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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Or, how about stopping the completely contrived experience of "even though there are several us present, we're all going to do something else while the two of you go alone"


    I'm afraid that's far too revolutionary. I like the idea in your OP but this is something they will never do, as sensible as it is. idk if it's a coding issue or just stubbornly sticking to tradition, but every BW/Obsidian game seems to use this 'you two or three go save the universe while we wait by the ship'.


    Kotfe is actually interesting in that respect since companions do something else while they're waiting. It's reminiscent of the Gauntlet fight in the trooper class story, ie. 'yay all our comps are useful for once'.


    Ideally I'd like to see comps participate in FPs and even Ops. Was doing the intro mission to SnV [i think] and Saresh says something about this being a mission suited to Havoc. Well, possibly, but only one person from havoc is going to be doing it. Whereas if you have yourself and a partner, and they each are allowed up to 5 comps, that's 12 total, that ought to be enough for a story mode op regularly done at 8 man.

  2. I hope before the year ends we can get a chance to get this chapter of story content


    5 months later, I still don't care if we get this or not, but I am still entertained by posters who are trusting that BW will keep faith and not release it out of loyalty to the people who got it. When [not if] they do release it, they will probably just do it without any strings attached or CM cost.


    That promotion I mentioned earlier in the thread where BW gave RotHC and raised the level cap to 60 for F2Pers is running again until Nov 1. I'd like to see a response from the posters who think people should pay as much [or indeed, anything] as they did when the content first came out, now that it's going to people who may not have paid a dime for this game.

  3. LordArtemis. He had some amazing ideas, many of which BW ended up using, like the Heroics Terminal and marking Heroics questgivers so players could tell at a glance that x person is giving a heroics quest. His personality was awkwardly self-effacing but I think the suggestions made up for his shortcomings.


    Seelvir: Met him, another guy with remarkable ideas, particularly his reimagined view of the Ashara Alliance Alert. When reading these forums, I rarely get a sense that there are PhD-level intelligences commenting [which confirms my prejudices about this IP] but Seelvir was a notable exception. He was not kind to people who disagreed with him, but again, I figure the trade-off was worth it. If he had a blog, I'd read it.


    BobfredJohn: Only found in The Weird People You Meet in GF thread. He met so many bizarrely incompetent people that I think many posters had begun to suspect he was making them up. He may well have been, but his stories were brilliantly told, and I don't care if they were real or not. He left between the time period that the trinity system became restricted to certain game modes and many FPs becoming soloable.


    Max_Killjoy and CrutchCricket: I just found their posts entertaining. Part of me thinks their style is so similar that maybe...Cricket was particularly enjoyable when going after the various curmudgeons on these forums, but was also a nice guy who welcomed me when I first subbed.


    Darth Moonshadow: I'm not 100% certain but I think this is the same guy who was active on the SA forum and along with a number of others wrote an LP to swtor's vanilla stories that was deliciously good. Find it here: https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3504077


    I miss Darth Wicked, the king of lore monkeys.

    I miss Ixum and his sexy photoshops.

    I miss bright_ephemera and the Forced Companions Daycare.

    Kabone and her beautiful art as already mentioned. I particularly enjoyed her chibis. Maybe she will come back when Scourge does!

    Crezelle and her fascination with Chiss and Vector fangirling.

    DomiSotto, the sane Zenith fangirl.

    And many, many more :(


    I've started reading FCD on this recommendation and both it and Kabone's illustrations are fantastic.


    Is this a Force trick? Honestly I thought I'm like the only Zenith fan around here :p On topic : nope, I don't miss anyone, I'm fairly new to this game and haven't made any friends.


    The 'sane Zenith fan' is an oblique reference to another poster [not Domi] who was definitely not sane and was indefinitely banned some time ago.


    That reminds me of another classic forumer way back in the days. I forgot his name. He was... let's say, a vivid complainer about certain topics, bringing them up and up again. I don't remember what it was. I think he used a Kaleesh avatar. He eventually left. And some months later, the same topics came up again with the same arguments and the same writing style - but by a different forumer. People quickly found out that it was the Kaleesh-guy. Ever since, he seems gone for good. This must have been in 2012 or 2013, I guess.


    I thought this referred to MadCuzBad and even went looking for the original thread, but I guess not. Talon_strikes uses the kaleesh avatar but doesn't fit the character sketch you've made.


