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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I don't think it's the Dev Team sitting around twiddling their thumbs while twisting their mustaches, wondering "hmm how can we anger the vocal minority today?" and then alt-tabbing to 'Anthem' for kicks.


    But hey, go ahead and enjoy your rage & conspiricies! :D


    I lol'd. My new signature!

  2. The more important question is why would she actually send the money in the email later?


    Aside from that, I felt the DS option was Evil enough. In the kotor games [and even this one], when you took the greedy options for DS points, you just felt petty and selfish. Here, they actually show how you wrecked this person's life.

  3. I have read in game about the snowballs tho that it is supposed to be only from people who havent been dusted already right? So is it a glitch that anyone can reward it?


    It depends. There's two [well, three] types of buffs, the black and the green one. If the green one is lit, and you throw a snowball, you can get a parcel. AFAIK you can't get a parcel if you throw a regular snowball while the black buff is on.


    idk why that guy calls them a debuff though. Debuffs are things that harm you.

  4. That's the thing though, it wasn't a request. I guess you weren't here at that time, but there wasn't the usual rant/rage threads with demands. They saw how popular the summer of 12x was and with an expansion coming with a level increase (this was the summer before 4,0) they consolidated to make getting to the new expansion levels faster. All MMOs do it when they age. So there's no vocal minority to blame this time.


    They didn't request this change specifically, but they did request that leveling be sped up a bit, and that 2XP remain on all the time. What they should have done in the latter case was create a boost item just like the WAM, something you'd pay a credit for and be BoL, that would double xp gains for 8 hours, but could be toggled off. What we got was double xp [or higher] baked into the game, and side-missions turned off by default. Definitely, no one asked for that, and it puzzles me to this day because BW loves to reuse old content.

  5. I dislike DS consulars. Act 1 makes very little sense that way. I don't mind DS JKs, they have some good bits, especially on Tat and Corellia. I like DS troopers, the story is probably the closest to being default DS of any of the pubside classes. It also makes you question how you're playing it: are you DS in the sense of obeying every order no matter how insane and creating war crimes on every planet? Or are you DS in the sense of mouthing off Garza and stealing stuff? 4X and Tanno and both DS, but they represent competing versions of DS play here.


    I like DS smugglers a lot. You CAN just be a petty thug that rolls people for the highest credit, like a BH, but the story also offers the opportunity to start your own gangster empire. It's one of the few classes in the game that gives players a chance to be genuinely lawful evil. I wish they'd continued that theme in the expansions - in this version, the Alliance isn't a group destined to save the galaxy or to give me a throne, it's a pork barrel project to steal supplies and personnel from to finance my own budding empire.


    1. They introduce Faction Swapping for real (maybe following on from 5.10 but not needed.) This generates new interest in players, allows consistency of character (that dark side Jedi just joins the Empire) and income from paying for swaps other than the first one.


    I don't think they will do this or number 2 It strains credibility in regards to the class story. Even moreso than playing a Cathar SW, I mean.


    3. They need to shake up gearing/abilities etc. I think they are going to use "artifact weapons" from WoW Legion. Again, a few quick origin quests to claim your famous saber/blaster/whatever. Then all your CXP points are poured into unlocking new traits, abilities and cosmetic looks on the weapon. Relatively cheap to implement and plays to SWTOR folks pre existing weapon fetishes:)


    This is possible. The major reason they might do it is WoW did it first, and that has always been this game's operating principle: Steal and reskin.

  7. Sigh. Good morning, it's 2019 now, we have KotFE like more than 3 years already.

    Have you actually played KOTFE? Particularly 12 chapter. Darth Marr doesn't care about Empire at all right now, he's now more concerned about "balance in the Force" or whatever else is usually interests all pathetic Jedi rodents.


    We have forum PVP so I suppose we have space for forum RP too. I keep waiting for someone with an imperial looking avatar to launch a crusade on those of us with alien avatars.

  8. People seem to be taking this as if I'm crazy crazy upset about it. I mean it's annoying, but it's not like I can't live with it, I was simply curious when I'd be done with them. But people wanna jump down my throat about it anyways. Just really gets me down how you aren't allowed to have questions these days without it devolving into an attack.


