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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I just finished Nathema on my SW. I found it very satisfying [Yes, I let Theron live]. It's one of the few FPs I'd like to take all eight classes through to see the different villains we get. The problem is that


    a) very few of my characters have gotten to the point in the story where they can do Nathema, because


    b) The expansions and first two FPs are generally awful.


    My question is, if I take a char who's above 50, but never done the expansions, will it still be tailored for that class? Or it will be generic crap? If I take a char who hasn't finished the expansions? If I take a char who's done the expansions, but not the first two FPs?


    I could just test it out, but I really don't want to do ANY solo FP unless there's good reason to.


    Also on Nathema: is there a list compiled somewhere of the cameos each class can get and what story requirements there are for them to show up? I got Mortis and Baras. I was very surprised to get Baras, although it fits my LS SW char, because my char is from an outlander token, and all the choices in vanilla assume default DS [for imperial chars].

  2. Exactly this, people always will find a reason to complain and they'll never be satisfied. It's tiring...


    The problem, as was pointed out early on, is that they will wait until the literal last minute to say so on the forum, and that happens a lot.


    The second problem is that even when they delay patches like this, they will STILL have bugs that require nextday or nextweek patches to solve. So what difference did the week make?


    I also agree [thirdly] that those who might have scheduled their plans around the 2XP, with no word from the devs that it would be otherwise until last night, are right to be angry that the devs have once again borked things up by not communicating this information sooner. For me, my sub ends halfway through 2XP; before, it covered all of it.


    Finally, it makes no sense to push 2XP back. It has nothing to do with the update, they are simply trying to draw people into sub. Well, explain to me how it makes sense to tell people all month that 2XP will be releasing at this time, and then, when they dutifully sub, discover that it's not actually here yet, nor is the patch.

  3. I should rephrase: It's not the descriptions of SWG that make me hate the game. It sounds similar to a lot of sandbox games that rely on roleplaying. If you like that, great, if not the actual PVE will be a bit lacking.


    What makes me hate the game, rather, is that it is almost always referenced to make a negative comparison about this game, like oh it would still be running if not for this game. OP actually didn't do that, though as others noted, he didn't really say much of anything about what's good about swtor compared to swg. I notice that the fanboys of swg tend to look back with rose-colored glasses, as if there were no acrimonious forum disputes or constant moaning that the game is dying well before BW came along.


    It makes me wonder if when this game goes we'll also have swtor fans camping the next star wars game [i'd lol if it was a cellphone game] complaining bitterly about how great this game was before x developer killed it to make room for another star wars game, and how we all loved this game and never had any complaints. Probably. The reliance on story is not likely to be repeated in a future mmo.

  4. When I was preferred, it wouldn't let me pull credits out of the legacy bank, and as they were not in any character's escrow, it didn't look like the escrow unlocks would have helped.


    As others said, you can draw any amount from legacy bank so long as it doesn't go over 350k. That is the important distinction. If you have say 109342, and you attempt to draw 250k, it won't work. It will allow you to draw exactly the number that would get you to 350k, or less. So for escrows, you need to have that money in escrow [past the credit limit] in order to make use of the escrow unlock. Alternatively, you can launder it through the gtn, as long as you're at credit cap. It amounts to the same thing.

  5. Yeah that is extreme. And by that I mean I doubt many people have had that problem.


    He's not wrong. I struggled to find a good name on my first character and went through exactly the same invalid name process.


    I eventually settled on Areopagitica, which I've loathed ever since and transferred out to another server as soon as possible.


    My names are generally descriptions or adjectives, occasionally cruel nicknames. The Cathar chars all get names from CATS or stories/folklore about cats. I don't use accents, extra letters or any of that crap, it just highlights one's lack of creativity.

  6. I have a few characters from back in the days I managed to reclaim during the server merges but that I don't really play on, Andrea, Lukas, Jessie and Misha, 500mil per name, maybe 300m for Jessie, don't think I will ever use that name again.


    ooh Jessie, that's my name irl [mostly]. I'd prefer Jesse but that's still pretty good.


    i wouldn't pay 300M for it though. My characters are their own characters, not alter-egos. And lore-wise, star wars has very few European naming conventions, besides Luke and Ben.


    I would, however, be willing to pay 50M for Prosper. That was the name of my first character back on BC [an IA], but during the merger it got wiped.

  7. Beware: to transfer the credits to the sub account, you'll have to use the GTN. F2P and preferred accounts cannot mail credits. Have the sub account list some junk items for the credits you want to transfer, then buy the items with the f2p account. It will cost you 8% of the amount you're transferring, and there's no way to avoid that.


    And that does raise the question of whether it's worth the effort of transferring 92% of not-more-than-200K per f2p character, compared to running another series of heroic missions on the sub account.


    This. Launder it through the GTN.


    Steve, they might have credits stored up in legacy storage, there's no credit limit on that.

  8. Because it's a set-up for the entire situation, you get to see how militarized the Revanites have become, learn a little bit about their plans. And get to see Revan Reborn's introduction, I'd say if you've completed it once per side it's fine skipping but playing through it at least once is good to get to know how the story got there.


    Absolutely, play through once. I just don't like doing those solo FPs every time. Doing Blood Hunt and Battle of Rishi are unavoidable in SoR, it's good to know the other four can be skipped.

  9. Uuf this is getting off topic though I just reeeally loved DAO.


    I didn't. I played for awhile, up to becoming a warden I think, but just never could get into it. I felt the game mechanics were too clunky.

  10. That's why I can never bring myself to play a 100% DS character, it feels bad man lol. Even when I play a mostly evil character they'll generally be nice or at least professional to their crew.