    Yes, Wicked! That was the Darth I mentioned earlier in this thread. Glad to know the name again. It was bugging me yesterday. ;)


    DarthWicked was on my shortlist when I saw this thread, though I never interacted with him. He had a very inventive Valkorian/vitiate/Revan theory involving the gibberish the Rakatan in The Thing That Czerka Found says. which I thought was a missed opportunity for BW.


    And I remembered the one and only true hero of this (and all) MMOs, albeit I - again - don't remember his name (but I'm sure someone will be able to name him). It's the no. 1 MMO legend, Sir Something Something who always started his long, to me very funny, posts with introductions like "I am Sir XYZ. I am a gaming legend since 19XX. I was part of the group that killed Lord British in UO during beta. In XYZ I was the first who solo'd a 24 players OPs. Without armor." I think that the heavy decline in player numbers is because this legend left this game and his many thousands followers followed him to wherever he went next. Maybe Wild Star? :p


    SirCopperfield. I saw him a few times in-game, but nothing since the last merger.

  4. I was being facetious about the backlash. I know you can't see me rolling my eyes on the other side of the screen, but....


    Ah, fair enough. I use the rakghoul troll emojis for that. :rak_03:

  5. I was on Balmorra where a level 29 was getting wiped out, just trying to get to the first mission. Yes, he could survive, but life was A LOT harder for him.

    Newbies PLEASE Level Up on the correct planet, do every mission, main purple, side & Heroic missions on my first and second planets and upgrade your gear a little until you start getting gear drops.


    This really threw me for a second until I realized you meant republic Balmorra. Yes, that would be tough.


    A few months ago a guildie whispered me for help going through his Smug class story on Corellia. I figured, sure why not. When I was a newbie I asked for help to get through the Lightspring mission on Tat because I was underleveled. That was during 2.0 when xp was harder to come by.


    Anyway this guy was level 41 doing the second or third mission in the Corellia class quest chain. At that level, you couldn't have done the first part, or for that matter, completed Voss. Meaning he'd had guildies help for the last several missions. I helped him, but gave him the same advice the thread has given, that he should go back and do some quests. I also inspected his gear and saw he had mostly lvl 30 looted greens on. I took him back to fleet and bought him a complete set of lvl 38 and lvl 42 green mods and mailed them to him [he left and I got tired of waiting for him to securetrade]. I also gave him about 100k. He whispered me not long after and I told him I'd sent the stuff. The only thing he said was 'How many mods did you send?'


    I haven't seen him online since, and I think I've used up my supply of good deeds for this game for the rest of the year. Nobody ever did something like that for me when I was leveling, the most I got was tips on how to tank properly and a suggestion to use the 5 weekly pvp matches F2P get to supplement my xp, and I was extremely grateful.

  6. I had speculated as much in another post about a job posting I saw, but was nearly burned at the stake for heresy.


    Let me get this straight: a little over two weeks ago, in a thread that had nothing to do with what you posted, you had two posters politely disagree with your pov, giving reasons that certainly make sense to me [your job posting was for an assistant to Musco which you were claiming applied to Keith] and somehow from that you interpreted a severe forum backlash?

  7. Pretty much this, I still remember people claiming ESO would've killed SWTOR. Or *insert any MMO* would kill SWTOR.


    If swtor survives longer than Star Citizen, even if it's a single day longer, I'll be satisfied with swtor's longevity. Now that is a hyped up game.

  8. When Tait Watson worked with the team he used to write up the patch notes. He often misstyped "patch" as "ptach" and he was the first "Lord Ptach." Now, it is applied to Musco since Musco inherited Tait's job.


    It's just a joke.


    Good to know. I barely remember Tait, didnt follow the forum very regularly back then.

  9. This code is intended for pref or F2P. On the code redemption page, type REVANSFATE. It will unlock access to RotHC and SoR, and raise the level cap to 60. It won't raise your credit cap or make you preferred, it just gives you access to the expansions and a ten level rise to the cap if you were stuck at 50 before.


    I did it last year during a similar promo and it all worked out well. It works for all the chars on your account, and any chars you make in the future. If you're interested, you need to do it before Nov 1.

