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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I didn't keep Baras alive on any of my SWs but ended up with him on the SW that had been created with an Outlander token. This is awful but I laughed and laughed when he ended up in the machine. He'd been outfoxed. I felt the same about Zash. I couldn't think of a better ending for her, after all her machinations.


    I felt that most of the cameos were really, really good. One or two I would have switched. But there were some characters I was hoping we'd see again in the main story and it was sad to lose them like that.


    Ah, mine was also an outlander token. I was puzzled by that because the tokens usually default by faction alignment [LS for pub, DS for imp] for story choices, but sparing Baras is an LS choice. Or rather, it was an LS choice at the time, but given his fate it sure looks like a DS choice from hindsight.

  2. I actually really wound up enjoying Rebels. From about season 2 through the end there were some REALLY good story arcs. (Asoka/Vader, Thrawn, Ezra from rookie to Jedi, etc.) And my lil kids (age 7) are really excited about resistance. It's obviously made for the younger SW fans. I'm gonna remain optimistic about this new series. I'm not SUPER excited because I'd rather see what Luke was doing during that time but.... I'll give it a shot. It can't be any worse than TLJ. LOL


    I liked Rebels too. I don't get the hate for it. I dislike certain parts of Rebels, but generally the same stuff I didn't like about Rebels was also a factor in TCW.


    As for Mandalorians...


    Well, this is probably still a bit controversial, but I like Karen Traviss' take on them. I like the culture she essentially created from scratch, and which shows up piecemeal through swtor and other mediums [Torian's like an encyclopedia for mando'a]. I don't particularly like how they've been depicted since Traviss left the scene. They've been robbed of subtlety. I loathed TCW's take on them, and I wasn't very fond of how Rebels handled them either. I'm ambivalent about a live-action, unsubtle mandalorian series, but I do like the era they've set it in and I'm hoping the series will flesh out what that era looks like in the canon universe from an NFU perspective.

  3. What I liked best about Nathema was what made the least sense: the cameos. I've only run it on my SW, mind.


    It makes sense that guys like Mortis would be pissed that a SW would turn down the chance to be Emperor of Zakuul to run space-NATO. It certainly makes sense that Baras [if you kept him alive for some reason] would want revenge and take any deal to get it. What doesn't make sense is that they'd join this scheme run by a droid and a crazed ex-horizon guard, where they do nothing except record some gloating lines and then get suckered into stepping into a machine that uses them as fuel to resurrect a giant robot head.


    I mean, I actually felt BAD for Baras. Taking the option to let him live really was DS if this is how he ends up going.


    OTOH, I would have actually liked to kill them. You're not really killing them when you break their control box, they're already fuel at that point and they don't have any witty final words to throw at you.

  4. Not quite equal. The Republic Taris arc makes it very clear there is plenty of anti-alien sentiment in the Republic as well. :rak_04:


    I'm not sure what this is referring to. The human settlers vs the aliens? That was mostly Taris, not the Republic.


    Also, it was one quest. If they wanted to make a point about anti-alien bigotry in the Republic, there wasn't much there. I'd be more inclined to argue the Coruscant quests, where the Republic does very little to hold back the Migrant Merchants Guild [and considers just closing down complete sectors to the gangs], and has several quests [the nautolan complaining to pub security, the senator and the slave collar chips] that make it clear that the bigotry is just as systemic as in the Empire, just not as apparent.


    I say it's just as systemic as with the Empire, but over on Imperial Taris we have gleeful Sith lords organizing a contest for who can kill the most Cathar settlers. So it's kind of apples and oranges. Darkside Republic is mostly an ambiguous evil.

  5. Class stories start in 3643 BBY. It is now 3630 BBY. Just about 13 years. On Iokath, Quinn mentions it's been 6 years and 8 months since the PC was frozen in carbon, and there are more months from Iokath to Nathema.


    And I wouldn't say "most." The ages that players assign their characters are all over the place and they could plausibly and easily be in their late 30s to mid 40s by Nathema. The only ones that have ever seemed younger than say, 25, to me are the Jedi Knight and the female Sith Inquisitor.


