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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. For SIs only: in the second chapter of KOTFE, while Valkorion is criticizing your crew, I'd like a panned shot behind him to show your remaining ghosts gathered there to make insulting critiques about your newest passenger. I bet Horak-Mul would have some choice words for the occasion.


    During the Marr / Satele chapter, I'd like the option to argue that they're Dark side hallucinations created by Valkorion to manipulate me. Then I'd ditch them, and wander around solving the rest of the chapter without their crappy advice.


    At the end of Kaliyo's chapter, I'd like the option to shop Kaliyo to the overwatch commander in exchange for the spire codes. Right where he says something like 'Even you, outlander, deserve better', I'd take that opportunity to agree and backstab Kaliyo. It'd be very fitting, albeit out of character for the overwatch guy to actually keep the bargain.


    Every chapter in Kotfeet which contains an oppressive/inspiring speech: I'd add a neutral, class-specific option, just like the project eclipse space radio quest on NS.


    For the Vette/Torian choice, I'd like a DS option to pick neither, have them both got killed, but have the advantage of catching Vaylin by surprise and making that fight a bit easier.


    Again, for SIs only, when you fight Vaylin and Valkorion inside your brain, I'd like the ghosts to show up but not do anything except taunt everyone [including the PC] during that entire fight.


    At the end of KOTET, I'd like a neutral option to ditch Wild Space forever, retrieve my comps and my ship, and leave this freakshow behind for Lana and Theron to figure out.


    At the beginning of Ossus, when Lana [for the third time in as many updates] asks which side I want to support, I'd like some snarky options, like asking her if she has short-term memory loss, or to give Lana the option to say something like 'Seriously, make up your mind already!' if I chose the imps on Nathema and the pubs on Ossus, or vice-versa.

  2. I only do it in two instances - heroic areas so we can all get the hell on with it, and when someone is getting picked off when afk.


    Yes, these are the main times for me too. At end-game, or during events, I usually assume if they're doing it, it's an attempt to ninja. Sometimes, however, like during the heroic on Oricon, I'll aggro several mobs by mistake, and someone will come in and fight them off before I wipe, and I appreciate that...though, it's tricky timing. I'll usually wait to see if they can do it themselves before jumping in, especially if their comp is set to tank or dps, or if they're not using a comp.

  3. Cyborgs were literally a "We don't know what else to add." More specifically, though, they were a hurried addition when they realized they needed something to even out their initial offering. They imposed a whole lot of restrictions on themselves at the start regarding playable species. Originally "cyborgs" weren't going to be separate. Cyborg components were just a customization option. But they ran into a slew of problems with that in terms of the different species.


    That squares with how many people seem to view cyborgs. It's a bit pathetic considering the number of humanoid species in this IP. It also suggests, going from your other dialogue, that there were a lot of missed opportunities. Cyborgs show up in the earlier kotors, and they're seen as abnormal, and when they show up as NPCs in this game, there's a lot of revulsion around them, but Cyborg PCs are just treated like baseline humans, even if you're a cyborg SI trying to kill Skotia, or a cyborg RT who has to kill a room full of people because they *might* be cyborgs.


    To give you an idea of how badly input was taken in, consider: when all of the above testing was brought up, there was one change made. One -- and only one -- of the dialog options has the Red Blade that you meet tell you that you could perhaps have been one of the Red Blades. Implying, of course, that there are many. That perhaps it's a group. Except -- wouldn't this group also be notorious? And why was the Red Blade previously spoken of (by Jheeg and Keeper) in a very singular sense?


    This crops up again on NS during the pubside planetary, The Mountain, who is apparently six [very weak] Nikto.


    Regarding the silliness of an IA doing missions while undercover, at least now with increased xp since launch, you can skip most or all of those missions and still leave the planet over-level. But it crops up again on Balmorra.


    I guess the moral of all this is that BW ignoring feedback is timeless.

  4. Apart of being creative is being inventive and yet a lot of a people are commenting using accents in specific letters there by trying to keep them english looking is hardly inventive let alone original, more than anything it shows someone who can't think of something alternative to go looking elsewhere and i mean beyond the name generator and into something they wouldn't of considered before.


    Agreed. I don't put accents on any of my characters. For one thing, it's a pain for a guild to add. I don't sneer at the idea of apostrophes for chiss or twi'lek names though. That's at least in-universe.


