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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I wish the difference between vet and story were a bit smaller too. Have tried it a couple times but the fights were so unenjoyable I gave up. What annoys me is that BW obviously does [or did] know better; I remember doing the final class mission for BH against the two Chancellor Droids and they were difficult because of the mechanics involved, not because they were damage sponges or hit all that hard. Other people have said similar about the final bosses from other classes, like the Emperor. Then they all got nerfed and level sync nerfed them even more.


    Yes, that was the biggest issue with Master modes, the forced companions. Like at one point I had to take Empress Ascina to fleet to buy some gifts to make her at least rank 30 so i pass the bosses on MM.


    I thought she was preset to level 50 on MM.


    I personally don't see the point in playing in anything higher than story when it comes to chapters, the increased rewards do NOT equal the increased challenge.


    The rewards are irrelevant. The cheevo for doing them is what appeals to me.

    • Like 1
  2. I couldn't agree more. I too shelve toons for weeks or months when I've reached those chapters, especially that damned party on Zakuul.


    This is a good topic. I didn't mind that chapter because it finally gives some resolution depending on your handling of Arcann. Also, after doing it twice, it gets much easier to speed through everything. The walker battles were annoying, but not too bad. I also really hated the mouse droid chapter until I'd done it a few times, after that it was less frustrating.


    For me the worst chapters to play through are Anarchy and Paradise [bad VAs, bad story and a slogfest to activate those bombs] and the one about making the Magic Weapon [again, bad story and a repetitive slogfest through a planet that might have been otherwise interesting to explore]. Those are the chapters I dread doing again.


    I did all the heroic SFs on my main, did the story FP on another, then stopped doing them completely. Eventually I'll have to go back for them if I want all the cheevos. I did use my main to get the combat cheevos for each of the forgettable SF comps we get. Did all the alliance alerts on my main, then only did the ones that were class-specific or easy [like Nico]. Grinded the specialists to 20 on my main, the rest are in the teens; heroics just aren't a very good source of CXP compared to weeklies. Took my main through Fractured Alliances up to Nathema, as for the rest, most haven't even finished KOTET. Did one uprising, that was enough. Attempted GotM, not too plussed that's intended to be a grind quest.

  3. Suppose we got an Odessen SH and nothing else, would that be enough for you?


    I like collecting SHs, but I don't really get what they have to do with the story. It's not as if the Umbaran SH encouraged me to play that FP ever again, it's just the design [and it's a laggy mess, so not a very good design].


    Personally, I prefer SHs to be on planets that we normally have to travel to by ship, like NS and Rishi. The alliance base effectively is our SH, we just don't get a say in decorating it. If anything, what I would like is elements of the Odessen base added to existing SHs. I want comps that lounge around, I want flavor text from NPCs grousing (that Private Shore is a piece of work...good shot though.) and I want vendors who aren't ugly droids or women in funny hats.

  4. When SWG shut down they made huge promises to get players to come to SWTOR. A good chunk of the Founders were from SWG, i was from SWG so, That is how I know that. They got whole guilds to come over by promising to set them up first with stuff. And your prejudice against Founders and players From SWG is wrong not everyone throws SWG up as a better game. I never have done that, so you need to stop generalizing based on that.


    Right, like I said, you're in the group that whines about being a Founder.

  5. Well, South Africa has plenty of money, and the only country besides Nigeria likely to have people who speak English and be interested in a star wars mmo. There's also plenty of Africans who speak French and could also play the game. I know a guy from Cameroon who plays COD.


    I can't think of a way to put this that doesn't sound patronizing, but it's good to see Netherlanders who are sensitive to negative stereotypes about Africans. Most of the ones I've met have been, but Holland's reputation for liberalism has suffered a lot in recent years from the xenophobia of Geert Wilders and other politicians.

  6. I would expect 6.0 to be fairly small in terms of "expansion" however it would still be packed with content.

    -1 or perhaps 2 medium sized planets which after you complete the story turn into a daily area with each having their own reputation and unique items to collect.


    -2 Flashpoints tying into the main story


    -A short while after 6.0 drops we would get a new operation, with the bosses following the same release pattern of GOTM (hopefully with all three difficulties this time).


    This sounds about right, if you cut the content in half, with Tux's July-September release date prediction.


    It's a vital interest for the game they release one full op. The bleeding out of sub would be so big if they didn't, it may be one of the final nails to the coffin of the game.


    You also think the expansion needs, and I quote


    - a return of expertise, the game desperately needs to have different gear for pve and pvp, as it is now it is also hurting the game.

    - at least 2 pvp maps and 2 arenas.

    - a better balance, we don't need useless specs and specs being absurdly good (looking at you Fury).

    - at least a basic form of communication between the devs and the players so if nerf or buff there is (and there will be), we're not left wondering why it happened.

    - involvement of the prominent members of each class when said nerfs/buffs are considered so we don't end up with stupidly OP or totally useless specs.

    - frequent and small balance changes so we don't end up with 1 or 2 specs being utterly dominant for 6 month-1 year then useless until the next expansion.