  10. I'm sure this topic has come up many times, but I'd still love show my support of it. Nautolans: An amphibious species made popular by Kit Fisto and currently modeled in the game, capable of wearing any gear set that current races can, but not currently playable. It'd be great to see that change, since we could probably use a few new races. I mean if we can have blindfolded humans (Miraluka) then we certainly can have Nautolans, a far more popular choice I might add. They're already able to do anything that current models can so all that's needed is the ten minute process of adding them to the playable roster: It's that easy.


    Add any opinions on races you'd like to see, and any support if you agree that Nautolans would be fun to see in the game. Possibly even involved in an undersea expansion or campaign.


    Notice anything familiar about this post? It's not the OP for this thread! It's the op of a thread you made six hours before this one with the same title and same copypasta speech.


    Keep this up and you'll get reported. Your pet issue is not worth two identical threads.

  11. Players have been threatening to unsub everytime Bioware makes a change, and it's true, they have been.

    Not soon enough. This guy


    Does the PVP "community" speak or just endlessly complain that this isn't a PVP game?


    Star Wars Battlefront II is out there, peeps. Designed and made for PVP.


    is right on the money imo. I pvp a lot but I don't like to think of myself as a pvper because it means putting myself in the same company as the obnoxious whiners who think this game would rake in sub dollars if they only redesigned it to the pvp community's exacting [and simultaneously contradictory] specifications.



    The game is way quieter than it was 2 years ago. There's hardly anyone at the stations now. And even though openworld PvP was a joke at least there were always a few players hanging out at the Den to spar with.


    Since the merger I've had no complaints about queues. As for the Den, I gotta lol. I've been playing this game and pvping since 2.0. In that time, I've never seen anyone in the Den who wasn't passing through to do their companion story.


    What really killed whatever PvP was left in this game is when they decided to give every player on every server the choice of playing in a PvP or PvE instance. That was a big mistake and just further verification that Bioware has absolutely no interest in PvP in this game, and is only primarily concerned with PvE.


    This only applies to OWPVP. If you want your cheevos, go on that side. If you don't want to get ganked, which was a frequent occurrence when I was playing on The Bastion, stay on the PVE side. What is lolzy about this being the thing that killed pvp is that what it actually did was separate the gankers from the ganked, and as something that came as a surprise only to the 'community', there wasn't all that many pvpers once the gankees had a safe space!


    I'm not even sure why they even put their little PvP system in this game to begin with.


    It's really not difficult. This is a theme park mmo so they have their obligatory pvp stuff. No, it's not a main part of the game, but it gets more attention than space stuff. Like, if you've been playing long enough to have good memories of OWPVP, then this fact should not be a shocking revelation. PVP is not the focus and never has been. You either accept that and do other things besides pvp, or you play a game that actually makes pvp a focus.

  12. The trouble with history lessons is some of us were there at the beginning. I read the statement that’s is nobodies fault that more people prefer dark side stories, resulting in the greater imp population. That is false.


    From the beginning BioWare made this an imp story. From out of nowhere, here comes Malgus retaking Korriban. Imps win, pubs lose. Next we see coruscent, the temple overrun, Malgus wins, pubs lose. Finally, in the 3rd video, satele fights, needs help, defeats Malgus, yet Malgus survives. One side is winning, the other losing.


    Sith start on Korriban, compare that to Jedi starting on some backwater planet. Of the pub classes, only one class, the knight had a engaging story, the other 3 were find a cure, find a ship, and find the traitors. Of the imp stories, I found only the great hunt boring, while the warrior, sorc, and agent stories got right into star war plots.


    We are years later and who cares really... what started as a WoW killer is down to 5 servers, so I’d guess it did matter.


    Act 1 SW has you split between running around killing other imperials because your boss is too lazy to recall them, and running around torturing people because your boss can't Space Google keyword search. The second chapter is even worse. The third one is the best of the bunch. I liked SW but as with many of them, the beginning and end are good, the middle part is meh.


    Act 1 SI has you running around for artifacts even though you don't know what they do, which makes the search for ultimate power a bit of a joke when you're inevitably betrayed. The second and third chapters are bad attempts to make up for the trouble that was caused in the first chapter. I hate the SI above all the imp side stories.


    Act 1 BH has you assassinating various people to get points for a bounty hunting game. I liked it a lot, but the second chapter [the 'rewards' you get] is pretty meh, and the 3rd chapter is meh until Corellia.


