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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Working as intended, just like all the other shady, dishonest, abusive stealth changes they've made over the years. It's terrible how they add things into the patch notes HOURS AFTER THE PATCH DROPS, and somehow think no one will notice...
  2. I can't in good conscience vote for TOR. Not only have the last two expansions been crap on a cracker, but it's not really an MMO anymore. It's a serialized single-player button mash fest with an optional 3D chatroom interface.


    I wish they'd follow the example of FFXIV. The original release of that game was absolutely absymal, but instead of just slapping tiny bandaids onto a hemorrhaging artery and ignoring all negative player feedback, the creators of that game apologized for their mistakes, took the game down, and remade it into a much better game that people now love. If we could get a SWTOR remake like that, I think it would be absolutely epic.


    But that's now how EA does things. If something starts making less money than they like, they just shut it down and fire all the employees working on it, like they have every other underperforming studio under their banner.

  3. My experience in regular PvP (I don't play ranked, I'm too mediocre) since yesterday? Premades with tier 3 gear curbstomp everyone who doesn't. It's far worse than it was before in that regard. If you had a life and therefore no time to grind to tier 3 already, and/or RNGesus didn't love you, all you do in warzones now is pad a tier 3 geared player's kill count, unless you're 'lucky' enough to be paired against other non-tier 3 geared players. And since you only get 2 components per loss compared to 5 per win... that just makes the grind for gear even WORSE, because now we have to grind crates for tokens and deal with the frustration of endless losses in PvP for components.


    I've given up on this. EAWare's lies don't work on me anymore.

  4. Their intentions are definitely nefarious. This is far from the first time they haven't included something in the patch notes the night before a patch, and then silently edited it in after the fact. It's terrible and dishonest and they should all be ashamed of themselves for pulling that BS.
  5. Since Summer of 2015 this game has headed horribly off course. It's as if it is being lead by someone who really doesn't know what they are doing.


    They made good strides with 2.0 and 3.0 and went off into la-la land with 4.0 and 5.0.


    So what happened in Summer of 2015 you ask?


    Ben became producer.


    See, that's why I have the hashtags in my signature that I do. It seems like all of this ridiculous player-abusive cash-grab RNG nonsense is his baby and therefore his fault. He needs to go, and someone who knows that an MMO should be treated like an MMO and not an iPhone game needs to take his place.


    Up until 4.0 I would have rated the dev team in the 7 or 8 range depending on the particular point in time. With 4.0 that dropped to a 4, and now it's at a 0.

  6. EAWare has broken my heart. I was ready to quit when 5.0 dropped, but they made so many noises about making changes and fixing things and helping alt gearing (after they pushed us to make a bazillion alts during the DvL non-event), and like a chump I decided to give them one last chance. Because I do love this game. I love Star Wars. I love BioWare-style stories. This game should be a perfect fit for me. And for a long time, it was...


    ...but not anymore. I'm not believing any more lies from EAWare. They're not BioWare anymore. Their soul, their passion, their creativity... it's all gone in favor of milking Cartel Market whales and turning TOR into something like a pay-to-gamble-more iPhone game.


    That's it. I've had it. I'm done.

  7. I'm just pointing out that they are apparently expecting us to do what we did in the past...


    I'm not sure making components legacy is the answer though. This whole component thing was stupid IMO...


    What they needed to do was just have the command tokens. By the time you got to the rank cutoffs if you did not have any gear at all, you'd have enough tokens to buy the whole set at that point. You could buy as you go and risk duplicates, or hold out till you knew for sure, then you could use the extras on an alt and buy it gear if you did not need the tokens... Would have solved all the problems with one eloquent solution...


    But nooooo they can't do anything simple. I surmise that the devs are like engineers. As Scotty said, the more you overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain....


    They don't want simple. They want long, complicated, and tedious, because they think that will keep people playing. Like how it works for Asian MMOs or mobile games. It's all about trying to keep us subbed, and trying to get us to buy more cartel coins to buy CXP legacy perks/CXP booster items. They're noticing the teats of this particular cash cow are drying up as people leave in droves, and their solution instead of feeding the damn cow is to try to milk it harder and longer until it dies.

  8. You can buy the piece on a main and legacy it over. It's how most PvPers geared alts before. I used all my token and bought sets at a time and then just banked the whole lot in the legacy shells.


    Once people get full sets on their mains, that is more then likely what they expect us to do for PvE as well at this point.


    Pssst... not all gear can be moved via legacy armor. Relics, implants, and earpieces have to be bought on the character you want to use them on. Or did you forget that? XD

  9. Heh, as I said before. In current situation I don't care about 1-4 bosses or even 1-6 (on SaV). For me, those bosses could drop no gear at all. I don't care. Have you ever heard about guild? Competitve guild? If you have one you can easily farm final bosses and gear up to 242 ilvl in 2-3 weeks playing like 6 hr a week. I mean gear up the whole ops group, not just you :)


    Just because you 'don't care' about problems in a game doesn't mean they aren't problems. Other people do care. You are not single-handedly supporting this game with your subscription. How self-centered can you get? Open your eyes and stop disregarding the concerns of every other player in the game just because you don't personally share them. We all pay for this game, all of our opinions are worth expressing.

  10. Why did you get so far away from that philosophy and really only created single player content for so long (baring uprisings that really are some of the most mediocre content made)? Different content is not mutually exclusive but you focused so much on just one area with little else being focused on for a very long time and to the detriment of the game as well as your gamers.