    That's a lot, but that's a minimum if the devs want to start 6.0 on an healthy basis.


    The game doesn't 'need' any of that to retain subs. It's a fine pvp wishlist but it's not mandatory to save the game and neither is having the op at release.

  7. One race I'd like to see added is the Evocii. I think there's some potential there for a good story given their lowly status in game. Ideally it'd be nice if they got special dialogue extras when dealing with Hutts or other Evocii, but just the skin would be great for a smuggler or even a JK. It's also humanoid enough to fit BW's conditions on cutscenes and romancing, and there's several models in the game.


    My old guild on BC was called Ilox Investigations. I always thought rping an Evocii detective would be neat.

  8. From what I remember it was once she found Padme's Journals I think... or perhaps Shmi's Journal? Either way someone who Anakin loved and talked about how he used to be a good man.


    Shmi's journals. Or maybe they were both. I think that was from Tatooine Ghost, the one where Han and Leia are trying to track down the Alderaanian killik twilight painting that had rebel codes inside it.


    Once again you are off topic and your whole discussion has nothing to do with Bioware giving me my new ship. So go away troll we are talking grown up stuff here.


    Wrong thread. I lol at the idea you consider that thread to be an example of 'grown up stuff'.

  9. I never played SWG but find the SWG fans who continually go on about how much better SWG was than SWTOR, and how SWTOR would have been a hit if only it had been more like SWG, somewhat amusing.


    SWG was a niche game that had a mixed reception at launch and only sold a few hundred thousand units during the first year of the game's existence, despite being a MMO set in the Star Wars universe. That isn't to say that people can't prefer SWG, but they shouldn't pretend it was more successful than SWTOR.


    Likewise. I never played SWG but I do enjoy the tears of the ones you describe. There's one on this forum who's a particularly egregious example - I've never seen him say anything that wasn't hate - NOT constructive criticism - for this game or cult-like devotion to the memory of SWG.

  10. Can it. I know that may slightly offend people but I’ve talked to some people who have claimed this game just needs to die and it irks me because SWTOR is an escape for me from the world.


    That's nice. What does this have to do with how other people feel about the game?


    Seriously. I'm not a hater or anything, but what in all of your OP [where you reiterate that it is escapism at least three times] there an actual argument to make to people who don't like this game but still obsessively play it? Apart from 'don't play it?' To that end, how does other people not liking the game and saying so affect your enjoyment of it or ability to use it as escapism?


    These threads pop up every now and then and are supposedly intended to be a positive antidote to complaint threads, but I find that they are really just bait threads.

  11. I pretty much loved both expansions, I found that as far as the chapters went I was pretty immersed in the story and while initially I wasn't keen on being Alliance Commander the role grew on me over time. KOTET especially is my favorite expansion to date, as far as story is concerned that. I really enjoyed the impact some choices could have on my playthrough in it, hadn't felt like that since vanilla. Really all I would've changed about those 2 expansions is go overboard with it... there was potential to be so much more there. I would've loved for us to have lots of side-quests exploring Zakuul and their culture, as well as the state of the galaxy in general. More companion interaction would've been wonderful, especially with the KOTFE/KOTET ones.


    Ever since our disagreement over this awhile back, I have tried to play the expansions with more of an open mind. I think they get better after awhile, especially if you do them sequentially rather than doing one here and there. I think the story flows better that way; when they were initially releasing them after KotFe 9, doing them one at a time, I think people were irritated by the glacial pace.


    Each chapter is not much in itself, but taken together...eh, as someone pointed out, the Valkorian arc does much to redeem Vitiate's one-note character. I also can appreciate that BW moved on from Revan and his dysfunctional dynasty to Valkorian and his dysfunctional family.


    I also think there's some variety in replaying them. I did one with a Space NATO ending, pure LS choices, another that was Empress Evil, all DS choices, but now i'm having fun mixing it up. So, Eternal Alliance Commander on my trooper, fine. But I also killed every threat that came my way, including Arcann and Scorpio. I'm planning on taking my JC through it mostly LS, sparing Arcann but deciding for the good of the galaxy to take the throne. There's some fun to be had if you manage your expectations of what BW can do.

  12. Who is the griefer now? :rolleyes:


    Except it wouldn't work. Ranked has very low tolerance to this sort of thing. His team would boot him the moment it looked like he was throwing it, and unlike regs, it's very easy to get 3 edgl0rdz to agree to kick.


    Ralph, you can do whatever you want, but you obviously came here looking for sympathy for your hurt feelings in-game, but your attitude is imo just as toxic and petty as the people you're complaining about. Which I find ironic given your sanctimonious declarations regarding abuse as a learned behavior.

  13. I'll point out the obvious, which is that strawpoll is not a source with integrity (Ie, someone could vote several times)


    It says right on there they check for IP addresses, and you can test it yourself.


    Whenever someone says 'let me point out the obvious' I always lol because it's a phrase that invites stupidity. If it was obvious to you, it was obvious to the people who made the thing and therefore tried to counteract the problem, not just leave it there for beardos to say 'Ackshully...'