    Act 1 IA has you infiltrating terrorist cells and is just all right until the finale. The second and third chapters are pretty good.


    You know what all this has in common? It's my opinion. Meaning that I can't definitively say that it's True or False, or use it as evidence for BW favoring one faction or another, because it's my opinion and not worth anything beyond that. Just like your opinion about the pub class stories are only worth as much as your opinion is worth.

  13. That term does not exist nor does it have any place outside the real world, and even within. There is no such thing as racism in Star Wars.


    I think you were looking for 'racial prejudicism.' Most people don't know proper English, so that's okay.


    As 'prejudicism' isn't a real word, I don't think you're one to be scolding people about what is and is not 'proper English', especially when it has nothing to do with proper English. As Steve mentions, you could say xenophobia or even speciesism and it would get the same point across.


    The only thing worse than SJWs are the guys who say "I'm not a racist! There's no such thing as different races!" or "I'm not a homophobe! I don't fear gays, I hate them." Like please shut up already, Professor Pedantic.

  14. While the Yuuzhan Vong may indeed be Legends material now, the game still follows the course of Legends continuity. It would be strange if the Yuuzhan Vong popped up now and suddenly when they hit during the Yuuzhan Vong War it's the first time people heard of them (except the Chiss of course).


    From a lore pov, the Chiss shouldn't even be in this game. In legends continuity, the Republic hadn't come across the Chiss until Thrawn's era, and the galaxy at large hadn't heard of them until several decades afterwards when Luke and Mara ran across them. So right away we have this massive conflict that the Chiss played a key role in, and everyone just forgets about them entirely because they eventually went back where they came from, I guess.


    This is why the 'well the lore says' argument is completely silly when discussing this game. This game violates the lore in a number of ways, which we just roll with because who cares about fake space opera history anyway?

  15. Umm Nope Disney Threw out our beloved EU. So the Yuuzhan Vong could attack the Old republic for the first time in this era. oops but Bioware already stepped in it, by going back to the Pubs vs Sith. Too bad they coulda got allot of subs with that story it was one of the most popular ever for the Eu. Yup that story definitely could have help save this game.


    I liked the NJO, but up until TLJ came out it was widely seen as the most divisive aspect of the whole franchise. Some fans liked it. Many loathed it. A few loved certain books [Traitor, for instance] and disliked others [star by Star, Vector Prime].


    Regardless of your personal feelings about it, it would not have been a sure bet that it would have succeeded. If anything, it was a sure bet that the forum would erupt into a firestorm of criticism far outweighing any other story choice to date.


    Conversely, they might have retconned Abeloth and / or the Lost Tribe into this, which I would have hated but much of the fanbase here seems to adore [for reasons unclear]. Ditto the Muur Talisman.


    But that would break the lore... as the Yuuzhan Vong emerge for the first time during the Yuuzhan Vong War and not earlier. It would contradict everything previously established.


    There was 1 Yuuzhan Vong War and let's keep it at 1, because 1 was enough ;)



    As far as it's not canon or whatever, the lore from KOTOR suggests the Yuuzhan Vong are at least aware of this galaxy [Canderous supposedly found a coralskipper when he was a young mando]. So it could theoretically be possible for a small force to show up far ahead of schedule. In the books leading up to the series, the Chiss are spooked about some mysterious invader in Wild Space, ie. the YV [and maybe some kind of Voss-like warlord]. It's never explained how they know about them except that they're further out on the galactic spiral, but it's possible that could be retconned into them knowing about them because they showed up 3000 years ago and weren't completely wiped out.


    I still think the fanbase would explode though. It would cause fans who don't play games to finally take notice of SWTOR, but it wouldn't be good publicity.

  16. Warzones aren't part of the story and never have been. It is an example of story and gameplay segregation, and that was also the case before cross-faction queues were introduced. After all does it really make sense for Jedi, Republic soldiers, or Imperial intelligence operatives to be participating in a Hutt bloodsport? Ditto for Darths, really.


    Warzones have always been non-canon.


    I always thought of them as training exercises. It's how lowly NFUs are able to keep up with the FUs, who kindly donate their time to help a bro out.