    With over 100 toons across 4 accounts, my names go through. I just use a space:

    Trueblade O’Malley

    Sunrose Hearthlight

    Tarington Rothmeyer


    These names are awesome. I prefer the one word names, but I've done a few like this:

    Blush Bravado [sW]

    Iris Imbroglio [sMUG]

    Chest Candy [RT]

    Claret Crescendo [JC]


    It was a lot harder imo in 2013. My first, first character I struggled endlessly trying to find a name that wasn't taken, and ended up with Areopagitica. Ick, I exiled him to another server [now SF] and haven't touched it since. I made the character name before the account name, which also doubled as the legacy name, so when I was naming this account, I thought it had to be similarly unique and that all the good names had been taken, so I used the random town in my province. I was able to change legacy names when I moved to a new server, but I'm stuck with Ardrossan as the account name.

  5. Pity you didn't go LS on this one, as you could have been Respectable the Respectable.


    Say, that's a good idea! Won't take too many WZs to reverse it.


    Also, I've had a hunch for awhile now that names are specific to class. For ages, I'd tried to make an SI named 'Upstart' because Thanaton and others call you that frequently, and it never worked. Then I tried it on an SW and it works. I had a BH character named Spectacious [from the impside Taris quest] which forced a rename during the last merger. So instead I put it on an IA that had also gotten a forced rename [originally 'Efficacious', from Hoth pub planetary] and it worked!

  6. The goal of the narrative and story experience testing is finding out if the game ever forces you to contradict whatever you come up with. But think of how challenging that is! For any story elements that any player may bring to their character at any time, you have to see how and to what extent the narrative(s) in the game actually challenge that, confirm it, or outright contradict it.


    For example, if you head-canon that your character had a horrible upbringing but then later a throwaway line in the game suggests your character grew up happy and content, that essentially breaks your internal story narrative. But even then: that only matters if you, as player, find that particular conversation path.


    Perhaps interestingly, SWTOR originally had the concept of a backstory, similar to the minimalist backstory Commander Shepard gets in Mass Effect (i..e, Colonist / Ruthless, etc). That backstory notion was removed from SWTOR very early on.


    They should have done this, though it may not have made much difference if they couldn't predict non-class specific races [much of the early constraints seem baffling now]. So if you're an alien SW, the only way for any coherent headcanon to persist is to basically ignore all the class-specific text options, which were written for humans/sith/cyborgs*. And the options aren't clearly written enough to know that the first time around, so you're either stuck with it or you do a lot of ESC redos on your first char.


    SW is an egregious example, and it also comes up for any imperial aligned species on pub classes - not just the lack of acknowledgement, but for instance, the Hoth planetary mission where you're searching for the Chiss defector and the questgiver doesn't trust Chiss or think the men will want them around. Better avoid that one if you happen to be playing a Chiss!


    I seem to recall troopers have species-specific backstories, to some extent. Humans, cyborgs and Sith [because the game reads them as human] supposedly got high marks at the academy [this isn't an option, Jorgan says it because he was snooping around] whereas alien PCs were guerilla fighters before joining the space marines. The only way to ignore that if it doesn't fit your headcanon, iirc, is to ignore Jorgan's comp stories.


    *speaking of cyborgs, Krypto, do you know why they made them a separate species? Or why they had the game read Miraluka as aliens? If my PC puts a helmet on, why am I still subject to xenophobia? Are these telepathic bigots or something?

  7. Goprlutknb is hardly a creative choice if that's what are you talking about, my friend.


    Here are some toons I successfully created names for in 2018:


    Abolished - Jugg


    Amanaki (meaning "hope") - Jedi Sentinel


    Elieth - (meaning Lilith , Adam's first wife ) - a Sorc, then a mirror Jedi Sage called Eliethi


    Leoti for a smuggler (city in Kansas and I play her wild west style)


    Vanodis - female vanguard (a title of the Norse war goddess Freyja, Vanodis means lady of the Vanir, a race of Gods)


    etc. All are names which have a meaning, are nice to say and easy to remember.


