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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. As for the making sea lions extinct metaphor, they fill a crucial ecological niche. Be careful what you wish for.


    Leaving this here in case someone somewhere has not run across the sea lion term before.




    Incidentally, today is my last day of sub time, I don't care enough about 5.10 to pay a sub for it. But am I going to nitpick and hijack threads because other players think the general reception to the upcoming content is positive? No. I'm not a sea lion.

  2. I didn't hate the new movies, but I do generally hate the patchwork canon that they brought with them. I'm glad they aren't doing Jedha [Tatooine with shipwrecks] or the fish monk planet. Ossus is a great planet that actually fits the era the game is taking place in. I'd also like to see Arkania and perhaps a new version of Onderon.


    I'm iffy about the saboteurs/loyalist thing. It's old hat for an agent. It makes as much sense as the alliance ever did for smugs and BHs [not much]. It's a bit baffling though...if I'm a LS Trooper that goes over to the empire because Acina was actually a useful ally in the expansions, does it follow that I actually want to sabotage the Republic? The Havoc traitors didn't become double agents, they went AWOL.


    I hope the daily area isn't like Iokath. I hate that daily area. I hope it's more like Yavin, with VAs and no secondary currency.

  3. Renning gets killed off in the Korriban incursion quest, so if you took the DS option, that was probably Malora's getaway moment.


    Mind you, if you took the LS option, it's implied that the falsified data will ruin Renning's career, and they can't both be right...though dissecting tukatas on Korriban as a crappy sidequest until being repurposed as a mid-point FP boss [with no lines] seems like punishment enough as it is.


    I liked Malora. I particularly liked the line she gave if you took the LS option and said you were doing it for the good of the empire: "oh so you're going to donate the credits to the imperial orphanage?"

  4. Not everyone but a good number of people in these forums have largely positive reception to it, especially in terms of story. And don't put words in my mouth, I never said everything was pitch-perfect with rainbows over the forums over 5.10 but the responses seem to be largely positive.


    Your mistake was implying in a casual way that someone other than you personally is interested in x. That was just the opening that the forum Grammar police needed to swoop down and inform you that they are not excited and how dare you etc etc.


    Nowhere else but this forum have I seen such consistent persnicketyness from people being offended that they are theoretically being included inside a general 'we' or 'the forums'.


    Of course, if there is any justice, someone else should chime in and criticize Mournblood's reference to 'player reaction'. Something along the lines of "What, player reaction? Sir, as I am a player of this game like you I am OFFENDED that you are including me in your catch-all reference to 'player reaction'. I assure you that in contravention to your hasty generalization I etc etc."


    It's as if we need to conduct a poll every time someone says 'we' or 'the forum' or 'the community' to ensure that only those people are being referenced in that category and no one is accidentally being spoken for.


    tl;dr: let's make the forum sea lions extinct.

  5. Well the entire premise of the story going forward is the conflict, the best thing you can do is not play it. I don't see them making a third option for people who want to remain neutral or do their own thing.


    This is really the only answer possible for this thread. No, they are not going to make a completely different story for people who want to play a third faction, the story going forward revolves around the conflict. Like how would they do that?


    This thread - and OP - makes me lol.

  6. I have an honest question to you all:


    Am I the only one here who has absolutely no interest in romances in this game? During the last year, romancing companions has become the no. 1 topic here (aside from the conquest issues in the Spring). I couldn't care less about romances, whether hetero, gay, with aliens or not. It's really completely out of my gaming scope.


    I thought the romances with comps for vanilla were generally all right. It wasn't a big part of the story, but it's one I tend to do. The new romances post-vanilla have all been pretty dreadful imo, though some of the continuations are all right [i like Vector's and Jorgan's].


    The problem is, they don't have money to make the kind of story romances they did in vanilla, so we're basically talking about flirt options in convos and one or two cutscenes. In that case, what difference does it make if they're romanceable or not? I'll pass.


    I've had a special distaste for them ever since picking a flirt option ONCE with Kaliyo on my agent way back in 2012 flagged her as his wife for KotFE.


    That's pretty bad. I'm glad I won't be taking any male IAs through the kotfe/et storyline.


    I'm stunned that women are arguing against the inclusion of women characters. Not every main character has to be a LI or be aesthetically pleasing. They weren't in the class stories. If someone only sees value in including characters they personally can ogle or see as LIs, that's the person's issue, and it's not the game's job to accommodate it. As much as I love romance stories in the game, not everything is centered on that.


