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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. Mmm...

    [re: dailies for cash] on the other hand my OPS healer with stealth can really cut through the pointless kill mobs and be rather quick through stealthing.


    The question I have not seen answered yet is whether those "pointless kill mobs" are really pointless or not. You do get some money for killing mobs, and it is possible (but not known to me) that "trash mobs" are worth the 5-10 seconds it takes to kill them when my wife and I are doing dailies on our Smash-spec jugs or maras (typically: saber throw, leap+enrage, smash for 9K+, force sweep or ravage) .

  2. I supported the price. But I'm not upset that it got reduced cause I didn't care either way.

    I support any price BioWare wants to charge within or for the game, because:

    • It's just a game so I do not need to buy "it," whatever "it" is,
    • It's BioWare's game, and
    • I can leave at any time.


    That said, I would still prefer that they de-nerf Orbital Strike a little, it used to be so cool ... now it's lame.

    (frankly, Freight Fly-By was less cool, but if you have to de-nerf one to de-nerf the other, fine. :p)

  3. It's not hair splitting. It's a rather signifcant difference.


    Audience? ...now that's actually amusing and rather telling. But hey, you could've just told me you wanted to be in the company of Infernixx and DarthTHC. Consider that done.


    So rather than answer the question, of whether you calling BW's PR work "dumb" was appropriate, you post just another attempted insult. Your attempt is a fail, I'm afraid. While I do not always agree with Infernixx and DarthTHC, who also don't always agree with each other, I am pleased to be considered in their company. Thanks. I am not so sure they'll appreciate being in mine though. :)


    And now, apparently, you won't reads my responses to your posts -- but other people will. That's just fine: other people were and always are the intended audience anyway. That's why people post rather than using PMs. You apparently don't understand that.


    And that, folks, is part of why I consider it foolish to advertise who is on your ignore list. For the sake of a cheap attempt at an insult, you set yourself up for diverse kinds of embarrassment. And the people you ignore, heck most forum readers for that matter, probably do not care, because you and your opinion are, in all likelihood, just not important to them.

  4. Sorry but this is what I mean with poor reading skills.

    Lead with an insult, good, good!

    I assume you know the difference between being dumb and doing something dumb. I said that the way they handled it was dumb.

    Ah, irrelevant hair splitting, how amusing. I'll let the audience figure out how much it matters.


    So, are you justified in calling something someone does "dumb" merely because of how you feel about it?

    When you apparently have no expertise in the relevant field at all?


    Here's an apparently analogous position to yours, BTW:

    "Watson and Crick propose that DNA has a double helix structure?

    That's just dumb, because of how I feel about it, even though I know nothing about biochemistry."

    Think that's an unrealistic analogy?_ Well, ponder this: "Creation Science."


    "Feelings, nothing more than feelings ... woah woah woah" -- as sung by Carol Burnett

  5. It's my opinion. What more do you want. Honestly it's how I feel. ...

    But jesus, it's my opinion. Nothing more.

    So why do you keep arguing with people over this if your opinion is just based on your feelings?

    Do you think mere feelings carry persuasive weight?


    And do you think you are justified in calling BioWare "dumb" just because you don't feel they are handling their PR correctly? It's fine to have a difference of opinion, but insulting people who have differing opinions, when your own opinion is no more than "how you feel," seems unreasonable.

  6. That's a nice opinion but I have my own. I think companies need to communicate better with their customers. The timing is also theirs. It can be before the weekend.

    And your opinion is based on how much experience running a company that produces a popular MMO?


    Plus frankly, there is a lot of utility in letting info "leak" via data mining. It doesn't carry BioWare's imprimatur. The next patch to the PTS, before it even goes live again, could double those prices and no one would have any legitimate cause to complain, because BioWare never said those would be the prices, not even on the PTS. So, you can allow things to leak to act as trial balloons. That is harder to do with an official announcement.


    And let's also remember that the PTS exists for testing. BioWare may have lowered the prices below what they intend for the live servers so that more PTS players fully unlock the Legacy Storage purely to stress test the Legacy Storage code. So until we get official word from BioWare, we shouldn't make assumptions.

  7. That's a pretty decent computer but I have a hard time believing you get anywhere close to 60fps at that resolution while in an ops or on fleet - ...