    These are the names I've made since the last name purge in Nov 2017:


    Respectable [DS IA]

    Upstart [Rattataki SW]

    Hometown Hero [sith PB RT]

    Heterodox [Neutral SI]

    Verdauga Greeneyes [Cathar JK]

    Lofty Ideals [LS JC]


    I didn't have to use special characters, accents or foreign languages to make any of them. I do often have to make two words, but not always.

  8. That could actually be a pretty good story if properly written, I have a feeling if they were to do that though it would feel contrived considering the current predicament with Malgus and Acina/Vowrawn. I am rather interesting to see how Malgus develops now though, despite my displeasure at the way they've handled his revival.


    Yes, I can buy Malgus controlling Acina - it would explain her personality shift between dread seed and kotfe - but not Vowrawn.

  9. *Tries desperately to not think about Dawn of the Jedi: Into The Void* God, I hated that one...


    I do get what you're saying, while there are great gems out there like the Thrawn trilogy or the Hand of Thrawn books, Plagueis, the TOR books or the Bane trilogy... there are enough badly, badly, badly rotten apples out there in Legends.


    This is off-topic, but I thought the TOR books were all pretty dreadful. Revan, in particular, might have been the worst star wars novel written in the last ten years. Dawn of the Void was bad, but in the hands of someone like Luceno, it might have been all right - it had interesting ideas. Whereas even in conception, Revan is an abominable read.


    Which highlights the different tastes for different folks aspect of the IP, I suppose. Someone out there [probably more than a few] probably think Jedi Academy was the peak point of star wars novels.


    EDIT: I guess the larger point here, to somewhat back on topic, is that there is something to be said for fans who obsessively read and watch everything Star Wars related, and it does set them apart. I just don't think it sets them apart in a good way. We can praise books and shows we liked - for your Plagueis, Bane, Thrawn/Hand of Thrawn, I'd offer Stover's three books, Daley's Han Solo trilogy, and Allston's run of X-Wing - and you're right, it doesn't make us better fans, but watching/reading EVERYTHING might make us worse critics.


    I've heard players in this forum say they wouldn't play this game if it wasn't Star Wars. That to me is an amazing statement, because it implies they would, and likely have, watched and read and played other stuff just because it's star wars related. They'd read Crystal Star because it's in Legends, or play Super Star Wars, or write long boring textwalls on obscure star wars game forums, or watch the Holiday Special. No, I haven't seen it. I don't care that Boba Fett's in it, or it's the first appearance of Kashyyyk. I'm not a cultural historian. I don't waste my time on stuff I don't enjoy just because it's star wars, any more than I would if it was set in Faerun, or Trek, or Middle Earth.

  10. They aren't any better than the movie-goers, they aren't any better because they have read all the comics, all the books or all the Legends content.


    I wouldn't say they're better, but if they really did consume ALL the Legends content, they have a truly astounding tolerance for third-rate crap. There are books in Legends that would revolt the most devoted Stephanie Meyer fan, and tv movies [like the Ewok ones] that make Allegiant look like a masterpiece in comparison.

  11. I don't think you understood what he said, then you attack him with unnecessary anger and name calling. Are you just trolling? And it's "put your money where your mouth is." :)


    Thanks, Zerileth. Yeah, ITT People who make ageist remarks like 'grow up, stop being a child' etc and then proceed to rant and swear and, incidentally, completely misunderstand the point they are railing against. Very mature.


    What people are doing is acting childish, about this Imperial and Republic pvp system that helps pvp.


    Congrats. I play both factions too, but I also know [cited from the fact that I have eyes] that pubs are in the minority of pvp, even with cross-faction. Has nothing to do with skill or interest, it's just a holdover from before cross-faction.


    I could have written all that out initially, but I hadn't anticipated that my one-liner would cause you to freak out, lol.

  12. Funny, everything you just said is wrong, to quote Luke Skywalker from The Last Jedi.


    You could have skipped everything you said afterwards, because quoting from that movie is probably the most likely thing to enrage him. When people say 'true fans of Star Wars' etc it's code for people who hate the new movies, in particular TLJ.


    That's not a criticism of your point btw. If you made that reference knowing the effect it would have, that's even better imo.


    ROFL I love elitist fans.


    It wasn't until recently in the last 10 years or so I really started hearing this type of bemoaning. "Ohhh, how dare some lowly cretin find my one true love Star Wars as wonderful and beautiful as I! Tis impossible, for I found Star Wars first!" What garbage.


