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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. Guys, i dont get the fuzz, just do what they do, lets all unsub and then, sub for 1 month when boss comes out and unsub right away. We repeat this for every boss and this way BIoware will only get "paid" for the month in which the boss came out!


    Simple as that!


    Even better, just unsubscribe until the whole operation has dropped. That will mean you get a less buggy experience overall (hopefully) and will additionally not reward EAWare for their terrible drip feed of content.

  2. The drop rate on 230 sets needs to be increased 200%. This moron system, we have a **** load of people running around trying to do end game content with 204/208 items and it just doesn't *********** work well.


    Keep the horrid drop rates at ranks 2-3 but rank 1 should allow existing and new players some level of progression. On my main I am at command level 45 and still don't have a single FKing item.


    It shouldn't take longer than leveling 1-70 to get a single damn item, there is no excuse for this moron system. The moron dev that made that moron system needs to be fired so he can stand next to his moron friends in the unemployment line talking about moron things.


    *points you towards Ben Irving* There you go. Galactic Command is his baby, after all.

  3. I am really lost on why you all are insisting an 1 boss encounter is an operation?


    I am also confused why you all are so exciting and giving praise and thank you to a developer that took more than 2 years to make an 8/16 man encounter when they have all the tools, editing software, and assets already at their disposal?


    Fallout 4 has a better level editor free with the game than what the devs want us to think they have.


    Shoot back in 1996 I bought a DOOM level editor that was able to completely mod the game.


    1998 Starcraft came with a full level editor with scripts and triggers.


    And these fools with millions in budget can only do 1 boss at a time? And it will take 1 year to make 5 bosses?


    Maybe they should just go the STO route and let players make content for them, since they seem so inept and slow at doing it themselves.

  4. Well, I for one am glad to see that you and some others are bring optimistic about this and have decided not to walk away just yet.


    Some posters have pointed out that releasing a new op in this manner shows that they haven't been thinking about doing them until now. They're probably right, but tha does prove one thing: they do listen. Because of the uproar you and other have made over the lack of new ops, they're finally back in the dev's sights as something the community wants. So kudos to the community for that, and keep uproaring because they've shown they're willing (if not immediately able) to give the community what it wants, and we have a long way to go.


    And yet all the white knights continue to repeat the mantra "Stop being so negative, you're just haters, you're not happy with anything!" Yet we're now seeing tangible evidence that making a big noise on the forum DOES work. So keep on making noise, fellow 'haters' (AKA those who dare to criticize EAWare about something)!

  5. I wish there could be a third faction, because tbh neither side is very appealing to me.


    Yeah, I kinda wish there was an option to just stay your own thing with the Alliance. Sure, the Republic is a big Charlie Foxtrot right now, but as much as I think Acina is an awesome Empress, I know she's going to betray me as soon as she thinks she holds the advantage. I mean, she's a Sith, that's how Sith work. I don't hold it against her!

  6. I always loved Malavai and his romance progression. It was very disquieting when--after I had finished said romance progression and the characters became husband and wife--he then decided to betray my Warrior. The VA lines kept going back and forth between gloating on how awesome his droids were and how they were going to paste me, and expressing regret, it made no sense.


    So I'm glad they're bringing him back, he's a good companion with an excellent VA and a nice backstory. Of course, my Warrior would go sleep with Pierce again and make Quinn watch this time, and then maybe carve him into pieces afterwards, but that's just that character! :D

  7. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. We don't have very much information on how it will actually work. While on a story level it does make perfect sense that some companions would refuse to work with you if you sided with a particular faction... damn, it would be so damn painful to make those choices if I ended up having to choose between two companions I actually really like!
  8. How is pvp in either of those games and do they have gear grind for pvp or big gear gaps.


    I'm afraid I can't tell you much about PvP in FFXIV on a personal level (I'm still so very much a scrub and haven't had the guts to stick my toes into that particular pool), but I know my friends who play the game on a regular basis as opposed to my every now and then really like the PvP there. Also, you can get special items for completing achievements like "finish X number of PvP matches". Like outfits! That actually look good! Which means I will be trying to get into the PvP eventually, scrub status be damned...

