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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by AscendingSky

  1. my main has always been a PT tank, since 1.0. i've invested an awful lot of time and money in them


    I feel no need to play this charachter anymore


    uprisings need ideally 3 dps and a healer


    KP farms need 6/7 DPS and 1/2 healers


    there are no need for tanks anymore


    Not to mention Powertech/Vanguard tanks are ****ed up right now, with their entire rotation borked because talents aren't procing, and no fix in sight.

  2. heh, not if they look at how many bosses are downed.


    It's quite hilarious that the most rewarding effort is killing trash in an easy mode ops.


    Nobody could've predicted that.... ahem.


    I think it's a very telling sign of how disconnected the developers are from this game that they didn't think of that... or listen to any of the people who tried to warn them before 5.0 dropped.


    There will always be people willing to grind all day long in MMOs. This is nothing new. If they were competent/experienced, they would have seen this coming.

  3. Surprisingly I don't usually bother checking old threads that I've replied in. I just don't. Can't be bothered especially when there's pages upon pages of replies. I just don't care that much to spend 30 mins looking to see if someone quoted me. I will agree though if all you do is raid then swtor may* not be the best place for it. As I've been told, some love raiding here so I write may. Now I'm done walking on eggshells for the community. I've a sick kid at home so I doubt I'll be able to read many replies.


    Kid, you've even responded on the threads to people telling you that basically saying "Oh, I thought they did say that, guess I was wrong." And then you go to another thread to start it up again. Again, stop claiming ignorance.

  4. I can't see it. We've seen too many "My account was closed when I did a chargeback!" threads here, elsewhere and with other games. Plus I believe the normal time period would be 3 months max for doing a chargeback.


    But maybe the person got lucky.


    Oh, yes, your account will absolutely be shut down if you do a chargeback. When I worked at Blizzard, that was automatic, and I'm expecting EAWare would have a similar policy.


    That said, EAWare probably isn't eager to not only lose past monies already paid, but also future sub/CM monies from that customer. So it might work, but only might.

  5. I got all my credits, and all the correct amounts, across 50 other characters on the date they said it was getting sent. The only people that didn't for me are the ones I transfered, which of course are the only ones that were STOCKED with credits :mad:


    From what I've heard from friends and guildmates, some people got their credits, and some didn't. It seems to be random. People can have alts that got credits and alts that didn't, all on the same account.


    This doesn't surprise me at all. Every time EAWare puts together a script to push items or other rewards to people in game, it always seems to break. PvP rewards from past seasons, for example; some people who had never PvPed got the rewards at random, while people who actually got to the highest tier in ranked PvP that season got nothing.


    Sounds like calling and threatening a chargeback might be a potential strategy, if that post above is to be believed.

  6. Just uprisings, not ops. Don't start making up your own facts please.


    SM Uprisings are getting a roughly 50% boost to the quest reward and Veteran Uprising will get around an 80% boost to CXP of the quest reward.


    This does not refer to operations and it doesn't mean you'll get 50 or 80% more CXP for Uprisings since the CXP of the token reward and the mobs you kill are a big part of the total reward and they didn't mention those were boosted. So don't think it's a boost of 50/80% for the total points. It's a lot less in the total score. Don't believe me? They actually said quest reward in the livestream. Most people skipped over that and didn't hear it but that's what was said.


    What people are doing now is since KP is easy in HM they go in and kill all the champions in the start area. That's a lot of points. People then go out, reset and do it again and again. Why? Because it's more efficient than other things.


    I predicted before launch already that people would look for the most efficient way to gain points rather than look for what is most fun to play. That's what a system like this does. So it's either killing champions in KP or lazy moding PvP.


    Uprisings will get a bit better compared to PvP matches because with the new increases they will give you CXP that is closer to PvP warzones but you still have to beat the Uprising. In PvP you can lose and just butt around and still get 500+ CXP.

    PvP is now the best place to get CXP for chumps and KP for people who at least wanna group up and try to progress together as far as RNG will allow it.


    Americanaussie keeps being told in thread after thread that they never said they were buffing CXP gains from operations. They then hop into another thread and repeat the same lie again. It's pretty pathetic.

  7. Because that's a lie made by the couple dozen forum warriors since they've been called out. The other day on the big cry thread 20 POSTERS had almost 200 out of 300 post!!! Oh yeah all the "new" poster lol


    Yeah I'll post how and when I want if you don't like the FACTS I put out too bad. I see you are in all whatever the couple of dozen whiners on here tell you to whine about.


