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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Trixie above gave you the answer. To get the conquest points you have to do a normal warzone (not a guild challenge) with a guild group. Just like the flashpoint rally, where you do a flashpoint with a group of guild members.


    We've done that, we still didn't get conquest points.


    What I'm gathering from this is that nobody knows anything.

  2. The problem is that there is no other MMORPG with Star Wars elements. The story is very good.


    I would say, rather, that it's very good for a Star Wars game. Unlike many here, to me the fact that it's from the Star Wars IP is a detriment, not a plus. Star Wars is a creatively barren, utterly derivative, anti-science IP. Lucas designed it that way [to sell action figures to children] and decades later he's conned grown adults into the idea that it's a valid science fiction premise on par with BSG or The Expanse, ie that it's actually intended for adult consumption. What good storytelling you see in this game [mostly in vanilla] is an accident brought on by BW writers [before EA crucified them], not a logical consequence of where the game is set.


    Yes, it's addictive.

  3. Nah, you just went about it wrong. You posted a basic, simple question, and expected people to be helpful. That's not the way the internets work. As someone already said a long time ago... if you want to know something from the interwebs, you shouldn't post a question. You should post the wrong answer. No one wants to be helpful, but everyone wants to show you that they are smarter than you are.


    You should have titled your post something like, "Warzone Rally! Finally something for TRUE PVPrs!!!!" Right away you'd get people to look, because we all know that one thing people here like to argue over is, just what is "true pvpr".


    Then you should have filled your post with completely made up stuff about how you were using Warzone Rally to skip the gear grind, and instantly zoom alts from level 10 to level 70, all while maintaining gear and also earning so many credits that you could not only buy things off GTN, but you could buy GTN itself! Also adding in stuff about how WR made you into a much better PvPr because it's way more complex and demanding than any other form of PvP - which doesn't matter because those other forms aren't really PvP anyway.


    If you'd done something like that, this thread would be up to 13 pages by now.


    Of course, 12 of them would be after it devolved into personal insults about how no one should be using a yellow crystal in their off-hand blaster anymore. But you might have gotten something more useful than, say, this post, somewhere in the first page. Where someone might have posted their corrections to your "facts".


    Just MHO, of course.


    TLDR; I don't know either. :(


    Good advice. What I should have done, I think, is post this in General with the title 'Warzone Rally is a slap in the face to the pvp community', then explained what happened as BW deliberately trolling guilds.

  4. Maybe my paragraphs are too long for the pvp community to read. let's try this again:


    ...we next tried to set up a match, again, two groups of four, competing against members in our sister guild in the other faction. This time it was set to 'Guild Challenge'. One wrinkle here is that while we set up groups of four, when the queue popped, we ended up in groups of three - two guys didn't get it. Again, we selected arenas and completed a match. Again, we got no points, conquest or otherwise.


    Is this intended or a bug?

  5. I have always wondered, what is Eric’s actually role?


    I know his title says community manager, but what else does he do outside of that? Because if he is “only” the community manager, he does no work all week. I could literally do what he does from my bed an hour a week (if that).

    So he must have another role or other responsibilities.

    It would be very interesting to know what they are. He’s not a coder, he’s not a developer, he’s not a story writer and as far as I know he’s not a marketer. So what does Eric do when he’s not on the forums or doing podcasts or writing on twitter?

    Do we even need a community manager anymore? We seem to get more reliable information from other Bioware staff than we get from him.

    My theory is Eric is actually working on Anthem as well or he has some other mundane job he does at Bioware that takes precedence over being the “community manager”.

    The word manager means to manage. Therefore community manager should mean to manage the community, which would require more interaction and two way discussions. This doesn’t happen, so what or who is he managing?

    Maybe his title should be changed to community messenger.


    Or maybe EA only hires him for part-time hours.

  6. Ironically we had the best communication between community and game when the community manager was on vacation. We had the Rishi SH project altered over and over via feedback given by the players during this time and that worked out to be one of the larger successes in recent memory.


    It just goes to show communication really does make a difference. Honest communication.


    That's interesting. I knew the community had made changes for the SH during that time, but I didn't know that Eric was on vacation. That goes a long way towards proving your initial criticism of him, and breaking down the argument that is most often used to defend him, ie. that he passively disseminates whatever he's told to.

  7. I just commented on a thread that literally asked what our "deal breakers" were for the game, so I listed them...


    It seems you have an axe to grind with me so you stalk me around the forums commenting on my criticisms of the game. In all honesty it seems you are more affected by what I write than I am of the poor condition of the game. :o


    I don't write anything thinking it will change anything here, that's another point you are wrong on. I learned ages ago that valid well-written constructive criticisms of the game do nothing here nor does solid feedback.


    Did you know you could choose to not read what others posted? I know it's a novel idea, but just a friendly reminder in case you were ignorant. Everyone has the right to post within the forum guidelines, even if you don't like it.