  9. It is funny that you mention the Engine. ESO and SWTOR use the same Engine, except that ESO was smart enough to heavily modify it.


    I think the ESO peeps also shelled out for the complete version of the engine. I've been told by people who know more about this stuff than I that SWTOR uses a beta version of the same engine.

  10. Looks like SM drops stuff according to Eric. Veteran as well. I follow Theron Shan on twitter who plays on TRE and he posted the 240 gear is available on gtn. They do ops but I think it's more SM so they said purple 228 or 230 gear was more than enough on SM. I've been researching this as I was to do mmo content. So 230 for SM and you can buy whatever else for HM. No its not set bonus but you can work to that with ops drops.


    Do you have a couple hundred million spare credits to drop on buying every single armoring, enhancement, mod, implant, earpiece, relic, barrel, and hilt I need to gear out all my characters in crafted 240s? Oh, and also mats, if you buy them straight from the crafters themselves? I sure don't!!


    Oh, and do those crafted armorings give set bonus? Nope!

  11. I have also noticed this... should I call it a bug? I mean, it's probably another stealth change they kept out of the notes for fear of more backlash. Anyways, I'm also getting far fewer CXP for GSF matches, and the number does seem to fluctuate.
  12. Fine, skip the expansion... Here are the patches you get with the sub fee.




    Still outpaces BW "expansions" by ten fold.


    Most MMOs on the market do at this point. That whole 'deciding to run the marathon at mile 5 when the leader is a mile from the finish line' saying is so very, very evocative of what EAWare is doing. This is far too little, far too late.

  13. I was told that you can buy good enough gear for SM ops off gtn. Then do the ops to get what you need. They're dropping nicely.


    Getting a pickup group for an ops is a pain when most of the raiders have left the game. That said, I've been in 3 already... only loot that dropped was from the final boss, of course, which means 6 of those players left with nothing. Try again. :)

  14. And how many alts need full 242 gear? Honestly speaking. And with some can't you put the mods in legacy gear and mail them? I know you need different gear for tanks, dps, and maybe healer but beyond that?


    With my old raid teams, I used to heal, tank, and DPS, depending on what content we were doing and who could or could not make it on any particular day. 2 DPS, 2 heals, 1 tank. That's five characters. Do you know how long I would have to grind just to gear up those raid toons again? Literally years. Probably longer than the game has left at this point.


    Why do I say old raid teams? Most of them have quit in the past year first due to lack of content, and now due to the travesty that is Galactic Command.

  15. You comment makes me think of something that was said to me from a business manager once over 20 years ago.


    "You don't decide to finally start running in a marathon at mile 5 when the leader is one mile from the finish line." What he was referring to is once you fall too far behind your competition, it is too late.


    It is obvious from this stream (and the looks on their faces the whole stream), they are in panic mode. Very wrong decisions were made over the last two years (and the teeth kicking they decided to give a good portion of their paying customers with this GC system) and now, they are at mile 5 deciding it is time to run, whereas many of their competitors are at Mile 25 with a mile left to go.


    They announce the START of a new Op in April with the rest probably coming every 60 days until the end of the year. One of their competitors has 9 NEW raids dropping in June, along with 12 NEW dungeons (which will bring the in game total to 59 dungeons). SWTOR players are going to get ONE Op and ONE daily area.


    It's not a case of too little too late, it is a case of it's just too late. Seriously, if you are a raider, would you rather wait on a trickle of one raid over a year or move to a game that currently has 18 raids (12 8-man and 6 24-man) and has

    9 more coming this June (6 8-man and 3 24-man)? In addition, it also has 12 NEW 4-man dungeons coming in June with another 6 slated for release throughout the remainder of the year. And this is just for the raid/dungeon group content.


    Very well said! You hit the nail right on the head as far as I'm concerned. I got the same impression from watching the livestream as well. In particular, I watched Ben's face fall as more and more people posted negative comments about his baby, Galactic Command. He doesn't want to take the hit to the pride and admit his baby is a failure.


    EAWare could repair so much damage right now by declaring they're going back to the 4.0 gearing methodology, while keeping the RNG loot boxes from GC as a supplement. People would adore GC then, because it would be some extra frosting on top of a tasty cake instead of a main course of stale porridge!