    To be fair, your concerns sound eminently justifiable compared to this guy:


    I ban them in any operation I lead. If I see a snowball debuff go out, the raid ends immediately, regardless if we haven't pulled the 1st boss, or if we're on the last boss.. So I understand the OP 100%.


    As someone else asked, tell us the name of your guild so we can avoid it.

  9. I thought of another one: class story vs other quests. Frequently the class story has a sense of urgency to it: your master is dying of a DS plague and you need to retrieve the three magical macguffins to save her, you must quickly get to Lord Praven before Kira's master dies and the planet explodes, or your apprentices left you a message that they're being hunted by a sith assassin, you have to save them.


    And then there's how it worked up until 4.0 or so, where before you went to fight the impending doom, you had to do a bunch of unrelated filler quests. You got used to it after awhile, but initially it was jarring when this happened, like 'gee, I hope Kai Sazen hasn't killed Doctor Lokin while i'm over in another zone backstabbing rakghouls.'


    It just makes you wonder what the timeframe of these quests are. Some [read: many] class missions you can be done on a planet in a couple hours. So was that how long the player took or how long the character took? Did Act 2 of the BH story take 12 irl hours or three months? I used to resolve this by thinking that during the prologue, each new level gain was one character hour, then in Act 1 it shifted to one character day, in Act 2 one character week, in act 3 one character month. But Makeb supposedly takes like a week and the other expansions are even more wonky. I guess the writers just never thought of it.

  10. Without doing the class story you won't have your companions, but that's really not an issue with all of the token comps. I have Qyzen, which is really all I need, but also have Shae Vizla, who I put in regular Mandalorian armor and RP that she was part of Jicoln Cadera's Crusader's schism and joined the Republic, and Darth Hexid, who I put in cybernetic armor and RP she's a Sith combat training droid that was reprogrammed to serve the Republic (her vocabulator is still stuck in homicide mode, though), as well as C2, Treek, and HK-51 (if I spend the credits). An eclectic crew for a ronin'esk Jedi. I'm just wandering around the galaxy doing missions as I find them (explorer missions are on, of course). The only thing I don't like are the way the planetary bonus series missions are handled now.


    That's a pretty good headcanon.

  11. We're already down to only 2 english servers, and the queue problems aren't fixed. I doubt one more merger will make a huge difference given I'm told SS is dead.


    On the topic of hand, yeah, it's lame. I mean, I get why they did it though.


    It's probably too much to ask that they 'fake it'. IE: If you queue as IMP, everyone on your team 'looks' like an IMP player on your screen (lightsabers would display as red, armour would become the imperial version, etc) whereas the same players would look like REPs if you queued as REP. I mean a real AAA title could manage it but we all know SWTOR isn't that.


    SF is better for pvping, but I have no major issues with SS queue times.


    As for your 'idea', while it is certainly possible for BW to implement such a thing [they've made many such stupid decisions], their decision to implement this wouldn't be based on whether they are 'a real AAA title' or not, but on whether they'd like to manufacture a forum / twitter meltdown because a niche minority of players want to rewind the game to how it looked in 2012. I lol at the way you can apparently headcanon your characters doing pvp in the first place but the sticking point is the appropriate color of your teammate's lightsaber.

  12. They would have needed to do it at the start for it to mean anything. With the factions so confused now I don't think it will ever happen.


    I don't really want it to happen either. They would have had to figure out a way of making them mirror classes, yet with different abilities than Trooper/BH/Agent/Smug. They would also have needed to figure out a story that wasn't just a copycat of Trooper/Agent.

  13. As far as prefs needing to do the exploration missions to stay ahead...not really. If they do the class and planet chain-quests, they're fine. If they use xp boosts, they need never do another exploration mission after the starter planet.


    The exploration missions are really only useful if you skip a couple planets worth of quests to do just the class story, or if you're using the White Acute Mod, which is what I usually do when I'm not subbing.


    The good thing about the bonus missions was that they gave you a 3h xp boost when you finished it, which was essential during the 2.0 days when most missions didn't hand them out, and leveling was slower. It was stupid of BW to put the missions out of sync with leveling, but tbh, many of them weren't very good. Despite the fanfare by each of the questgivers that you're doing something essential to secure your faction's interests on the planet, the individual missions were mostly meaningless fetch quests. I remember Voss' BS being particularly painful.