    I've noticed one big problem with GC and light vs dark [which others have also noticed] is that the result of grinding to 300 and doing the expansions basically robs you of the ability to be neutral. There's no longer any point to be as you lose out on the alignment vendors [of dubious value once you get everything worthwhile] and extra GCXP.


    My Rattataki op played through vanilla as a chaotic neutral soul sister to Kaliyo [even blowing up the black codex at the end]. But by the end of KOTET, she was DS V, because once you hit 70 it actually hurts your GCXP acquisition to switch alignments in order to keep your neutrality, and as well, there isn't really a neutral way to play through the Knights expansions.


    By the end you're either the MUWAHAHA Ultimate Power emperor/ess, or the secretary general of Space NATO. It galls me that they didn't add a neutral option [ie. "screw Zakuul, that's your mess now, Lana!"]


    It feels to me like a lot of people hate characters who question them, go against their decisions, speak up against them, etc...they want companions who are boot-lickers so to speak. They expect every companion to just go along with whatever they say and do because they are the player and therefore everything revolves around them but that doesn't make for a realistic story or characters.


    This at least isn't [purely] a BW screwup, it seems to be an inherent trait for most gamers and game developers. And I'm not speaking as if I'm necessarily superior to that either. Light or Darkside, I always enjoy shooting Torian's idiot friend on DK in the vanilla BH story, for no other reason than he criticizes me.

  11. As a soloist who neither roleplays or participates in pvp I don't really mind which server I play on. However, that being said, as a subscriber who plays SWTOR from regional Australia, what would be most useful to me (and I dare say other Aussies, New Zealanders, and gamers from the Pacific region) would be a West Coast USA server.


    A big reason why I don't participate in group content (and why some boss encounters in flashpoints are difficult to the point of frustration) is because most of the time I'm playing with either red dot connectivity, or on a good day, one or two bar connectivity.


    My connectivity and gameplay would be improved by having fewer hops from regional Australia to the BioWare servers.


    I'm with the Aussie. We don't need a server apiece based on how we play, but where we play. Bring back the left coast server!

  12. They don't post to the forums first [or simultaneously] for two reasons:


    1) Social media reaches a wider audience than the forums. Remember, they want non-subs to sub for this. They already HAVE your money, you aren't a priority the way potential subs are.


    2) They feed off the salt generated by aggrieved forumites to power future updates.

  13. Aside from the Sith Pureblood "punish" ability, does anyone do any other random stupid stuff to companions they hate (until the day they can finally kill them or at least get rid of them)? The companions I like I will dress in cool outfits that fit their personality, something that is lore friendly and I think they would actually wear. The ones I don't care about either way and tend to forget about such as Rusk and Yuun I don't change at all. For the ones I hate which now that I think about it is entirely male characters except for Lana I dress them in incredibly stupid outfits as "punishment" for their crappiness lol. Usually it involves hot pink underoos (Jori Daragon loincloth) and a ridiculous hat :D Though since I record my playthroughs I get unintentional hilarity in the background of some scenes.


    There's two legacy abilities you get for max ls/ds alignment: the LS one that is actually useful and gives you damage reduction, and the DS one that will nearly kill your comp and give you marginal health. The latter is pretty worthless [if you're going to die, killing your comp won't help], but is effective 'punishment' for annoying comps. I use it on Darth Hexid often.

  14. I really wish they would look at doing this. I have 3 accounts and I don’t use 2 of them. But I have some old armor opened up that I can’t get anymore.


    I was able to merge my world of Warcraft and GW2 accounts. I can’t see any reason, except a technical one for not letting us merge swtor accounts.


    Is the armor bound? If not, why not just mail it over?


    I was considering making a second account to see if F2P was significantly more difficult than the current setup, but wanted to make sure my chars looked nice, had rocket boots, etc. So just mail creds, unlocks and armor over.

  15. In terms of maximizing boost use, I use the weeklies in the daily areas. I start with Yavin 4, get all the missions complete and ready for turn in, head to the “kill stonerays” guy by the cave, pop the boost and start my turn ins. If I power through them I can then burn through Black Hole, Section-X, CZ-198, Oricon and Ziost before the boost ends.


    It is bar none the most efficient command ranks/time expended of any method I’ve found.


    Why would you need to? I've got boosts coming out of my ears. I used to be careful about using them, but now I just keep them on constantly.

  16. I never have heard about Zeltron's until now (and quite frankly I don't think a lot of people care about them either), the most popular/favored choices for playable races as of now are the Nautolan's followed by Kel dors they are in high demand if any.


    They're popular among sweaty fanboys and/or fans of the original marvel comics series, where they featured prominently. One also shows up in kotor2.


    You can easily make a Zeltron char now, just make a sith pureblood with no head tentacles or jewelry. I've got a GS one with a mohawk


    Kel dor aren't remotely on my list. They have to wear vacuum masks around their eyes and mouth, kinda limits romance possibilities.


    I mean, Nautolans are pretty gross too. We're certainly scratching the bottom of the barrel at this point.

  17. I've never used mine and don't know what the link looks like, or where I'd even find it. It gives me more satisfaction to have a trollish signature than a clickbait one.


    Every 90 days I click on someone's referral, a poster here that I like [last time it was Yillarus] to get an extra 7 days sub time. As I normally sub for less than 90 days at a time, I'll usually resub around that time, and aim it for times when I have extended breaks, like Christmas. I never answer the spam in chat and rarely notice it tbh [i find "queue solo ranked" far more annoying]. I don't know if the other person gets anything since I'm not a regular sub, but they don't owe me anything. Unless they're quitting the game, then I want their stuff.


    I think the intended purpose and the practical result makes referrals stupid. I also think the security key unlock is stupid - it never lets me keep it and I have to redo the process every month to get the 100cc - but as there are tangible rewards, it's worthwhile for that reason.

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