    The merc is a young kid, Braden mentions that in the intro. Most of my mercs tend to look older though, so I usually headcanon that as new to bounty hunting, or young compared to Braden, who's like 90.


    The IA must also be pretty young since they are on their first solo op in Hutta, and only just receive their agent code.


    Likewise, the Trooper only just got out of the academy.


    For the FUers it's debatable. They only just got out of the academy/temple but the force can make anything possible i guess. For the NFUers, however, it's unlikely they can do what they do if they aren't in the prime of their life at their peak physical condition.

  6. That reminds me, I need to set up my security key for October.


    For whatever reason, when I add a mobile security key, the site doesn't remember the number, and won't let me in, so I have to remove it, and then next month, if I want those 100cc, I have to do the whole process over again. I've been doing that since March 2016, and while I'd prefer to just do it once and not have to do it again...I want those 100cc.

  7. I see more criticisms than white knight comments on the forums here, at least they stand out to me more.


    I think people just prefer not having actual discussions anymore, especially when others do not agree with them. It's more fulfilling for many to "discuss" topics with people we agree with who support and genuflect to whatever we write.


    That's why people as a whole are seemingly getting more dumb by the year. People avoid reading or watching anything that they don't agree with so they are easily lead down into rabbit holes that fit their personal agendas. it's hard to learn anything if we only say and hear what we already think and believe.


    Anyway, that's my perspective on social media and how we as people have "progressed" culturally over the last 20-30 years. It's like technology has outpaced and outgrown common sense and common decency/etiquette towards other people. Anonymity has a lot to do with that too imo.


    This is why I wonder if reddit is actually a better medium, or just an echo chamber. My own experience with it, as I say, was purely information-gathering. To that extent, it was more useful than this forum. I'd have to go check it out, and I can't be bothered to read two game forums at the same time.


    I think another factor is that people shift gears as time passes and the issues change. You were pretty acrimonious during the Conquest changes a year ago. Now? I wouldn't be surprised if you got labeled a white knight. In reality though, very few of us are consistently critical or consistently defensive. With some exceptions.

  8. OP, as you note, it's got a steep learning curve. I played perhaps three matches when it first came out, then I never played it again. Storm-cutter's point about it not being monetized I think has a big impact, it just doesn't seem to connect much with the rest of the game, and your suggestions sound really great, I just...idk. It'd be nice if there was a baby mode for people who've never done it before.


    One of the odd things about GSF is that unlike FPs, PVP, Ops, and on-rail space missions, GSF doesn't [to my knowledge] have a weekly cap for pref or F2P. You can play as much of it as you want to, but in my case, that's zero. The experience boosts that you use in combination with them are even more difficult to sell than the old space missions boosts are, I had a couple I picked up somewhere, and for weeks I tried to sell them, without even thinking once that I could just use them myself and play it. I eventually stuck them in my guild's bank, where to my knowledge, they're sitll there.

  9. Eh idk about all these white knight claims. I've only found one that was consistently white knight to the point of being extremely irritating, and from what I can tell they're gone now. They were the one who always lambasted any QoL suggestion like legacy datacrons, solo FPs or a heroics terminal as making the game too easy, players are entitled for asking, etc. They obviously didn't speak for BW because BW ended up caving on all those suggestions.


    Now, there may be one or two more elephants in the room atm [curse the forum's extensive mod software that prohibits naming!] but I tend to think a mix of personalities makes game discussions fruitful. I don't care to have discussions with all haters either, and just as there are people who while not white knights, will legitimize their detestable existence as being somehow necessary, there are many players here who will blithely dismiss any concept of 'haters' as a smear against people making constructive feedback. I think, after silently reading these forums for 4+ years, that I loathe those posters more than the actual forum trolls on either end.


    I use the swtor reddit mainly to get game info if dulfy or swtorspy doesn't have it. I have an account there that I made up awhile ago, but even when I am not subbed [which is coming up swiftly] I rarely use it.

