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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. He clearly said he was running an ops. What used to drop in ops groups? Set pieces he is upset he didn't get a set piece after gaining one level because he ran an ops end of story... It's so cute how you guys white knight for each other btw.


    eeee no it looks like they are just stating what content they did (to give us an idea of how much time was spent i assume), how much CXP it gave them and what kind of reward they got for their effort. ... well at least that's how i see it. if i'm wrong please explain to me how i'm wrong lol:D

  2. waaaa attempt #2 to ask a question and not answered again. guess i'll just make the logical assumption that it was indeed a straw man thing :p first time i heard the term, but that's what it looks like from reading htis thread lol.:)
  3. soooo... about htis entitlement mentality though................ i really do want you to provide example. cause either i can't read, or it's just not there.

    cause, i'll agree with the OP. i went from 1-45 on one toon and 1-5 on another one. Total score of upgrade pieces: ONE. i do sooooo love the RNG. it's sooooo exciting:eek::eek:

  4. They won a "golden globe" for over-nerf on that item, and forever cemented their reputation of not understanding the terms "misleading communications, "proper balance", and "proper analysis". Which frankly was pretty much the whole early theme with 3.0 from the day they launched it.


    Which bears consideration in these discussions ---> be careful what you ask, demand, or wish for. You might hate the results worse then the original release.


    Personally, I think they just got tired of all the drama around an otherwise good idea wrongly tuned... and over-nerfed it to effectively shoot it and let it die. We have never seen another slot machine that gives out reputation for the galactic market faction vendors.. ever again.

    i'm pretty sure u can get some in the GC crates actually. unless i read the one i got wrong >.>:D:D

  5. Ok, well, I can see that you are a passionate supporter of the current command system, and I commend your firm stand on the issue.


    I suppose that I would only ask that you attempt to remain within forum rules when posting...naturally you do not require my approval nor need it, but it is in your best interest to operate within the forum guidelines. You can still passionately defend the command system as it stands without personal insults.


    Naturally it is entirely up to you how you proceed. I think it IS important to have folks that support the system as it stands speak up and be counted.

    Artemis, i sense a potential for a bright diplomatic future for you. you are VERY good with words :D:D

  6. DvL was voluntary. Nobody was forced in any way to do it.


    GC pretty much is as well. You can get decent gear without ever earning a point of Cxp if you choose. And as time goes on, you will also be able to progress that gear without earning a point of Cxp too. The only thing truly locked behind Cxp is set bonus gear in three tiers. 228s and even 230s are readily available, and in another month or two higher items will be too... as the player economy will fill the game in gear under the current GC until such time as they get it tuned right. Of course this is not the most optimal approach for some, but it IS a workable approach.

    And players who have done the math have concluded that until some changes are made to GC.... they will not grind Cxp and will instead keep their old set bonus gear and upgrade the mod/enhancement slots and move forward.

    We have a whole year with this expac before the next one... no need to be fully capped on gear in a few weeks. I get that their is desire, but the actual need is pretty marginal. Want and need are two completely different things in the equation.

    well okay, with DvL i guess it is true, i just wanted to get my achievs lol.

    but with GC, well........ if you mean crafted gear, not all of us have spare millions. I don't really consider blue and green stuff to be gear really... well at least not GOOD gear lol. and well, since i do have full 224s with full SB, upgrades for me would be at least 230 purple set bonus lol. sooo if i want to upgrade, i NEED to grind. and now how much i am willing to grind, it really depends on the grind. if there was new stuff to do i certainly wouldn't mind it as much. as it is though, it's not working out too well lol

  7. you forget, it is very important to

    1) have selective reading / listening skillz;

    2) level up evasiveness perk to the max;

    3) hope RNG is with you and the angry watchers of the stream will forgive you that you spend more time on cartel market than their questions :p cause clearly CM advertising is more important =)

    4) as ways of aggro-drop employ stream connection issues to give watchers some time to vent lol

    :D:D:D did i forget something 0_o

  8. Thats the reason why i go playing wow after my sub here ends, iam so tired to play SAME OLD CONTENT on SAME CHARACTER CLASS that iam barely "survivng" each day in swtor. Before 5.0 i could do old content but at least on different characters and my main had best gear in game, but now lol i can't gear up even my main so i just can't play my alts, i will be farmed in warzones very long time. I would consider subbing more if this game had legacy wide cxp system but no, bw wants this game dead


    let me just warn you, the grind in WoW is not much better. you grind world quest for rep and rewards, you grind Artifact power.....part of why i stopped.... only to have swtor do the same thing only in an even worse way 2 months later LOL

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