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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Not to mention they severely knocked down the effect of bolster in warzones, from 250 gear level to 232. So those of us who have lives and haven't been already able to grind up to tier 3 gear are just getting demolished by those who did, and there's literally nothing to be done about it. Every WZ I've been in so far today has been completely one-sided towards tier 3 premades. And since you get 60% fewer components when you lose, that makes the grind for PvPers who don't already have the top tier gear even more miserable, while people who already have tier 3 get 60% more components that they don't need!


    It's like every time RNGWare takes a step forward, it takes five steps back immediately afterwards, shafting people even harder.

  2. I wouldn't have ever begun playing this game and kept playing this game if it wasn't for it being a Star Wars game. That's not me bashing the quality of the content in TOR either, I swear. The reason is because I far prefer single player games to multiplayer ones as a rule. MMOs have never really been my thing. I get bored with the endless repetition, I previously ever saw the point of end game content (where you raid to get gear to raid more to get better gear to raid even more, etc.), and I tire quickly of people using the anonymity of the Internet as an excuse to be endless jerkwads to complete strangers.


    I'd tried two MMOs in the past--City of Heroes and World of Warcraft--before signing up for TOR, and I didn't stick with either one of them. Hell, the only reason I played WoW at all was because I worked for Blizzard at the time and I had a free account, and I stopped playing the actual game well before I left the company.


    The reason I decided to try this game out was because it featured 8 unique class stories set in the Star Wars universe, which I was already a fan of. During the course of playing out all 8 of those stories, I joined a guild, made friends, and got pulled into actually exploring end game content (which I enjoyed and finally understood the point of). That got me hooked enough to keep playing until Strongholds came out and I discovered my great love of decorating virtual spaces (yes, I am a bit weird!). None of that would have ever happened if it weren't for the Star Wars IP being attached to the game, that's the plain and simple facts.

  3. That was my first thought on reading the hypothetical. Smuggler would be the one left out.


    I actually think trooper would be the one left out myself. Not because I dislike trooper in the least, but because the lovable rogue archetype is already so heavily embedded into Star Wars canon (thank you, Han and Lando). In my (admittedly anecdotal) experience, more Star Wars fans seem to find appeal in playing those sorts of characters and those sorts of stories over running around in stormtrooper-y looking pixels.

  4. - Yavin Combat Arena decoration.


    - Gree Sphere Lamp decoration.


    - Commemorative Statue of Darth Marr decoration. (This is the only one I need to complete my commemorative statue set! #FirstWorldDecoratorProblems)


    - Cathar Honor Sword.


    - Senya's Lightsaber Pike. (The price gouging for this on Ebon Hawk is even worse than for the silly Kylo Ren knockoff sabers!)

  5. LOL.


    The reason the OP wants this by the way.. is so he can immediately refuse to believe the numbers, claim conspiracy or bias in analysis, and declare the studio yet again to be incompetent.


    Which is why I don't expect to see a gold response.. and that too will be used as some form of forum weapon against the studio by the OP if by chance he manages to get one.


    It's not right to convict someone of doing something they haven't done yet. You don't like people claiming all you do is shill for EAWare no matter what. Don't be a hypocrite. :rak_03:

  6. Bringing all the companions back would require two things: money and effort. EAWare have shown themselves to be allergic to spending the first and putting in the second. Now that this game is officially in maintenance mode until server shutdown, I doubt we'll ever see the return of all or even some of the remaining missing companions.


    Also, to be fair... it's not like we need any more companions to clutter up our interface. Not when all of them are interchangeable aside from appearance. Don't get me wrong... I would LOVE to get back my favorite companions, but I know that would just be a response based on nostalgia for the superior class stories over the recent single player MMO dreck. It wouldn't actually give me any sort of benefit, just more companion influence to grind.

  7. I've had this issue for a long, long while, and it seems to have gotten worse with 5.0, but I couldn't find any recent posts on the subject, so here goes.


    When I hover over items in my inventory or on my character, many times the tool tip window that pops up with the item's description/stats will be half or most of the way off the screen, instead of next to the item you're hovering your mouse pointer over. This makes it impossible to see all the stats of the item or check on its collections status that way.


    It doesn't seem to matter in what mode (windowed, full-screen, or full-screen windowed) or what resolution I'm running the game at; this keeps happening. It doesn't matter if I move my character/inventory window around before mousing over the item in question; it happens no matter where on the screen my mouse pointer is. It used to only be an occasional thing, but now it's happening over 90% of the time.


    Has anyone else run into this issue? Does anyone know a fix?

  8. Me and my guild mates have all been having this problem. It's not even when you're just running around either. I've had my companions out healing me during combat and they end up not following me to stay in range and just stand there admiring the ceiling or something instead. I have to put them on passive temporarily to get them to actually move towards me and get back into range.
  9. You thought they were going to :t_eek:... oh, honey- no, they are not going to communicate with us more. They are trying to figure out how to keep their Command Rank gearing eldritch creation. They can't spare any time for us.