    Star Wars, music, etc. All of these forms of art have no expiration date on fandom. Hence young people easily are fans of Jimi Hendrix yet he died in the 70s. I began watching Star Wars literally when the first movie was made, seen it in the theater as a child. Does that make me a real fan, and others less of fans because they were born in the 80s-90s? No it does not.


    There's a related point about the idea that some fans [like this guy] seem to think that Star Wars is some kind of niche fandom that requires No True Scotsman fallacies to build up the idea of a select few who love this IP. I'm reminded of Ernest Cline's Armada, where the main character falls in love with the LI on the basis that she's a Star Wars fan, even though they're eating lunch in a starfighter hangar surrounded by sci-fi junkies who are essentially LARPing an X-Wing simulation. The scene [and the book itself] is not meant to be taken ironically, instead readers are supposed to share this 'touching' moment of two star wars fans meeting in a crowd, as if there aren't like millions of fans and a zillion dollar merchandising industry built up around this stuff.

  13. I always thought Balmorra was a mess to navigate around.


    Also Voss Pubside Nightmare Lands, whenever I'm trying to complete the planetary chain and I have to do that dark crystal mission I end up driving around aimlessly to find a way past the chasm.


    Corellia is relatively easy to navigate, but the quests take forever to get to. Also, unlike the rest of the game, many of the exploration quests on that planet are where they were originally, rather than put in convenient places, which means they're easy to miss.


    Navigating Illum was so unpleasant that I basically stopped doing it altogether.


    Oricon pub-side is also a pain to navigate, particularly the first time you do it before unlocking the dailies.


    Actually, when I think about it, there's probably more planets that I complain about navigating then there are planets that are easy to navigate [NS, Tat, Tython, DK, Quesh, Yavin, Ziost]. I haven't even mentioned the most infamous examples, like Alderaan and Taris, Yavin is probably arguable, and Tat is only easy if you do the class missions out of order with the planetary chain, otherwise you're backtracking endlessly.

  14. I pvp, enough to do the 70 weekly for regs [20 matches or 10 wins]. I can certainly agree that BW screwed up with regards to the sheer number of matches needed for ranked. I can also agree that it's rather...irritating, to have someone who clearly doesn't participate in x activity try to police you. I haven't done a lot of ranked, only enough to get a feel for it, but I think I have somewhat more knowledge on the subject than Y...you know who.


    Still, to me the kicker here [and I'm surprised no one mentioned it, it invariably comes in any convo about ranked] is:


    We queue almost every day and getting nearly no pops. Per week we get like 6-7 pops lol which absolutely disastrous. The most horrible fact that before changes for weekly and appear of ossua we had 10-17 fights per day. Devs really messed up with quests and lack of insentives for playing team ranked.


    this idea of incentives. Rewards, yes, but also


    a) despite the claims of OP and others, ranked players complained about mat farmers endlessly. They certainly complained in the solo matches whenever they lost or someone thought x player was a mat farmer, and it wouldn't be difficult to find plenty of threads excoriating mat farmers. Congrats, BW listened to that feedback. Guess they shouldn't have been so picky, eh?


    b) There's rewards and there's rewards. That is, there's the reward you get for the quest turn-in, and there's the reward you get for playing. Ranked players care about rankings, and skill. But when you're trying ranked for the first time, you just want to have fun.


    There are a lot of mean players in this game, but by far the most concentrated selection of online jerks are in ranked. Not all of them, certainly; if you're in a guild doing TR you can have a good time. But imo, the vast majority in solo ranked are poisonous cranks who bullied and harassed anyone who threatened to lower their rating. So for those, I have zero sympathy. You want more pops? Maybe don't be such anti-social cretins to new players, yeah?


    Even when mat farming was around, I still learned quite quickly that there was NO incentive for me to suffer through even the daily ranked. It just wasn't worth the aggravation. And I remember complaining about it on here once and getting abuse from ranked players who thought I was a crybaby. Well, who's crying now, folks? I agree with Lhance that PVP in general isn't doing so well, but when your population is shrinking, it is unwise to demand changes while simultaneously behaving egregiously bad in-game. You don't get compassion from players or devs that way.