  10. If I skipped KotFE and Kotet, can I go back and do recruitment missions and continue romances? I know you can't overwrite 'official' switches set in places like for Pus, having all light side choices chosen but can I go back and do certain reunion missions? I haven't seen an actual answer to that specific question yet.


    Like, if you're using a 65 outlander token, you can go back and do alliance recruitment missions. You can't continue romances, however - at least not with vanilla romances like Vette - because from the game's point of view, you were never in a relationship. idk about romances with the knights comps though; I would say you could but the game may forget your choice after every chapter.

  11. What dark side sith is going to say oh okay you are my equal without them proving it.


    The problem is that for most DS SI, the way to prove it would be to fight, and what would happen when the Inq won? If they win, then Ashara's not the equal [obviously], and if they lose [ie by having BW cutscene the fight] the players would throw a tantrum anyway.


    Yes, the problem was in the writing, specifically, Ashara didn't need to be EQUAL to the SI, she just has to demonstrate that she's not be a victim anymore. idk what that would look like [maybe just cut the equal line and keep the rest]. Though tbh, I think the edgelords would rage regardless; any change that didn't have her bowing in submission would be complained about.

  12. And then there's the flip side which is that the PC might not have even wanted to find some companions. My Jedi Knights hate Doc. Despise him. Would never look for him and don't care what happened to him. If he shows up he will be told to go away again.


    My own head canon is that characters who have been pulled from the terminal all came back voluntarily between KOTFE and KOTET. The ones I haven't pulled are ones that my PC doesn't care to find.


    Wouldn't that be nice. Sadly for me, many of the comps who we did get back were characters I didn't really want. Broonmark, Xalek, Yuun, Skadge and / or Rusk are at the top of the list of those I wished had died ignominously or went far far away. Now, those are alliance alerts, and only Yuun is technically mandatory [to get the alerts you do want].


    Kaliyo should have been at the top of the list of comps who don't care about the PC - even when you're romancing her - and don't need to come back. She should have been an alliance alert for the IA. For everyone else, even DS psycho toons, it's a stretch figuring out a rationale for why any commander would want her at all.


    She has one useful role to play later in the story: the attack on the spire, and what they should have done is to bring back Zenith and have him face-off with Jorgan. It's believable you'd send him into the spire, and he'd definitely be impossible for Jorgan to work with. I was going to suggest Felix as an alternative - it would beat his actual alert - but I completely blanked out his name and had to google it, and realized in the process that he's too unmemorable to be interesting. Although he's met Jorgan, so that would have some drama.

  13. And that could also be the reason for the forums being quieter as well. You tell people don't like what is posted, then don't come to the forums and then people complain that the forums are slow.


    You'd have to be pretty sensitive [or new to the internet] to never return to the forums simply because someone tells you they don't like your posts, go away.


    But perhaps they're all on Reddit.

  14. An earlier poster suggested that DS Jaesa might come back DS-lite, as an amalgamation of the two splits, because an LS Jaesa wouldn't survive long without the PC without being caught and retrained [at best] or if DS, was too psychotic and had to be 'tempered'. This idea appeals to me, and if that's how they did it, it would be all right. Though, bug aside, if she's sending crazy death threats to the SW if he romanced Theron, it doesn't seem like tempering her did much.


    My head canon theory is that the comps we don't have back aren't back because they're either dead or don't want to come back.


    Generally the returns have been prioritized with the least interesting, NFU comps. They're the comps who would have slipped under the radar between losing the PC and five years [7 years now] later. The high powered ones like Scourge, Khem, Nadia, etc are dead. They were too visible in the galactic eye and didn't last long without the PC protecting them. Someone early in the thread pointed out that Khem would have died anyway because of the bond they share.


    Whereas NFUs like Theran, Zenith, Doc, Akaavi, Mako etc didn't come back because they don't want to come back. They don't want to be reunited with the Commander and consider that part of their lives to be over. This applies to Tharan, Akaavi and Doc in particular. Zenith actually is probably dead too, considering he had planned to return to Balmorra to join the government, and we discover Tai as a refugee later on in KOTFE. Or maybe he's back on Balmorra still shooting grunts and realized that his dream was never to save the galaxy, just his home. Mako's a young kid who, if romanced, probably just moved on with her life afterwards. Maybe she realized her dream to be a mandalorian and now has eight kids with some shabuuir.