    I seem to remember you having to defend yourself against accusations of being a white knight not too long ago. When you get attacked on the basis of supposedly being on two, mutually exclusive viewpoints, that's when you know you're truly balanced. Or maybe just rhetorically schizophrenic.

  8. I have no way to verify that so I'm not going in.


    Given that both me and Tallera both told you the same thing, that would be your verification.


    And yes, your hangup over pvp is supremely silly, even considering the usual antipathy most of the playerbase has towards it. Did a pvper kill your dog or something?

  9. I don't see a thread about this, so...


    My guildies and I decided to do this today. We initially broke into two groups of four within our guild and set it up. It put us into something called 'skirmish' and we could do arenas only. We completed the match but got no points, no mvps allowed, nothing. We figured that we couldn't do it within our guild because of the potential for farming - it's a guild to guild challenge, right? So we next tried to set up a match, again, two groups of four, competing against members in our sister guild in the other faction. This time it was set to 'Guild Challenge'. One wrinkle here is that while we set up groups of four, when the queue popped, we ended up in groups of three - two guys didn't get it. Again, we selected arenas and completed a match. Again, we got no points, conquest or otherwise.


    Has anyone else done this feature yet? Did you have similar experiences or were you able to get conquest points? If so, what are we doing wrong?

  10. To clarify, you can create a new outfit saved for like 160 total credits iirc at lvl 1, while at lvl 70 it ends up being something like 65-70k. So you save a ton if you outfit your characters in the lower lvls.


    That's very good to know!


    This is why I read these forums. Not for the drama, not for the dev reports, not for the camaraderie. Sometimes people reveal very useful information about the game.

  11. *shrug* I don't care if anyone thinks it's extreme. I will not go into PvP areas. Don't care if it's for ten seconds or ten hours.


    It's not a pvp area anymore. It may SAY pvp, but that's a leftover message from before they changed PVP to a separate instance. You do not get flagged for pvp for going through outlaw's den on a PVE instance.


    I guess this means you also don't do Corso's comp mission on Tat, since the only real way of getting to Jettison is by going through outlaw's den.


    *Whoops, ninja'd.

  12. I'm kind of mix of both of you: Momentous occasions like leaving the starter planet or pivotal story moments [like faking one's death] get a new outfit. Generally I change at least once a chapter in vanilla. I've started to change for bad weather conditions but don't do it as often. Usually I have about five outfits, including the original, by the end of the game, sometimes more. I also sometimes do a montage of different outfits for each zone of Corellia.


    Of course, before the outfit designer came along, I just had one outfit, and even after it came out it took a long time to actually use it and pay for unlocks.

  13. I agree with poster who said Oricon for the orig story (post-individual story), and I'd have to say in KOTET the worst is having to make the Torian/Vette decision.

    We were the head of the alliance. no reason we couldn't have rescued both given the extent of our companions by that point.


    The worst part about that decision to me is that if you aren't a BH or SW it's largely irrelevant. If it were Lana or Theron, or maybe Lana/Theron AND your LI, that would be high stakes. I'd have liked an option for DS players to say 'kill them both', which would make the resulting boss fight easier.

  14. Start at 1. If you use the token it locks you out of doing your class story.


    Alternatively you could buy the master's datacron which will raise you to 70 and you can still go and do your class story, but why bother? It's not difficult playing the story at the 'recommended' level.

  15. Well, as far as forced grouping, there's Oricon. There's Pierce and 4X as alliance alerts. There was also some hubbub around Hexid. Personally, I don't really see the problem. Putting together an op is a lengthy process just to complete a story. Doing a couple WZs is nothing by comparison.


    But big stuff? Generally, BW's done a pretty good job on reducing that problem. Illum's story ends in an FP; before solo FPs existed, I remember that being a pain. Ditto Blood Hunt in SoR - or did that always have a solo mode? I only ever played it with that option - and SoR also had the option of ending with an op or PVE grinding. Gods has been optional content for Iokath, and even with the new gear grind it's still semi-optional.

  16. The Kaliyo chapter seems to be the winner so far. It's definitely my pick for the worst. As aerockul said, it doesn't make a lot of sense that LS characters would even entertain the idea of recruiting her in the first place, and even many DS characters would reject her because the damage she does is so unfocused.


    It should have been an alert. If they needed someone to contrast sharply with Jorgan, someone like Iresso [who served with him] or Pierce [to highlight the imperial/republic clash] would have worked fine.


