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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. The only problem? PvP gear is insanely OP in OW compared to everything else except for itself. If PvE players don't like/play PvP, then they have ZERO chance stopping PvP guilds from ganking them.

    Flood of tears will ensue.....

    Unless BioWare bolsters the areas the Conquest Commanders are in. :)

    They clearly have this capability, as demonstrated by the Bolsterizers on the fleet.

  2. My Legacy Set is augmented. I'm not going to augment another set when I know I have a full set already augmented. If you had bothered to read my 1st post, you might understand that I am going to share the armor with my Republic Mirror class. There will be no need to pull mods out. Legacy gear is acquired from reputation vendors and is not part of collections.

    You're speaking to someone with 6 fulls sets of fully augmented Bound-to-Legacy (BtL) endgame gear for my toons, 2 half-sets (for Heal-to-DPS respecs) and four partly-augmented sets of Legacy endgame gear for their companions (one for each mainstat for DPS), plus over two dozen augmented BtL mainhands and offhands (11 just for the DPS companions; wish I could get BtL electrosaffs or techstaffs, but no.)


    So I know what you are doing: I do it, in spades, both across and within factions: Z'nna, Z'reign and C'enna share gear, and Z'yla, Mewsic, and Z'rho, as do Z'lot and Cymarose, and so on. And they all share the same Companion gear if I am headed out to do dailies. Companions, fortunately, do not use set bonuses.


    Yes, tracking down all that stuff has been hard at times. Legacy Storage will help. I'll put at least the Companion sets (39 pieces total at present) on a Legacy Storage tab and check them in and out at the start and end of each run (which will take less than a minute to do.) I might do the same with the sets for the alts, but with them I can see on the login screen what each toon is wearing so I might not be as diligent about it.


    And yes, BtL gear isn't the best looking (although Confiscated Mercenary and BBA gear isn't bad, Voss has some fans, Makeb Assault works for troopers, and Ashara looks OK in dyed Tattered Ritualist.) Hopefully we will see better looking BtL in the future, or perhaps a dye module that converts any empty shell into BtL ...

  3. The BH event I haven't played since the second time around.

    I go out and do bounties when I want more of the BtL stuff you can buy with completed contracts. It is some of the less-ugly BtL armors, and the bowcasters are nice. BioWare was smart to change those from credits to contracts, IMO. :)

  4. Plus the part you bolded was a helpful tip was it not?

    Not to deaf people. This game can be played by the hearing-impaired, and probably is.

    Plus, people playing at work sometimes cannot have the sound on or wear headphones without getting fired.

    So for them, your advice is just another sharp stick in the eye, I am afraid. :(


    Sorry it had to come to this, Reno. If you need a second for your ritual suicide, let me know. ;)

  5. You have no idea what a Legacy Set is.

    That's a bit presumptuous. He may indeed know, and be implying you can Legacy the mods over, rip them out, and put them in the armor of your choosing. At a cost of as much as 40K a piece, yes, but it can still be done.


    That said, having Legacy Storage could solve your problem.

  6. Sarcasm aside, it would be fun if the infected went same faction pvp flagged too :p

    Perhaps next time, BioWare could have being final-stage infected force auto-accept of duel challenges. It fits nicely with the Imperial edict that all infected people be eliminated immediately. Plus, it reduces the time-to-die for infected players who are looking to explode. Win-Win, baby!! :)

  7. No one cares what you do. Your experiences are not with the development of an MMO and are not really relevant to the discussion.

    In fact, as far as we can tell so far, he may never have written or debugged a line of code in his entire life.

    He "oversees" and is "in the loop" of IT functions (router and server administration) that may not actually involve much coding at all other than writing comparatively-simple scripts. Hardly the same thing as an MMO.


    MMOs are hard. They are real-time, distributed, multi-server, multi-client systems operating over a network with variable and unpredictable latency. The only thing you could do that would be much harder, I think, is do all that and have it operating on objects in the real world (e.g. distributed C3 of a battalion of robot tanks on a battlefield), rather than virtual one.

  8. There are ways to say to the customer, "Project X has run into a delay. We apologize and ask that you bear with us. Expected release date is now H + 14 (days / weeks)"

    As if hunting down bugs in large complicated distributed multi-server software systems was that predictable. :rolleyes:

    "I'll let you know when we figure out where the problem is coming from" is more the norm.


    And even then, you often don't know until you find the source of the error how quick the fix will be. Sometimes you fix one typo in a line of code and it's done. Sometimes you wind up rearchitecting and recoding an entire module, a task that can involve weeks or more of effort and labyrinthine review and approval procedures. And heaven help your project if you have to alter the syntax or semantics of the module interface to implement the fix!


    And after all that, you then need time to do regression analysis, hoping you didn't introduce a new bug.


    Software is different, alright. "It will be done when it is done" is often the only honest prediction anyone can make.

  9. Indeed. :(

    I gave away 40k or so the other day to this LV25 and in about five minutes, he got a Kingpin Rancor.

    Frakin' RNG indeed.

    That's the second most awesome Kingpin Rancor story I've ever heard. So you didn't get the Rancor, but you got this cool story instead. Congrats.


    This post contains zero sarcasm.

  10. I love how you "don't care" that she (he?) put you on ignore, but yet you continue to [blah blah blah]

    What part of "other people where always the intended audience anyway" do you not understand?

    Of course I continue to do what I used to do - because I don't care about other people's ignore lists.

    Do you care about mine?

  11. No, you missed the memo where it said it would be nice if they took 5 mins in their day just to write a single post on this rather hot topic. It would be kinda sad if it took the whole BW team a whole day to write one post.

    You are naive if you think that any official communication from a large publicly-held company can be created and approved in five minutes. Have you never worked in a corporation? Have you never worked at all?

  12. "No communication at all" however isn't exactly a better solution.

    Since you seem to desperately need orange text, here:

    We are working hard on the problems with the PTS update but have nothing further to report at this time. We appreciate your patience and your continuing support for Star Wars: The Old Republic. We will have an update for you when we have something more to say.
  13. I still love how people assume they worked through the weekend, an that the first thing that should happen on monday morning is an update...when in fact they were off for the weekend ...

    ... because "update not ready for PTS in time" does not equal "live servers down."


    Some things justify calling the troops in for a long weekend. Others do not. It's a game. No one is lines-down and losing money because the PTS is down (well, except maybe those people who make money off of YouTube/Twitch SWTOR streams, but I don't think BW is worried much about that).


    Perhaps the OP is one of those latter? Not likely, but ...

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