    I personally like the idea that how you may feel about the most interesting or romanceable comps, may not be how they feel about you once they've had 5-7 years to mull it over. It's certainly less enjoyable - it confounds player expectations and bias - but it's a workman solution to the problem.

  15. These meta-threads are always -briefly- entertaining, but the thing that puzzles me about them is...don't you guys play other games? Aren't there lots of other games you own and haven't played? Maybe it's an age thing, I didn't really get into gaming until my late 20s, and I didn't have the disposable income to buy other games, but like...if I get bored playing this game, there's literally ten other games I can play that would keep me interested and engaged, and after six months or a year, I can come back to this one refreshed. Even if there's no new content, the break will still revitalize the old content.


    Like no wonder people are bored and resentful if they spend seven years straight playing one game.

  16. Wow. Well, we obviously have an internal communications problem as we were only notified a few minutes ago. Let me see what I can find out and get some insight about what's going on.




    Would 'an internal communications problem' explain why you'll respond immediately with three posts in rapid succession if it's a problem with renewing subscriptions but takes weeks [or never] to respond to any game-related questions people have? :rolleyes:


    Edit: I notice this got necro'd from three months ago, but the point still stands.

  17. They should have just gone with the SWG idea for the whole game. It's what people had been crying out for.


    Really today's Dev's and Publishers have no idea what people want. People have been screaming for something like SWG Pre-CU, we get more WoW clones.


    Mainly it's what you and a minority of devotees cry out for. Really, they needn't have bothered coming up with the Cult of Zildrog when the Cult of SWG has been going on in the forum since the game started.


    It was a waste of time when it was developed and it's still a waste of time imo. It's boring and monotonous.


    I didn't think it was monotonous. As others said, some of the later missions could be quite difficult. When I started doing them I was a F2P looking for alternate sources of xp, and you only get 3 a week [failures count too], which, since it was pre-level sync, made it a steep learning curve, because by the next week the starter mission would be greyed out and I'd get hammered in the next mission, which would be greyed out by the next week, and so on. Also the upgrades - at the time - were pretty expensive, particularly when you bought them knowing they'd probably be worthless in a week or two.


    By the time level sync showed up, the new problem was that I didn't need extra xp, the rate had increased and there were better things to do than that. Also when you only get 3/week, it makes it damn difficult to save up fleet commendations, and most of the crap in the vendor is BoP. I did like the Republic Pilot's chestpiece though, you saw them on pub soldiers throughout vanilla.

  18. Also, in case you want certain companions like Theron, Lana, and Koth, access to Odessan terminals, Alliance turn-ins, Star Fortress, etc...


    From your personal ship go to mission terminal. Click on Chapter 1 of Fallen Empire, scroll down to Chapter 1 of Eternal Throne and accept it. Start it and then exit...


    Boom! You're on Odessan and have access permanently to Theron, Lana and several other companions like T-7, Jorgan, Kaliyo, Torian and Vette. If you are non-Empire, you also get access to Koth. Neither faction gets Arcann or Senya.


    You can also do Find a Findsman with Yuun to get access to other companions should you so desire; e.g. Blizz, etc.


    Keep in mind, the quest is in your log permanently, which seems to bother some.




    Wait, you can access eternal throne even though you haven't done kotfe? If you're not using an outlander token?

  19. I believe that you can start the Fractured Alliances story arc, and the traitor one, at Iokath without having complete KOTFE/KOTET but the game will assume default choices. Not sure how it would progress if you went back and did KOTFE/KOTET. As for cameos
    It was quite refreshing have that many cameos, even if I'm a little sad because this likely means those characters won't play a role, or a major one anyway beyond perhaps a few cameos, again. But that is a topic for another day.


    good link, and that answers my question: will have to do fractured alliances but at least can skip kotfe/tet

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