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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. When I refer to "Galactic Command," I'm also including the RNG component. RNG is not changing either and won't be for the foreseeable future, which will be quite a few months according to Ben. I am quite aware what your issue with the system is, even if you continue to suggest otherwise. Again, you can complain as much as you want. BioWare is not changing course and it won't change course until months of data has been accumulated and the team decides what to do next. That could work in your favor or it could work against you. We will know in a few months, assuming you are still here.

    well since i didn't vanish in the last 5 years i'm unlikely to vanish now, but that really depends on how much of grinding same old content me and my friends can take. i'm not really complaining either. i'm venting my frustration =) 49 boxes = exactly one upgrade. i'm pretty sure even you can understand how this would annoying / frustrating / irritating and also very lame because seriously. LUCK as key factor? 0.o that just doesn't even sound logical. like.... AT ALL :eek::eek:

  2. None of your views are affecting any of the immediate updates with Galactic Command. The only tweaks BioWare is making thus far are increasing the CXP gain in uprisings and flashpoints as well as increasing CXP gain from golds to 2 CXP. Otherwise, the system remains as is. BioWare has repeated multiple times that it will not make any changes in terms of how Galactic Command works until the system has been in place for a longer period of time (months based on Ben's remarks). Again, BioWare is going to monitor the situation and then it will determine what exactly should happen, if anything.


    I don't need to assume what BioWare wants. It's rather explicit from every single Producer Live Stream what BioWare's goals are. BioWare isn't hiding anything. Everything you need to know is there if you actually listen.

    lol there you go again. we keep saying it's not the Galactic Command that is the issue here, it's the Crate RNG that's pissing people off. especially the aspect where it makes people unequal based on nothing else but LUCK that one really stinks the most.

  3. That is your opinion. You are certainly more than entitled to it. BioWare doesn't happen to share your views. I can only hope that in time you will come to appreciate the system as BioWare tweaks it and improves it. Otherwise, I think you will be miserable for quite some time.

    and maybe we will.... once we have different things to enjoy during hte grind that isn't 2+years old content lol

  4. it's funny how you say that BW wants us to be happy to get blue and green stuff (with how often we get them , that is even a plausible assumption). :D but, and this is a pretty big but too imo, a lot of people already have 220 purple stuff of not 224. so in that case green gear is most certainly useless. and the blue isn't much different. so if purple are as rare as Aowin says, (though my thread of what did we get so far suggests that the rarity of purple stuff totally depends on your LUCK lol), then we're all pretty much in a bad spot. especially those of us for whom only purple stuff is an upgrade lol:D:D


    there has to be a way to base the ilvl of the drop on the ilvl of the player lol. like the world quests in WoW lol. that way we won't have to grind a whole level before getting to things where even greens would be an upgrade lol. that's just my opinion though >.>:D:D

  5. Ranked pvp gives entirely too much GXP. they need to add lockouts like ops have. Why should you have unlimited access to the content you like when others dont?

    shhhhhh BW just needs to bump up everything else to that level lol

    though... some actual new maps for w/z, daily areas, H2+, fps and ops would be awesome too.... what with how grindy this whole system is.:D:D

  6. My expectation of this system is by the time you reach Command Tier 2 (Command Rank 90-100) to receive tier two gear you should be relatively close to fully geared in Tier 1........


    Meaning a moderately "Lucky" player has full tier 1 gear by the time they are eligible for tier 2 in the Command Rank system....A person of "Poor" luck is a piece or two short (12 or 13 pieces)....and so on.


    That said....this is clearly not the case. Seems funny they made three tiers of gear and many players will never get the chance to wear most of it....

    that would mean that i should get at least 10-11 pieces within the next 50 crates.......... i'll get back to u when i get htere, but knowing my RNG luck, i'll be lucky if i get a second set piece before i reach tier2

  7. Alright one more chance since you moved on a baby step from the argument. Why is slow progression gated by randomness good compared to a predictable and controlled method by the players, regardless of the speed players were geared in 4.0, which was due to priority ops and mainly KP/EV than anything, not the entire system being broken.


    attempt #N is finally yielding MINIMUM results =) hope ain't lost yet lol. though i certainly didn't appreciate being made into a rabid raving harpy haha. :D:D


    And why do we need this system?

    - I am able to think myself and I am able to evaluate and choose my gear

    - I don't need a system that gives me random loot -> I am able to think myself, thank you!

    - I don't want to desintegrate everything I get because it does not fit to MY gameplay

    - Thank you but I do not need more reputation nor do I need new pets

    - I don't need orange blasters on my Juggernaut

    - I want to play the game the way I prefer

    - "exciting" new RNG system does not improve the biggest problem of the game: missing content

    - RNG just gave many members of my guild the last reason to leave the game next to missing content

    Conclusion: thanks RNG for ruining the gameplay.

    yes. thank you very much. i'm clearly not good with structuring arguments in a way that get to him lol:eek::eek:

  8. 1) make the crate RNG NOT be the only way to get set bonus. this grind should NOT be obligatory, it does NOT make people happy ... well not those that stayed with this game for over 3-4 years for sure;

    2) IF these crates are the only way, increase the success % at the very least;

    3) make it legacy wide or at least somehow more alt-friendly. how? no clue, i'm not a dev.

    4) ideally some new content that will make this grind more tolerable;




    also. you still didn't answer the main question. JUST HOW IS RNG PERFECT FOR THIS GAME.:D:D:D

    P.S.: i did not once yell about restore 4.0, don't shove words down my throat. even i can tell that in 4.0 it was a bit too fast, 5.0 though is a SNAIL train.

  9. Semantics. It is stated orange gear. The fact that the modifications and enhancements are blue is irrelevant. How you perceive the worth of the gear is of no consequence.

    pot. meet kettle.

    how YOU perceive gear is also of no consequence. green gear is green because insides are green, not because the shell is green lol. don't be daft please:D:D

  10. Incorrect. The actual gear with stats can be green, blue, orange, or purple. If you don't believe me, just ask anybody on the game. I have five orange pieces that are 230 rating. The shell you are referring to is a separate item in the command crate that's not related. I'm just going to assume you are incredibly unlucky or you've barely opened any command crates.

    eeee nope, never seen an orange piece with actual insides in the crates. only blue and green crap. and useless fluff of shells, rep tokens adn so on

  11. Other than green gear, which is 228, all other gear that drops in command crates (blue, orange, and purple) are 230 rating. I find it incredibly hard to believe you have not seen quite a few pieces that were either blue or orange. Out of the 44 command crates I've opened, I only have two green (228) pieces left. Everything else I'm wearing is either blue, orange, or purple. I'm assuming you must believe only purples, which have the set piece, are at a 230 rating. That would be factually incorrect.

    the blue pieces that i've had drop are implants. or an earpiece. gear pieces are always green. and in fact since i'm in BiS 224s, the greens are **** and the blue never are for right piece and have **** stats. in fact purple 230 implants are much worse than blue ones for wutever reason.

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