    I'm one of those people showing up to the forums who don't usually post. I spent most of my 5 years with this game never touching the forums. I've seen other people posting on here whose post history shows they don't post here regularly either. So your 'facts' aren't all that accurate and you're the one spreading lies. :D

  8. Setting aside the change in appearance for a moment...... It was silver rarity in the packs, so your statement is a bit conflated in my view.


    A) you could buy these for months for often default listing prices on the GTNs, until the supply went scarce. I know this for a fact as I buy up, hold, and resell a good number of bronze and silver items that flood the markets when a new pack drops.


    B) cartel packs are always a game of chance.. period. If you like a piece of gear, and want it for cheap.. you wait and buy it off the GTN... even if it is a super rare gold or platinum item.


    You are correct about unlock price paid, and then they change the looks. I have seen this happen a number of times over the years... and it usually is because they were bugged in some way on release and they eventually self bug reported and fixed them internally. I can't say I'm pleased with this, but I also understand why/how it gets done and since I don't own the content rights to the game, I just suck it up and move on. I have never seen them revert them when we as the player base complain about it. They did, one time, early in the life of the CM give us two versions of early sets that they did in fact tinker with a lot after release.... and they credited every player with duplicates to cover taste variations. So I DO think that if they change an item after CM release, they should let players keep the original design, and mail them a new one (pre-bound). That would cover all the bases.


    Thing is though... I have NEVER paid actual real money for actual cartel coins to spend on unlocks. The free stipend that comes each month from subbing is plenty for this if you are a regular sub. Just spend CCs only on things you cannot actually purchase for credits in game. And personally, I collect a lot of sets, but I generally do not even unlock them in Collections until there is a sale on unlocks (like we had a few weeks ago). I simply hoard my free coins until a sale unless I genuinely need items for more then one character.


    1) The outfit is bugged now, since there's missing texture on the back and the cloth drape phases through the character's arm even when standing still. There were no such bugs or glitches on the original set; I know, one of my characters has worn it for months.


    2) SOMEONE had to pay real money to get that Outlander Guerilla set, since it only came in a Cartel Pack. Don't try to cloud the issue because that person may have resold it for credits. EAWare got paid to get that drop. A company changing items people paid for with real money without warning is a terrible thing to do to your customers.


    3) People have paid Cartel Coins (bought with real money) to unlock the outfit across the legacy. I am one of those people. Therefore, I have wasted real money unlocking a set that now I hate. Again, this is a terrible thing for a company to do to their customers.

  9. OP has got a point. LFG KP CXP and Bestia farming is all I see in chat lately in Fleet. And it really has turned me off into wanting to be in Fleet on either faction. These *are* Exploits and Cheats - no matter how much you want to slice it. Devs have got to do something about it soon. They diminished Credit/Gold Farmers by changing some mechanics in the game (blue chests). Devs can do something about it again, but only if they're willing.


    It's only exploiting or cheating if you're using a bug or glitch in the game to gain an advantage or if you're running a cheat program. As someone else has said EAWare has already stated farming mobs is not an exploit or a cheat. Why? Because EAWare let those kills count for CXP in the first place. It's their fault for not actually thinking this GC system through in terms of the way players actually play the game, as opposed to how they would like us to play the game (i.e. doing Uprisings all day while buying CXP boosters so they can show the head honchos that no, seriously, we love them!).

  10. What are you going on about? They're boosting many parts from ops to uprisings by 50-80%.


    As has been pointed out to you MULTIPLE times now, they made absolutely no mention of boosting CXP gains from operations. Stop repeating false information. That goes from white knighting to flat out lying.


    Also, the fact they're boosting CXP gains from Uprisings just helps prove the OP's point.

  11. Oh please if the people crying they don't have a full set of gear after ten days they would be crying they gave a full set and nothing to do after ten days.


    I would be fine with a long gear grind. Absolutely fine with it, so long as I knew that X effort would reach Y result at Z point down the road. I agree 4.0 was really abuseable in terms of BiS gearing, what with EV and KP HMs being in the highlighted HM weekly rotation. So the idea of slowing progress in that regard is just peachy to me.


    That said, I am not at all fine with a random gear grind. I want to know that if I put effort in, I will get a reward. Just by the nature of probability and the bell curve sort of graph that forms from randomly generated results, some people may NEVER get even one piece of set bonus gear at any tier, while some may have BiS pieces showering down upon them. The fact that the amount of effort you put in has no bearing on how likely you are to get a good RNG result--because it's random by definition--is the part I object to.