    They were trying to court the indecisive casual gamer demographic, the one that will get free to play games and then spend hundreds in microtransactions. Hence a hard focus on solo content and tokens you can buy to instantly start out at near max level. Which destroyed this game as an MMO, and a lot of the people who bought this game to play an MMO instead of an episodic single player RPG with a graphical chatroom interface ended up leaving.


    They've been promising they'd focus more on group content for, what, two years now? They also promised we'd never go a year or more without a new operations dropping again, and now it's been two and a half years since the last, so we see how untrustworthy EAWare are now.


    Make this an MMO again, devs. Please. I beg you.

  11. Yes they should just stop everything and listen to you and a few others and make the game the way YOU like .. I mean it's all about YOU!!


    It's not a few others... why do you think EAWare went into emergency mode, had two unannounced, last minute, please-don't-leave-we'll-fix-it livestreams, and made a bunch of changes to the system they just rolled out within less than a month? Because it's not a few people dropping subs, it's a lot. But they're just digging the same hole deeper now with this new convoluted and even more grind-tastic system.

  12. Eric, seriously *** is this: Bolster now improves players up to 232 Item Rating (down from 250).


    So now new players and casuals will be at even more of a disadvantage in WZs? Who thought this was a good idea?


    The greedy, incompetent jerks who hold the pursestrings at EA did. Because they think if they slow down the grind even more (which is effectively what lowering bolster does, because people who don't have tier 3 gear already will always, ALWAYS lose against people who do, ranked or regular), they will keep people playing longer because it will take them 250% longer to earn the same number of unassembled components.


    They don't seem to realize that ramping up the grind is just going to make them lose more subs--which is the whole reason they made these emergency changes in the first place, a month after 5.0 dropped. That means less people playing, less people buying command boosts, and less people buying cartel packs. The lower population servers get, the more people will quit because it takes forever to find groups to do anything, and on and on into a death spiral.

  13. Well, yeah, I do. Because I hate when people are complaining for no reason. And I find it kinda funny, I mean your advertisement to the world you are not going to extend your sub, you're done with the game, etc :)


    So I guess you saying no one cares was a lie then, kid? :D Because now you're saying you do care. Can't make up your mind?


    Keep on shilling for EAWare, I'm sure they'll reward you one day for it... when the servers shut down for good. *raucous laughter*

  14. I've got to disagree.


    I've been PVPing and optimized 228s have been serving me pretty well so far on my CRank 0 characters. However, somethings happened to the bolster this patch... so I'll have to get back to you on that.


    Bolster dropped significantly, and it's having a big impact. If you don't already have tier 3 gear, all you are is a way for the people who do have tier 3 gear to pad their kill count. This would be fine if we were talking ranked, but this is normal PvP. Losing every match means you only get 2 components instead of 5, which makes the people who actually need to upgrade their gear get fewer components than the people who already have the tier 3 gear! How does that make any kriffing sense, EAWare?

  15. To make it clear: I am far away of being proud what they did. You just look funny in my eyes because you are complaining for idea of complaining, no arguments at all. That's it :)


    I made a very clear argument, you're just ignoring it. Also, you might want to proofread your posts better; that last one was worded confusingly in places.

  16. You don't need T3 for PvP due to Bolster and you still get pieces from command crates, crafting and gtn.


    Bolster only takes you to 230 gear now. All the people with no lives who already ground out tier 3 gear are just stomping everyone else, which makes getting the components from matches much, much longer since if you aren't tier 3 already you will lose every single match.

  17. Already happening. Every match I have gotten into today was premades running tier 3 gear. And we get the floor wiped with our hides. I am pretty sure they said they wanted to make it so skill is the key factor to winning in 5,0. Now we are back to gear wins all, even WORSE than before.


    EAWare is a bunch of liars and we need to stop falling for their lies. I gave them one more month, I hoped they were actually listening to us when they promised they would make changes to improve things... now that hope is gone. My spirit is just broken. I loved this game, I'm a Founder, I haven't let my sub lapse in 5 years... now I will.

  18. Heh. You still don't understand, do you? You can get 12 pieces by killing 12 final bosses (14 bosses in practice cos you need implants and relic times two). Who cares about previous ones?


    ...all the people who have to clear the previous bosses to get to the final boss? I mean, just saying, you still have to go through those at least once even if you want to cheese it and farm lockouts.


    Again, math is your friend, kid! :rak_03:

  19. There is no RNG. You need to kill 12 specific bosses in order to obtain specific gear pieces. I can't see any RNG there.


    You can say "There is no RNG" all you want, but that doesn't mean there actually is no RNG. Again, the only guaranteed drops are on the end bosses, all the rest of the bosses are RNG drops of any slot at small percentages. Math is your friend!

  20. Want the honest answer? Unsub. That's the one and only thing they understand, and only then if lots of people do it.


    This, sadly. Though of course, instead of actually taking the time and effort and money to fix the game to make people want to play it again, they'll probably just shut it down, because that's what EA does whenever something stops making obscene profit.


    How can a Star Wars game fail so badly? Easy, by being run by incompetent, greedy jerks.

  21. Yep. I was going to use PvP to try to help the gear grind, but grinding for components with the reduced bolster is even worse than the CXP grind, since tier 3 premades just demolish everyone effortlessly. And you only get 2 components per match when you lose--which is another terrible idea, why can't we base components won on medals instead? On the actual effort people put in as opposed to just sitting in a corner? Y'know, how commendation awards used to be? Y'know, that system of comms/crystals that was 'too complicated' allegedly, so they replaced it with this Frankenstein abomination after pure RNG all the time proved (as everyone kriffing told EAWare from the minute GC was announced) to be terrible?


    I said I'd give them another month of sub to see if their claimed 'fixes' would do any good. Now it's just worse. Time to cancel.

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