    I bet if you turn on you FPS you hover between 35-45 and dip as low as the 20's during heavy action - especially at that resolution - a 760 is not the most amazing card and especially at that high of a resolution


    That's the problem with lag it is so subjective. Some people, like myself, that anything under a constant 60fps is considered lag but others can get 40 or even 30fps and think that is perfectly ok.

    Yep. I am seeing 30-50 FPS (in red numbers, so GPU-limited) on fleet in a large crowd and that's fine for me. YMMV.

  8. Also, because of this, certain hilt or barrel schematics aren't available outside of raids. For example, a GUARDIAN hilt, as opposed to a MIGHT hilt. The Might hilt is available for RE from comms.

    And no one needs or may even want a GUARDIAN hilt. Tanks need armor, not HP (because 90+% of a tanks HP come from his or her healers.) Armor, which a tank does need, comes from the rating (e.g., 162, 168, 180, ...). And while the MIGHT hilt may give fewer HP, it creates higher threat generation and more damage. So many tanks I know use Might or Reflex or Resolve hilts/barrles/armorings, rather than the high-endurance alternatives.

  9. I intend for this thread to be a place people can report on their earnings from doing Weeklies.


    Aug. 2, 2014: Czerka Weekly using GF Tactical FPs, including all missions, with some scavenging

    Solo, Sorc DPS in 180 gear with Andronikus (rDPS) in 168 gear

    Time: 58 minutes, from stepping off transport to selling drops at Med Droid


    • 115K credits
    • 10 Mythra (900 ea. on GTN)
    • 11 Turadium (600 ea. on GTN)
    • 1 Exotic Element Equalizer (50K on GTN)
    • 40 Basics (=1.14 vials of Isotope-5, worth 105K ea. on GTN)


    Total yield: 300K in about an hour, 250K without the EEE.



    Aug. 2, 2014: Czerka Weekly using GF Tactical FPs, including all missions, with some scavenging

    Solo, Smash-spec Jug DPS in 180 gear with Jaesa (mDPS) in 168 gear

    Time: 52 minutes, from stepping off transport to selling drops at Med Droid


    • 90K credits, after repair (one wipe in Cz Meltdown)
    • 1 Exotic Element Equalizer (50K on GTN)
    • 1 [Artifact] Pristine Battlemind Vestment (1@150K on GTN, I'll call it 75K)
    • 1 Advanced Efficient Enhancement 28 (19K on GTN)
    • 40 Basics (=1.14 vials of Isotope-5, worth 105K ea. on GTN)


    Total yield: 350K in about an hour, 230K without the EEE and [A]PBV.

    Hourly, this works out to 400K/ hour including all drops, 265K per hour otherwise.



  10. That said, if you spam "need one person to push button to complete AC" to general chat, you have a pretty good chance of picking up your fourth quickly.


    We did that once a long time ago (pre TotHC) when someone rage-quit because none of us had figured out what to interrupt on the last boss. We then three-manned the boss without him (interrupting Force Siphon), solicited a button pusher in general chat, and finished. The button-pusher was pretty happy to get the Weekly for just walking in. :)


    Time saving tip: jump to your death when you are done, it's faster than using the teleporter and goes to the exact same place. As with most if not all jumps to your death, you incur no repair costs (but remember to rebuff). Jumping to your death can save time at the end of the Black Hole heroic, too, it takes you back to base.

  11. I run SWTOR under Windows 7 64-bit at 2560x1440 and everything but bloom, on one of four monitors connected to my home built system that includes a GTX 760, a Core i5-3570K at 3.4GHz, 8GB of memory, and a 250GB Samsung 840 EVO SSD. I have 150 Mbps down / 20 Mbps up cable internet and see ping times around 30ms. Generally, performance is fine, and any lag seems more attributable to the servers than my local system.


    I do turn off the eye candy in some ops, but that is mainly to make it easier to see ground effects.

  12. more likely they realized that they would actualy make more money on players that may not have bought the unlocks before, but will be buying them now. you know, instead of selling 3 unlocks at $40, they will now sell 30 of them, and while individual cost is lower - overall profit is higher.

    That may also be a factor, I agree. You and I do not have the data to really predict that. BioWare may.


    I really love LS, so BioWare may be getting that $40 from me anyway, as a thank you.


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