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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. If the price does drop, BioWare will have lost $40 a piece from three players I personally know where going to partially unlock with CC's, including myself. That's BioWare's choice, they may have thought the projected revenue from players like me did not sufficiently counter-balance the dissatisfaction of some number of other players.


    Even if I were an EA stockholder (I am not as far as I know) I'd be fine with this: sometimes you have to sacrifice some revenue at the altar of brand loyalty.

  2. Actually I have found the opposite is true, with Oricon being the exception.

    Every single time I have tried to form a group, even among my friends or coworkers to do dailies it took me anywhere from 25 percent up to 100 percent longer.

    The sled goes no faster than the slowest dog. That's why my wife and I, who do dailies very quickly, only group with players we know are fast or for things like AC that require it. Or to show someone the ropes, in which case speed does not matter.

  3. Well, you mean that DDR2 are not enough for this game ? That means i'll have to upgrade my PC soon then. Could you please tell which i5 CPU would be the best for SWTOR ? And how about RAMs, DDR3 1600 ?

    It's all about cost. You probably don't need an i5: an i3 or even the unlocked Pentium Anniversary Edition ($70 I think) would be fine. That said, you'd need a new motherboard, and DRAM, and you may not know it yet but you really want an SSD if you can afford the $130 to get a 250GB one from Micron or Samsung, and you might need a new PSU too depending on how old yours. Oh, and you may need to buy a new OS too. Since you are now already spending at least $300, you might want to spring for an i5 even if you don't really "need" it. You can reuse your current graphics card.


    Anandtech just posted this Best PC under $500 article, you can use that as a starting point. However, do not get the AMD system, it has poor single-thread CPU performance, and SWTOR needs single-thread performance.


    Me, starting with that Intel system, I'd ditch the HDD and get a bigger SSD, like a 250GB Samsung 840 EVO. I'd also use a Haswell-based core i3 processor, at least, instead of the Celeron. "You will be happy," as Gus Tuno likes to say.

  4. H

    CZ-198, no weekly

    Credits: 45,506

    Time: 12 minutes

    Note that the CZ weekly gives a purple item container. The one I opened yesterday yielded a head armor for which the lowest price on the GTN was more than 50K. Plus it gives 20 Basics, which translates into around 50K credits when converted to Iso-5 and sold. Plus 15K credits, a 2500 credit rep item, and 12 Elites (that cannot be efficiently converted to creds :().


    So the weekly mission alone can yield almost 120K credits from quest rewards, plus loot drops. Not sure how long it takes to run the two tac FPs you would need to do, but they can go pretty fast.

  5. If they are going to keep treating content in such a manner then the game should just go full blown f2p...Though at that point I'd probably just go back to FFXIV.

    And yet you pimp your referral link in your signature. Why refer people to a game you seem to think so poorly of?

    It seems kind of mean an sadistic to do so.

  6. What about people who did start getting their credits together based on the assumption that the content would be released at a reasonable price.

    It is being released at a reasonable price. Unlike when Rise of the Hutt Cartel was first released, subscribers can get access to everything in 2.9 without paying any additional real money at all. That's really very generous of BW. :)

  7. There is, of course, a difference between the eternally disgruntled and the currently disgruntled. If someone constantly attacks or defends any action a company takes, they should be ignored.

    Well , I am still annoyed at BW over the over-nerfing of OS/FFB, so that doesn't include me. :p

    But I love Legacy Storage. It's worth the price, to me. :) Guild ships, well we'll find out soon enough.

  8. Given the early hype re your "legacy", I was hoping that once a person hit 50 there'd be more than a title.


    50 MILLION credits for full legacy storage? LOL. So full legacy storage = 1 Galaxy class ship? Don't see the logic there.

    There's an important difference: you cannot unlock a Guild ship a little at a time.

    We are likely to see the following occur, with the proviso that the player may stop at any point:

    • Player gets free tab of LS, likes it.
    • After a while, player winds up with 5 million creds to spend, decides another tab of LS would be nice, buys it instead of a fancy mount or a Revan statue.
    • The player grows more wealthy, goes looking for something to spend his 10 million creds on. Decides that having another tab of LS would be nice, buys it for 10 million.
    • The player continues to amass wealth, and one day finds he has 15 million spare creds he can use to get another tab. So he does, because after having three tabs for a while, he found a use for the fourth.
    • After a while the player has rebuilt his bank again and more, and spends another 20 million creds on the last tab of LS.


    Getting together 50 million is hard. But getting together 5 million, 10 million, 15 million, or 20 million at one time is easier. And frankly, which is worth more to a player, a GS or a fully-expanded LS? It will depend of course on the player. If I could only have one or the other, I might take the LS, depending on what we learn about Guild Ships and Conquests.

  9. Makeb Weekly is an interesting case. Proper selection of which Staged missions to do is essential. My wife and I always choose to do a Stage Heroic in each stage because the Heroics are some of the fastest missions in the chain; the two of us can finish the Heroic before the 10 minutes cooldown on our Quick Travel expires. Knowing how and when to "Cliff Travel" (jump off a cliff to quick travel to the nearest Med Droid, zero repair cost) is essential to a fast run.


    But some Makeb missions are incredibly slow: on the Imp side The Dissonance Wave is famously so, but I also have no time for Probes of Perecta or Clear Skies Ahead. Dulfy has estimates for time to complete many of the Makeb Stage Weekly missions, they vary from 5 minutes to 30.


    Similarly, the Makeb GSI Heroic is incredibly fast: go to plaza in front of instance, scope the three dishes from the raised platform, enter instance, three quick fights and it's done, The end boss is mostly harmless if you interrupt Artillery every time - easy with two players -- and doubly so if you use your Heroic Moment and accompanying Legacy abilities. The other GSI dailies are also quick and most (including the Heroic) have a Daily and/or Staged mission you can do with them if you like.


    No other planet has GSI missions as fast as Makeb's are, so we do the GSI weekly in two days on Makeb, with the accompanying Makeb dailies thrown in on the second day. Very fast, lots of creds and Basics that we cash in for Iso-5. The OP shot his speed run in the foot by doing the GSI missions on Tat. Lots of time on the speeder for those.


    TL;DR? Doing the Makeb and GSI weeklies can be painfully slow if you make the wrong choices or do not plan ahead. Doing it as a team with two 180/168 geared DPS toons and their DPS companions (no need to heal if the mobs die before it can hurt you), and making full use of Cliff Travel and Quick travel, it's pretty non-stop, with very few long speeder rides. I have not timed it though.


    All that said, I think the Czerka Weekly may be higher yield, especially if you race through the Tactical CZ FPs.


    Maybe I can convince my wife to do a timed run of Makeb+GSI and CZ on my 180-geared Sorc in DPS spec and her Smash-spec Jug (Smash seems to be the best Jug spec for dailies).

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