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Posts posted by BuriDogshin

  1. None. I won't even unlock the NS palace. This "expansion" is nothing but a waste of money and resources that would have been better spent on other things.

    I hope you remember your words when someone in a group you are in QTs to their Stronghold, gets something they needed from the Legacy Storage or Ships Locker, and then QTs back to where they started.


    What are you going to to do instead? Log out, hope you login to the toon that has what you need, go to ship's locker, find what you needed, find a mail box, mail the stuff, logout again, login again, deploy mail droid? That sounds like a waste of time and resources to me.

  2. I overheard some people discussing how difficult the Kingpin bounty contracts are, saying they're like Heroic 4 quests. Is this true?

    Might be, but I have solo'd both and the KP bounties seem easier.


    This morning I solo'd the Voss Kingpin on my 180-geared Sorc Z'nnah in heal spec

    using Ashara in 168/180 gear as my companion:

    • Heroic Moment,
    • Pre-cast Legacy Orbital Strike,
    • ordered Ashara to attack,
    • pre-cast Crushing Darkness as she warmed up,
    • Legacy Stick Grenade,
    • Legacy Flame Thrower,
    • Legacy Force Choke,
    • Heal Ashara and self until boss died, and
    • Force Storm (not Legacy) the 3 adds until dead.


    Not even a close fight. But the Voss Kingpin may be easier than some others.


    Hmmm ... isn't that like killing an ant with a sledge hammer? :p


    No, it's more like hunting womp rats with a minigun.

  3. I disagree with Bound-to-Legacy gear being purchasable with RL cash via the CM.


    You want Legacy gear, go out and grind for it. Heck, geting BtL the only reason I my endgame toons do Bounties or the Gree event, without that motivation I think a lot of people wouldn't run that content. For example, I didn't do much in the Rakghoul tunnels this time because I have Legend status and 1.5 stacks of unused DNA canisters already.


    There's nice variety added recently: the two Tattered gear sets, the Kingpin gear, and the BBA gears, for example. Not perfect, but with those and Voss, CZ, Gree, Makeb, Oricon, GSI, and the free GSF sets (there's about 2 dozen distinct BtL sets, counting Gree as only 1 and not counting the class-specific stuff) you can put together some serviceable looks. The new Manaan stuff may have possibilities too depending on how it dyes.

    BtL armor is a prize that encourages people to play the content, and BW knows that. And having people play the content is more important to the long-term survival of the game than CM armor sales are.

  4. Nope, a crash won't happen.


    If needed, SWTOR will just do what EVE does, and what central banks in the real world do: dump money into the economy. For example, they could double credit rewards for all missions, as they did for PvP missions a little while ago. Or introduce new one-time-only missions to "celebrate" the launch of GSH and GFS, that have nice credit rewards and may just be bonuses tied to existing content (kind of like the Classic Ops weekly).


    But even that is unlikely because, unlike in RL, there is no debt in SWTOR. No leveraged investments, no long or short positions: nothing that requires players to spend credits they might not have, nothing to create panic selling of assets.

  5. Buy the cure from any stim vendor for 2k. Or just suicide like the man suggested.

    And please note that there is NO repair cost incurred when you jump to your death. I do it quite often when running dailies to quickly get to the nearest med-droid (e.g. Makeb, end of Heroics in Section X and Black Hole).


    There is also no repair cost to dieing in lava, a convenient way to travel back to base on Oricon.


    You do lose any stims that do not last through defeat tho, if you use those. And you need to rebuff of course.

  6. Nah the OPs group was impatient is all.

    Not quite: the group's tank was impatient, if I read it right. It seems that the apparent rarity of tanks willing to pug means tanks can get away with being prima donnas. And if that tank was the only tank in the group (and with SM Eyeless that's possible, I've done it on my PT, and I'm not the greatest tank) even more so.

  7. If its server side it would affect my raids too, but it doesn't. Maybe your entire guild has bad computers?

    Or maybe they are in the boonies of the Internet, or rather, the ones that complain about lag are (seriously, how often can you know your "whole guild" is seeing lag?).


    Example: my wife's been playing over a 1mbps DSL line lately; it's painfully laggy and that has nothing to do with her computer (which does not see that kind of lag here at home) or the servers (because I am not seeing lag, and I am running with her on the same server, but over a 150 mbps cable connection).


