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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Hichitsuki-hime

  1. Well I just checked the whole thread and unless there is some bug, I'd say the reason he has been very well spoken throughout this thread is because he hasn't posted in it.

    come on, u and i both know what he meant. and i'll admit i've been poking at him.... i'll try to behave lol. i am annoyed with him for continuously putting words in my mouth and misunderstanding what i type lol. but i promise i'll try to behave :D:D

  2. Well, I craft and I've made around 35 million in the last week...if I can do it, it can't be that hard :p


    And yes, you've got 224's, I assume augmented, so just play the game and enjoy. Keep gaining command levels and opening crates, you have the whole world at your finger tips. Hallelujer!


    but.... but ... but....... IT"S BORING THOUGH!!:D:D damn i wish i had you money making skillz lol.... i have some schematics.... it's finding mats that's the problem for me lol:(

  3. That I completely and firmly agree with, without a doubt. The RNG thing, on the other hand, seems to be blown way out of proportion. As has been pointed out many times already, getting purple 228's is easy, and those are more than sufficient to sustain you while you play the RNG game.

    doesn't seem that easy to me.... i don't craft myself and over 5 years i've gather about 10 mil across my 42 toons. yeah i'm VERY bad at making money. so if i can't craft my gear and can't buy it wihtout getting broke, i need to play the RNG game. plus. my 224s are only a few points behind the 228s anyway, so what's the point of getting them to begin with? 0.o:eek:

  4. Yea, I've actually refrained from doing so for the last few days, but I figured I'd give some white knight support since you guys constantly gang up on anyone who dares to disagree with your opinion that GC sucks.

    and again, this time i'll be the one to say it:

    it's not about the GC. the GC we don't mind. it's the lack of new content to go along with it.... and the RNG gearing =):D:D

  5. Yes, I personally feel the system has potential. I think it could use some adjustments as well, but I actually think it would be wise to keep it in place as it has the potential to appeal to the entire playerbase, not just hardcores.


    This is one of the ways to provide character improvement incentives to all kind of players IMO.

    honestly, the idea behind Galactic Command is pretty good. ...... but the thing that is not is lack of new content to go with it. as far as RNG and drops. i feel like this would fix it best:

    ---> instead of set bonus drop for a specific spec, let it be an unassembled token, level of token would be based on your galactic command rank.

    ---> let Set Pieces drop in HM & NiM ops again.

    ---> have PvP award you tokens that u can also turn in based on on your tier of galactic command, like comms used to be. for 2 tokens you can choose a belt or bracer, for 3, 4, 5 - something else and so on


    just a thought really. i think it might work, not too sure though.... not that BW is gonna listen though. but i thought i'd throw it out there lol:D:D

  6. Yes, this is a place to chat about the game. That is entirely the reason this forum exists.


    One could argue there are other things we do here, and perhaps that definition is too broad...but I would contend it is the most obvious one.


    So chatting about the game, even if it appears to have little consequence, is exactly why I believe most folks are here.

    eloquent as ever my friend =):)

  7. Well, lets be honest here, its the same ten or so people posting this crap all over the forums and then flocking to each other's posts. At what point does it just become useless spam?

    oh you're a new face in our RNG cauldron i think. (more or less at least). i think at some point we realized that forum pvp was more fun than the CXP grind in game lol. so here we are. :D:D

  8. Nah, let him live in the delusion that somehow all I wanted was set items when that just isn't true.

    trust me i know the feeling. i said i was said about my bad luck, was told in reply that i just want gear handed to me for nothing. :D:D some people just never learned to read properly i guess lol

  9. Serious question here:


    So today there have been about TEN of us going back and forth on the two or three RNG threads. If the RNG is so horrible why is there only 9 people complaining about today on the forums?

    well, it's quite clear that we are the representative minority. a lot of people playing this game don't ever bother coming on the forums, f2p simply can't even. and besides, it's not evening yet.... well... it is where i'm at. but in USA people are mostly at work at this time of day. or at school lol:D.

  10. 50 boxes...I'm impressed by such persistence. But this is the reality of it.


    As I told a particular person whose name shall not be mentioned (but it starts with an "a") about the equality of this RNG system:


    The moment we gain gearboxes we are all equal; the moment we open the boxes we no longer are equal.


    This is the reality of the current system and that's why I don't feel it's a fair system at all, because progression into harder content that we already played for years before, is in part dependent on what happens when we open the boxes.


    damn, i know i read this before.... hmmm i wonder where............ oooo i know ! do i get a cookie for guessing the name right? :D:D

  11. Oh that's so horrible maybe if you complain enough they will send you a couple of other pieces to make you feel better..

    well it could be worse....... it also could be better. which is exactly what we're upset about - that we do not have even a rough estimate to base our expectations on. if i knew i could say complete my 230 gear set within 2 months i wouldn't be bothered whether my first piece came in crate #1 or crate #101. it's the randomness of the whole thing that's not appealing. .... and certainly not exciting. and YES i know it's not gonna go away. i would however prefer if they would drop unassembled tokens instead. so that after i reach rank 300 i could continue farming them on my main and any doubles of token that i get i could just turn in and mail over to an alt.

  12. Well, for the most part you don't need to spend money. You get a "complimentary grant" just for being a sub, and the whales probably sell them on the GTN too.

    eee i suppose so, but i just feel that i support the system by caving in and buying them lol. also on GTN if i'm not mistaken they're well over 1 mil credits. that's way too much than what i'm willing to spend on anyhting lol. unless it's a white eviscerating crystal =)

  13. Hey there you go you used the quote button. Sorry to break it to you not everyone sees things the way you do. I took it that he probably did half of what he said trying to drum up support so he can feel included in all the "horrible RNG" talk.


    well, Furh, i've been quoting people for 109 pages in Aowin's thread lol, but my bad. i thought your reading skillz were good enough to spot your own name. my bad, sorry.:D

    okay. horrid RNG talk engaged: 45 boxes opened on my main + 5 on my alt = ONE PIECE that is an upgrade to my current gear. :(

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