  12. When one is presented an entertaining short cut and yet they choose to toil away mindlessly completing their task the long & mundane way, one has no right to whine nor the right to sympathy for doing so. Spend a few hours doing 5 20 min chapters or spend near half the day spamming storm & resetting instances? Decisions, decisions...


    ...are you from Opposite Land? I'm honestly curious. Because the long and mundane way to grind for CXP is to redo the chapters. Trash grinding in KP, or playing PvP in primetime when it pops often and AFKing out after you get a few medals, are both much, much faster. Even GSF can be faster if you get several pops for deathmatches in a row, because you can just kamikaze into rocks to make the match end fast.

  13. They're raising it to two. From one. Down from ten.


    TEH has this problem on Yavin IV in the PVP instance. Same bots we reported literally a year ago (and all year long as well) are still out there.


    Yep, I've reported them too. They infest the PvE instance as well. Been reporting them since June, they're still there every time I go to Yavin.


    There's still tons of credit seller spam on fleet and endless in game mails too. They're kriffing slow at doing anything about them, and they're always back within days.

  14. Shows everyone has different things they find entertaining.


    Personally I am an encouraged when they try to add something new or a different style of game play in. Even if its not my thing would people have preferred killing more skytroopers.


    Only down side is that the game engine isn't quite up there to make it a full experience, even the secret world which had amazing investigation missions couldn't play them out to the full (their game engine is worse imho) but shows a move to solutions to puzzles that aren't just kill everything. Which is one of the things that made the fallout games (especially 1 and 2) you could go in guns blazing or you could out thinking, out talk or pick that lock and sneak around your opponents too.


    This too. Yeah, I found the puzzle a little annoying, but I did like that they were trying something new. Same thing with the walker sections. I know some people hated those, but again, it was something fresh and different instead of Waves of Skytroopers 2: Electric Boogaloo.


    I think the best use they've done of puzzles in this game engine was during the macrobinoculars quest series. You had to be observant, but it didn't slow the game to a crawl.

  15. P.S I wish there was more raiders out there who do take the time to teach the little guy OPs. I’ve done HM/NiM on some but haven’t touched others Ops. Sad really! Ah well. Too the future.


    The problem is, at least on my server (Ebon Hawk), a lot of those experienced and helpful people who were willing to do that (which I know because that's how I got into tackling hard endgame content) have left the game. When you don't get a new operation/FP for over two years, the people who mainly played the game for the endgame tend to get fed up and leave.

  16. This news is not encouraging. I had some early successes on all my toons (Tank had 3 from 15) but the RNG seems to have dried up.


    Im 24 on Sentinel, had no set bonus at all.


    Still no set bonus items on either of my two 70s yet. I've gotten a blue implant in the latest crate--not a good one, but it was something--and a clicky Alacrity relic (of all things) in the one before that, which I will never ever use on my Watchman Sentinel because it's crap. That's it.


    The only people I see defending the new RNG system are the ones who have already gotten a number of those gear pieces at low command levels. Hmm, I wonder why they think it's okay? Might it be because they've profited by it? No, surely not...



  17. You know, for all the things EAWare has done lately to upset and demoralize me... the KOTET chapters weren't one of them. I actually liked them for the most part. Yeah, that part of Chapter VI was a bit annoying; the puzzle requires a lot of running around clicking on things trying to figure out the thread of logic the developers designed. It reminded me of old school adventure games. But if you really just hate spending time trying to figure out the (admittedly somewhat obtuse) order, you can always look up the guide on Dulfy and get it done in like 5 minutes.
  18. I've been arguing this point for a while. For people who want to tackle the hardest content, gear is not the end goal. They want the satisfaction of beating a challenge. They raid to get gear, yes, but it's so they can raid more and better.


    This RNG system treats getting gear as the end goal. You don't need to do anything challenging to do it. You can solo Heroics on the low level planets, while waiting for a GSF match to pop and then repeatedly kamikaze against rocks, or while waiting for the PvP queue to pop so you can get one medal and then find a place to hide and AFK out the rest of the match.


    There's no challenge in that. All it requires is patience for boredom and a willingness to deal with gambling. And now there's no incentive to do ops right now, because ops don't give gear. So you have to grind out levels and wait for RNGesus to smile on you before you can try challenging ops again. That could take weeks, or months, or even years if you don't have enough free time to treat TOR like a second job.

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