  14. [Entering from a state of having a flu.]


    When I began SWTOR, my very first character was the Counselor.


    Why ? Because ... With that character, I thought, I'd learn deeper insights into Jedi spirituality. Isn't that the term "Sage" stands for ?


    My naive hopes faltered as I began to realize that there is no spirituality, no diplomacy, no trasure hunting, no archaeology, no discovery / investigation in that game.

    Much later I doscovered that all of that was available through material collecting messions in crafting.

    And that the imperial side has the only real Archaeology setting within the whole game (Korriban, Inquisitor story line).


    Interesting is, that the origin of the word "Sage" is listed in Wikipedia as the very last entry, under "other uses" :





    The Sage is even called "Seher" ( literal transklation : "Seer" ) in the German-language version of SWTOR.


    This, the Sage not behaving like everyone would expect a Sage to do, created my very first "Ludonarrative Dissonance".


    Edit : Much later I learned that the Counselor clas was oroiginally meant to be called "Wizard". Seriously.


    It's 'Consular', a word that means diplomat, ie. The Consulate. The class is a holdover from the Consulars of Kotor 1 & 2.


    And you do a fair amount of diplomacy in the game as a consular, from Alderaan to the Rift Alliance, to Corellia, and to some extent, to Makeb/Yavin/Odessen. A lot more than in the original kotors. I personally had no issue with that.


    As far as sage, I'm a bit confused...were you expecting them to quote philosophy? Because they do, on occasion, but they're also Jedi who carry lightsabers and fight Sith. They don't sit in the library all day meditating. Do you suppose players would enjoy playing a character that never left Tython?


    Now, a seer, by contrast, is one who sees, ie. precognition, and the Sage Seer is a healer. That's dissonance, I suppose. Much like the inquisitor, who by their name is supposed to question from an authority position, but do almost nothing like that in the game. The original Sith inquisitors were Jerec and the 7 Dark Jedi, who sort of did that [the one from Rebels is a better example imo], but even by the time of Dark Empire it had become a meaningless word to describe mid-level DSers who aren't lords.



    Aside from the jedi narrative, another gripe is with the overall visual aesthetic of other players. Most of my time was spent doing flashpoints and very rarely did I play with a crew that made it feel like star wars.. all the wacky outfits and lightsaber colors. I wanted to roll with jedi only using single blue and green sabers (and the odd purple) and in traditional looking outfits, otherwise it veered into feeling like a generic mmo. The rare times I did get this it was great and I was in star wars land briefly. Granted if I played long enough I'm sure I could get a friends list full of strictly old school jedi rp'ers.


    Should have been here for 1.0. Except that it was terrible because every class dressed exactly the same and there was no creativity. Whereas now you can, in your own story, dress that way, without insisting that everyone must do this for the sake of 'authenticity'.

  15. The biggest issues is nearly every class these days has a speed ability, self heal or an OP DCD.

    Remember when Sorcs and Sins were speed demons? Not anymore, now every class has some way to move fast.


    As they added more abilities and more stuns and more mez, they also kept adding more survivability and more speed.

    Now it’s like speed wars vs stun wars.


    Too many of the classes have lost their unique identity and every class seems to be melding with other classes distinctive abilities.


    PVPers are the reason they went in that direction, so I find it...ironic that you're complaining about it now. For years it's been a tug of war between PVEers who wanted their old abilities back and PVPers who wanted x class to be their FOTM.


    It's not quite that simple, of course. Raiders have also traditionally been whiny about it too [cf the recent thread about Sage TK not being OP enough]. One might almost come to the conclusion that not all feedback should be listened to, even if it's being said very loudly by certain clusters of forumites...