    It was a poll on r/swtor, which is representative of a sample size of people who play this game. It's not as if the surveys done here are representative of the game's population, but we seem to pretend they are because we're here.

  14. I'm in a big guild. I was initially extremely skeptical about them, and past experience has suggested they are basically worthless, however, this one has enhanced my enjoyment of the game. Like your guild, they have a website and discord [which i was reluctant to use at first] and they run events and ops groups. I definitely like that they have helped me get a lot of cheevos that I had written off as impossible or unlikely to get, and while I wouldn't say there is a sense of camaraderie with all its members, I think it's pretty strong among the discord users. Maybe it's actually hearing them talk and realizing they're not just NPCs with particularly dumb names, but real people on the other end.


    I think the tipping point to how you feel about a guild is when you are willing to do things like join discord/website, participate in activities, talk, not because you want greater access to their guild bank or think of guildies in purely utilitarian terms [how can you benefit my playstyle?] but because you actually enjoy doing those things and helping out. It certainly came as a surprise to me.


    Does your discord have a bot that plays youtube? I hadn't realized before [because my computer is a piece of junk that needs to devote all its processing power just to play the game] how enjoyable it is to do pvp while listening to your favorite tunes, or doing an ops campaign while David Bowie is playing.

  15. Is it just me, or is leveling a little fast? I haven't used any leveling items (outside of extra xp events) and I've reached level 50 before I've even reached Nar Sahaddaa on my Imperial character...seems a little ridiculous just saying. Should I just skip to the level 50 content (I think Ilum) or continue my story through the rest of the planets? I feel like I'll be max level way before I even reach the level 50 stuff. It is kinda my first time playin through.


    Go to fleet during 2XP and find a gree vendor in combat training area and buy a BoL item called the White Acute Module. It will reduce xp significantly and can be used outside the event to reduce it even further. For reference sake, I had it on my JK when I got to Tython [when it wasn't 2XP], and when I left Tython after doing all sidequests, class mission and the heroic, I was level 11, and by doing the same thing on coruscant, including heroics, I was level 16.

  16. @darktergon:


    If you're a collector and want some items that only come with ranked [whatever those are], then grin and bear it. You are free to report them if you wish but I think BW might have some difficulty changing the entire culture so you can get a mount without some hurt feelings along the way.


    When I did ranked for the first time last year I was blown away by how f-- awful the people were, well beyond the toxicity of normal pvp. I complained on the forums about it, and the ranked people lol'd and everyone else said meh. Eventually I decided I could either put in the effort to do the thing and just tolerate the stress it would cause me, or not do it. I chose the latter. Life is full of trade-offs.



    The internet is not real life. I think this is a fallacy people on this forum make rather frequently. So often I see BW getting compared to a restaurant or some other real life example that is supposed to show how whatever pet issue they're struggling with wouldn't be tolerated in real life. Well, it's not real life, and you can tell that by virtue of how we put up with it here and don't put up with it irl [maybe anyway, I tend to think we put up with plenty of bad behavior irl too and this is all rose-colored glasses].


    Let me emphasize again: You are free to report whomever you wish. BW may or may not take action. But I guarantee you that moaning about it on the forum will not make the toxic culture go away and denigrating anyone who disagrees with you as part of the problem [spare me your contrived irl political BS] will not change anything either. It is just you venting, and I tolerate it [in the sense that I don't report you for harassment] because your impotent lashing out at everyone around you is a distasteful but *expected* behavior on the forum.


    ^^ I agree with this assessment.


    Andryah agrees with me. This, more than any argument the opposition put forth, is what made me seriously secondguess if I was really on the right side of this issue. I still think I am, but it was a close one.

  17. Death threats should be reported in pvp. Harassment by legacy should also be reported [ie getting ignored so you hop on an alt and continue whisper insulting the person]. The rest you mentioned such as the 'elitism' and the insults are imo irrelevant. I agree with Warrior there. Suck it up or don't pvp. I don't play Ranked for that specific reason [also queuing is much slower]. Regs has a bit of that but reporting is an overreaction imo.


    Ralph Panda: You're welcome to disagree. You're welcome to, on your own, report anyone you choose. You are not welcome to shove your pov on me and insist that I am immoral for thinking that way and that normalizing hyper-offense culture is somehow preferable to the status quo. If I were following your rulebook, I could report you for bullying Warrior in this thread. It's no longer quite so nice when it gets turned on you.

  18. Lana: "How could you?! I risked everything to rescue you! You're turning your back on the galaxy!"

    My Smuggler: "Yeah, thanks for that! Good luck with your rebellion or whatever."


    *Engages hyperdrive and disappears.


    I lol'd. This would have been awesome. Smugs and BHs should have gotten something like this.


    I mean it wouldn't have been difficult for them to have written some kind of explanation why they couldn't do that. Once it's revealed that Valkorion is riding around inside the PC, Lana or someone should have spelled out exactly why it would be a very low percentage move to just take off [i think Valkorion would be pretty pissed], but at least it would give apathetic PCs a chance to say 'screw your alliance' before being railroaded into it anyway.

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