    As someone else mentioned, Jonas, Paxton Rall, IIRC Zenith and Scourge are all supposed to be part of new content, too.


    As for Jaesa and Nadia being available for SGR, for the love of God, there's been one F/F LTR in the entire game. They're giving two more who are class-specific and probably will never be seen or heard from again in the main story, and we're going to have people crying "What about the mennnnnn?" with this too?


    Well, I think you're talking at crosspurposes. They want male characters to romance, you want equal representation of the sexes. They're clearly not interested in the sexual politics in videogames.

  7. I played ESO for a bit and it does have a ton of lore, The Elder Scrolls lore but still quite good lore. The cutscenes aren't like SWTOR however, once you click on a NPC you'll see him and have dialogue options but he'll just stand there and talk with the background behind him
    . I haven't gotten very far though, I've only played it for like 10 hours and barely got out of one of the early-level zones. The game does not require a subscription, from what I remember reading back in the day you do have to buy the DLC however you can still apparently do endgame content without, you unlock the DLC if you subscribe but unlike SWTOR once your sub ends you lose access to them unless you bought them with crowns, ESO's version of CC, expansions need to be bought though even if you're a subscriber as well as the base game. Essentially it's a B2P game as opposed to subscription based like SWTOR, and the game is better optimized than SWTOR from my experience on it.


    Thanks! Might give it a shot. Sub's ending this weekend till xmas anyway.

  8. You kidding? ESO is even more solo friendly than this game. It just has 3 faction stories for leveling instead of 8 class stories. All zone dungeons and world bosses can be soloed. Even a lot of the group dungeons can be soloed on the lowest difficulty level if you know what you're doing.


    Good to know. Like immortal, I also am wary of MMOs that require a lot of grouping. I figured this game with its emphasis on story spoiled me for others that don't have that.


    Do they use a lot of VAs or cutscenes? What's the story itself like comparable to swtor storytelling [in vanilla]? Is there a F2P option? Is it easier to run than swtor ie. the engine?


    Unlike a lot of others here, I'm not in this game because it's star wars. If you want great storytelling, Star Wars has NEVER been the first place you should look. The stories turned out to be surprisingly good, but it was despite the IP, not because of it.

  9. I find it funny that people hated Yuuzhan Vong so much, when that style of storytelling, the focus on descriptive writing of space battles, using different characters as viewpoints in each chapter a la GoT and long plot series, really began with NJO. Yes, X-wing did that too but it felt different. The stuff that came before were mostly scattered novels or short trilogies that tried to allude as much as possible to what happened in the movies, rather than trying something a bit different. They were new stories, but they felt like the same old story. Even Zahn acknowledged that was his purpose in the update to Heir. The stuff that came after NJO, like Legacy, Fate, Darth Plagueis, Traviss' Republic Commandos etc was in a similar vein to NJO as far as writing and characterization went, for good or bad [i personally thought it was a good change].


    People may have hated the Yuuzhan Vong species, or the biotech aspect, but it's undeniable that the writing in the series itself changed the canon significantly from what it had been previously, basically just ghosts of the OT, into its own distinct creature. Whether it's canon or not is irrelevant; that writing is what led to the KOTORs and to this game, and into the new canon.

  10. Something cringeworthy I just thought of was doing the Ziost daily yesterday, the one that has you scanning ashen remains of the people who got vaporized during Vitiate's world-eating.


    There was a quest on pub Taris where you're assisting this couple who are 'corpse counters', checking the remains of all the people killed during Malak's attack 300 years before. Somehow from that quest BW got the idea that players would enjoy doing a quest where THEY got to be corpse counters too. And not just a one-time quest either, a daily.


    So I was doing it yesterday as part of 2XP, just running around Ziost scanning burnt corpses and suddenly I stop and think '*** am I doing!?' Somehow it's a lot more freaky than doing a bonus where you have to kill 20 people.

  11. Not ur bruh, so don't get like that with me. Fact is that George Lucas and what was Lucasfilm until Disney trashed things, along with great writer's like Timothy Zahn, etc, made a very awesome timeline/ timelines of what was really Star Wars, and what other great empires and civilizations that have been around at the same time or before there ever was an Empire or Republic out there.