  16. Ah the idealist, I would love for there to be new content every month, but lets be real, the game is falling apart at this point. The star Fortress is quite literally the worst piece of content at this point, companions disappearing every floor transition, and no loot drops making the exarch armor forever incompletable. Is it so crazy to have a section of time for the devs to focus purely on ironing out the bugs. This past year was literally them reworking the game to get a ground set for future content, pvp guilds command rank, so having 2-4 months where they focus purely on bugs while they have some form of event that pushes for old content consumption... *cough* dark vs light *cough*... is not a bad idea before the 6.0 expansion that 5.10 was an obvious prelude to. :jawa_smile:


    AFAIK, you get one piece of armor per class from the exarch. It's not a loot drop, it's the reward. You can get other loot drops from the various captains - the bracers, I think - but it's rare. Yes, the captains disappear at the beginning of every floor. So pay attention and resummon them before you hit a mob. That happened to me once and it sucked [though I still survived] so after that I always remembered to summon. It's hardly 'the worst piece of content at this point', let alone a high priority for bug fixes.

  17. 1. Dark side appearance on non force wielding characters. If Anakin Skywalker goes to the dark side and massacres the Jedi children, he emerges with the glowing orange eyes of someone who's gone to the dark side. If my bounty hunter kills some innocents, I'm just a bad person, not "dark side."


    2. Playing a light side sorc for example, but all my abilities look dark side (lightning or the black smoke type effects.) It would have been great if a dark side Jedi Sage ended up shooting lightning and a light side sorc healer's heals actually look benevolent.


    3. The Eternal Throne story arc has required a huge suspension of disbelief (to me) to have my cheeky smuggler be told by the Sith Emperor that of all the people in the universe I'm the most important blah blah. I can take that on my sorc or Jedi Knight, not otherwise.


    4. Scoundrels punching people.


    1. I always saw this not as actual darkside effects, but how other people view the PC based on his actions. But yes, strictly speaking, it fits the category.


    2. It may have been good for a DS sage to be able to use lightning, especially in a story mission. I think the way BW went with this is that these are learned techniques, so the reason LS Inqs continue to use DS healing is that they were trained to use DS healing. Technically from a lore standpoint there is no such thing as DS healing other than Sith alchemy, which is inherent - you either have it or you don't - and LS healing is more useful on other people than yourself.


    3. I don't think this qualifies, actually. In every case, not just the NFUs, Valkorion is flattering your PC. His use of hosts and pawns in the past has been to mind-rape them; he doesn't bother trying to get them on his side. For some reason, he's unable to do that with your PC, and THAT is the ludonarrative dissonance, that somehow the PC is simply immune unlike almost everyone else in the galaxy.


    4. I always just thought it was funny.

  18. Longtime players might appreciate this, but longtime players continue to sub regardless, so their opinion is mostly irrelevant [sorry]. Casuals want content, and in general, they get it, it's just years old in most cases. I also think that some players may say they want this as long as it's a hypothetical, but if BW were to really say that the Spring Roadmap will be bug fixes and no content, most players would mutiny.
  19. I wish theyd make as many SW movies as they do Marvel movies. Why the heck not. They've got a universe of stories to work with here.


    But don't you think that Marvel has oversaturated their audience base with these movies? As far as I understand it, their next project is to revamp the original movies they did - the ones that only aired ten years ago - and make new ones. Not continuations, but brand new ones. This baffles me. I think DC, and SW, are doing something similar, and it will, if it hasn't already, spectacularly backfired.


    These IPs have a good thing, so they make more of it, and more of it, but they aren't new things, they're the same old. They don't want to risk their audience becoming disengaged so they crank out as much as possible, and in general, it's not very good, and the not very good stuff tires fans and makes them jaded, so they miss what could be the gems among the dross. Yes, in my opinion. But I think it's a fairly accurate opinion - look at how much story this game cranked out with kotfe/kotet. Lots! But is it enjoyable? Maybe once or twice, but not over and over again. I liked Rogue One, but I don't want to see a prequel [i read the prequels. It was two books long and it was all unnecessary filler]. Would you like them to make another trilogy of Star Wars movie for 10, 11 and 12? After they did such a 'good job' with 7 and 8?


    If they must make sci-fi / fantasy stuff [and imo they don't 'need' to], let it be something that's never been adapted, like Iain Bank's Culture novels, Alistair Reynold's Revelation Space series, John Scalzi's Old Man's War, Steven Brust's Dragaeran novels...something that lets them take risks on little known properties. Not just the same thing over and over. In my opinion.

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