  16. Dude I am pretty sure you dont even know what you are talking about anymore. You just dont like the game, good for you. I do like the game. Disagreeing with you earns me insults though. So I will say: You are so *** backwards and hypocritical and what is truly wrong with this game.


    People that post, proper critical assessments of the game actually help improve it. They are true fans and I appreciate what they do. They want to improve it. You are nothing like those players. You are the person who goes to the forum for the dramatic I quit post.


    Please point to one single post that I or anyone else on this forum has made that is demanding instant gratification for free. One single post. Because that is your argument, that that's all I'm saying. Prove it.


    I'm waiting.

  17. It's not really why they are releasing them one at a time... It's a psychological game.


    If they told all the OPS players that it would be at least 8 months for a new OP, what would they do... They are gonna quit.


    Now if you tell them, hey we are working on one, but we are gonna release a boss every couple months till the whole thing is done... Sure some will still quit, but it's enough to keep a portion of them around subbing. It's the model for KOTFE, just with OPS instead of stories...


    Stay subbed to get access to each new OP boss, or resub once the whole thing is finished.... There's no focus group. They talked to the bean counters and they determined that this set up worked well before, why not try it again.


    Except it didn't work before. That's why they had to keep coming up with new sub awards during the month-by-month chapter dripfeed. That's why they admitted it didn't work on one of the livestreams. That's why KotET had all the chapters come out at once.

  18. There is zero logic behind you guys. I cringe reading most of these post. Im not a white knight or a strawman, I have just played enough MMOs and RPGs to understand how they work. You guys just want instant gratification for free.


    You have #remove RNG as a signature. RNG is a staple of most MMO's and RPGs. It sucks to be on the bad end of RNG, but its also fun to be on the good end of it. Its everywhere, not matter what game you end up playing you will be dealing with it.


    Literally no one, NO ONE, on these forums is asking for instant gratification for free. NOT A SINGLE PERSON. Again, you are setting up old, smelly, abused strawmen instead of actually addressing points of logic. That is why I call you a white knight, because that is exactly what white knights do.

  19. The problem with your theory is that even if they are actually decent difficulty wise, by doing them 1 month at a time, the whiners will cry until they nerf every single one of them so by the time we get to do the entire operation in one sitting it'll be Eternity Vault.


    One month at a time? Ha! If the first boss drops in April, I think we'll be lucky to see the second boss drop by August. Designing operations takes time, and it's pretty clear from this one-boss-at-a-time release method that they hadn't even started designing these until the backlash from 5.0 hit.

  20. My suggestions for fixing things are at http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=911737 . They missed most of it, 1/5 of an Op doesn't really count. They refuse to admit Galactic Command and RNG gearing is a total disaster for end game players. They claim to listen, but only listen to tiny parts, tiny bits and pieces.


    My sub is up on the 7th. At this point I see no reason to change that.


    They also don't learn from their mistakes. They admitted breaking up the KotFE chapters month by month was a bad idea that caused people to unsubscribe and just come back later to 'binge' all the chapters at once. So now they're going to do it with an operation! Because that makes sense!


    That last sentence was sarcastic, in case the white knights couldn't tell.

  21. Seriously? You don't get it even though it's been explained over and over and over and... The problem is the RNG. Before we could grind for a coupel of months and get a tier of gear then move on to the harder content and grind on that until we'd figured out each boss. Now we have to pray RNG gives us pieces we need so we can try to get to the next boss. We don't care of solo players can get BiS gear. But we need gear to actually play the content we want to play. If you don't have the gear, you can't beat enrage timers, heal checks, DPS checks, etc.


    You seem to think people want BiS right away. That isn't what anyone asked for. The stupid RNG grind of GC means that after a year or more of a couple night a week, you still may not even have a 6 piece set bonus. What we want is what we had, a clear path to getting better gear to take on harder content. We don't have that. Not in a reasonable time. So, we're done. We're not paying subs, we're not financially supporting the game. We're not paying BW until they fix the game so we can play the content we want to play. They screwed over the Ops players and now the PvP players too.


    He doesn't get it and he is never going to get it. He is a white knight setting up strawmen and ignoring the actual arguments and logic of those he disagrees with. I've given up trying to talk sense into him.

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