    There are many factions.


    Yeah bruh I'm aware of all that. Knowing the lore doesn't make your opinion any more valuable than the next guy, especially over what is or is not Star Wars.

  12. In the dialogue for this quest our characters and all of the NPCs keep referring to the other settlers as "the aliens". They aren't being referred to as people. That also implies there is an ongoing problem of some aliens being seen as something different.


    That seems to be a common trope in SW, and one that never made much sense to me [aren't they all aliens?].


    Someone in this thread mentioned that Sith Purebloods are aliens too, and they are, but not in a derogatory sense. If you play a pureblood, even for a non-sith class, you'll be treated as human. That doesn't make a lot of sense either; in the JK class story they mention that NFU purebloods are quite rare.


    It would be interesting to see a more deeper exploration of privilege in species' politics, but that's probably too deep for this game [and too close to identity politics for many gamers].

  13. Not a fan of the Inquisitor's angry walk especially for females so I use the mime one. My scoundrel uses the Street light one. Other than those I mostly like the vanilla class regenerations. Warrior is cool, and my favorite vanilla is consular.


    The vader chamber is awesome for warriors too. I'll be spamming the pumpkin on fleet all month! :D


    I remember using that angry walk and falling off the ledge in the class mission where you get Khem. Bought a toy asap after that.


    I have the life day orb. Not really a fan. I like Mime the best.

  14. My guild had nearly 50 people online at the same time on Friday. Most nights we average about half that, which is still a lot more than I would have expected given the doomsayers claiming guilds are dead, the game is dead etc.
  15. I had no idea this worked outside of the event - that's very interesting news.


    Can you get it when the event isn't ongoing from the Gree vendor in the CM area on Fleet?


    No. It's a Gree that shows up in the combat/pvp area, and he only sells that.


    I have a hunch, however, that it works differently on subs than it does for pref/F2P. Even with it on, you get more xp from 1-20 than you do from 21-70. The reason for that is that prefs and F2P and subs level the same [minus sub rested xp] from 1-20, but for non-subs, it gets turned off after that.


    That's why looking at the recommended planet level is important, because it would be difficult to stay at the 'right' level if you do all planetaries, exploration quests, and class quests from the starter planet to NS, much less if you also do the FPs along the way, pvp, and the heroics past the starter planet. It's not QUITE as difficult as 2.0 leveling. But it's better than nothing.

  16. This is my issue personally with the lvling. There is no challenge anymore. I like PVP and Raiding because it challenges me over and over. Leveling is so easy you dont do it for the gameplay anymore, you just do it for levels and dialog, there is no excitement facing off any "stong boss nemesis" anymore since they all die in 4-5 hits. What a massively anticlimactic ending to an epic story line.


    Since you've auto-unlocked all datacrons on level 1 you have a massive stat advantage for the entire leveling process and no way to turn it off. I've been running naked and the only time I've ever come close to dying is if I pull entire area's worth of mobs. Passifying companion helps but wrecks immersion, and dis-summoning them is gonna make you miss all of their side comments. Staying under-leveled would pretty much fix the problem, but it is impossible with the amount of XP you get. Like I said, I hit 50 on the third planet when doing everything. Leveling just isn't fun, the excitement of trying to figure out boss patterns is not there since they never manage to do their rotation even once anymore before they've already hit the floor. If I'd want to play a story with no gameplay challenge I'd pick up a visual novel, I wan't my vanilla challenge back!


    Next week, during the 2xp event, there will be a Gree vendor on fleet who sells the white acute module. Buy it, it's BoL and will reduce xp not just during the event, but normally as well. I have it on all the time when I'm leveling through the class story. I've done it several times before on chars. If I have it on my JK at the beginning of Tython, after doing all class quests, sidequests, exploration missions and the heroic, I'm about level 11 or 12 at the most.


    Someone else pointed out to me that as far as level sync goes, the cap is usually about two levels above the planet recommended level. Thus if the recommended level on NS is 18-21, the LS comes into effect around level 23 or 24. This means that if you are using the W.A.M, you need to go by the planet recommended levels, and leave the planet when you reach the limit of its recommended levels, not level sync's, or else you will be consistently overleveled throughout the game.


    This does not change the game out of EZ-mode, but it helps, and it helps for being able to enjoy the story more.

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