did not owe it to me. It's a gift. It's free.
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