    This. That, and they weren't able to take their usual month and a half winter vacation as usual, and were actually obligated to do some kriffing work in December due to the huge backlash about their craptacular Galactic Command system. So they may be finally taking it now.

  10. AHA!


    Now see here . There is your problem . Peoples want to do easy stuff cose they like it . You want to base your hard stuff on reward . Not because you like the challenge . and that is your issue here .


    Peoples play games to have fun . Not to be challenged . The challenge should always be optional and for those who like to test themself and enjoy doing it . NOT FOR REWARD .


    When you put money on Hard stuff...it lose the charm .


    If you are looking for metric to FORCE Peoples to do certain activity . Then it would come down to ''Punish and watch them suffer , then bail '' . Nobody like to be told what content they must do to get what they want .


    That's why I said , base the reward on how LONG it take . Not how difficult it's .


    Especially nowdays with server populations and group content dying and group in general are almost inexistant .


    You want to encourage peoples to have fun . Not penalise them , and suffocate the few things they can do and base them on more CXP Grind .


    Um... being challenged by games is part of the fun of games. If you just start the game and then automatically win everything, is that going to be any fun? Nope! Just because you're not up for tackling harder content doesn't mean those who are capable of tackling harder content should have to spend more time for less rewards (which is the case for things like HM FPs and all ops right now).


    Basing it on how long it takes would be stupid, because the time everyone takes to complete X task will vary depending on how often they AFK, how well they know their class, how much attention they actually pay to what they're doing, etc. By your system, people could do planetary missions, spend most of their time AFK, and get more CXP than someone who does a NiM operation. That's patently ridiculous. Basing the rewards on difficulty level is much fairer.

  11. We really need to be gaining CXP much, much faster than we are. Why? Because the developers claimed we should be getting a crate an hour in their livestreams, and after the first 5 levels or so, that is absolutely NOT the case. I'm not even at tier 2 yet (because I have a life and can't spend hours grinding all day every day), and it still takes multiple hours to get one crate.
  12. Yeah what happened there? I didn't see that it was that bad? :eek:



    Edot bad as in no one was like attacking anyone or anything. The post was valid and fine


    They said I was in violation of the forum policy against questioning moderation actions. So basically questioning the staff as to why they keep doing something is not allowed. Oh well, that's my answer I suppose.

  13. You'd think that was the case and expect that. It's what any reasonable person would assume.


    So consider how intrigued I was to discover a thread I was participating in disappear and reappear in off topic when it was directly related to the game. In no way could it be described as off topic.


    Judge for yourself, here is the link to it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=906901


    That thread being moved is why I made my own thread about negative threads being moved. There's no way you could call a discussion of TOR's business model and whether it's bad or not 'off topic'.

  14. The last two packs that have been released from the Cartel Market are both missing decoration drops. The Oppressor Alliance Pack failed to drop any of the Imperial Logo Hologram decorations, despite the fact the decoration is still listed and viewable in the Decorations interface. Now in the Eternal Command Pack, it looks like the Arrangement: Zakuulan Party Table, Nathema Voreclaw Corpse, and Sith Profane Mural may not be dropping at all either.


    In the past, when decorations have failed to drop from packs as intended, you guys have made them available on a vendor to buy for a nominal price for a short time (Republic Voss signs, Temple Chairs, etc.). Any chance there will be a similar opportunity made available for people to get these other missing decorations? I'd really appreciate that, as would many other decoration collectors I'm sure!


    P.S. The Zakuulan Console that failed to drop from the Force Alliance pack way back when would be another good thing to put on a vendor to purchase!

  15. The game shouldn't be free at end game. Sorry. They are tuning the GC system to give people some more control over it.


    I can agree with you that endgame shouldn't be totally free. However, I think EAWare are kind of shooting themselves in the foot by getting rid of weekly passes that let F2P/Preferred people do endgame content. I know a lot of people who would buy those passes for their less well off financially friends so they could come with them on ops runs. Now that's impossible, and it seems to me like taking that option away would just reduce EAWare's potential revenue stream.

  16. It looks like this happened and they threw under the bus the casuals, solo and the new players. However, this is NOT the players fault but BW. They screwed up big time with this one and dont want to admit it. Roll back to before 5.0 is the better solution for all IMO.


    Casuals, solos, and new players have been getting courted and catered to for the last two years. They're not being 'thrown under the bus'. Endgame players are being thrown a tiny bone, that's it. This doesn't hurt casuals, solos, or new players AT ALL.


    However, I do agree with you that the developers made a big mistake, and I'd much rather they got rid of the RNG system that is GC entirely rather than try to 'fix' it with a few small changes that don't really address the other major issues.

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