    In contrast, I'd have liked to have seen Talos' alliance alert made into a full chapter. Scrap the storyline for it, and replace it with Talos exploring the Temple of Sacrifice to see if any part of it could be macgyvered to exorcise Valkorian. Have Fake!Khem continue to serve as the Temple's unwilling guardian, and add more backstory about Exar Kun, maybe even an interaction with his ghost. I think it would be neat to show the setting for an OP, or rather the aftermath of an OP, inside a chapter. The PC and Talos would be stepping around corpses from the battle, digging through interesting junk that didn't get noticed during ToS. Plus, it'd be a better way for LS players to come to terms with the fact that they're stuck with Valkorion, instead of Lana just handwaving the problem away.

  17. I generally assume that the loudest, harshest critics [and Lhancelot isn't one] will nevertheless resub every time there's a content release, like 5.10. Which is fine. I don't view that as hypocrisy.


    I do think though that if your premise is 'BW doesn't listen to our feedback!' then it's literally insane to keep giving feedback regardless, even if it stinks up the forums [a smelly place at the best of times] in the process. Like, the rationalization just doesn't make sense. Whereas if you say 'I'm here to vent because I hate the changes and I want you all to know it', well, it still stinks up the forums, but at least it's straightforward and utterly lacking in noble pretenses. Which would be refreshing, imo.


    Not to say that the OP is remotely correct in his assertion that the toxicity of the forum matters a jot to whether the devs do anything to fix the game. That's just...wow. I mean, technically, judging from the cantina chats, they'd much rather respond to comments fellating them than comments criticizing them, but it doesn't improve their performance. They might, perhaps, make more appearances on the forums if there were less complaints, but they'd still be as useless as ever where it matters.

  18. I notice a lot of these supposed 'deal-breakers' people mention are stuff that has already happened, like comps [LIs and otherwise] getting bricked or forced pvp/grouping. It applies to the OP as well, as I'm pretty sure what we have now is cross-faction pvp. If that's a deal-breaker, it's come and gone. So, as far as feedback is concerned, BW would probably chuckle at this thread [if they actually read it, lol] because what it seems to suggest is that while players may create melodrama around their complaints, they won't actually leave the game because of it - an empty threat. I'm not immune either, of course:


    Boredom would make me leave the game, and after doing all the class stories upwards of five or six times, it has gotten pretty boring, but not so boring that I won't stick around for a little while more.


    Losing characters would make me leave the game. The merger nearly did this; I lost somewhere around 25 characters. But there were enough still around that I could cut my losses and rebuild. Losing all of them might do it though, if there was some kind of game-breaking bug.


    Speaking of bugs, a bug that prevented me from logging into the game would also do it. This one has been around before, and in fact the irl friend who initially referred me to this game left because it happened to him.

  19. It's called being a *customer* we pay for them to *manage* the *product* we're paying for. They don't pay us to manage our expectations. IMO Telling people to unsub because you can't cope will work great? You've tried to sound smart yet sound pretty naïve at best.


    So you were serious in the OP after all? That makes me lol.


    You might be taken more seriously in the future if you avoid melodramatic lines like 'how dare...' People [including me] thought you were being sarcastic or something, but apparently not.


    I said you should unsub if you aren't happy, or simply disinterested in playing the game as-is. Explain to me how it's naive to play the game as it is instead of hoping BW will - despite years and years of acting EXACTLY this way - will somehow defy expectations and habits, and release content that works properly out the gate. People are also upset about the gear grind, and because BW ignored them during the PTS. Again, this is not new behavior.


    It's okay to vent, but I struggle to understand how anyone is remotely surprised, much less threads like this where you apparently think...what? That BW will notice and go "oh gee, we have ruined the magic of christmas/ holiday capitalism for you, let's fix all these problems right away!" You heard what Musco said, if you think the game is unplayable, come back in late January / early February when they release a fix.


    There would be a lot less forum whining if everyone took my advice and subbed only for the times when they actually want to play without needing the devs to DO anything, and a lot less self-suffering martyrs on here who think their continued sub is the only thing keeping the game afloat.


    Naive. I don't think you know what this word means.

  20. I'm off work till January 7. While I'm off, I'd like to get 1 class (JK or SI] up to rank 300. I'm subbed for the next two months, during which time I should be able to get another class [sI or JK] finished for the cheevo. Then I only need one more class [bH], which I'll probably do during my next sub time in the summer. I enjoy grinding with my guildies so it's not really grinding, or not tedious grinding anyway.


    i have everything I want from the CM. I have an extra ten character slots if I want to reroll a few classes. I may buy a guild ship for an old F2P guild I made up a few years ago, just for the novelty, now that it's reduced in price. So, by next summer, barring some momentous expansions that requires me to sub for it [you don't need to sub to get Ossus], I shouldn't really need to sub anymore, and i've spent less than $100 CAD on subbing in five, almost six years of playing this game.


    So personally, I don't really gaf when the devs are coming back. And those of you expecting them to snap their fingers and make this game interesting and/or playable for you again ought to manage your expectations, imo. Sub when you have time/interest to play, and unsub for the rest of the time. Don't make a production out of it.

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