  17. 1. A deep dive into the Chiss lore. I really want to see more of the Chiss Ascendancy even their planets becoming explorable and involved in the story. I'd especially want a Chiss-focused storyline on Csilla, that's something I have been hoping for for years.


    it would be nice to see some indication of why the Chiss are supporting the Empire, and why the Empire doesn't just take Csilla. In the lore, The Chiss have some kind of ban on preemptive strikes, which makes you wonder if that came as a result of this era. I've always rationalized that the Empire is willing to work with the Chiss because the only planets the Chiss want are crappy cold planets, but then we have Copero which has temperate spots. I don't know what the Chiss are getting out of it.


    2. More storylines that involve the older and more ancient lore of both the Jedi Order and the Sith, especially around the era of the Great Hyperspace War.


    I'd like them to push it back deeper, to the Jeedai era. Like, we already have Tython, we have the flesh-raiders, and the story hints at their origin [mutated inbred Rakatan shock troops]. In the lore, Tython was also a really screwed up planet. It was balanced between light and dark like Odessen, but it was a precarious balance that would fall apart if anyone was too LS or DS. It also had some weird bottomless pit that the Gree were involved with. That's obviously not an issue anymore, so what changed? How'd they lose Tython in the first place? Where are the Tho Yors? What's going on at Tython's moons, Ashla and Boga? Probably a lot of interesting artifacts there.


    3. More hidden secrets that pop up about Valkorion/Vitiate, displaying how dark and twisted he was. Like maybe dangerous artifacts he may have created or perhaps his very own holocron.


    A holocron would be cool. Perhaps BW's decision to have Dramath in a holocron is their answer to that question: Sith [and Jedi] build holocrons to pass on knowledge. Even Sidious built holocrons [in the EU anyway]. But Vitiate intended to live forever, so the only holocron he built was more like a Rakatan mind trap so he could torture his dad for eternity.


    4. A storyline tied to Darth Traya, maybe a cult or something that in their twisted view of her teachings believe the Force can and has to be destroyed by creating echoes throughout the galaxy that would eventually deafen everyone to the Force. That's a storyline I'd really love to see and play through.


    I think they missed the boat on this one. That's what SoR should have been about instead of another pointless Revan doppleganger mess. They planned to destroy the Emperor by killing the Force, only it backfired. Instead of Revan showing up we could have had the Exile and she'd actually be useful for a change. As it is the last few expansions have featured cults and I don't want a third one popping up. But we know Malachor is still around, or at least the system [Talos mentions it in his comp story].


    5. I'd actually dig a setting where the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire fracture through civil war or something. We know eventually the current Sith Empire will break up into warlords that each have their own territory and wage war against one another. Something similar could happen to the Republic, it's territory being reduced to a part of the core worlds or some other core worlds like Corellia, Alderaan or Kuat challenging Coruscant's position and influence. A galaxy embroiled in the chaos of total civil war would really be an interesting setting to play in.


    Whereas this is what they should be doing right now. This is what 6.0 should be. The eternal empire war has essentially killed both the Empire and Republic, and now bits and pieces are fracturing off to start their own fiefdoms. But I think they need more lead time for that [it should have started at Fractured Alliances] and Ossus seems to be going in the wrong direction.

  18. First off you are talking about immersion in pvp are you serious lol? Ive never seen anyone roleplay while pvping just saying.


    I have. They are usually trolls. I knew an imp-side guy when cross-faction first came out, who would mark members of his own team if they were pubs. I also suspect there are many players who will mvp only people from their faction. I've not run into healers who only heal or tanks who only guard their own faction, but I've heard stories.


    Sometimes it's all right. I knew another guy a few years ago, a SW, who before every match would give a battle plan / speech and end it with 'The Emperor is watching. Don't disappoint him.' There was another guy, a trooper, who kept stealing all of M1-4X's best lines. Maybe they were the same player.


    What's lulzy is that many of the matches seem to be default pub-side even when it's mostly imps, so the speaker will say something like 'The Republic is counting on us' and players have heard the speech so many times the words don't seem to register anymore.

  19. And there is still a fair amount of world-drop fixed-weight armour around, and a bunch of (old) fixed-weight schematics still in people's craft lists on old characters, so you should by no means be surprised to see fixed-weight armour as you play the game.


    Yup. Also you find them in drops a lot. Much of the pre-50 stuff you pick up randomly is set to the older gearing style, and if they come with mods, the rating for the level is less effective than just buying green mods from fleet.

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