    Note: since I'm probably going to get flamed for this: NOT ALL PVPers. NOT ALL RANKED. But a lot of pvpers? Most of Ranked? When your playerbase has a universally horrendous reputation, it's hard to understand the surprise that other players are immediately prejudiced against the lot of you.

  15. Tbh, I would just send him a space email with the link to your thread here. What you've essentially done here is make a public thank you letter, like sending a letter to a newspaper. This is a very good gesture, and worth much more than in-game items.


    In fact, I might do that myself. About a year ago I met a datacron Coyote who helped me get about a dozen hard to reach datacrons, including the Makeb ones. I gave him stacks of level 6 companion gifts, but I think he'd probably appreciate a note on the forums more, and a sign that I still remember how he helped me. It took a considerable amount of time to get them, and I think he changed characters several times [to switch from imp to pub] to get them. I didn't get the datacron master [i skipped the shards and the rishi ones are apparently very difficult] but I very much appreciate the help.


    Later, another coyote helped me get the cheevo for the bounty hunter event where you find that sniper in the cartel bazaar. I gave him more comp gifts, and he was apparently amazed that anyone would give him something for an [apparently] small thing.


    When I first started playing, one of my first comps was a PT tank. I'd never done MMOs before and didn't understand how tanking worked. I was in a pug heroic - hunger of the Vrbithers - before they nerfed heroics, and getting my team slaughtered because I didn't know what I was doing. This guy gave me some very helpful advice on how to tank, and stands in stark contrast to the norm for pugs. I don't remember his name, unfortunately, and can't pm him.


    Another guy recently helped me add several of my alts to a guild of one, which is something I couldn't do myself [easily]. He didn't want anything - he already had plenty of comp gifts that he didn't use - but was happy to help. Unfortunately, I treated him kind of badly. I didn't remove him from the guild afterwards, and he didn't quit, so when I stopped subbing he automatically took over as GM. This was a big problem because I'd intend to start putting overflow from my legacy storage in the GB [that was the whole point of a guild of one] so I sent him a space email asking him to give me GM status back. It took like two or three weeks to get a reply, and he agreed, but I was so panicked about that happening again I deleted him. Not really paying it forward.


    Lastly, a lot of my guildies from GK have helped me out recently with understanding how operations work and handholding me through a lot of the mechanics, and not blowing their top when I screw up, which I appreciate, as I probably wouldn't have been as patient.

  16. Can you buy a guild ship with a 'guild of one?' Now that the price has been knocked down it might be something to do.


    Yes, I did that last month. It makes for a nice, extra SH, even though it's a bit of a pain to collect decos for. I had assumed the GM could use his own cache of decos for it, but it all has to be 'donated' through the guild bank. I had wondered why people were willing to pay 100k apiece for a mailbox and legacy storage when you get that stuff for free from the intro SH mission. Now I know. Also unlike regular SHs the opening cinematic doesn't go away.


    The guild is somewhat difficult to operate atm. It's imp side and I have a bunch of my imp chars in there already. Unfortunately there's about eight imps unaccounted for, because they're in other guilds. I can't add them unless I drop those guilds, which I'd rather not do, and invite someone to the guild to do it, and if I make more imp toons I'll have to do that every time.


    I doubt I'll bother with all that, tbh. I only bought it as a novelty. As far as endgame content is concerned, it's much more rewarding imo to play with an [active] guild.

  17. Because they collect all your data and share it. You should read their terms and conditions as well as their privacy agreement.

    Then when you sign, which I just did, they bombard you to sign more petitions in your area. They ask you for money and they want you to link your social media accounts.

    Does this sound familiar to anyone? Ie Facebook?


    I can completely understand why someone wouldn’t want to sign. I know I wouldn’t have if I’d read the terms and conditions first (my bad) or realised all the crap they were going to bombard me with.


    Yup. I also think - and no offense intended, Yillarus - that it's a vehicle for a rather shallow form of online activism. It's the go-to for people who don't actually want to do any work to change x, but merely to showcase to others that they care passionately about x. I put it in the same category as ranting about a cause on Facebook, and about as effective.


    Before you ask what bright ideas I've come up with, I don't have any on hand to give. However, I do think it would be a useful sub-topic for this thread to suggest that people try to generate some ideas that are actually likely to make Disney pay attention to swtor.

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