    A chain is no stronger than the weakest link. The chain between the servers and a client is long and complicated, and a lot can go on in it that can cause lag, some of which neither the player nor BioWare can do much about.

  8. I understand there'll be disagreement, I want some sensible disagreement so that the idea can be sharpened out to its best. But if one person posts an actual disagreement, and 15 others post what is essentially a "point and laugh" post, can you possibly understand the initial poster's frustration?


    Frustration? Then the initial poster has missed the point of posting.


    Why do people post replies instead of PMing then? Because of the Audience: all the people who read posts, including people at BW, of whom the people who respond are a minority. That's who a post should try to convince, not the trolls and not the virtual 3-year olds ("v3s") that don't engage their brain before hitting the reply button.


    If a poster's ideas are good and their arguments are good, then why would they worry about the trolls and v3s? It all comes down to what they think of the Audience. If they have confidence in their post and respect the Audience, the trolls and v3s can be ignored, even to the point of putting them on your ignore list: the Audience will figure out who's full of shenanigans.


    But if the poster doesn't have confidence in the post, why was it posted?

    And if the poster doesn't respect the Audience, why are they bothering to try to convince them of anything?


    Edit: I t occurs to me that the forums are somewhat like when two lawyers argue in court: they are not trying to convince each other, they are trying to convince the judge and/or jury, that is, the audience that isn't arguing. Generally, that audience doesn't respond will to ad hominem attacks and shenanigans.


    In the forums, the only one that can make me look like a fool is me. That's the key thing to realize, I think.

  9. You're asking for PvP content to become PvE content. You clearly don't understand that the content was not designed with you in mind.

    Since when is burning down a mob for the drop "PvP" ?


    The Commanders are by definition PvE content. BioWare just decided to make them griefer lures as well, like the Gree Heroics used to be before BioWare got rid of AoE-induced auto-tagging. I expect that when BW figures out that getting ganked isn't any fun for most of the people doing Conquests, they'll change it.

  10. I love PvP and this has NEVER EVER been my objective. Upsetting people brings you joy? Seriously...what the hell? Are you really that ignorant that you don't see how self defeating that mentality is? What happens when that player stops logging in? What happens when enough players stop logging in that you begin to wait longer in queues? What happens when the queues suddenly cease to pop? Do you "win" then? HELL NO!!!! You've just become the biggest looser!


    PvP is as much about respecting your enemy as anything else...because they are your ONLY content. Forget that part of it and you're a fool! Piss them off and they stop playing with you.

    Well said. PvP or PvE, if we want to continue enjoying a multi-player game, the other players have to enjoy it too.

  11. I mean, you already have the black/yellow versions (matching the cheaper, "Epicenter" armor set) in the game, as shown by various NPCs. Why can we only purchase the green ones ?


    Because it's Bound-to-Legacy (BtL). If BtL gear all looked nice, and was as easy to get as the THORN stuff, who would buy Cartel market gear?

  12. Some people use a large part of their vocabulary all of the time. It's OK, we won't judge you for being smart, you don't have to play dumb.

    Dumbing things down is too much work for a forum post. Call me lazy, but in the forums i just use whatever word seems to best convey my intent, without much consideration for the education level of the audience.


    If someone want me to put in the additional effort to make a missive more accessible to fifth graders, they'll need to provide an appropriate incentive. Failing that, there are online dictionaries.



  13. [editted] if you want the rewards from Jeelvic that require high rep, you need to wait for the event to return.

    My wife, for example, just last night picked up the varakghoul (infected varactyl) she earned last time, and another player picked up a rakback (infected dewback) he earned last time.


    But the event will never return, of course, because the plague will be eradicated at the end of this occurance. ;)

  14. RE: Infernixx allegedly claiming "PvPers are the root of all eveil:"


    Sorry, fail. And not just because the word "evil" never appears in the quote. Primarily, you failed because Infernixx is knocking the PvP system, not the people who play in it (which includes me on occasion) or even the people for whom it is the primary focus of their SWTOR experience.


    If you had claimed "Infernixx says PvP is the root of all evil," I'd call that a plausible interpretation of his post.

    But to say he claimed PvpPers were the root of all evil is a mischaracterization, and an egregious one in my view.

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